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One year in review 2021: axial spondyloarthritis

C. Cardelli1, S. Monti2, R. Terenzi3, L. Carli1

Rheumatology Unit, Department of ABSTRACT develop some typical extra-articular
Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Axial spondyloarthritides (axSpA) are manifestations, particularly acute an-
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; a group of systemic inflammatory rheu- terior uveitis (AAU), psoriasis (PsO)
University of Pavia and IRCCS
matic diseases with a broad spectrum and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Policlinico San Matteo Foundation,
Pavia, Italy; of clinical manifestations and typical Moreover, axSpA represent a risk fac-
USL Toscana Centro, Florence, Italy. imaging features, rarely accompanied tor for the onset of comorbidities, above
Chiara Cardelli, MD by laboratory abnormalities. They can all, cardiovascular (CV) diseases, mood
Sara. Monti, MD be classified into a so-called non-radi- disorders, osteoporosis and malignan-
Riccardo Terenzi, MD ographic form (nr-axSpA), unlike the cies. Such a complex clinical picture
Linda Carli, MD radiographic one, because magnetic may easily compromise the quality of
Please address correspondence to: resonance imaging may show specific life (QoL) of patients. The therapeutical
Linda Carli, inflammatory lesions when conven- armamentarium of axSpA has been en-
Reumatologia, Dipartimento di tional radiology is not able to high- riched in recent years, particularly due
Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale, light them. Inflammatory involvement to advances in the knowledge of the im-
Università di Pisa,
Via Roma 67,
of the axial skeleton tends to associate munological mechanisms at the basis
56126 Pisa, Italy. typically with new bone formation and of the disease, with the possibility of
E-mail: peripheral joints may also be affect- optimising the quality of care (QoC) of
Received on September 30, 2021; accepted ed. Patients with axSpA are at higher this group of patients and, consequent-
in revised form on October 20, 2021. risk of developing some typical extra- ly, their clinical outcomes (1-4). In this
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2021; 39: 1272-1281. articular manifestations, particularly, paper we review the literature on ax-
© Copyright Clinical and acute anterior uveitis, psoriasis and SpA of 2019 and 2020 (Medline search
Experimental Rheumatology 2021. inflammatory bowel disease. In this pa- of articles published from 1st January
per we review the literature on axSpA of 2019 to 31st December 2020). Taking
Key words: axial spondyloarthritis, 2019 and 2020 (Medline search of arti- into account the historical period we are
clinical picture, quality of life, cles published from 1st January 2019 to dealing with, we considered it appropri-
imaging, therapy 31st December 2020). ate to dedicate a particular section of
this paper to the available literature data
Introduction on COVID19 and axSpA.
Axial spondyloarthritides (axSpA) are
a group of systemic inflammatory rheu- Methods
matic diseases with a broad spectrum Following our regular annual reviews
of clinical manifestations and typical on different aspects of rheumatology
imaging features, rarely accompanied (5-12) we will here provide a critical
by laboratory abnormalities. They can digest of the recent literature on Ax-
be classified into a so called non-radi- SpA of 2019 and 2020 (Medline search
ographic form (nr-axSpA), different of articles published from 1st January
from the radiographic one (r-axSpA), 2019 to 31st December 2020).
because magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) may show specific inflamma- Epidemiology
tory lesions that conventional radiol- A number of different studies assessed
ogy is not able to detect. R-axSpA are the prevalence of SpA in the latest year
comparable to the classical ankylos- underling the clinical and radiologic
ing spondylitis (AS) that is genetically differences among entities of the group.
strongly associated with the major his- A retrospective study from the Lazio re-
tocompatibility complex class 1 antigen gion of Italy suggested that AS patients
HLA-B27. Inflammatory involvement had longer disease history, were older
of the axial skeleton tends to associ- and with a higher BMI than those with
ate typically with new bone forma- nr-axSpA, confirming that MRI features
tion and peripheral joints may also were different between the two condi-
Competing interests: none declared. be affected. Patients with axSpA may tions (13). A study carried out in Spain

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One year in review 2021: axial spondyloarthritis / C. Cardelli et al.

in 2020 estimated an AS prevalence of Taking into account the clinical impact al.; in particular, they found bone ero-
0.26% in the general population, which of bone formation in SpA patients, the sions, retrocalcaneal recess obliteration
is comparable to other European coun- possibility to identify parameters associ- and swollen posterior soft tissue were
tries (14). Moreover, the incidence of ated to a higher risk of radiographic pro- strongly associated with current painful
AS and SpA has been monitored in gression gained a central role in clinical posterior heels (27). In a Swiss cohort
Denmark from 2000 to 2013, finding research. Recently, Rademacher et al. of patients with both nr-axSpA and r-
that patients diagnosed with both condi- found that altered baseline serum levels axSpA, a 2-year study of radiographic
tions increased in that period. However, of leptin, HMW-APN and VEGF were progression showed structural damage,
the percentage of patients with SpA was related to a small but significant risk of measured by mSASSS, was significant-
significantly higher in the period from a spine radiographic progression in AS ly lower in the first group (28). Inter-
2010 to 2013, suggesting an increased patients, evaluated as a worsening on estingly, syndesmophytes development
diagnostic awareness of the condition the modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondy- seemed to be usually preceded by sac-
in the last few years (15). litis Spine Score (mSASSS) (20). Two roiliitis onset. Llop et al. evaluated the
different studies on AS patients showed performance of an extended mSASSS,
Pathogenesis a longer disease duration might repre- incorporating information also from
Compared to the last One year in re- sent a significant risk factor for the de- anteroposterior lumbar radiographs;
view (4), the most significant updates velopment of both syndesmophytes and it seemed able to detect additional pa-
available on the pathogenesis of SpA peripheral arthritis (21, 22). Interest- tients with radiographic progression
could be the following. ingly, a Chinese study underlined that over two years, not identified by con-
As well known, the presence of HLA- an older age, HLA B27 positivity and a ventional mSASSS score (29).
B27 is the main genetic factor implicat- history of inflammatory bowel disease
ed in disease susceptibility. Consistent were related to a higher risk of develop- Computed tomography
with this, in three different cohorts, a ing uveitis in SpA patients (23). Stal et al. evaluated the facet joint an-
positive family history of SpA did not In recent years, researchers have fo- kylosis detection and progression on
show an independent association with cused their attention on links between whole spine low-dose computed tomog-
a diagnosis of axSpA, regardless of serum biomarkers (BM) and AS disease raphy (ldCT) in r-axSpA, detecting that
HLA-B27 status (16). activity. In particular, they found the fi- both facet joint ankylosis and its pro-
According to French DESIR cohort brinogen/albumin ratio (24) and altered gression were more frequent in the tho-
data, one locus of the IL23R gene, and values of the neutrophil-lymphocyte rate racic spine (30). Very interestingly, the
specifically the single nucleotide poly- (25) and the platelet-lymphocyte rate authors found that syndesmophythes
morphism (SNP) rs1004819, appeared (25, 26) could be considered as potential were the lesions most responsible for
associated both with sacroiliac joints new BM of AS activity. Finally, a meta- the radiographic damage accrual.
inflammation detected by MRI and with analysis by Song et al. demonstrated According to another study, ldCT re-
Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium that AS patients have higher red cell dis- vealed radiographic changes in a signif-
of Canada scores in early onset SpA tribution widths and that it is positively icant proportion of nr-axSpA and was
(17). The involvement of the comple- associated with CRP levels (26). highly specific for axSpA; the authors
ment system is supported by different also found that both MRI-structural le-
plasmatic concentration of lectin path- Take home messages sions and MRI-bone marrow oedema
way proteins in axSpA patients with re- • Altered baseline serum levels of lep- were less specific for axSpA than ldCT,
spect to healthy controls (HCs). In par- tin, HMW-APN and VEGF could be while MRI-bone marrow oedema was
ticular, in a Danish cohort, H-ficolin, L- risk factors for radiographic progres- confirmed to be the most sensitive test
ficolin and collectin liver 1 levels were sion in AS (20); for nr-axSpA (31).
significantly higher in axSpA patients • Disease duration could be a risk
than in HCs, while collectin kidney 1 factor for the development of syn- Ultrasonography
was significantly lower (18). Regard- desmophytes and for peripheral ar- Ultrasound (US) is known to have a
ing environmental factors, smoking thritis onset (21, 22); central role in the evaluation of periph-
showed an association with the occur- • Some newly onset serological and eral involvement in axSpA. US study
rence of uveitis in axSpA patients, ac- haematological BM seem to be as- of calcaneal and quadriceps entheses
cording to a Portuguese cross-sectional sociated with disease activity in AS was found to be able to distinguish
study (19). (24-26). AS patients from healthy controls in a
cross-sectional study, showing worse
Clinical picture and biomarkers Imaging scores of the Madrid Sonographic En-
Ax-SpA are a heterogeneous group of Conventional radiology thesitis Index with bone erosion of the
diseases in which both inflammatory Conventional radiology was found to calcaneal enthesis, bone erosion and
involvement and consequently bone be a useful tool for the evaluation of thickening of the plantar fascia and the
formation might regard not only spine, Achilles tendon enthesitis, accord- presence of calcification in the quadri-
but also peripheral sites. ing to a study conducted by Kim et ceps enthesis (32).

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The evaluation of the Achilles tendon marrow oedema in SI joints and pain Achilles tendon and its enthesis (27-
showed similar findings in AS and nr- VAS score, Bath Ankylosing Spondy- 29);
axSpA patients for entheseal calcifi- litis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), • ld-CT is gaining a central role in the
cation and bone profile scores, while CRP, IL-1β, IL-17 and TNF-α levels in evaluation of not only chronic, but
tendon echotexture score in AS patients AS patients. In their cohort of patients, also active lesions in axSpA (30, 31);
was higher than in the nr-axSpA group a quick decrease in sacroiliac oedema • US confirms its ability to identify
(33). Interestingly, this study demon- could predict a better treatment re- activity and damage signs on both
strated a positive correlation between sponse to etanercept (ETN) (40). tendons and enthesis in patients with
power Doppler US and MASES scores Kang et al. analysed the association SpA, also comparing groups of pa-
in the AS group. between trabecular bone score (TBS), tients who differed for the diagnosis
Another preliminary study showed measured at the lumbar spine and new or for the therapy (32-35);
no significant differences in terms of bone formation in AS patients, finding • US could be useful also in evaluat-
stiffness of the Achilles tendon in AS a significant correlation between low ing joint involvement in AS, even for
patients treated with TNF-α inhibitors TBS and new bone formation, regard- detecting sacroiliitis (36, 37);
(TNFi) for two years compared to con- less of the presence of fat metaplasia on • MRI-detected spinal inflammation
trols; however, an increased thickness MRI (41). seems to correlate with BASMI and
in the middle third of the tendon in the Furthermore, inflammation on spinal BASFI (38, 39);
AS group was observed (34). MRI, defined as the presence of bone • TBS seems to be negatively corre-
Arslan Alhussain et al. found PsA pa- marrow oedema, was negatively corre- lated with both new bone formations
tients seemed to have a higher entheseal lated with TBS, but not with bone min- and bone marrow oedema detected
insertion US damage score than AS pa- eral density (42). In this study conduct- with MRI studies, thus confirming a
tients; although, no significant differ- ed by Jung et al., the severity of MRI higher risk of osteoporosis and frac-
ences were described for US inflamma- local bone inflammation was associated tures in axSpA (41, 42);
tion score between the two groups (35). with poor bone quality and a high risk • New MRI imaging techniques could
Wink et al. showed the US evaluation of fracture. give new insights into the pathogen-
of the hip joints may identify inflam- Baraliakos et al. studied fatty lesions on esis of axSpA and could help to bet-
matory lesions in up to 17% of patients MRI by immunohistological analysis of ter assess disease activity (43-45).
with an active AS, with no correla- vertebral body biopsies of AS patients
tion to hip joints pain (36). Moreover, compared to patients with degenerative Comorbidities
they found the US monitoring of TNFi disc disease (DDD): interestingly, they During the past months, a number of
therapy in this cohort could reveal an found adipocytes as the most frequently publications have focused on the im-
improvement of inflammatory hips in- detected cells in AS and inflammatory pact of comorbidities in patients with
volvement, with a decrease in the total mononuclear cells in DDD, with chang- SpA. The analysis of a large dataset
amount of inflammatory lesions after es in cellular homeostasis towards dim- of AS patients showed hypertension,
six months of treatment. According to inution of osteoclasts and higher osteo- diabetes, heart disease, depression and
a study by Rosa et al., US could be a blastic activity in the bone marrow of fibromyalgia were the most frequent
useful diagnostic tool to detect sacroili- AS patients (43). comorbidities; interestingly an African-
itis in patients with inflammatory back Advanced MRI imaging techniques American origin seemed to be a risk
pain (37). could be useful in the assessment of factor for both a severe disease and
disease activity and damage in axSpA the development of diabetes, depres-
Magnetic resonance imaging patients. The MRI volumetric interpo- sion and heart disease (46). Zhao et al.
A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lated breath-hold examination showed found AS and nr-axSpA have a similar
study on axSpA patients found a cor- a higher sensitivity than T1-weighted burden and frequency of comorbidities,
relation between MRI inflammatory MRI in identifying erosive damage despite a significantly lower mean age
lesions of facet and costovertebral in the SI joints, especially in younger of patients with nr-axSpA (47).
joints and a restricted spinal mobility patients (44). According to a study by A number of studies assessed the fre-
and functional impairment respectively Shi et al., diffusion-weighted imaging quency and risk factors for cardio-
evaluated with Bath Ankylosing Spon- (DWI) and dynamic contrast-enhanced vascular (CV) comorbidities. Recent
dylitis Metrology Index (BASMI) and (DCE-) MRI resulted useful tools to evidence suggests that the risk for ve-
Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Function- evaluate the degree of active changes in nous thromboembolism is increased
al Index (BASFI) (38). Interestingly, AS inflammation and treatment effects in patients with AS, especially during
therapy with TNFi may be able to im- in patients with early AS (45). the first year from diagnosis (48). Data
prove the impairment assessed by BAS- from the ASAS-COMOSPA suggested
MI and associated with MRI-detected Take home messages the development of hypertension corre-
lumbar spinal inflammation in AS (39). • Conventional radiology can be use- lates with the disease duration, the pres-
Yang et al. found a positive correla- ful not only to highlight structural ence of axial-only SpA, but not with
tion between the presence of bone damage accrual, but also to study the the use of NSAIDs (49). In contrast,

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another large study on patients with tients with AS has been found to be low- tuguese population, AS and PsA were
AS reported an association between the er than expected; nevertheless, the risk found to be associated with poor QoL
continuous use of NSAIDs and the oc- of melanoma, renal cell cancer, bladder, and a higher rate of disease-related ear-
currence of incident hypertension (50). breast and prostate was increased (59). ly retirement, both in comparison with
The Spanish prospective CARMA pro- Another study conducted in Korea also general population and patients with
ject, including patients with inflamma- reported male reproductive system can- other rheumatic diseases (64). A case-
tory rheumatic diseases, reported that cers and pancreatic cancer to be more control study showed higher scores of
the cumulative incidence of the first CV frequent in patients with SpA (60). depression, fatigue and work instability
event was highest in patients with AS, Another concern in the management in AS patients than in healthy controls;
in particular, if male, older with a sys- of SpA, particularly related to the pro- in particular, work instability scores
tolic hypertension and a longer disease longed use of NSAIDs, is the develop- were positively correlated with all clin-
duration (51). A 5-year follow-up study ment of end-stage-renal disease. Sev- ical parameters except spinal mobil-
on AS patients identified elderly males eral studies have recently explored the ity (65). In a cohort of Danish patients
with previous conductive disturbances, risk of renal failure in patients with AS with RA, PsA and axSpA, fatigue was
longer symptoms duration and con- suggesting an overall low risk for these associated with QoL, work impairment,
comitant medications suggestive of un- patients (61). Nonetheless, up to 25% pain, sleep, depression and physical
derlying CV disease (antiplatelets and of patients with SpA develop chronic functioning, with no significant differ-
beta-blockers) as those at higher risk of kidney disease and a high level of vigi- ences among the mean scores of fatigue
developing cardiac conduction distur- lance is warranted (62). in the three diagnostic groups (66).
bances (52). Another recent publication Finally, a two-fold increased risk for Data from the British Biologics Reg-
supporting similar findings reported the development of osteoporosis has ister confirmed axSpA patients experi-
AS, especially in younger males, as a been confirmed in a recent study (63), enced some reduction in productivity at
novel risk factor for atrial fibrillation on underlying the need for a holistic ap- work and work absence; high disease
a nationwide population-based study proach to the disease, which needs to activity (HDA), fatigue, a labour-inten-
conducted in Korea (53). Moreover, left take into consideration several comor- sive job and poorer physical function
ventricular systolic myocardial func- bidities and complications of treatment. were all independently associated with
tion has been found to be significantly a poor work outcome (67).
lower in AS patients than controls (54). Take home messages Short-term response to a first TNFi in
Whether this leads to increased CV risk • AS patients with African-American AS patients was a predictor of long-
needs to be clarified by further studies. origins seemed at higher risk of se- term productivity and non-disability,
Several studies have been published vere disease and comorbidities such according to the data from the Czech
recently concerning the association as diabetes, depression and heart dis- ATTRA AS biologic registry; the
between SpA and psychological is- ease (46); strongest predictor of work impairment
sues, particularly depression (55, 56). • AS and nr-axSpA could have similar was pain (68).
Questionnaires performed on a sample burden and frequency of comorbidi- Radiographic parameters that seemed
of 680 patients demonstrated that ap- ties (47); to mostly compromise QoL in Japanese
proximately half of them were at risk • The role of NSAIDs use in the onset AS patients regarded the involvement
of developing mental disorders (e.g. of hypertension in axSpA patients is of the sagittal vertical axis, the sacral
depression and anxiety) and the risk still on debate (49, 50); slope and the global kyphosis (69).
was strictly associated with the level of • Both venous thromboembolism and Urkmez et al. showed AS patients had a
disease activity (57). cardiac conduction disturbances are higher rate of sleep disorders and lower
Another frequent comorbid condition CV comorbidities more frequent in levels of physical activity than healthy
in SpA is gastrointestinal complaints. axSpA patients than in general popu- controls; moreover, a low physical ac-
While inflammatory bowel disease is lation (48, 52, 53); tivity was also shown to significantly
a matter of particular concern in these • axSpA patients are at risk for neopla- compromise sleep quality in this group
patients, patients with SpA have been sia, with particular attention to mela- of patients (70). Sang et al. confirmed
reported to often complain of gut symp- noma, renal, bladder, breast, prostate this data, showing a standard exercise
toms meeting irritable bowel disease and pancreatic cancer (59, 60); improved QoL in AS patients, thus
criteria (up to 30% of patients), particu- • A high level of vigilance is war- highlighting the need to better educate
larly reported in female patients with a ranted to monitor both renal function them to this behaviour (71).
concomitant fibromyalgia (58). and bone mineral density in axSpA The results of the QUO-VADIS study
The risk of cancer in patients with SpA patients (61-63). proved clinical and health-related QoL
is considered generally low, with a good improvement over 6-months in a real-
safety profile of the treatment used for Quality of life life AS population newly treated with
the management of the disease. The risk SpA are chronic conditions that usually golimumab (GOL) or infliximab (IFX):
of highly prevalent cancers (colorectal significantly impact patients’ QoL, also higher baseline ASDAS, BASFI and
or lung cancer) on a large cohort of pa- in the field of working ability. In Por- CRP and a younger age were associated

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with improvement in QoL and an over- Take home messages performances than quantitative phar-
all stronger response to therapy (72). • In the field of the QoL, an issue of macokinetic parameters (85).
Baseline data of the Italian QUASAR increasing importance, is that of Serum certolizumab pegol (CZP) lev-
observational study showed that AS work ability; in particular, it seems els 20–40 mg/L were associated with
and nr-axSpA patients have similar to be associated with disease activ- treatment response up to three months
QoL and disease burden and that bD- ity, fatigue and mood disorder, while in inflammatory joint diseases, espe-
MARDs and NSAIDs are associated TNFi therapy could improve it (64- cially for axSpA patients, as reported
with the best overall scores of disease 68); by the data from the NOR-DMARD
activity, function and QoL (73). • Spinal involvement could signifi- study; higher serum levels did not
Rohde et al. found no deterioration in cantly compromise QoL in AS pa- show any additional benefits (86).
health-related QoL in subjects with tients (69); The GO-ALIVE study showed the ef-
axSpA during 5 years of follow-up in • Physical activity significantly im- ficacy of intravenous GOL 2 mg/kg in
the outpatient setting; in addition, an proves QoL in AS (70, 71); active AS patients, with a good safety
improvement in the physical dimen- • A therapy with bDMARDs seems profile (87).
sion over the years in parallel with a to be associated with health-related Choi et al. observed analysed the 3-year
reduction in disease activity was ob- QoL improvement (72-74); cumulative occurrence rate of AAU in
served. The great majority of patients • Vigilance regarding educational lev- AS patients was higher in those treated
were treated with biologics over the els of AS patients should be made, with IFX, compared to the adalimumab
follow-up period and baseline predic- in particular for female and for pa- (ADA)+GOL group (88); these data are
tors of improvement in QoL, in agree- tients with a shorter disease dura- confirmed in the GO-EASY study (89).
ment with previous reports, were found tion; clinicians should pay particular Another study by Lee et al. on the same
to be younger age, higher education, attention to patients’ concerns about topic showed a minor recurrence of
low BASDAI score, high BAS Patient medications, most of all bDMARDs AAU in AS patients treated with ADA,
Global Score, high CRP level and no (76-78). GOL and IFX than in patients treated
use of biological therapy at baseline with ETN (90).
(74). Therapy Concerning biosimilar drugs, Ditto et
Data from the EMBARK study in pa- In the last two years a consistent num- al. evaluated the efficacy and safety
tients with nr-axSpA treated with ETN ber of studies explored new insights of a single switch from ETN origina-
showed that composite indices (AS- into the efficacy and safety profiles of tor to ETN biosimilar in a little Italian
DAS, BASDAI, ASAS) adequately SpA therapies, with most of contribu- cohort of PsA and AS patients, finding
reflect treatment-related changes expe- tions regarding TNFi and IL-17 inhibi- no significant differences in clinimetric
rienced by patients (75). tors and particular attention to biosimi- parameters after the switch, with a mi-
A Portuguese cross-sectional study in- lar drugs. nority of patients who stopped the treat-
vestigated educational needs in patients ment, mostly due to the lack of efficacy
with AS and PsA, finding a higher level TNF-α blockers (91). Two different studies from Korea
of educational needs in AS patients, fe- A number of studies on AS patients demonstrated the efficacy and safety of
male gender regardless of the diagnosis confirmed that treatment with TNFi the IFX biosimilar CT-P13 in patients
and in patients with a shorter disease could significantly slow down the ra- with AS, with similar drug survival and
duration (76). Social media data re- diographic progression (80, 81), could safety between naïve patients and those
vealed that major concerns of AS pa- improve the clinical picture and reduce switched from reference IFX group (92,
tients are related to disease treatment, bone loss (82), and seemed to associ- 93). ADA originator and its biosimilar
especially regarding biologic therapies ate with increased spinal mobility and candidate HS016 showed no signifi-
and their short- and long-term side ef- chest expansion (83). cant differences in terms of ASAS20
fects (77). As a result of the BSRBR-AS prospec- response rates at 24 weeks, treatment-
A long-term observational study from tive study, more than 50% of axSpA emergent adverse events (AEs), phar-
a tertiary centre in Greece showed as patients naïve to biologic therapy re- macokinetic and immunogenicity pa-
many as 10% of AS patients never sponded to their first TNFi by the first rameters, on Chinese patients with ac-
achieve low disease activity (LDA), follow-up visit (84). The study shows tive AS (94).
despite therapy with bDMARDs, thus comorbidities, poor mental health, as According to a Korean study, mild ta-
highlighting the extent of the unmet well as adverse socio-economic factors pering of TNFi, but not heavy taper-
needs in AS treatment (78). and fewer years in education were pre- ing, showed comparable efficacy with
An observational study by Hwang et dictive of non-response. the standard-dose treatment to achieve
al. confirmed the relevance of the An- Preliminary data by Kim et al. iden- ASDAS-inactive disease in axSpA pa-
kylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life tified the SUVmax of the spine on tients (95).
(ASQoL) instrument for patients with whole-body 18F-NaF PET/CT as a po- Regarding the possibility of complete
nr-axSpA, supporting its use in this tential reliable and non-invasive BM withdrawing treatment in patients in
population (79). of TNFi efficacy, also showing better clinical remission, data from the REM-

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INEA study showed that more than Bimekizumab provided rapid and sus- • AAU recurrence in AS patients
60% of AS patients who presented per- tained improvement in outcome meas- seems to be lower in those treated
sistent remission, experienced clinical ures in active AS patients, according to with ADA and GOL than IFX or, as
relapse shortly after IFX withdrawal. a phase IIb, placebo-controlled, dose- expected, ETN (88-90);
After the reintroduction of the drug, ranging study, with a generally good • No significant differences in terms of
only half of these patients achieved safety profile (105). efficacy and safety were found com-
clinical remission as before treatment In another RCT, ixekizumab appeared paring ETN, IFX and ADA respec-
discontinuation (96). superior to placebo in patients with nr- tively to their biosimilar (91-94);
axSpA, achieving both primary end- • To optimise TNFi therapy, mild ta-
IL-17 inhibitors points of ASAS40 response at weeks 16 pering should be preferred to com-
In late 2019, end-of-study results on ef- and 52 (106). No new safety data were plete withdrawal (95, 96);
ficacy and safety of SEC 150 mg in AS found, with a low frequency of serious • SEC seems to represent a good
patients (MEASURE 1 extension trial) AEs. therapeutic option with a favourable
were released, showing improvements Subcutaneous netakimab, a humanised safety profile for axSpA patients;
in efficacy outcomes were sustained monoclonal antibody targeting IL-17A, moreover, its cost-effectiveness pro-
over the 5 years of treatment period, represents a new potential treatment for file is very favourable (97-104);
confirming SEC as a good therapeutic patients with active AS. The results of • Similarly, bimekizumab and ixeki-
option with a favourable safety profile a phase II trial confirmed superiority to zumab are effective and safe treat-
(97). placebo in terms of ASAS20 response, ments to control axSpA (105, 106);
The MEASURE 2 study, aimed at eval- with no dose-dependent toxicity or se- • Netakimab, a humanised monoclo-
uating improvement in pain and fatigue rious AEs observed (107). The most nal antibody targeting IL-17A, could
in AS patients treated with SEC over rapidly effective dose with a favour- be another potentially valuable bD-
2 years, showed a rapid and sustained able safety profile was 120 mg and a MARD to treat axSpA (107);
relief of these symptoms, regardless phase III clinical trial is actually ongo- • Upadacitinib seems to be efficacious
of baseline CRP levels and prior TNFi ing to evaluate the efficacy of one year and safe in patients with active AS
therapy (98). of treatment. (109);
Long-term surveillance data on the • US patients with axSpA should be
safety of SEC in PsA and AS confirmed IL-12/23 inhibitors educated to reduce their use of opi-
the consistent safety profile of this bio- Three placebo-controlled clinical trials oids, aiming at an optimisation of
logic drug, with the most frequent AE have not demonstrated the efficacy of pain-relief therapy (110).
represented by upper respiratory tract ustekinumab in the treatment of axSpA
infections, a low percentage of serious in terms of ASAS40 or ASAS20 re- Pregnancy
AEs and discontinuation of treatment sponse, with a safety profile consistent A Turkish group analysed pregnancy
due to AEs (99). No cases of TBC or with that of previous study (108). outcomes in women with AS and found
hepatitis B reactivation were reported increased rates of preterm delivery, in-
in this work and the incidence of treat- JAK inhibitors trauterine growth retardation and pre-
ment-emergent anti-drug antibodies SELECT-AXIS1, a phase II/III place- eclampsia; interestingly, they observed
was low. bo-controlled clinical trial, showed ef- patients taking medications for AS and
Both an Italian and an English study ficacy and a good tolerability of upa- those with a higher disease duration
confirmed the efficacy and safety of dacitinib 15 mg in active AS patients seemed to be at a higher risk of adverse
SEC also in a real-life setting, with im- (109). pregnancy outcomes (111).
provements of objective physical and Considering the higher rate of caesar-
serological measures, as well as for Opioids ean sections in women with AS com-
clinimetric indices and patient-report- A retrospective study on AS patients pared with healthy controls, in a study
ed outcomes (100, 101). highlighted a common use of opioid from Korea the authors analysed pos-
Moreover, SEC was the most cost-ef- drugs in the United States, regardless sible effects of pregnancy and delivery
fectiveness biologic treatment option of the use of recommended therapies methods on AS treatment. They found
in AS patients according to a Canadian for the treatment of this condition, sug- that pregnancy did not seem to worsen
and a Finnish analysis (102, 103). gesting the need to improve patients’ AS evolution, and the overall change in
Finally, it could be interesting to cite education in order to optimise clinical prescription after delivery did not dif-
the results of a pooled SEC safety care (110). fer between vaginal delivery and cae-
analysis across 21 clinical trials from sarean section (112).
Schreiber et al., showing that the total Take home messages
amount of IBD events (both CD, UC • The role of TNFi in significantly re- SpA and COVID-19
and IBD unclassified) was low and did ducing radiographic progression of Since the onset of the COVID-19 pan-
not seem to increase over time during axSpA patients has been confirmed demic, several studies have aimed to
the treatment (104). (80-83); evaluate its impact on patients with

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