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East Coast Open Forum


v To foster the development of consciousness as set forth in the

B.O.T.A. curriculum.
v To be a source of strength and encouragement for members on
the Path of Return.
v To share with like minded spiritual aspirants sharing the teachings
and practices of Ageless Wisdom in everyday life.
v To provide an open door to the Mysteries to all who genuinely
v To support new and prospective BOTA members.

v We do not read the BOTA lessons at the meetings, but instead

focus on the principles taught in the BOTA curriculum and their
practical application in life.
v Discussion or stimulation of psychic activities, powers, or
phenomena are not allowed and personal problems are not
v No recordings of BOTA online meetings are allowed to protect the
privacy of all attendees.
v Open Forum meetings are never used for personal, business, or
political promotion.
v Since our focus is on BOTA teachings, we do not use this time to
promote or compare other systems or methods.

Color is the vibration of Light.

According to Webster’s Dictionary the definition of color is:

“that portion of the visible spectrum of light that is reflected
back from a surface. The amount of light that a surface reflects
or absorbs determines its color. In particular, black surfaces
absorb all light, while white surfaces reflect all light.”

Colors play a vital role in our lives and how we respond to our
surroundings. Colors that surround us can influence our
perspective and emotions. Color is so much more than meets
the eye. Color impacts our moods, stimulates our minds
and influences how we feel. Color influences how we
experience the world around us.

In our early Tarot Fundamental lessons, PFC tells us to just look at the Keys for 5
minutes before studying because SIGHT is the power which locks and unlocks the
red wallet of subconscious forces as shown in Key 0, The Fool.

The vibrations of color enter our minds through our sense organ, our eyes. This is
why we color our own Tarot Keys! It works on subconsciousness perfectly.
7 x 7 = 49 Octaves of Sound to Light
49 reduces to 9 +4 = 13
7 Colors Echad = “ONE” OR “UNITY”
of the

7 Sound Vibrations
Ahabah = “LOVE” emanating from


This is the importance of COLOR in our work

Tone – A#

How does Violet make you feel?


Can you think of any other

Violet occurrences in the

Purple back starling

Where else is Violet displayed in Royalty? Which Tarot Key comes to mind
associating Violet to Royalty?
Prominent Violet in the Tarot Keys:
Key 0 – Violet Mountains(diluted)
Key 4 – Emperor’s Tunic
Key 5 – Fringe of Yoke
Key 6- Violet Mountain and
Raphael’s garment
Key 8 – Violet Mountain
Key 11 – Violet Curtains
Key 14 &17 – Violet Mountain
Key18 – Crawfish; Violet Mountain
Key 21 – Violet Kaph
9th Sephirah YESOD
Tone – A#

From the book The Tarot by Paul Foster Case on Key 10:
Intelligence of Conciliation, or Rewarding Intelligence of Those WhoSeek, is the
Qabalistic name for the mode of consciousness attributed to the letter Kaph.
Conciliation is the adjustment of differences, the establishment of har- mony and
order, and thus is distinctly Jupiterian. This mode of consciousness is what brings
perception of the law which fulfils the promise, "Seek, and ye shall find." Conciliation
implies concord, agreement, sympathy, peace, amity, tranquility. The law here shown
is that which reconciles apparent differences, that which enables us to harmonize the
elements of existence, that which leads to the winning over of seemingly
antagonistic forces, that which conduces to peace and prosperity.
VIOLET Tone – A#

The yellow background in Key 11

refers to the element of air, since
Libra is an airy sign. Violet, the color
of the curtains, is referred to Jupiter
and the Wheel of Fortune, to
suggest that the veils of mechanism
(Key 10) conceal from the
uninitiated that the whole universe
is permeated by the Life-Breath of
Spirit, symbolized by yellow. The
throne of the woman has also,
stretched between its two pillars, a
violet veil. Pillars and veil are
reflections of the ideas suggested by
similar symbols in the picture of the
High Priestess.
VIOLET Tone – A#
The great yellow star signifies the
cosmic radiant energy which is sent
forth from the various suns and fixed
stars of the universe. It has eight
points. Thus, its geometrical
construction is like that of the Wheel of
Fortune, or the symbols of Spirit
embroidered on the dress of the Fool.
This star symbolizes the solar energy
hinted at by the attribution of the
direction South-Above to the letter
Tzaddi..The inventors of Tarot used
innumerable devices to remind us that
in our mental and magical work we are
using an actual force which has definite
physical forms of expression.
Meditation modifies and transmutes
the personal expression of this cosmic
energy, and that personal expression is
what we term nerve-force.
VIOLET Tone – A#

The dancer represents the merging of self-

consciousness with subconsciousness, and
the blending of these two with
superconsciousness. Occult tradition says
that the scarf, violet in color, and shaped
like a letter Kaph, conceals the fact that this
is an androgyne figure.

This Key signifies Cosmic Consciousness, or


The central fact of this experience is that he

to whom it comes has first-hand knowledge
that he is in perfect union with the One
Power which is the Pivot and the Source of
the whole cosmos. He knows also that
through him the governing and directing
power of the universe flows out into
Prominent Violet in the Tarot Keys:
Key 06– Raphael’s Robe and the Violet

The angel is Raphael, angel of air, the element attrib-

uted to Gemini, and, in the symbolism of the Roman
Church, the particular angel of the planet Mercury. He
is also the great archangel of the eastern quarter of
the heavens (East-Above).Here he represents
superconsciousness, and thus is related also to the
Fool. His airy nature is indicated by the color of his
skin, the yellow we have associated with air and with
Mercury. His violet garment carries out the same
idea, because violet is the color- complement of
yellow. Another indication of his airy nature is the fact
that he is supported by clouds. He is the cosmic Life-
Breath, Prana, superconsciousness. His influence
descends on both figures below, streaming from his
upraised hands.
Prominent Violet in the Tarot Keys:
Key 06– Raphael’s Robe and the Violet

The mountain in the background combines several

meanings. Mountains are symbols of the abode of the
gods. Consider Sinai, Olympus, Meru, Fujiyama. Again,
they suggest climbing, aspiration, the possibility of
attainment. We all have peaks to climb, and the
to action, the disposing element in our consciousness
which leads to volition, has always in the background
this idea of climbing above our present level. Thus the
mountain represents what alchemists call the Great
Work. Again, a mountain is often a phallic symbol of
pregnancy, or gestation, suggesting preparation,
organization, and like ideas we have already
developed in connection with the letter Zain.
The Moon is
Represented by The robe of Raphael is Violet and
Violet is the complement of Yellow, as in
Key 0 , which is AIR, & AIR is
9th Sephirah the location on the Tree of Life of
Lebanah the Violet sephirah of YESOD.
1. You will be automatically assigned to a group.

2. We will stay in break out sessions for 25 minutes.

Each group will discuss the questions freely and then
share in the main session after the 25 minute period.

3. Choose a group representative to take notes and

speak for the group when we return to the main
session, but all group participants will have a chance
to share also.

4. We will announce when time is up and to return to

the main group. Tip: When returning to the main
group, hit the blue Leave Room button and not the
“Leave meeting” button. If you accidentally leave the
meeting, just come back into the Zoom meeting, we
will let you back in.

4. This is an opportunity to get to know your fellow

Fratres, Sorores and new aspirants a little better, so
have some fun!


1) What colors make Violet? What modes of consciousness are
reflected in the colors that make violet? What does this mean to
2) What is the meaning of the Violet Mountains in Keys 0,6, 8, 17, and 18?

3) Why do you think Key 17, the Key of meditation, is Violet?

4) Which other Keys have significant Violet
in them, and what is the meaning?

5) Why are the robe and the

mountain both Violet in Key 6?
Are they both in the
background of this Key? What
does this mean?

6) In the tableau, Keys 10

and 17 are both Violet
borders and in the same
column. What is this saying?
Tone – A#

How does Violet make you feel now?

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