Colonial Period : Daily Lesson Plan 1 Quarter

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Daily Lesson Plan

1ST Quarter
1=discover literature as a means of connecting to a significant past (EN7LT-I-a-1). The Philippines during the Pre-
Colonial Period ;
2. Identify the distinguishing features of proverbs, myths and legends (EN7LT-I-a-2.1).
3. =Scan for specific information (EN7SS-I-a-1.5.2); Reading Style (Skimming and Scanning)
4. Read intensively to find answers to specific questions (EN7RC-I-cd-7.1) Reading Style (Intensive Reading)
5. Explain /recognize prosodic features: volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture, and speech rate that
serve as carriers of meaning ( EN7LC-I-a-5), Prosodic Features of a Language (volume, projection, pitch, stress,
intonation, juncture and speech rate)
6. discuss how to use structural analysis to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or expressions from
the material viewed (EN7VC-I-a-8). Word Structures- Prefixes
7. use structural analysis to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or expressions from the material viewed
(EN7VC-I-b-8). Word Structures- Suffixes
8. Distinguish between slang and colloquial expressions in conversations (EN7V-I-a-22).
9. distinguish between oral and written language use (EN7WC-I-a-4).
10. recognize the common purposes for writing (EN7WC-I-a-4.1) Writer’s Purpose / Writing for a Purpose
11. differentiate literary writing from academic writing (EN7WC-I-b-4.2).
12. observe the correct production of vowels and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends and glides, etc. (EN7F-I-a-
13. correct production of vowel and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends and glides. (EN7F-I-a.3.11.1)
14. observe correct subject-verb agreement (EN7G-I-a-11).
15. observe correct subject-verb agreement (EN7G-I-c-11).
16. observe correct subject-verb agreement (EN7G-I-d-11:)
17 observe correct subject-verb agreement (EN7G-I-d-11: ).
18. observe correct subject verb agreement(EN7G-I-h-11)
19. discover literature as means of connecting to a significant past (EN7LT-I-b-1) and explain how the elements
specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular literary selection (EN7LT-I-b-2.2)
20. Listen for important points signalled by projection EN7LC-I-b-5.1
Note the changes in projection that affect meaning EN7LC-I-b-5.2
21. Listen for important points signalled by pitch EN7LC-I-c-5.1
Note the changes in pitch that affect meaning EN7LC-I-c-5.2
22. give the meaning of given signs and symbols (road signs, prohibited signs, etc. EN7VC-I-c-3.1.3
23. use appropriate idiomatic expressions in a variety of basic interpersonal communicative situations
24. to discover literature as a means of connecting to a significant past ( EN7LT-I-c-1)
25. express appreciation for sensory images used. (EN7LT-I-c-2.2.1)
26. 1. listen for important points signalled by stress (EN7LC-I-d-5.1)2. Note the changes in stress that affect
27. identify the genre of the material viewed (such as movie clip, trailer, news flash, internet-based program,
documentary, video, etc.) EN7VC-I-d/e-6
28. discover literature as a means of connecting to significant past (EN7LT-I-d-1)
2. Explain the literary devices used (EN7LT-I-d-2.2.2)
29. explain the literary devices used. (EN7LT-I e-2.2.2) Literary devices (Irony, Oxymoron and Paradox)
30. to identify basic features and kinds of paragraph. (EN7WC-I-d-4.3)
31. recognize the parts of a simple paragraph. (EN7WC-I-e/f-2.8.1)
32. sequence steps in writing a simple paragraph. (EN7WC-I-g-4.4)
32. use correct stress (primary, secondary and tertiary) when reading passages. (EN7OL-I-d1.14.3)
33. to use non-linear visuals as comprehensible aids in content texts. (EN7RC-I-e-2.15) Linear and Non-linear text
34. to transcode orally and in writing the information presented in diagrams, charts, tables, graphs, etc. (EN7SS-I-f-
Transcoding Non-linear texts
35.listen for important points signaled by intonation that affect meaning (EN7LC-I-e.5.1) note the changes in
intonation that affect meaning (EN7LC-I-e.5.2)
36. select an appropriate colloquial or idiomatic expression as a substitute for another word or expression (EN7V-I-
Idiomatic Expressions
37. use the the rising-falling intonation with information-seeking questions, option questions and with statement
(EN7OL-I-f1.14.4). Intonation Pattern
38. use the rising intonation pattern with Yes-No and tag questions (EN7OL-I-f1.14.4).
39. Listen for important points signaled by rate of speech (EN7LC-I-g-5.1) and Note the changes in rate of speech
that affect meaning (EN7LC-I-g-5.2)
40. draw similarities and differences of the featured selections in relation to the theme (EN7LT-I-h-2.3 ) Themes
41. determine the truthfulness and accuracy of the material viewed (EN7VC-I-h.10)
42. explain the predominance of colloquial and idiomatic expressions in oral communication. (EN7V-I-h-22.3)
43. to retell a chosen myth or legend in a series of simple paragraphs.
(EN7WC-I-h-2.2)Retelling /Writing simple paragraphs
44. correct juncture/phrasing and rate of speech when reading passages/paragraphs (EN7OL-l-i-1.14.5)
45. follow directions using a map/ EN7RC-I-i-14
46. explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history,
environment, or other factors (EN7LT-I-i-3) Epic ( Indarapatra and Sulayman)
2nd Quarter
Week 1
Day 1 The Culture and Traditions of Egypt Predicting the main point of the material viewed, determining Positive
and negative messages
Day 2 The Story of Osiris and Isis, employing appropriate listening skills and strategies, determining the tone and
mood of speaker or character
Day 3 Literary Devices/Sensory Images/Literal and Figurative Language Using Literary Devices in Conversations
Day 4 Literary Devices and Types of Irony Using Literary Devices in Conversations
Day 5 The Two Brothers (Egyptian Folktale) Evaluating Literary Selection and Reacting to Author’s Assertions
Week 2
Day 1 Prosodic Features of Speech, Writing an entertainment speech, Using appropriate prosodic features of
speech when delivering entertainment speech
Day 2 Grammatical signals or expressions, Using grammatical signals or expressions in sentences correctly
Day 3 Paragraph, Writing effective paragraphs
Week 3
Day 1 Prosodic features of speech, Writing an entertainment speech, Using appropriate features of speech when
delivering entertainment speech
Day 2 Grammatical signals or expressions, Using grammatical signals or expressions in sentences correctly
Day 3 Paragraph. Writing effective paragraphs
Week 4
Day 1 Linear to Non-Linear Texts
Day 2 Connotative and Denotative meaning; Idioms
Day 3 Friendly letter writing
Day 4 Transitional Devices
Week 5
Day 1 Charting Elements of Short Story to Graphic Organizers
Day 2 Hyperbole
Day 3 Determining The Author’s tone and mood
Day 4 Cause-Effect Relationship
Week 7
Day 1 Employing Attentive Listening Strategies to a News Report
Day 2 The Taximan’s Story/Elements of a Short Story
Day 3 Elements of a Short Story
Day 4 Sentence Structure
Week 8
Day 1 Interpreting Information Presented in Graphs
Day 2 Degrees of Comparison
Day 3 Collocations
Day 4 How to Write a movie Review

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