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1AS | U2 | Once upon a time …

Unit II: Once upon a time…

Once upon a time …
Famous people
p.46 – p.75

Level: 1AS

Stream(s): Literary

Planning: Unit 5/5: Literature

By: REFFAS Mounir Abdelmadjid

Secondary School Teacher of English
3AS | U4 | Progress

Unit: Once upon a time … Pages: 46-75
Timing Volume: 20 Hours Stream: Literary

Lessons % Observations
Sequence ONE: Listening and speaking (pp.47-51)
1. Listening and responding to a tale (pp.48-49)

2. Stress in three-syllable words / Pronunciation of final ‘-ed’ (p.50)

3. Expressing literary preferences (p.51)

4. Writing a review of a book (p.51)

Sequence Two: Reading and writing (pp.52-55)
5. Reading and responding to an extract from a novel (pp.52-53)

6. Prepositions: with, in, etc. (p.54)

7. Describing people’s physical appearances and personality features (pp.54-55)

Sequence THREE: Developing skills (pp.56-60)
8. Writing a personal narrative (p.56)

9. Reading literary extract (setting and plot) (pp.57-58)

10. Past simple tense (pp.59-60)

11. Past continuous tense (pp.60-63)

12. Who/ whom/ which / Beside and besides (pp.63-65)

Sequence FOUR: Consolidation and extension (pp.65-68)
13. Reading and writing a short biography (p.65)

14. Asking for and giving directions (pp.66-67)

15. Writing a folktale (p.68)

Project: Writing a book review (p.69)

Assessment (p.73)

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