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Yoga Adi Prasetyo

Department of Industrial Engineering, Binus Online Learning , Binus University

Jakarta Indonesia 11480

Abstract. The general service department of PT. XYZ has a very important role in
the sustainability of the company and the welfare of employees. So that the services
provided must be in accordance with the needs of employees. The method used to
determine service quality is to use the dimensions of Service Quality and Quality
Function Deployment. Service Quality parameters consist of Tangibles, Reliability,
Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy. While the Quality Function Deployment
parameters include Importance rating, Evaluation Value, Improvement Ratio, Raw
Weight, and Normalised Raw Weight. The purpose of this research are To find out
the current quality of service by the general service department of PT XYZ and To
find out employees' expectations of general service department services based on the
dimensions of Service Quality and Quality Function Deployment. This research is a
type of qualitative research, the data collection method uses a questionnaire
containing general service department service parameters to be assessed by 80
respondents consisting of PT employees. XYZ from various departments.Based on
the results of the Service Quality analysis, a total servqual score of -1,817 was
obtained. This indicates that the service quality of the General Service Department
has not been able to achieve employee expectations.Meanwhile, based on the
analysis of Quality Function Deployment Normalized Raw Weight (NRW)
calculation results, there are several attributes that need to be prioritised, namely
information disclosure related to company policies and changes that occur,
management that cares and pays attention to employee welfare and the provision of
welfare programs.

Keyword: Service Quality, servqual score, Quality Function Deployment,NRW


PT.XYZ has many departments that have their respective duties and functions,
one of the departments contained in the company's organisational structure is the
General Service department. The General service department is in charge of
providing all facilities that are supportive in carrying out operational activities,
such as the provision of office equipment, food and housing needs of employees,
water and electricity management, to transportation facilities for dropping off and
picking up employees to the work area. In addition. The general service
department also has the task of procuring tickets for employees who will be on
duty outside the area or on leave. As a department that is in direct contact with
employees, the general service department has a very important role in the
sustainability of the company and the welfare of employees, so the quality of
service provided by the general service department to employees must be in
accordance with what is expected by these employees. To assess the quality of
service that has been carried out, further evaluation is needed. herefore, the
problem faced in this study is how to assess or evaluate the services that have
been provided by the general service department to employees. The purpose of
this research are To find out the current quality of service by the general service
department of PT XYZ and To find out employees' expectations of general
service department services based on the dimensions of Service Quality and
Quality Function Deployment. So that the formulation of the problem in this
paper is How the quality of service that occurs in the general service department
of PT.XYZ at this time and How do employees expect the service of the general
service department based on the dimensions of Service Quality and Quality
Function Deployment .


Departemen General Service

The General Service Department is a department within the company that has
authority related to operational support facilities. The General Service Department
covers various fields in carrying out its duties. The General Service Department or
often called the general division has the task of providing various office needs,
employee food and housing needs, water and electricity management, employee
transportation, and others. The General Service Department has a role as the daily
‘head of household’ in the office. Of course, this is very important because it has the
aim of making employees comfortable while working. Hopefully, employee
productivity will increase optimally. The duties and functions of the general service
department include General service, Building management and infrastructure,
Security system, General purchasing, Inventory and asset management and Customer
Service or receptionist.

Level Of Service

According to Bi, J. W., Liu, Y., Fan, Z. P., & Zhang, J. (2019). Services are
something intangible where an action or performance is offered by one party to
another party and does not result in any transfer of ownership. In production, services
may or may not be tied to a physical product. Kotler and Keller in Boley, B. B.,
McGehee, N. G., & Hammett, A. T. (2017). define services as actions or deeds that
can be offered by one party to another party which are basically intangible (not
physically tangible) and do not result in ownership of something and whose
production is not tied to a physical product. For other definitions of activity by
Wong, M. S., Hideki, N., & George, P. (2011) stated that service is a process
consisting of a series of intangible activities which usually occur in interactions
between customers and service employees and physical resources of goods or service
provider systems, which are provided as solutions to customer problems. From these
several definitions, the conclusion is that the definition of services is a series of
intangible activities (not physically tangible) that involve interaction between two
parties and are offered by one party to meet the needs of another party.


According to Wong, M. S., Hideki, N., & George, P. (2011). A questionnaire is a

list of questions or items used to gather data from respondents about their attitudes,
experiences, or opinions. Then Raza, S. A., Umer, A., Qureshi, M. A., & Dahri, A. S.
(2020) explain that Questionnaires can be used to collect quantitative and/or
qualitative information. Questionnaires are commonly used in market research as
well as in the social and health sciences. For example, a company may ask for
feedback about a recent customer service experience, or psychology researchers may
investigate health risk perceptions using questionnaires therefore based on
Esmailpour, J., Aghabayk, K., Vajari, M. A., & De Gruyter, C. (2020)
Questionnaires are a research tool that is often used to collect data from respondents
or are often considered written interviews. The questionnaire contains a series of
questions that are given to respondents directly or indirectly, whether by telephone,
computer, face to face, or post. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires
is often chosen because it is considered efficient, fast and cheap. Questionnaire types
are divided into two: open, namely a questionnaire where you can answer simply by
putting a mark in the option column provided and closed, namely a questionnaire
where you can answer by writing the answer in the blank column provided.
Questionnaires will be very useful when researchers want to collect very large
amounts of data or when the desired information cannot be obtained directly.

Questionnaires Format

Reality Expectation
Item Score Score

Availability of modern and complete office facilities

Provision of work equipment that is up to date and in
accordance with industry standards
Clean, tidy, and comfortable workplace to increase
Provision of work uniforms and PPE that meet work safety
Consistent and reliable work processes so that employees
can work efficiently.
Regular maintenance schedule of tools to ensure smooth
Quick response to complaints and problems faced by
Availability of technicians who are ready to assist and
repair work equipment quickly.
Safety assurance through training and strict safety protocols.
Information disclosure regarding company policies and
Clarity on employee rights and obligations and benefits
Management that cares and pays attention to employee
Provision of welfare programmes such as health insurance,
sports facilities, and recreational activities.
Provision of flexibility in work schedules to balance work
and personal life.
Access to psychological support or counselling for
employees in need.

Service Quality Method

According to Lehtinen, U. and Lehtinen, J.R (2011) Service quality is an assessment

of how well a delivered service conforms to the client's expectations. Service
business operators often assess the service quality provided to their customers in
order to improve their service, to quickly identify problems, and to better assess
client satisfaction. Dyke et al (1997), servqual is a tool for measuring the quality of
services using information from service providers. Meanwhile, the internal
perspective is identified as error-free (zero defects) and doing it right the first time
and adapting to demand. To measure an error-free (zero defect) internal perspective
related to service quality, the six sigma method is used. Six sigma is a set of tools
used to identify, analyze and eliminate sources of variation in processes. The
servqual scale includes five dimensions of service quality, namely; Tangibles,
Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. Each dimension has several
questions and is answered in a value range of 1 to 7, where the number 1 represents
feelings of strongly disagree and the number 7 represents feelings of strongly agree,
with a total of 22 questions. The following is an explanation regarding the -5
dimensions above, namely: (1) Tangibles (measurable evidence), describing physical
facilities, equipment, and appearance of personnel and presence of users. (2)
Reliability, refers to the ability to provide promised services accurately and reliably.
(3) Responsiveness, namely the willingness to help customers and provide
appropriate attention. (4) Assurance (guarantee), is a polite and knowledgeable
employee who provides a sense of trust and confidence.(5) Empathy (empathy),
includes individual care and attention to users.
Quality Function Deployment Method

Bernal (2009) in Neuman, W. Lawrence. (2016). Quality Function Deployment (or

QFD, for short) is a basic TQM tool that systematically develops customers' needs
and expectations. The tool provides a graphical methodology for unearthing a
customer's stated and unstated needs and expectations, for making decisions in cases
where these needs and expectations conflict, and for driving these customer-based
requirements and expectations into the product development and manufacturing
process. QFD is driven by what the customer wants, and for this reason, the
technique is often described as “deploying the voice of the customer.” QFD
originated in the late 1960s and early 1970s in Japan, when the Mitsubishi
Corporation developed it for defining shipbuilding requirements at the Kobe
Shipyards. Building ships involves enormous expenses and a small number of
products. For these reasons, Mitsubishi recognized the importance of determining in
great detail exactly what their ship-buying customers wanted before beginning the
design process. Mitsubishi recognized many other factors that could influence their
ship-buying customers' needs and expectations. Potential conflicts between
customer-expressed requirements (the situation described earlier on the PAVE
VIPER laser program) would influence customer needs and expectations.
Requirements the customer might not express (or perhaps might not even recognize,
but requirements the customer would want satisfied nonetheless) would influence the
design process. These requirements might include expectations so basic they might
not have even entered the customer's requirements-listing thought process. It almost
goes without saying that ships shouldn't leak. Because this is such an obvious
requirement, a watertight hull would probably not be listed as a customer
requirement, but the requirement exists. Another group of requirements the customer
might list include such things as government regulations, and perhaps other
externally imposed requirements. Mitsubishi achieved notable success satisfying the
needs and expectations of their customers using the QFD approach. Based on
Mitsubishi's success, the approach soon caught on in other industries in Japan.
Toyota used the technique in developing automobiles, and from Toyota it spread to
the American automobile industry (most notably Ford Motor Company). QFD is now
making headway in other industries, including defense, aerospace, and other high
technology areas. QFD began as an engineering tool to assure that the development
process resulted in a product meeting consumer needs and expectations, but because
it does so, it also provides strong marketing advantages to those organizations who
choose to use it.
Figure 1
The Phases of Quality Function Deploymen


In Figure 1 shows the research flow diagram, the initial stage begins with the
collection of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data taken directly
from the field, the data includes the results of questionnaires distributed to
correspondents of PT. XYZ, while secondary data is supporting research data in the
form of similar previous literature or reference books that are the basis or reference
for this research. The next stage in this study is to determine the sample or
correspondent, the correspondents in this study are 80 employees of PT XYZ who
are spread across each department of PT XYZ. The next step is to collect data from
the questionnaires that have been filled in by the correspondents. The next step is to
test the reliability and validity of the questionnaire data to ensure that the data is
reliable and valid. The next step after testing the reliability and validity with okay
results, then data processing and data analysis are carried out, data analysis using two
methods, namely the Service Quality method and the Quality Function Deployment
method. Data analysis for each method using the IBM SPSS Statics 2.0 program. The
last step after analyzing the data is to take conclusions from each method used.

Data Collection

Research Sample Collection Collection



Validity and
Realibilty test


Data Analysis



Flow Process Diagrams

Service Attributes
The service attributes obtained at the identification stage are qualitative data. Then
based on the identification results, 15 temporary attributes were obtained. Table 1
below outlines the 15 attributes resulting from the identification that has been carried
out in the study

Questinnare Result

Reality Hope
Item Mean Std. N Item Mean Std. N
Deviation Deviation
K1.1 4.85 .677 80 H1.1 6.31 .836 80
K1.2 4.86 .689 80 H1.2 6.51 .729 80
K1.3 4.75 .540 80 H1.3 6.64 .579 80
K1.4 4.60 .789 80 H1.4 6.45 .840 80
K2.5 4.71 .620 80 H2.5 6.61 .665 80
K2.6 4.75 .563 80 H2.6 6.70 .537 80
K3.7 4.74 .611 80 H3.7 6.51 .729 80
K3.8 4.71 .715 80 H3.8 6.60 .686 80
K4.9 4.71 .556 80 H4.9 6.66 .572 80
K4.10 4.66 .728 80 H4.10 6.64 .698 80
K4.11 4.70 .863 80 H4.11 6.48 .871 80
K5.12 4.71 .620 80 H5.12 6.69 .565 80
K5.13 4.68 .671 80 H5.13 6.64 .641 80
K5.14 4.85 .658 80 H5.14 6.55 .710 80
K5.15 4.89 .675 80 H5.15 6.11 .955 80

Service Quality Method (SERVQUAL)

The Service Quality (SERVQUAL) approach is used to assess service quality by
comparing employees' perceptions (reality) and their expectations in five service
dimensions: Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. The
following are the results of calculating the value of reality and employee
expectations on each question item in each dimension:


SERVQUAL calculation result

Gap Score
dimension Item Hope Reality dimensio
1 6,313 4,850 -1,46
2 6,513 4,863 -1,65
Tangibles -1,71
3 6,638 4,750 -1,89
4 6,450 4,600 -1,85
5 6,613 4,713 -1,90
Reliability -1,93
6 6,700 4,750 -1,95
Responsivenes 7 6,513 4,738 -1,78
s 8 6,600 4,713 -1,89
9 6,663 4,713 -1,95
Assurance 10 6,638 4,663 -1,98 -1,90
11 6,475 4,700 -1,78
12 6,688 4,713 -1,98
13 6,638 4,675 -1,96
Empathy -1,72
14 6,550 4,850 -1,70
15 6,113 4,888 -1,23
Total SERVQUAL Scor -1.817
15 2
14 3

5 Hope
13 4
12 5

11 6

10 7
9 8


Chart of Gap Score Service Attributes

Based on Figure 3 above, the results of the assessment of expectations and reality
provided by the general service department which were assessed based on the service
attributes described in the questionnaire which was filled in by 80 respondents, it can
be concluded that the reality graph is still within the expectation graph. This shows
that the quality of service provided by the general service department of PT. XYZ is
still below employee expectations.
Quality Function Deployment Method

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is used to link customer needs with product or
service characteristics that will fulfil those needs. This method uses the House of
Quality (HOQ) matrix to determine customer wants and satisfaction (voice of
quality), as well as characteristics to fulfil these customer wants and satisfaction. The
calculation of employee needs attributes in this study is based on several parameters:
Importance rating, Evaluation Score, Improvement Ratio, Raw Weight, and
Normalised Raw Weight. Table 4 below shows the results of the QFD analysis
calculation based on the parameters tested.

Calculation Result of QFD Analisys

No. Service Atributes IR ES IR RW NRW

Availability of modern and complete

1 6,313 4,850 0,825 5,207 0,063
office facilities
Provision of work equipment that is up
2 to date and in accordance with industry 6,513 4,863 0,823 5,357 0,065
Clean, tidy, and comfortable
3 6,638 4,750 0,842 5,590 0,068
workplace to increase productivity
Provision of work uniforms and PPE
4 6,450 4,600 0,870 5,609 0,068
that meet work safety standards.
Consistent and reliable work processes
5 6,613 4,713 0,849 5,613 0,068
so that employees can work efficiently.
Regular maintenance schedule of tools
6 6,700 4,750 0,842 5,642 0,068
to ensure smooth operations.
Quick response to complaints and
7 6,513 4,738 0,844 5,499 0,066
problems faced by employees.
Availability of technicians who are
8 ready to assist and repair work 6,600 4,713 0,849 5,602 0,068
equipment quickly.
Safety assurance through training and
9 6,663 4,713 0,849 5,655 0,068
strict safety protocols.
Information disclosure regarding
10 6,638 4,663 0,858 5,694 0,069
company policies and changes.
Clarity on employee rights and
11 6,475 4,700 0,851 5,511 0,067
obligations and benefits received.
Management that cares and pays
12 6,688 4,713 0,849 5,676 0,069
attention to employee welfare.
Provision of welfare programmes such
13 as health insurance, sports facilities, 6,638 4,675 0,856 5,680 0,069
and recreational activities.
Provision of flexibility in work
14 schedules to balance work and 6,550 4,850 0,825 5,402 0,065
personal life.
Access to psychological support or
15 6,113 4,888 0,818 5,002 0,060
counselling for employees in need.
Score 0.062
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Normalised Raw Weight Score

Based on Figure 4 above which shows the Normalized Raw Weight (NRW) value for
each general service department service attribute, there are three attributes that have
the highest values, namely attribute numbers (10), (12) and (13). which means that
the employees' highest hope is for the general service department to improve its
services with the highest priority in attribute numbers (10) “Information disclosure
regarding company policies and changes”, (12)” Management that cares and pays
attention to employee welfare” and (13)” Provision of welfare programmes such as
health insurance, sports facilities, and recreational activities”.

Based on the results of research measuring the service quality of the general service
department at PT. XYZ, using a data collection method using a questionnaire given
to 80 employees, obtained a servqual value of -1.817. This value indicates that the
level of service provided by the general service department at PT.XYZ is still below
employees' expectations.
Next, to find out employees' expectations of general service department services,
using the quality function deployment method (QFD), several indications were
obtained that referred to the lack of service levels in the service attribute whose
quality needs to be improved in accordance with employee expectations are
Information disclosure regarding company policies and changes, management that
cares and pays attention to employee welfare and provision of welfare programmes
such as health insurance, sports facilities, and recreational activities . This is based
on the highest score of Normalised Raw Weight (NRW ) with value 0.069.
Based on the results of research on measuring the service quality of the general
service department which was assessed directly by employees with unsatisfied
results, it is hoped that the PT. XYZ evaluates the performance of the public service
department to pay more attention to employee needs.

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