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Silvia M.

Teaching Methods II

Method: Integrative Approach

Student Profile

Students age: 17-18 year olds

Students language level: Beginner (A1+)

Number of students: 16

School and grade: Public High School(seniors).

Cognitive stage of development They’re in the last stage according to

(Piaget): Piaget; Formal Operational


It's a focused class, well behaved most of the time. They are quite participative
and, if they don't have anything to do, they start talking. One of the students is
pregnant, and two usually distract each other.

Lesson Background:

Students are about to leave for summer vacations, and we’re on the last topic
which is Future Simple, and how it can be used to describe future activities or what
they are going to do later. Students will have a little review to help them
remember the daily activities that we saw the previous class. We will start today
with a new topic. Classes are twice a week, Mondays and Fridays at 9 to 11 am.

Objective/ Expected results:

For this lesson the students will learn how to use the Future Simple correctly

Warm Up:

Aim:For the students to have a fun time before class, and so they can unwind.
Silvia M. Hernández
Teaching Methods II


Teacher does: Student does:

The Teacher, will greet the class, and …...

then he/she will ask them to get into two
even teams.

Next, the teacher will explain to the They will, hopefully, understand and if
students that they will be playing word they have any impending thoughts
snake. He/she will explain the rules and about the game they can ask the
how it's played. He or she will answer teacher.
any questions about the game that they
may have.

Once the instructions are clear the …….

teacher will do a test run just to make
sure everyone understood the rules and
the general gist of it.

After the test run, the teacher will begin ……………..

the actual game and the they will play 3

Material: Whiteboard marker, whiteboard, eraser, timer(phone timer works too),

students’, teacher(s).

Time: 5-10 minutes

High Challenge: Act 1

Aim: For the students to see the the new tense Future Simple, and for them to
understand it without depending 100% on the teacher.
Silvia M. Hernández
Teaching Methods II


Teacher does: Student does:

The teacher will ask the students to sit They will receive the worksheet and get
down, and he or she will hand out into pairs.
Scaffold #1 and will ask them to get
into pairs and discuss what the
worksheet is about. Because they(the
class) will be making a mind map on
the whiteboard.

The teacher will be monitoring the They will ask questions if needed.
students incase they have any
questions about vocabulary or doubts
they may have.

The teacher will then, after 5 minutes, ……..

ask them to stop. He/she will begin to
ask them what they understood, or
what they can tell him/her about The
Future Simple, so he/she can begin
writing on the board.

The teacher will write the students They will hopefully participate and copy
statements/commentary about The FS. the chart into their notebook.

Materials: Scaffold #1, whiteboard, dry erase markers, notebooks, pencils/pens,

eraser for whiteboard, students, teacher(s)

Time: 20 minutes

Low Challenge Act 1

Silvia M. Hernández
Teaching Methods II

Aim: For the students to practice the structure learned, Future Simple, by writing
and unscrambling sentences.


Teacher does: Student does:

The teacher will hand the students out They will receive the hand-out and will
Material #2 so they can practice the wait for the teacher to explain the
structure of future simple. worksheet.

The teacher will explain the aim of the The students will clear any doubts that
material, making sure everyone they could have before they begin the
understands. handout.

The teacher will be monitoring the ……...

students in case the have any questions

Materials: Material #2, pens/pencils, students, teachers,

Time: 15 mins

Act 2

Aim: For the students to put in practice what they learned, and so they can develop
their auditory skills.


Teacher does: Student does:

The teacher will proceed to ask them to The students will receive the handout
clear their desk except for a pen or and write their name on it, while they
pencil and he/she will then hand out wait for further instruction.
Silvia M. Hernández
Teaching Methods II

(material #3) lyrics to the song

“wherever you will go” by The Calling.

Next, the teacher will tell them that they …...

will play the song twice and to fill in the
blanks to the best of their abilities.

Once everyone is ready, the teacher will They’ll begin to fill it out.
play the song.

After they have played the song twice, Students will answer the teacher by
the teacher will ask if they filled all the raising their hand if they got all of the
blanks. Then, he/she will play the song answers. Then, they will listen carefully
again, pausing it on every answer to and check with the class each of the
check if everyone got the right answer. answers.

Materials: Material #3, pen/pencil, song on laptop or device, speakers, students,


Time: 10 mins.

Wrap Up: 60 seconds

Aim: For students to have a quick review of the topic of the day


Teacher does: Student does:

The teacher will explain that for the next They will listen to the instructions and be
activity he/she will randomly choose alert, in case they are chosen.
students to talk for 60 seconds about
anything related with the topic of the
day, for example, saying what they will
Silvia M. Hernández
Teaching Methods II

do after school or in the future, and will

tell them that there will be a small price
for those that do it correctly.

Will choose 4 to 5 students to talk, one After the “game” is over, the students
at the time. Once they have all passed, will wait for the teacher to tell them who
the ones that did talk for a whole minute, won, then, they will receive the candy
and topic-related, will get a piece of right before the class ends.

Materials: Teacher,students, candy.

Time: 5-10 mins

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