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Clutter isn’t always physical—and your relationships play a major part of creating a life of joy and
fulfillment or frustration and fatigue.

So for today, your assignment is to assess the top five relationships you have—the people you
spend the most time with—to see if they are healthy or if they are cluttering your life. If you find that
any of these relationships are bringing your energy down, figure out some concrete steps you can take
to shift that energy.

For example…can you avoid the person more?

If you can’t simply minimize the relationship, there are still ways to improve it. You can…

• Strategically choose the activities you do together. For example, instead of having lunch, go
to a movie, so you don’t have to hear that person’s negativity.

• Strategically choose where you interact. For example, meet up at a botanical center or
museum that brings your energy up and allows you to split your attention or to focus your
attention on something besides your interaction.

• Have a heart-to-heart conversation. Sometimes simply talking to a friend or family member

about how you are being affected by the relationship can be a catalyst for change.

By following the suggestions above, it is absolutely possible to keep friends and family in your life,
even if sometimes they bring you down.

And remember, their impact on you doesn’t make them a good or bad person. It simply means that
your frequency doesn’t match with theirs. This may change in the future, so you may find that they
become important in your life again at another phase.

© Hay House, Inc.

When you are implementing these new strategies in your relationships, make sure to keep intention
in mind. Here are some suggestions, but remember, the best intention is the one that you create for
yourself and your unique situation in life..

• The more I clear, the more comfortable I am with how I present myself to the world.

• The more joy I find in my friendships, the more joy I experience in my life.

• The more I protect and cherish my own energy, the more powerful I become in life.

Relationships can be one of the hardest areas in your life to clutter clear, because they’re not
just about you. But please know that you can do this. And once you figure out a path forward, don’t
forget to congratulate yourself! You’ve taken another wonderful step toward a less cluttered and more
energetic life.

© Hay House, Inc.

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