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Next steps – Typically, a discussion about the next steps, along with final

instructions to the teams, follows, including: Cleaning up the rooms used for
planning (if applicable) Entering the team PI objectives and stories in Agile
lifecycle management (ALM) tooling Reviewing team and ART events calendars
Determining Iteration Planning and Team Sync locations and timing After the
planning event, the RTE and other ART stakeholders summarize the individual team PI
objectives into a set of ART PI objectives (Figure 7) and use this to communicate
externally and track progress toward the goals. Product Management uses the ART PI
objectives to refine the roadmap, improving the forecast for the following two PIs.
The ART Planning board is often used during the Coach Sync to track dependencies.
It may or may not be maintained (manually) after planning is complete. A digital
tool for managing dependencies facilitates their follow-up. Teams leave the PI
planning event with a prepopulated backlog for the upcoming PI. They take their
team’s PI objectives, plans, and risks to their regular work area. ART risks remain
with the RTE, which ensures that the people responsible for owning or mitigating a
risk have captured the information and are actively managing the risk. Most
importantly, the ART executes the PI, tracking progress and adjusting as necessary
as new knowledge emerges. Execution of the PI begins with all the teams conducting
planning for the first iteration, using their PI plans as a starting point. It
offers fresh input for the iteration planning processes that follow. Since the
plans created during PI Planning did not consider detailed story-level acceptance
criteria, the team will likely adjust the first and subsequent iteration plans.
Figure 7. ART PI objectives Solution Train PI Planning This article focuses on the
planning activities of a single ART. However, large Value Streams may contain
multiple ARTs and suppliers. In this case, the Solution Train provides coordination
using Pre-Plan and Coordinate and Deliver activities.

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