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General Instructions :
Question 1 carries 4 questions, 1 mark each
Question 2 carries 3 questions, 2 marks each
Question 3 carries 2 questions, 3 marks each
Question 4 carries 1 question, 4 marks
Question 1 (A) : MCQ based
(i) The only non metal to have natural lustre
(a) Diamond (b) Gold (c) Iodine (d) Cesium
(ii) Which metal is used in dentistry ?
(a) Sodium (b) Platinum (c) Potassium (d) Aluminium
Question 1 (B) : Assertion Reason based
Choose the appropriate option :
(a) Both A & R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(b) Both A & R are true but R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true, R is false
(d) A is false, R is true
(iii) A : Gold & Platinum are noble metals
R : Both are least reactive
(iv) : A : The property of metals to be drawn into thin wires as ductility.
R : Metals are good conductor of electricity but poor conductors of heat
Question 2 : Answer in brief
(i) Why is gold mixed with other metals for making jewellery ?
(ii) What is reactivity series? Name the most reactive & least reactive metal.
(iii) Write the composition of steel and one use of it.
Question 3 : Answer the given questions
(i) What is an alloy ? How is it better than a metal ? Give at least one example.
(ii) Differentiate between metals and non metals based on Sonorosity, Tensile
strength & Lustre
Question 4 : Case Study based
Metals are the elements which are often found in nature in combined forms (as
ores) but few occur in free state too. They possess such specific properties, which
make them very useful. The properties shown by them are- lustrous, hard and
strong, good conductor of heat and electricity, malleable and ductile etc. But few
metals are exceptionally different in some properties like sodium and potassium
are very soft, to be cut with a knife. Metallic elements have high melting and
boiling points too.
Answer the given questions :
i. Metal which is found most abundant in earth crust
(a) Al (b) Fe (c) Na (d) Ca
ii. Which of the following is poor conductor of heat
(a) Sodium (b) Calcium (c) Lead (d) Mercury
iii. Bauxite is an ore of
(a) Sodium (b) Aluminium (c) Iron (d) Potassium
iv. Soft metals are
(a) Chlorine & Bromine (b) Lithium & Magnesium (c) Zinc & Cadmium (d)
Sodium & Potassium

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