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Ss UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, MKT243 FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING PROJECT TITLE: XXXXXXXXXX LECTURER’S NAME: XXXXXXXXXXXX ‘STUDENT'S NAME: NAME. MATRIX NO. eee eee SUBMISSION DATE: DDMM/YY Scanned with CamScanner {ABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgment atroduction Body of Reports... 4.0 Business Profil... 2.2 Segmentation Bass. 2.3 Strategies for Selecting Target Market... 3.0 Product. 3.4 Significance ofthe Product. 3.2 Type of Consumer Product. 3.3 Specification of the Product... 3.4 Benefits and Function.. 3.5 Labelling... 3.6 Trademark... 3,7 Positioning Strategy. 3.8 Pictures ofthe Products 4.0 Place. . 4.4 Type of Marketing Channel. 4.2 Levels of Distribution Intensity 5.0 Promotion.. 5 5.4 Type of Promotion Tools is Ape 5.2 Tagline. . 5:3 Sample Promotional Activities Done. 6.0 Pricing 6.4 Pricing Objective. 6.2 Price of the Product 6.3 Tactic of Setting the Pre non Conclusion and Recommendati Scanned with CamScanner ACKNOWLEDGMENT First and foremost, we would like to supply thanksgiving to Allah SWT for finishing this task. We have put lots of effort into this assignment. However, completing this assignment would not be possible without the support and guidance of lots of people. We might wish to extend our sincere thanks to all of them. We are highly indebted to our lecture, [Insert name of Lecturer] who is liable for our subject MKT243 - Fundamentals of Marketing for his guidance and supervision. We'd prefer to thank him for always offering encouragement so we will complete this task. Through this assignment, it'shelped us to boost our knowledge about the fundamental of marketing for more details. ‘We might prefer to express our gratitude towards our parents and our friends for his orherkind co-operation and encouragement which help us lots in completing this task. We honesty very appreciate any or all the people for his or her help directly and indirectly in making our assignment We also want to give acknowledgment to [Insert name of business owner and company name] because giving us cooperation to interview about thir cakes business, Finally, we hope [Insert name of Lecturer] will like our assignment. We had used our effort and acknowledgment to go looking for the knowledge and therefore the ideas, hoping our effort was worthwhile, Scanned with CamScanner INTRODUCTION From Left to Right: 1, SITINUR HAWA BINTI AZRIN 2021842354 2. AMIRA ADILAH BINTI ROZAIMAN 2021994822 3. MUHAMMAD NAFIS BIN RUZAHAN 2021479822 4, MUHAMMAD IZWAN BIN AHMAD 2021870234 Scanned with CamScanner 1.0 BU PROFILE, Business Name Kopi Kuih Cafe Location Bandar Laguna, Merbok Type of Business | Coffee Cafe Owner's Profile a. Name: Mohd Firdaus Md Shah b. Age: 38 years old ¢. Qualification: Master of Science Physics, USM Photo of Kopi Kuih Cafe's Owner Scanned with CamScanner 40 SEGMENTATION yA TARGET MARKET «CURRENT General Audience —Kopi Kuih Cafe's target market was for who could in some way be ‘exposed to their offering, either directly or through their marketing and communication, Sobasically, they didnot put the specific target ofthe customer for thei business. + REVISED. Neary local resident — As we think Kopi Kuh Cafe is located a a strategic pace that is surrounds by a lot of other stalls andthe resident live near the place. So, the owner should focus to promote their cafe there and try to get as much of regular customers, By that, the customer ean help ther cafe to be known by their family member or fiends. ‘Adult and young group — The cafe sells a variety of food on the menu such as coffee, dessert, and western food. People especially the young and adult group would usualy try something new and viral on social media, So Kopi Kuih Cafe ean advertise their product in a creative way to attract customer interest. Nowadays, Malaysian citizens Jove and crave to eat this kindof food and a coffee hunt, 22 SEGMENTATION BASES * CURRENT Psychographic Segmentation — Kopi Kuih Cafe currently used the psychographic segmentation to segment its market. The business focuses on people’s lifestyle and their interests as well = REVISED Demographic segmentation — To improve the business, we revised to use demographic segmentation based on income in segmenting the market. Kopi Kui Cafe should determine the price of each product they sell hat ft in with customer income which is affordable and reasonable. By this, people with higher and lower income can both buy it without any complaint and hesitation. Scanned with CamScanner 2.3 STRATERGIES FOR SELECTING TARGET MARKETS = CURRENT Multisegmented Targeting — Kopi Kuih Cafe use multisegmented targeting strategy in selecting of their market, This strategy is the process dividing a target market into multiple segments in order to target each of those segments with a different message or product. This market segmentation enables the business to discover a more precise target audience within a market to focus its marketing efforts = REVISED Undifferentiated Targeting — We choose this segment because it ignores the differences between market segment and treats the entre market as one, single target. This mean that, there is no targeting audience as everyone, or anyone is a potential ‘customer. It helps to reach more people at a lower cost and improves their product recognition. For example, this business will ust about their product. As everyone ofall ages love to coffee and dessert this marketing strategy reflects that. Kopi Kui Cafe should not have to target any specific customer group but instead are aiming to appeal a diverse range of customers. With this, every age groups, gender and economic classes can enjoy Kopi Kuih Cafe's product. 3.0 PRODUCT 3.1 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRODUCT TO CONSUMER, = CURRENT The significance ofthe product to consumer given by the owner is for ‘Coffee Person’, This business provides coffee and pastries, so the significance of the product really ‘match with the business as coffee lovers will come and discover the shop. = REVISED {As the shop serves coffee and pastries, the significance ofthe product should have been for “coffee and pastries lover”. They serve varieties of pastry as well as coffee. The consumers can choose which one ofthe coffee and pastries tha they like to enjoy. Pastry Scanned with CamScanner ‘over will find this place as a paradise as they provide many mouth-watering pastries, 9.2 TYPE OF CONSUMER PRODUCT * CURRENT ‘The type of consumer product for Kopi Kui is specialty product. The product they conducted is unique. Furthermore, the price forthe products they serve ae ret hgh, nevertheless the products are exceeding good quality, And itis ls considered as a rare purchase as there are not many Kopi Kui cafe around Malaysia nor outside Malaysia. + REVISED ‘Werevised thatthe Kopi Kuih cafes speciality product, They do target promotion and exclusive distribution, Threis only one Kopi Kuih cafe in Malaysia. Furthermore, they get tle comparison wth other cafe and pasty shop. 3.3 SPECIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT = CURRENT ‘There are many varieties ofthe goods thatthe consumer can choose. For instance, for coffees, they serve Mocha, Caramel Macchiato, Mamak Latte, Lepat Pisang Macchiato ‘and so on. Next, they also serve variety types of ‘kuih’ such as Seri Muka, Bingka Ubi, Rose Lychee Cake, Kuih Koci and so forth The specification of the product forthe coffe are Arabica coffee bean, condensed milk, and sugar. “The specification ofthe product forthe “kui” are lor, eg, white sugar, sl, potato, mill, pandan, syrup dred rose petal, vegetable ol, baking powder, baking sods, lychee ina can, buter, chocolate, buttermilk, margarine, vail, confectioners’ sugar, coconut milk, palm sugar and coconut, green bean four, wheat flour, brown sugar, banana leaves, tapioca, rice flour, and mung bean ur Scanned with CamScanner * REVISED Kopi Kuih Cafe can add Robusta coffee bean, and evaporated milk in making coffee They also can use Oreo cookies, high quality chocolate and food coloring for pastry ‘making 3.4 BENEFITS AND FUNCTION * CURRENT The benefits and finetion ofthe business isi suitable for coffee lovers, itis tasty, and the price suits the quality, and the product is fancy and eye catching. Customers will always want to take a picture of the food. + REVISED We revised that the price can be more economical and it also suitable for traditional Malay pastry lovers as it also makes wonderful Malay pastry. Customers will enjoy and {ull their empty stomach and release ther stress by visiting this cafe. 3.5 LABELING = CURRENT Scanned with CamScanner + REVISED Kopi Kuih Cafe should use persuasive labelling, 6 TRADEMARK + CURRENT Currently Kopi Kui Cafe does not have a trademark yet, Despite tha, this does not change the fact that their product is wonderful and delicious. * REVISED However, we strongly recommend Kopi Kuih Cafe use their logo as the trademark Their logo consists of the word of “KOPI KUIH”, and it also written in jawi version, and as well asa picture of a cup of coffee and ‘kuih’ next to it Scanned with CamScanner [co KOPI KUIH oS gl Kopi Kuih Cafe's Logo 3.7 POSITIONING STRATEGY = CURRE Kopi Kuih Cafe focused on their selling in Sungai Petani as their owner also. bom and raised here, * REVISED We suggested them to join more food festival such as Absolut Food Festival, Kopi Pagi Hari and more to let more people know about their unique and delicious taste of it and to gain more popularity as it can help to grow their business. By doing tht, they can increase the number of consumers that like to drink coffee and taste the Malaysian traditional dishes. Scanned with CamScanner gp PICTURES OF THE PRODUCTS Scanned with CamScanner 4.0 PLACE 44 TYPE OF MARKETING CHANNEL + CURRENT Selling Directly to Consumers Producer | | ee Direct Channel — Currently, Kopi Kuih Cafe route their products directly to customer. ‘The customer will walk-in into the cafe or order it online through their social media account such as business WhatsApp contact or direct message on their Instagram account, Then customer can go directly tothe cafe to pick up their order or just dine in Kopi Kuih Cafe's Business Contact and Instagram Account 4 a Scanned with CamScanner “The business also concludes the food delivery services as well. Food delivery services {commonly used among Mala «an order any foods that available on Kopi Kuih Cafe's menus through delivery apps like Food Panda and Grab Food. i citizen as it saves their time, For instance, customer ‘opi Kuih- Bandar ‘Laguna Merbok Kopi Kuih Cafe on food delivery app (Grab Food) Retailer channel — We would like to revise for Kopi Kuih Cafe to use this marketing channel to get futher expand sales of their product and promoting the business. They can indirectly promote their business because with this marketing channel the retailer that buy the produet from the Kopi Kuih Cafe will act as an intermediary's person to eal with the business. For example, the retainer will buy from Kopi Kuih Cafe's products. Then the retailer will sell and promoting the product to the consumer through their choice’s platform such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube channel, Scanned with CamScanner 4.2 LEVELS OF DISTRIBUTION INTENSITY * CURRENT Intensive Distribution — Kop! Kuih Cafe uses intensive as a form of distribution aimed at having their product available in every outlet where target customer wants to buy it, For example, Kopi Kuih Cafe sell their product in any near outlet where the customer is expected to visit and allow its product to be sold in a different place, = REVISED Selective Distribution — We revise the distribution intensity and choose selective distribution because the producer (Kopi Kuih Cafe) can choose the most appropriate or best performing outlet’s location to sell their products. By this, Kopi Kuih Cafe manage to control and reduce the cost besides maintaining a superior product image and can charge a higher price. 5.0 PROMOTION 5.1 TYPE OF PROMOTION TOOLS APPLIED = CURRENT Advertising — Kopi Kuih Cafe using advertising as their promotional strategy. ‘Advertsing is impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product or organization that is paid by a marketer. For example, Kopi Kuih Cafe using Instagram a a platform to promote their business. Scanned with CamScanner kopikuih pes YOHBSotomes BB koPmUH (Open: Yam = Fo6m ‘Wendy Sunday | Wed Cee opksh Meru: @kco ksh mers Whataope 601163323060, Kopi Kuih Cafe's Instagram Account Scanned with CamScanner + REVISED Sales Promotion — Kopi Kuih Cafe can try making some sales promotion, this will stimulate their customer to purchase their products. For example, Kopi Kuih Cafe can use the loyalty stamp card at their cafe, the customer can redeem one cup of coffee for free afier every 9 purchases of coffees. Public Relation — By applying public relation method to promote their cafe, Kopi Kuih Cafe can influence the public’s attitudes and they can gain more sales from the events. For example, Kopi Kuih Cafe can hold events such as National Days Food Celebration, instead of serving traditional Malay ‘kuih’, Kopi Kuih Cafe can try to include also traditional Chinese and Indian ‘kuih* too, 5.2 TAGLINE * CURRENT Kopi Kuih Cafe is currently using “Local Taste Place” tagline. As they are serving traditional Malay “kuih’, the word “local taste”is very determined by Kopi Kuih Cafe's owner. * REVISED We revised Kopi Kuih Cafe’s tagline to “Where Melayu Legacy Lives On”. Like the ccurrent tagline, we choose to highlight the traditional Malay ‘kuih’ on the revised tagline, which is “Where Melayu Legacy Lives On” describing how their cafe serves traditional Malay ‘kuih’ unlike their competitors that serves only westems and coffee. d Scanned with CamScanner ° SAMPLE OF PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES DONE » CURRENT Kopi Kuih Cafe made a digital poster, then post it on their Instagram's Story to promote their event on Ramadan this year. eee een eA y Set Py earner rae Digital Poster from Kopi Kuih Cafe's Instagram Story’s Highlight Scanned with CamScanner * REVISED Kopi Kuih Cafe can make a short-term sales promotion such as giving out voucher or hold a contest at their cafe. For example, Kopi Kuih Cafe gives voucher to new customers with expiry date within one month. TT vouchers geod fovrene KOPI KUIH CAFE Termes: this voucher valid only for one month, T™ Thus vouchers good fonvene KOPI KUIH CAFE Terms: this voucher valid only for one moth, WELCOME TOOURCAFE! — ie Example of Voucher That Kopi Kuih Cafe Can Distribute Scanned with CamScanner 6.0 PRICING 6.1 PRICING OBJECTIVE = CURRENT Profit-Oriented Pricing Objectives — Kopi Kuih Cafe maximizing their profits for cach sale to make as much money as possible. = REVISED Status Quo Oriented Objectives — Kopi Kuih Cafe putting the prices similar as their competitor but slightly lower it to attract even more customer. 6.2 PRICE OF THE PRODUCT + CURRENT From RMS to RMIT per cup (based on beverage type) From RMS to RMI2.50 per plate (based on type of kuih) * REVISED From RMI5 to RM30 per two cups (based on beverage type) From RM6 to RMI per container (based on type of kuih) Scanned with CamScanner 6.3 TACTIC OF SETTING THE PRICE = CURRENT Status Quo Pricing — Kopi Kuih Cafe charging their customer with a regular price of the other sellers use in coffee’s cafe too. For example, the XX Cafe charge RM9 for an Iced Latte and Kopi Kuih Cafe also charge the same amount on the drink. = REVISED Penetration Pricing — Kopi Kuih Cafe charge a lower price than their competitors to attract more customer. For example, Kopi Kuih Cafe can charge for every two cups of drinks purchase, the customer will get some price off, like the customer buys two cups of Iced Latte for RM15. Scanned with CamScanner 7.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Our project was held in one of cafe in Sungai Petani which is located at Laguna Merbok one of the popular residential in Sungai Petani, Kedah, One of the reasons why we choose Kopi Kuih Cafe is because we want to gain more acknowledge about how a cafe works. By conducting this project, we have gained a lot of information about coffee from the owner himself. He told us that the secret recipe behind his coffee making is that he always uses fresh whole bean coffee and make sure that water i inthe right temperature whenever he serves to the customer. Kopi Kuih Cafe also has indeed applied a good marketing strategy in promoting its respective products which is in products, place, promotion, and price. Based on our research, we found that their coffee shop is located at the strategic place in Sungai Petani, Kedah. However, Kopi Kuih Cafe has also utilized the power of social media such as Instagram and TikTok as a platform to promote their business. Fun fact is we are also found out about this coffee shop through TikTok. Furthermore, most of their products come with affordable price, itis easy for every type of customers to buy it. Unfortunately, there are also obstacles during our project run which is most of the shop that we have contacted did not allow us to record their ongoing process when preparing their dishes. Finally, we just want to say thank you to Kopi Kuih Cafe for giving us this opportunity to discover more about their business and hopefully their business would be successful and can expand their empire throughout Malaysia or even International Scanned with CamScanner

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