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Before evaluating whether a long life is a blessing, we must take a step back
and ask ourselves, What does a long life really mean? Is it a mere number? or
perhaps its an achievement? Let us take a journey down this path, together
and arrive at a logical and inarguable conclusion.
I for one strongly agree that a long life is a blessing and why would someone
argue? For those out there reading my scribbled notes, close your eyes for
once and think about those people near you. What might your parents want?
Money? probably. Success? sure, but what must be their ultimate desire? Its
simple. They want to live a life long enough to see you succeed, to see vibrant
innocent smiles on their grandchildren’s faces, and what not. And isn’t it just
beautiful how this works in a symbiotic manner, in a manner where senior
citizens not only live the blessing but make our lives better as well? Do we not
need older, mature people to guide us through the inevitable future . its not
only a blessing for them but for us too. Old people may be living alone and that
seems painful in the long life of theirs, but they mustn’t lose hope. they must
consider themselves as that eternal epitome of wisdom that when dies, leaves
behind a legacy which if followed by some other, will introduce him/her to
their experiences and will enlighten them. A long, hearty life gives a person so
many opportunities and so many chances to redeem themself, to help one
another, to discover oneself, etc. There is so much to learn, discover, invent,
fascinate and what not, so why would any rational person disagree to such an
obvious claim
I would like to end by saying that a lot of people are rejected by fate and are
snatched from this beautiful thing we call life. So I would just say that every
second we breathe, walk and talk we mustn’t forget those people and live life
the way it is, at its fullest and at its longest!
Thank you very much if you made it till the end

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