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Soal 1 Earthquakes are (A) causes (B) by suddenly breaks of underground rock along a
fault. This sudden releases (C) a huge amount of seismic waves (D) Energy.

Soal 2 I just knew (A) yesterday that my friend’s boyfriend neither (B) faithful and (C)
understanding (D) enough to be with her

Soal 3 Technology brings (A) problems such as (B) benefits to humankind. Since (C) Henry
Ford began mass-producing (D) them in 1908, automobiles have provided us with a
cheap and convenient means of transportation.

Soal 4 Hybrid definitions characteristically disjoin at less (A) one institutional component
with at least one aesthetic component, aiming (B) thereby to accommodate both
(C) more traditional art and avant-garde (D) art that appears to lack any significant
aesthetic dimension.

Soal 5 Suharto, Indonesia's second presidents (A), managed (B) to rise (C) to power
during (D) the turbulent 1960s.

Soal 6 When her(A) late father was dying(B) of cancer, she spend(C) almost all of her
time at the hospice(D).

Soal 7 Even though the traffic was busy (A), Rina still (B) manages(C) to come
on time(D).

Soal 8 She said that the evacuees (A) would be treated, providing (B) with healthy food
and allowed (C) to exercise for two weeks while (D) their health was observed to
determine if they were free from the coronavirus.

Soal 9 The hope is that if (A) we can use behavioral psychology to help us (B) predict how
humans will behave, we can build better habits as individuals, creating (C) better
products as (D) companies, and develop better living spaces as communities.

Soal 10 He this extinction (A) views of (B) sentience as (C) a cosmic tragedy (D)
Soal 11 First Aid is the practice of giving (A) emergency care of (B) someone who
(C) has suffered any injury and is in need of help (D).

Soal 12 In (A) last Tuesday, President Jokowi called (B) on the Indonesian people to
remain (C) calm and respect the COVID-19 patients’ privacy (D).

Soal 13 I (A) think it (B) would be nice (C) to buy (D) her a birthday present

Soal 14 Many (A) people thinks (B) that reducing (C) plastic usage is (D) a part of go
green action.

Soal 15 For many (A) years, the (B) school system in Finland is being (C) very
successful (D).

Soal 16 Suharto, Indonesia's second presidents (A), managed (B) to rise (C) to power
during (D) the turbulent 1960s.

Soal 17 River is (A) a part (B) of ecosystem where thousand (C) species lived (D)

Soal 18 I am (A) grateful to Tony Brown for many useful discusses (B) of the use of the
term discourse, and (C) also for making (D) detailed comments of drafts of this

Soal 19 We got(A) the schedule for(B) the winter tournament. Our first(C) match will be
in(D) 23 November.

Soal 20 Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swede (A) whom (B) inspired millions of young
people to take (C) action against climate change, has been named
(D) Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2019.

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