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Câu Hỏi 1

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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

The field of finance primarily studies

how society manages its scarce resources.

the implications of time and risk for allocating resources over time.

firms’ decisions concerning how much to produce and what price to charge.

how society can reduce market risk.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

the implications of time and risk for allocating resources over time.

Câu Hỏi 2
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

The financial system

involves bank accounts, mortgages, stock prices, and many other items.

involves decisions and actions undertaken by people at a point in time that affect their lives in
the future.

coordinates the economy’s saving and investment.

All of the above are correct.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

All of the above are correct.

Câu Hỏi 3
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Which of the following statements best describes the economist’s view of finance and
the financial system?

The financial system is very important to the functioning of the economy, and the tools of
finance are often helpful to us as individuals when we find ourselves making certain decisions.

The financial system, while interesting, is not very important to the functioning of the economy;
however, the tools of finance are often helpful to us as individuals when we find ourselves
making certain decisions.

The financial system is very important to the functioning of the economy; however, the tools of
finance are not particularly helpful to us as individuals since we seldom make decisions for which
those tools are useful.

The field of finance is intimately concerned with the financial system and the tools of finance,
and financial economists see great importance in them; however, the “mainstream” economist
sees little value in studying financial markets or the tools of finance.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

The financial system is very important to the functioning of the economy, and the tools of
finance are often helpful to us as individuals when we find ourselves making certain decisions.

Câu Hỏi 4
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Compounding refers directly to

finding the present value of a future sum of money.

finding the future value of a present sum of money.

changes in the interest rate over time on a bank account or a similar savings vehicle.
interest being earned on previously-earned interest.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

interest being earned on previously-earned interest.

Câu Hỏi 5
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Discounting refers directly to

finding the present value of a future sum of money.

finding the future value of a present sum of money.

calculations that ignore the phenomenon of compounding for the sake of ease and simplicity.

decreases in interest rates over time, while compounding refers to increases in interest rates over

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

finding the present value of a future sum of money.

Câu Hỏi 6
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

One way to characterize the difference between compounding and discounting is to say

compounding involves the assumption that the interest rate is zero, whereas discounting does
not involve that assumption.
discounting involves the assumption that the interest rate is zero, whereas compounding does
not involve that assumption.

the process of compounding produces a future value, whereas the process of discounting
produces a present value.

the process of compounding produces a present value, whereas the process of discounting
produces a future value.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

the process of compounding produces a future value, whereas the process of discounting
produces a present value.

Câu Hỏi 7
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

The concept of present value helps explain why

the quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases when the interest rate increases, but it is of
no help in explaining why investment decreases when the interest rate increases.

investment decreases when the interest rate increases, but it is of no help in explaining why the
quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases when the interest rate increases.

investment decreases when the interest rate increases, and it also helps explain why the
quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases when the interest rate increases.

None of the above are correct; the concept of present value is of no help in explaining why either
investment or the quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases when the interest rate

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

investment decreases when the interest rate increases, and it also helps explain why the
quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases when the interest rate increases.

Câu Hỏi 8
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

There are many concerns for risk-averse lenders. Consider the following: 1. Lenders are
concerned that borrowers with the greatest risk are the ones most likely to actively
pursue loans. 2. Lenders are concerned that real GDP will decline leading to reduced
corporate profits. 3. Lenders are concerned that products produced by certain
corporations will become obsolete.

1 is market risk; 2 is firm-specific risk

2 is market risk; 3 is firm-specific risk

3 is market risk; 1 is firm-specific risk

2 is firm-specific risk; 3 is market risk

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

2 is market risk; 3 is firm-specific risk

Câu Hỏi 9
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Other things the same, an increase in the interest rate makes the quantity of loanable
funds supplied

fall, and investment spending rise.

fall, and investment spending fall.

rise, and investment spending rise.

rise, and investment spending fall.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

rise, and investment spending fall.

Câu Hỏi 10
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Suppose you put $500 into a bank account today. Interest is paid annually and the
annual interest rate is 5.5 percent. The future value of the $500 is

$637.50 after 5 years and $822.09 after 10 years.

$637.50 after 5 years and $775.00 after 10 years.

$653.48 after 5 years and $854.07 after 10 years.

$688.36 after 5 years and $915.56 after 10 years.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

$653.48 after 5 years and $854.07 after 10 years.

Câu Hỏi 11
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Suppose you will receive $500 at some point in the future. If the annual interest rate is
7.5 percent, then the present value of the $500 is

$411.26 if the $500 is to be received in 5 years and $338.95 if the $500 is to be received in 10

$348.28 if the $500 is to be received in 5 years and $242.60 if the $500 is to be received in 10

$291.11 if the $500 is to be received in 5 years and $272.89 if the $500 is to be received in 10
$291.11 if the $500 is to be received in 5 years and $236.49 if the $500 is to be received in 10

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

$348.28 if the $500 is to be received in 5 years and $242.60 if the $500 is to be received in 10

Câu Hỏi 12
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Imagine that someone offers you $100 today or $200 in 10 years. You would prefer to
take the $100 today if the interest rate is

4 percent.

6 percent.

8 percent.

All of the above are correct.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

8 percent.

Câu Hỏi 13
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Imagine that someone offers you $X today or $1,500 in 5 years. If the interest rate is 6
percent, then you would prefer to take the $X today if and only if

X > 1,055.56.

X > 1,120.89.
X > 1,213.33.

X > 1,338.26.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

X > 1,120.89.

Câu Hỏi 14
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

From the standpoint of the economy as a whole, the role of

the interest rate is to make sure that the price of bonds increases over time.

diversification is to eliminate market risk.

insurance is to reduce the risks inherent in life.

insurance is to spread risks around more efficiently.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

insurance is to spread risks around more efficiently.

Câu Hỏi 15
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi


are the rates of return on mutual funds.

are cash payments that companies make to shareholders.

are the difference between the price and present value per share of a stock.

are the rates of return on a company’s capital stock.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

are cash payments that companies make to shareholders.

Câu Hỏi 16
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

The future value of a deposit in a savings account will be larger

the longer a person waits to withdraw the funds.

the higher the interest rate is.

the larger the initial deposit is.

All of the above are correct.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

All of the above are correct.

Câu Hỏi 17
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

A scholarship gives you $1,000 today and promises to pay you $1,000 one year from
today. What is the present value of these payments?

$2,000/(1 + r)2.

$1,000 + $1,000/(1 + r)
$1,000/(1 + r) + $1,000/(1 + r)2

$1,000(1 + r) + $1,000(1 + r)2

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

$1,000 + $1,000/(1 + r)

Câu Hỏi 18
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Albert Einstein once referred to compounding as

“an obsession among economists that defies explanation.”

“the greatest mathematical discovery of all time.”

his own discovery.

John Maynard Keynes’s greatest contribution.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

“the greatest mathematical discovery of all time.”

Câu Hỏi 19
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Diversification reduces

only market risk.

only firm-specific risk.

neither market or firm-specific risk.

both market and firm-specific risk.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

only firm-specific risk.

Câu Hỏi 20
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Đoạn văn câu hỏi

Which of the following best illustrates diversification?

A company that produces many different products decides to produce fewer.

After selling stock, corporate management spends funds on projects with greater risks than
shareholders had anticipated.

Instead of holding only the stocks of companies engaged in the banking business, a person
decides to hold stock in a number of different companies producing different goods and

A person decides to purchase only stocks that have paid high dividends in the past.

Phản hồi

The correct answer is:

Instead of holding only the stocks of companies engaged in the banking business, a person
decides to hold stock in a number of different companies producing different goods and

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