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ROLL NO.: 19

I would like to express gratitude to my teacher Mrs Chanchala saren for such invaluable
guidance and support in doing my project on natural disasters. Their help in explaining me
complex concepts and giving feedback has been one of the greatest contributors to the
development of my understanding and presentation of the topic. Their dedication, expertise,
and commitment toward my success have improved my learning experience and motivated
me to excel in future projects.

I would like to thank my teacher for the time spent on brainstorming, research, and refining
the presentation. He has instilled belief in my capabilities and motivated me toward change. I
appreciate all the effort and support they have given me in trying to help me grow as a
student and reach my full potential.

I would like to extend my most sincere appreciation to my teacher for her unremitting effort
and commitment to guiding me through my project on natural disasters. The achievements
really owed to her expertise and encouragement, and I feel so grateful to have an opportunity
to study under her guidance. Thank you for your inspiration and empowerment toward
striving for excellence.

1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................

2. SUBJECT.................................................................................................................................

3. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................

4. REMARKS.............................................................................................................................

The role of natural disaster management is to provide an organized process in preparing for,
responding to, and recovering from the bad effects of natural disasters such as hurricanes,
earthquakes, floods, and wildfires. The achievement of disaster management is to reduce loss
of life and property through measures of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and
recovery. When the risks of the various disasters are assessed and response plans are put
together, then the governments and communities can protect themselves and their resources.

Disaster management is a coordinated process that brings together various agencies,

organizations, and individuals in responding to disasters and emergencies. It incorporates the
development of evacuation strategies, the building of emergency shelters, search and rescue,
medical care for the injured, and restoration after disaster. It is through collaboration and
communication that communities could be resilient to natural disasters and reduce impacts on
human life and property. Individuals should participate in disaster preparedness by being
informed, creating an emergency kit, and having a plan for their families and friends in case
of a disaster.

Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires are uncontrollable and
disastrous, causing irreparable destruction and loss of life. All the above are usually
disastrous occurrences acted upon by the processes of nature—tectonic movements or
weather. Their impacts have been fatal all over the world. It is imperative that governments
and organizations take measures in advance to reduce the impact that might be caused by
such disasters. This calls for developed early warning systems, evacuation processes, and
infrastructure improvement to mitigate the impact of nature's forces. Finally, people should
be sensitized on how to behave during different types of natural disasters in order to ensure
safety for individuals during such occurrences. We can, hence, reduce loss in life and
property whenever such inevitable forces of nature befall us by acting proactively and
engaging in investments in disaster risk reduction strategies.

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