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Home Economics
1. ___ is the act of receiving people in the home and giving them foods, drinks
etc. (a) visitors (b) entertainment (c) hostess (d) guest.
2. ___ is the person receiving a guest (a) hostess (b) visitors (c) head of family (d)
3. ___ is the invited person (a) host (b) hostess(c) guest (d) all of the above.
4. It is the responsibility of the host to (a) send invitation (b) collect invitation (c)
accept invitation (d) reply the invitation
5. ___ helps an individual to plan and prepare good meals (a) host (b) friends (c)
mother (d) entertainment.
6. ___are equipment used in making garment (a) tools (b) sewing tools (c)
weaving tool (d) make up kit.
7. ___ is used to hold needle when sewing (a) thread (b) pin cushion (c)thimbles
(d) sewing tool.
8. ___ is used in taken body measurement (a) scissor (b) pattern (c) tape
measure (d) thread.
9. The following are types of sewing needle except (a) betweens (b) embroidery
(c) sharps (d) pins.
10.___ is used to trace out pattern on material (a) tailor’s chalk (b) tailor’s tape (c)
tracing wheel (d) tape rule.
11.___ is a type of stitch used to transfer information on two pieces of fabric at
the same time
12.(a) diagonal basting (b) french knot (c) tailor’s tack (d) satin stitch.
13.___ are used to join two or more fabrics together (a) seams (b) stitches (c)
neaten (d) weaving.
14.Permanent stitches includes___ (a) tack stitches (b) running stitches(c) satin
stitches (d) french knot.
15.___ is a stitch made with the hand or a sewing machine which is replaced
after the permanent stitches have been made (a) decorative stitch (b) satin
stitch (c) permanent stitch (d) temporary stitch.
16.____ is a strong fine light stitch used to join finished edges together (a) over
stitching (b) over laid stitch (d) over joined stitch (d) over sewing stitch.
17.Decorative stitches are also called (a) embroidery (b)permanent (c)temporary
(d) French seam.
18.The type of stitch used for filling design in making applique is (a) french knot
(b) satin stitch (c) chain stitch (d) herringbone stitch.
19.Which of the decorative stitches give a seeded effect to a motif or design? (a)
French knot (b) Herringbone stitch (c) Satin stich (d) Chain stitch.
20.___ is an example of a seam (a) back seam (b)run and fell seam (c)hemming
seam (d) knot seam.
21.Which of the following seams is suitable for children’s wear (a)Run and fell
seam (b) French (c)Open seam (d) Stem seam.
22.The monthly flow of blood through the virginal in every woman of child-
bearing age is called ___ (a) menstruation (b) menstrual period (c) menstrual
circle (d) maturation.
23.Menstrual circle ___ (a) differ with persons (b) is not common (c) is the same
for all (d) all of the above.
24.The period of monthly flow is called ___ (a) blood flow (b) menstrual period
(c) menstrual circle (d) menstruation.
25.The short span of time that marks the beginning of sexual maturation is
called (a) puberty (b) adolescence (c) adolescent (d) adulthood.
26.The age of puberty in boys and girls is (a) the same (b) different (c)
prolonged(d) always the same.
27.Sexually transmitted disease is an illness spread from one person to another
through (a) hand-shake(b) dancing (c) sexual contact (d)sharing of clothing.
28.One of the following is not a sexually transmitted disease (a) Gonorrhea (b)
syphilis(c) HIV (d)fever.
29.Human Immune Deficiency Virus causes _______ (a) AIDS (b) Syphilis (c)
Gonorrhea (d)Mal-nutrition.
30.The process where a person prescribes a drug for self is called self ______ (a)
Protection (b) Injection (c) Medication (d)Drug abuse.
1. Define seam and give the examples
2. Write two challenges that faces adolescent
3. State four ways of preventing STIs/HIV/AIDS
4. State five fundamental rights of every Nigerian person
5. What is entertainment?. B. State three importance of entertainment.
6. List five materials for table setting
Good luck

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