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Cambridge stage4 textbook:

Just like a recipe for a meal, successful Global Perspectives

lessons have a list of key ingredients. Each of these
ingredients will add something valuable to your classroom.
From choosing your topic to communicating learning goals,
follow this recipe for an excellent lesson.

Learning objectives

When planning any Global Perspectives lesson, the learning objectives from the curriculum
framework are your starting point. They focus on the development of skills, e.g. ‘Construct relevant
research questions’ for the skill of research in Stages 7 and 8 of the lower secondary programme.

Learning goals

Learning goals communicate to learners what you expect them to achieve, or be working towards
achieving, by the end of the lesson and come from the learning objectives. For example, the
learning objective: ‘Construct relevant research questions’, might be:

 explain the term ‘research’

 recognise a good research question
 write a good research question

Success criteria

Learning goals communicate to learners what you expect them to achieve, or be working towards
achieving, by the end of the lesson and come from the learning objectives. For example, the
learning objective: ‘Construct relevant research questions’, might be:

You will need to choose a topic that enables learners to achieve their learning goals. This can be
any topic, as the focus of the learning objectives is the development of skills. However, it’s a good
idea to choose a topic that you and your learners are interested in and already know something


You need to have appropriate resources to hand at the start of the lesson. These include:

 the topic you will be developing the skills through

 any texts or video/audio clips you plan to use
 something to play video/audio clips on
 a language support handout if appropriate
 computers and the internet
 any exemplars you want to use to scaffold learning, e.g. learners work or worked examples

Prior learning

A short (5-10 mins) prior learning activity at the start of the lesson helps to build on your learners’
previous knowledge. This might be from other Global Perspectives lessons or another subject. It
allows you to identify any gaps in their learning so that you can support them appropriately, e.g. by
providing a language support handout or asking learners to work in pairs/small groups.

Starter activity

Starter activities are short activities (5-10 mins) designed to grab your learners’ attention and create
interest and engagement. They allow you to identify any issues and decide what to do next, e.g. you
can point learners in the direction of the glossary in their skills book if there are key words they don’t
understand. Using an image, a song, a podcast or a short video clip can also enthuse learners
about the topic ready for the main activity.

Main activity

The main activity will take up the majority of the lesson. You will need to support learners
appropriately by scaffolding using exemplars, and grouping learners into pairs or small groups.
Whole class discussions will also feature during a main activity as learners clarify and consolidate
their own thinking and understanding. An example of a main activity might be to produce questions
in small groups for a questionnaire to find out about a local issue.

Independent reflection activity

As the name suggests, an independent reflection activity allows learners to look back at the work
they have done in the lesson and reflect on their own learning and understanding. This does not
necessarily need to be done in class, and can be quite powerful if learners are given time to think
deeply once they are away from the classroom setting.
Self-assessment to set learning targets

After reflecting on their own learning, you can encourage learners to set their own learning targets
for the next lesson or series of lessons. For example, if a learner identifies that they are good at
writing research questions, a target might be to help someone else develop a good research

Topic review

As well as reflecting on the skill(s) they have been developing, learners can enhance their reflection
skills by looking back on the topic. They might use the following sentence starters:

 I was surprised to discover that…

 I didn’t know…
 I now think…

A key part of any Cambridge Global Perspectives study is the

rich and diverse viewpoints that students are introduced to from
around the world. But sourcing articles and resources that
provide this insight can be time consuming.

Below we’ve listed some helpful starting points that you can introduce into your lesson
plans. We hope they bring versatility and inspiration into your classroom.

1. TED Talks

Recommended by Cambridge Panel teacher Olga, TED talks are described as

‘influential videos from expert speakers’ and provide an array of videos that you can use
in the classroom. From business, to education, science and technology – there are talks
on a wide range of topics that provide new viewpoints for your students.

2. BBC

News outlets are traditionally a good place to head when looking for topical resources,
and the BBC is no different. As recommended by Milagros, a teacher from the
Cambridge Panel, its website is an excellent place to start to source resources for your
classroom. It can be great for research topics such as Education for All and Digital

3. Cambridge Assessment International Education

Of course, no Cambridge Global Perspectives classroom is complete without making

the most of the guidance available from Cambridge International. Its article entitled ‘How
do you teach Global Perspectives?’ offers lots of useful information and also links to
other topics, including further resources and Challenge topic guidance.

4. YouTube

YouTube is a rich and diverse online video platform, and with a little research it’s simple
to find suitable videos for your classroom. A good place to start is the YouTube learning
channel. Current videos include an introduction to economics and navigating digital

To get a feel for the types of media that may work in your Cambridge Global
Perspectives classroom, take a look at the following YouTube channel recommended
by Alexander, a teacher on the Cambridge Panel. He suggests browsing Vox for
content ideal to introduce and explain global issues.


Our Cambridge IGCSE™ Global Perspectives resource is the only textbook that’s
compliant with UNESCO’s sustainability goals, and its website is an excellent resources
for Cambridge Global Perspectives studies.

Visit the News page where the agency has a range of articles discussing education and
gender equality.

6. The Cambridge Panel

We’ve worked hard to fast-track samples of our up-coming Cambridge Global

Perspectives learner’s skills books and teacher’s books ahead of publication. Sign up to
the Cambridge Panel to gain free access to our first units that you can use in your

Stage 7, unit one – Starting with Research Skills, is now available, as well the first unit
of our Stage 7 Teacher’s Book.

We hope the websites listed help with your journey towards an open and innovative
Cambridge Global Perspectives classroom. Although it can seem like a challenge to get
started, this unique Cambridge International course elevates students’ skills and grows
their understanding of the versatile world around them.

The Cambridge Lower Secondary Global Perspectives Stage 7 learner’s skills books
and teacher books are now available to pre-order. Stages 8 and 9 will be available
soon. Click here to find your local sales rep and discover more about our brand new

 Global Perspectives teaching

 From selecting a Global Perspectives topic, to creating some classroom ground rules, this
infographic has been designed to give you some quick and easy ideas that you can use
 Download now.

 All tips are taken from our Approaches to Learning and Teaching Global Perspectives
book. Click here to order your copy or contact to your local sales representative for more

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