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femes 2 To 1F-4E-34-1-1 UTM ba Le yaar by "OFAC 34-122 rt 34115-28. B 15 APRIL 1979 CHANGE 20 - 15 DECEMBER 1986 TO 1F-4E-34-1-1 70 LPR. CLL Inver test cha CURRENT FLIGHT CREW CHECKLIST 15 Decemer 1986 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES el payer: dispose of wuperseded pages In eccordarce with applicable regulations henge 18 NOTE: On a changed yays, Che portion of the text aifected by the latest change = indicstad hy a vertical fine in the outer margin of the age 1-128 ‘lank bn, via 15, re. van ras, 148, 140, rab Change No. ne) ae nn) oo 30 a a 4 2 6 1” 1 " oo 18 ae ce Dates of isa Change conan L May 81 Change TT dul SL Bo 1s Sep a Bones 18 Apr a Change ocd, 18 del 8 henge. Change ane. ‘Caunge Caange publication is 512 agnoliing of the following: Page Change No. Ne. 122m 0 BORBERSSSSSS55E555 2409188 calm nce onan a A Change 20 Page Na. 161 for origine) and changed p: wt a2. “i Sti 5. 1 18 Oot 82 OL Fah 63 15 Mar 52 16 dn 88 1 Sep 82 Change No. n i 15 Jen 84 15 Sep 18 Apr & 15 Dee 15 Deo 6 18, 18. 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NUMBER SUBJECT OR DISPOSITION TO TF teat 1S thre DF Previously cauceled or incorporated. TO IF 46-36-1-18-25 ‘Tuning Drive Unit Modification, incorporated thi issue. . Change 20 NY TO 1FAsE-34-1-1 INTRODUCTION SCOPE ‘This manual contains data to plan and execute a TE otground or sito-air combat attack and/or training Siasion in the F3E aircraft employing the nonnuclesr JRnpons. Weapon delivery tacties are not intended or Wipled in the description ofa particular delivery mode oF iuneuver. For Tactical Fighter Weapons Employment vmedures and tactics, | tefer to ney PACAF/USAFE/AAC Manual 3-1 (Secret Nofoen) ‘The following manuals supplement or augment this ‘manual to establish the entire series. CONFIDENTIAL SUPPLEMENT, TO 1F-4E-34-1-1-1 ‘This manual contains confidential descriptive and procedural data pertaining to the weapon eystens and Pranitions equipment. Some unclassified data remains in The manual to maintain descriptive continuity. ‘SECRET SUPPLEMENT, TO 1F-4C-34-1-1-2 ‘This manual contains secret data pertaining to aireralt dystome, and. equipment. Some unclassified | and PTaidential data remains in the manual to maintain descriptive continuity. UNCLASSIFIED SUPPLEMENT, TO 1F-4E-34-1-1-2 ‘This manual contains unclassified data for the BN/ARN-101 Digital Modular Avionics System: (DMAS) and the AN/AVQ-26 Pave ‘Tack Ped. An unclassified Checklist, D0 1-SE-84-1-1-2CL-1 contains the aircrew ‘procedures for DMAS operation. CHECKLIST, TO 1F-4E-34-1-1CL-1 ‘The unclassified checklist contains abbreviated versions of ‘ii airerew procedures written in these manuals. The Qhecklist contains the numbered and lettered normal Grovedures and jettison procedures contained in this Fanual and the classified supplements. Classified terms Bhd data are omitted from the checklist. A complete and Separate checkliet is provided for each nonnuclear weapon ‘nd each item of practice oquipment. The format permits the airerew to reduce the volume of the checklist hy Vemaving the portions that apply to, the weapons or ‘[Guipment not associated with the mission being flown oF crew duty. BALLISTICS, TO 1F-4C-34-1-2 ‘hie manual containg the following information Aaoeiated with the F-4C, 4D, E-4E, end F-AG aircraft: Weapon and fuze deseription Safe escape and fuze setting data ‘Weapon preflight. Mission planning procedures and sample problems. ‘Weapon ballistic tables. pore CONFIDENTIAL SUPPLEMENT, TO 1F-4C-34-1-2-1 ‘This manual contains the following classified informstion ‘esociated with the F-4C, BaD, F-4B, and F-AG aircraft Weapon and fuse description Safe escape and fuze setting data, ‘Weapon oreflight ‘Mission planting procedures and sample problems. ‘Weapon ballistic tables. ARRANGEMENT, TO 1F-4E-34-1-1 SECTION I, DESCRIPTION. Past 1 of this section Sontains a description of the air-to-air ané air-to-ground Sapon aystams, the cockpit panels and controls, and the Watious delivery modes obtainable using these systems, Teformation previously contained in Part 2 is now contained in TO 1F-4C-94-1-2. SECTION T, NORMAL AIRCREW PROCEDURES, This Seton contains the normal aircrew procedures employ er dive bombing, roeket launch, strafing, loft botsbing, and TO 1F-4E-34-1-1 practice bombing using the munitions and systems described in section I. SECTION III, EMERGENCY AIRCREW PROCEDURES. ‘This section contains the emergency release procedures, the jettison procedures, and. the fire fighting and evacuation data, Emergency procedures are identified by black diagonai stripes on three sides of each page. SECTION IV, SUPPLEMENTARY DATA. All data previously contained in this section is now contained in TO 1F46-34-1-2. SECTION V, PLANNING PROCEDURES AND SAMPLE, PROBLEMS. All data previously contained in this section is now conained in TO 1F-4C-24 1-2. SECTION VI, PLANNING CHARTS AND TABLES. All data previously contained in this section is now contained in TO 1F40-$4-1-2, EXTERNAL STORES LIMITATIONS. ‘The Flight Manuat, TO 1F-4W-1, provides the limitations associated with carrying, releasing, and jettisoning of the non-nuclear weapons. Only the external stores listed in the Flight Manual can be earried and released. NOTE Classified External Store Limitations are located in section TV of TO 1F-4C-34-1-2-1, The load configuration ofa store having classified limits is formally unclesfed and repeated in the Flight Manual RECORD OF TIME COMPLIANCE TECHNICAL DIRECTIVES ‘The alphanumeric listing provided in subsequent pages eon- ‘ans all current technical directives'that have been incor ‘porated in any of these manuals. ‘The diteetives are re ented ‘a comparable fst in supplement manttals where is actually descrited. When a direclive is rescinded, I be deleted from this table and any ref- ference to the numbor is deleted from the text. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY ~ LET US KNOW Review conferences with operating personnel and a constant review of accident and flight test reports sagure inelusion of the Iaeest data in the manual. In this regard, iv Change 6 it fs ‘essential that you do your part, Comments, corrections, and questions regarding this manual or any hase ofthe Flight Manual Program are welcomed, These should be forwarded through your Command ‘Headquarters on AF Form 847 in accordance with AFR 60-9, to Headquarters Ogden ALC, Hill Air Foree Base, ‘Utah 84056, Attention: MMSRW. AUTHORIZATION FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION Local reproduction of all charts, tables, forms, and any data based on the content of this manual, the classified supplements, and the checklist is authorized. CHANGE SYMBOL ‘The change symbol, a illustrated by the black line in the ‘uter margin of this paragraph, indicates significant ebanges ‘made to the current change or revision. PUBLICATION DATE ‘The publication date that appeats on the ttle page repre- sents the currency of the data contained in the manual. ‘Whea reference to this manual is made, the publication date (which includes the date ofthe latest change} should be Used. The pubiieation date is not the printing or distribu tion date. WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, AND NOTES ‘The ollowing definitions apply to Warnings, Cautions and Notes found throughout the manual. WARNING ‘An operating provedure, practice, ete., which, if aot correctly followed, could result in persoval injury or loss of Life. An operating provedure, practice, ete. which, if ~ rot strictly , could result in damage or distruction to equipment. NOTE An operating procedure, condition, ete, which, is ‘essential to highlight. To 1F4E-34-1-4 TECHNICAL ORDER SUMMARY - ‘The Technical Order Summary lists only those technical orders which affect this manual. TTechniat Retrofit ‘Order ee Tite etfectiity + | graeea9¢ | Mod | Adds AVTR to Pave Spike | None Block 35 thn 45 gis | Arent (Getected aie) recess | - Instat controltoeindlator | None Block 48 (71-297) thew 62 In ARN-1OL sreratt, ~ | pean |. Modities AVTR None Block 85 thea 45 {Selected airerat) trans | - Deactivains ATT pseudo | None Block 1 sr 62 I doppler sigal ie4e-660 | Mot ‘Adds GBU-15 Deta Link None lock 48 (71-287) thru 62 3909 | Control Panel io ABN-101 Siren: ‘Change 17 v TO 1F-4E-34-1-1 BLOCK NUMBERS AIRCRAFT. BLOCK NUMBER, AIR FORCE SERIAL NUMBER . Pe “31 (66-284 thr 66-297, wvsr) “az 66-298 ra 66-358 “33 (66-989 thru 66-382 and 67-208 thru 87-219 (67.220 thru 61-282 ~~ (67-285 thru 6T- ‘67-542 thra 67-298 “68-308 thru 68-365 68-366 thru 98-408 ~ (68-410 thru 68-451 (68-452 Uhre 68-404 168-495 thru 65-538 89-244 89-249 69-256 thru 69-257 69-260 69-262 69-264 89-266 69-268, 69-276 pap 69-278 4 69-282 thru (sca) 69-287 thru 69-7208 69-7205, 69-7213, 69-7221 thru 69-7222 ~ 69-7224 thru 89-7297 69-7229 thru 69-7250 69-7237 thru 69-7250, 89-7252 89-7255 69-7259 a 69-7261 69-7264 thru 69-7269 69-7271 69-7273, 89-7202 69-7204 69-7296 thru 69-7297 69-7299 69-7547 thru 69-7549 69-7551 thru 69-7555, 69-7557 69-7559 vi ‘Change 17 BLOCK NUMBERS (cont TO 1F-4E-34-1-1 ued) AIR FORCE SERIAL NUMBER AIRCRAFT BLOCK NUMBER, “48 (69-7562 thru 69-7565 69-7567 thru 69-7570 69-7573 89-7675 thra 69-7678 69-7534 thru 69-7585 69.7589 Tie thra 71-236 73-297 thea 71-247 774-1070 shu 71-1093) i901 thew 71-1402 and 72-121 thru 72-158 772:189_thra 72-159 "72-190 chro 72-165 FAB p14 thew 12-1489 (pMas) 71390 hry 12-8 = 1498 thr 72-3499 173-187 thru 79-1168 3c) x 75-12 "14-0643 thr 74-0666 and 741038 thre 74-1048 “et "74-1050 thro 74-106) and 74-1620 thru 74-1637 = 74-1699 thru 74-1658. Change 17 ‘ii /(al blank) TO 1FAE-34-1-1 SECTION | DESCRIPTION TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘MULTIPLE WEAPONS SYSTEM ‘Multiple Weapons Comtrols «< \) out seater Change 17 aan TO 1F-4E-34.2-1 ‘operations on the ground should be conducted with the radar power knob in TEST to avoid radiating CW energy in ‘the local area. (Refer to Section I), Missile Status Lights ‘These lights (figure “1-3) provide weapon/aireraft glectrical integrity and launch status indications. ‘The DR lights illtminate to show the ALMCT missile toned status deserfbed in the provious paragraph. Ifa RDR light does not illuminate, the missile on that station is automat. cally étopped trom she launch clreult. IPAIM=? simutator lugs are installed, RDR lights for loaded stations come (ON with the missile power switeh In CW ON, simulating ‘ned misille, ‘The HBA? lights are AIM-9 station select indicators. With the gear handle in the UP position, a single HEAT light ‘illuminates to indicate which AIM-9 station is selected. The pilot can eycle the guns/missile switch to the heat reject position ‘figure 1-3) and observe each light illuminate curing the station stepping sequence, then return to the first missile to be launched, The tone eireuits for each missile may also be checked hy this procedure while the master arm switch remains in the SAFE position. (Refer to scetion Ul, AIM-9 Missiles.) Interlock Switch ‘The INTLK switch controls tha selection of AIM-T missile firing interlocks. With IN selected, the radar inissile cannot be launched unless the IN RANGE light is ON; the faim dot is inside the ASE circle; and the radar eleplay ‘knob is not in the VI mode. With OUT selected, the radar ‘missile may be fired any time itis armed; the steering and. ange interlocks are bypassed and do not inhibit launch, ‘The INTLK switch does not affect AEM-9 missile firing Centerline Tank Aboard Light ‘The CL TK hight indicates a launch interlocks exists in the thro forward racay missile launch circus with the follow. ing centerline eontigueations. Fuel Tank or ‘The CI, tank light ie ON; forward MER AIM~?s cannot he jaunched) Jetsoned unless CL equipment is Jeutzoned, BRU-5/A with ‘The Cl, tank light ia ON; however, ‘Single Bomb fooward AIM-'s can be launched jettisoned, Acro-27/8 with ‘Tho CI, tank tight fs ON; forward Canterline AAIM-7' cannot be launched} Arming Unit jettisoned even after the CL. bots is released/jetsoned, AIMCT tuning and stalus monitoring fs not affected by the CL. TK intenioek. Shoot/In Range Lights Five SHOOTlights are located in the front cockpit and one sm the rear cockpit (figure 1-8), ‘The lights are clear and. ‘contain no legend and in conjunction with the IN RANGE, 1az Change 19 light, alert the aircrew to missile fring opportunities, Tho control and test festures ofthese lights are integrated with ‘te flight instrument lights control knob and the warning lights test switen in the front cockpit. When the ‘light Jastrument lights contro! knob is moved fiom OFF, the SHOOT lights are deactivated and only the IN RANGE Light lashes (at reduced intensity) to indicate the target is vyilhin missile firing parameters. The flight instrument Lights control inob must be OFF to test the SHOOT lights with the warning lights test switeh, The SHOOT/IN RANGE lights do not fash when the warning lights test sviteh is activated ‘To avoid on AIM-T launch in the main beam clutter, The SOOT higns ate inhibited when RADAR i selected, aspect angle fs 90° + 9°, and tho clovation angle is lower than St above the horizon, THROTTLE CONTROLS GUNSIMISSILE SWITCH (PINKY SWITCH) ] ‘The guns/missile (pinky sufteh, figure 1-2) is a foue posi ‘Gon contzol which performs the weapon select function for gurs, radat and heat rasiles, and performs station se let functions for the heat missiles. ‘The positions are aranded as follows: Forward — Radar missiles Center — Heut missiles Rear - Guns ‘Up ~ Heat reject spring loaded) ‘There is no OFF position on the control, With mester arm ‘SAFE, one of the head—up lights iiluminate indicating the Pesition of the puns/missile switeh, either the HEAT, GINS, or RADAR light. The pilot can cycle. the _gtns/missite switch through the three positions and watch, the throe head-up weapon solect lights iuminate. (This assumes the landing gear bandle is up, or the armacuent safbty override is prossed, and that the weapon selector is tact in TV or ARM,) Therefore, when the lending gear hhandle ia raised, one af the lights indicate the guns/ missile ‘svitch position. Ifa this point, the master army switeh is placed to ARM (with no further monition preparations} the head-up select light goos OFF and the ARM light comes ON. ‘This indicates that the master ARM signal is present, and that further weapon preparations are necessary. A cornplete nose gun ar missile weapon indication is the illumination of goth the head-up ARN, light and the respective weapon. head-up light. NoTe ‘The ACM computer computes for the AIM-8N-2) ~3/P-2/-8 missiles with HEAT selected and the ‘AIM-78-3 or AIM-7F (depending on type missile loaded) with RADAR selected, {If gun pods are aboard, the heaé-up GUN light has no faretion, Only the head-up ARM light and the station ARM Light provido the fire-ready indication. After OPP POOS, the pinky switch vill now also control thesean corridor for CAA. When in the rear (GUNS) post {Hon the slewable scan will center about 15° avinmite ‘When in the center (HEAT) position the scan eentars about 0 azimuth, Whew in the forward (RADAR} position the sean centers about 16° right azimuth, CAGE BUTTON ‘The basie purpose of the CAGE button (figure 1-3) is to rapicly switch the weapons avionics from an A/G weapon Gelivery status into an A/A status. When cage is applied, the AIR-TO-AIR light in the rear cockpit comes ON. Depending on the preeent status of the sireraft the cage signal effects any or all of the following aircraft systems: the trigger ciseuit, the optical sight system, and the radar system. The cage signal, a iteffecis these systems, may be defined as follows: 2, If the weapon selector knob is in ARM or TY, the cage signal switches the trigger into the launch/fire Circuit of whatever munition is selected on the ‘gune/ missile switch, b. 1Fthe sight is being wsed in an A/G mode, the sigat suiiches into the A/A gan or missle mode depending on the gns/missile switea postion. Purther operation of the Sight tin GUNS mode) ‘on whether oF not radar iotkon exist, ‘e Wilh the radar power knob in any bosition but OFF cor TEST, the cage commend switches the radar into BST itransraiiter ON) mode, 5~mile range, with aato~acquisi- tion available in each cockpit, BL a. 0th guns/miste itch in GUNS, posing the cage button dows not break radar lockon. If CAA mode has been Siceted, prosing tho cage button doce ot teinate GCA rose, ‘The cage signal does not SAFE the bomb release system for whatever A/G mission was in operation prior to cage. For example, ifa TV mission was in progress before cage, the rear cockpit TV display and trigger switch, and both, frout and zeat bomb buttons ere still operational in the EO ‘weapon lockon/release network, TO 1F-4E-34-1-1 Cage Reset ‘The cage reset capability is available in each cockpit. In the front cockpit, the cage reset signal is applied by ‘momentarily selecting the B position of the weapon select ‘control. Ia the rear cockpit, the WSO may press the ‘AIR-TO-AIR button (gure 1-8). In either case, the ‘AIR-TO-AIR light goos OFF and the cage reset function retuma the aireraft to the mode selected prior to the application of the CAGE signal. If the pilot leaves the WPN SEI in B position, this will not inhibit the radar or LCOSS cage functions, oF future cage reset functions ofthe AIR-TO-AIR buttons STICK GRIP CONTROLS. NOSE GEAR STEERING BUTTON (AUTO ACQUISITION) “The radar auto-aequlsition (auto-2¢q) operation is available ‘on the nose gear steering button in both cockpits. The mode Isentered by the cage command, Refer to Computer Auto- smatie Acquisition Blode, this section, ARR BUTTON (SEEKER UNCAGE) ‘The aie refueling velease (ARR) bation provides seeker un- ‘eage lnetions for the AUM-8 missile or AGG missile, Sependiag on which munition isin priority. For the ‘NGM —5, the button is held pressed fo uncage and enable Seeker slew operations, and teleased Lo command lockon. For the AIM, dhe button is pressed and held o command seeker uncage and solf—iraek With doth munitions aboard, the button/mieslle prignty can be switched by applving the ‘age uneage commands desenibed under Cage Button, this section, ange 17 ——_-1-12A/(1-126 blank) BOMB BUTTON Bomb button power is supplied through the A/G Weapon Release Contzol eirepit breaker on No, 1 eixeuit breaker panel. ‘The bomb button (figure 1-3) controts the Epplication of weapon release/launch voltage for all air-to-ground weapons. The sight camera system is also ‘operated through the bomb button, ‘The bomb button in the rear cockpit will also release ‘armament and operate the cameras, The conditions which ‘must be present to enable the bomb button (station ARM fand head-up ARM lights) are described under Station Select Buttons in previous paragraphs. Also, the bomb Dutton transfer relay interlock must be satisfied Bomb Button Transfer Relay ‘The transfer relay performs a switching function in the bomb button circuit, When the relay is enengized, the ‘bomb button outputs are applied to the weapons firing and release circuits. Tae DCU-24/A special weapons controls, however, will take command and deenergize the relay unless any ONE of the following conditions exist. ‘a. All DCU-94/A station select switches - AFT bb. DOU-S4/A master rolease lock switeh ~ AFT fe. Consent switch SAFE, ‘TRIGGER ‘Tue front cockpit tiger Isa two-detent switch, ‘The tn gor { position operates the optical sight camera without munition expenditures tigger 2 Ores the AIM-T, AIM. ‘missle or gun, operates all eamoras, and iniliates the Snep- ‘shot Funetion for recording fire control parameters. (Refer to Tactical Information Retrieval System {TIRS) for details) Both the front and rear cockpit triggor will energize AGM-65 weapon video, The rear cockpit tigger, however, will not fire armament nor operate cameras. "The following Information summarizes the conditions necessary to obtain a launch ready teiggercireult for radar and heat mslles and the nose gun, ‘Tigger voltage is ap- plied through the GUN ‘TRIG clrcuit breaker on the No, 1 ‘ireuit panel. ‘AIW-7 Trigger Ready ‘The RADAR missile Iaunch-ready trigger is obtained ‘when the following conditions are satisfied a, The radar power knob must be in the OPR position for optimum success ‘The TEST and STBY positions of the rsar power knob do not inhibit missile launch. These are not (SAFE) positions in the missile launch circuit when the interlock ewitch je in the OUT pesition ‘and all other controls listed herel, are energized, TO 1F-4E-34-1-1 'b, The radar missile (RDR MSL) power switch must be in CW ON. ‘¢. The missilels) must be tuned (RDR missile status eh ON, ‘2. ‘The Interlock (INTLK) switch may be positioned to IN or OUT. mi (0) With IN selected, the computer interlocks (radar range and steering requirements) must be satisfied. fe, ‘The gunsimissile switels must be in the radar position, (1) Head-up RADAR light - ON The master arm switch must be in ARM. Head-up ARM light — ON NOTE © The two forward missiles carmot be launched ita MER or fuel tank is aboard the CListation (CLTR Tight ON). This equipment must be jettisoned to sget the forward missiles into the launch cieuit @ (Block 31 theu 40) IC the CLT light is on due to the installation of a centerfine arming unit on the Aero 27 bomb vack, the forward rises ‘cannot be launched o jettisoned, even after re- Tease of the single mounted bom on that station, or additional radar missile information, refer to Fire Control Systema, Computer Functions, AIM-9 Trigger Ready ‘The HEAT mil lauaeh-rendy tigger io obtained a follows. a, ‘The guns/miasile switch must be in the heat position. (1) Missile status HEAT light ~ ON (elected station) {@) Head-up HEAT light - ON bb. The masier arm switch must be in ARM. i! Head-up ARM light ~ ON Nose Gun Trigger Ready “The gun trigger-ready condition is obtained as follows. ‘a, The guns/missle switch must be in the guns position, (1) Head-up GUN light - ON by The gun station button must be ON, (2) Gua green) Sight — ON ¢. The master arm switch must be in ARM. ‘Q) Gun station ARM Light ~ ON (@) Head-up ARM light - ON ‘Change 17 1.13 TO LF-4E-34-1-1 WEAPONS RELEASE COMPUTER SET (WRCS) ‘The WROS (AN/ASQ-01) provides several delivery modes in support of both the lavel and dive delivery maneuvers. ‘The weapon release signal is genorated automatically by the computing system using inputs of INS velocities, radar target range, and manual inputs through controls in the cockpit The baste system consists of the ballistics ‘computer in access door 119, and the WRCS control panels, in the cockpit (figure 1-4). A simplified flow diagram is, provided at the end of this description to show all other aircraft avionics systems that are used in support of the WRCS equipment and associated delivery modes, ‘The available detivery modes are selected on the delivery ‘mode knob, The level delivery modes are the LAYDOWN, DIVE LAYDOWN and OFFSET BOMB selections; the dive delivery modes ace odtained by selecting DIVE TOSS. ‘The TGT FIND position selects & navigational mode ie which a selease signal eanaot he obtained. Therefore, the ‘TGT FIND selection is 2 SAFE (or OF) position of the control as far as weapon deployment is concerned for any weapon except guns. The AGM-45 position is 2 WRCS. missile mode ard the system provides the automatic launch signal in either a dive, level, or pellup maneuver (Gee Delivery Modes, Air~to-Ground). Bach delivery mode is deseribed later in this section. NOTE On aircraft with a Pave Spike pod loaded and pod POWER ON selected, the slant range indicator ‘mode knob must be in the WRCS position to ob- fain weapon releaso with the delivery mode knob in any WRCS mode. COMPUTER CONTROL PANEL ‘The WROS computer control panel has three TARGET in- put controls, two RELEASE input controls, and ¢ bomb DRAG COEFFICIENT Input control. Tre panel also has a BIT control knob that is used to select and test the gor ‘no-go status of the WRCS. Figure 1-5, WRCS manual Inputs, shows the required panel controls that must be set ‘with some value for each WRCS operating mode, ‘TARGET RANGE CONTROLS ‘The three target inputs are used for the target find and ‘offset bomb mode. ‘The distance between the IP identification point) and the target is placed on the two ‘distance readout displays hy rotating the adjacent control knobs. The distance readout is in hundreds-of-fect. The top target distance control receives the north or south Gistance, the lower target distance control receives the castor west tangot distance. For the offset hom and target find mode, the altitude value placed in the ALT RANGE, control should be either (1) the target or RIP elevation {MBL} for the planned run-in altitude or (2) the target or RIP pressure altitude. For the laydown bombing mode, the ALT RANGE control receives the range from the IP to target in hundredeof-feet, Either the ALT or RANGE: placard is illuminated under the panel, depending on the Uelivery mode selected, ‘The maximum setting on the target controls is 999 > 100 feet (99,900 feet), Tick marks are provided on the 100-foot dial to vermit intermediate soltings. ‘The dual purpose ALT RANGE control has the following maximum settings: the maximum ALT settings is 100 x 100 feet (10,000 fects the maximam RANGE. setting is 249 x 100 feet (24,900 etl. The maximum setting on the N-S and E-W DISTANCE controls is 999 » 100 feet. (99,900 feet ‘When a value i inserted in the target ALT RANGE counter other than 000, do not select the target find or offset bomb mode unless the aieraf alutude MSL is grostor chan the value (émes 100); or unlss the WSO is porforrning the target findjotfset bomb WRCS BIT check as pre- sanded in section IE. Tis is necessary co provent possible damage to the piteh servo in the WRCS compucer,

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