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BSN- 4YB-2


When an emergency or disaster occurs, will you be ready? It is critical that you create a
family disaster plan to keep you and your family safe, protect your property, and build your
community’s resilience. Develop a plan with the members of your household to prepare for
what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency. Be sure your
plan addresses the special and/or medical needs for you and your family. You should:

● Establishing meeting location: Select two family meeting locations where your family
can reunite after a disaster. Choose one close to home, Second farther away, in case you
are asked to evacuate or can’t return to the area.
● Develop an Emergency Contact Plan
● Plan how to evacuate: Identify and practice how will you exit your home
● Learn about hazards in your community and how to respond to them.
● Talk with your neighbors about what you are doing, resources and skills you can share,
concerns you have, etc.; Find out about disaster planning at your work, your child's
school or day care and other places where your family spends time.
● Put your Plan into action: create your emergency kit, learn first aid skills, take pictures of
your home and belongings, make copies of important documents, etc.

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