jss2 Home Economics Third Term Exam

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Jss2 Home Economics

1. The process of choosing among alternative is called ____ A. actions B. decision

2. Alternating D. action taking
3. As a student, ____ is one of your personal decisions. A. housing B. buying of
text book C. feeding the family D. paying school fee
4. Basic needs are important for ____ A. survival B. relaxation C. show D.
5. _____ are used for meeting family needs. A. Standards B. Goals C. Resources
D. Tools
6. Decision making helps us to identify our ____ A. weaknesses B. worth C.
friends D. values
7. Which of the following supply the food with fat and energy? A. Carbohydrate
and calcium
8. Carbohydrate and fat C. Mineral and fats D. Oils and vitamins
9. Surplus carbohydrates in the body is stored as body ____ A. fat B. protein C.
starch D. weight
10.One of the following helps in digestion and bowel movement. A. Starch B.
Protein C. Roughage D. Vitamin
11.Which of the following is not a body builder? A. Soya beans B. Meats C. Milk
D. Cassava
12.The field of study that deals with food we eat and how it nourishes the body
is ____A. nutrients B. food technology C. foods and nutrition D. food
13.The processes of preventing harmful bacteria from growing in food is food
____ A. preparation
14.hygiene C. service D. cooking
15.Cooking food in oil is ____A. boiling B. frying C. steaming D. baking
16.Cooking food with steam from boiling water is ____A. stewing B. steaming C.
boiling D. grilling
17.Which of the following methods is commonly used for making soup? A.
stewing B. frying C. roasting D. steaming
18.Baking is often done in the ____ A. refrigerator B. cooker C. oven D. sink
19.The corridor type of kitchen arrangement makes use of ____________
20.two walls B. three walls C. no wall at all D. one wall
21. In kitchen arrangement the refrigerator should be ____ A. very close to the
cooker B. close enough to the cooker C. away from the cooker D. below the
22. Which of the following may not influence the choice of cooking equipment
and utensils?
23.Family size B. Height of parents C. Income D. Ease of use
24. The following are large equipment except ____ A. sink B. shelves C. gas
cooker D. colander
25. Rolling pins and chopping boards are commonly made of ____ A. wood B.
steel C. glass D. china ware
26.____ helps us to put on and take off our clothes. A. Openings B. Hemming C.
Stitching D. Hook.
27. ____ is not a type of opening. A. Continuous wrap B. Bound C. Faced slit D.
Press stub.
28. ____ is not a type of fastening. A. Button and button hole B. Press stud C.
Faced slit D. Hook and eye.
29. Openings are put on a garment to ____ A. neaten the edge B. Make it easy to
wear C. Enhance the area D. tear the dress’ back
30. The edges of a faced opening ____ A. meet B. overlap C. Cross D. extend
1. List the three different types of kitchen layout. B. List two types of kitchen
2. What is food purchasing? B. List three factors to consider when buying food.
3. List five wise buying practices. B. What is perishable food and non perishable
4. What is food preservation? B. List three methods of preserving food and
explain one of the three.
5. Mention two points to consider in choosing fastener. B. List three types of
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