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Annexure II



1.0) Rational

Educational Value: Creating an English dictionary in Python serves as an excellent

educational project for individuals learning programming. It reinforces fundamental
concepts like data structures, file handling, and string manipulation while providing
a practical application for these skills.

2.0) Practical Utility: An English dictionary is a useful tool for language enthusiasts,
learners, and professionals alike. By building one in Python, you're not only learning
programming but also creating a practical tool that can be used to look up word
meanings and improve language skills.

3.0) Customizability: A Python-based English dictionary can be highly

customizable. You can tailor the dictionary's features according to the user's needs,
such as providing synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation guides, usage examples, or
even integrating with online resources like dictionaries or thesauruses.

4.0) Flexibility: Python offers a wide range of libraries and tools that can be
leveraged to enhance the functionality of the dictionary. For instance, you can use
NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) for advanced text processing tasks, or
Flask/Django for creating a web-based interface for the dictionary.

2.0) Aim Benefits of the micro-project

 Language Learning: Explore and reinforce understanding of words.

 Writing Assistance: Quick reference for writers and editors.
 Educational Tool: Support for students studying English language and literature.
 Spelling Aid: Check and correct spellings with suggestion feature.
 Dynamic Updates: Keep the dictionary current with new words and meanings.

3.0) Course Outcomes Addressed

Python Programming Skills: Participants will develop and strengthen their Python
programming skills by implementing fundamental concepts such as data structures,
file handling, loops, functions, and string manipulation.
Annexure II

Data Structures Proficiency: Students will gain proficiency in working with data
structures such as dictionaries, lists, and sets, understanding their properties,
advantages, and use cases.
Text Processing Techniques: Participants will learn and apply text processing
techniques to parse, manipulate, and manage textual data, which is crucial for
extracting words and definitions from the input file.
File Handling Competence: By working on file handling operations, learners will
become proficient in reading from and writing to files, understanding file formats,
and managing file resources efficiently.

4.0) Literature Review

1. Python Documentation: The official Python documentation provides detailed

information on programming concepts, data structures, file handling, and string
manipulation. It serves as a primary resource for understanding Python's capabilities
and how to implement them effectively in projects.
2. Books on Python Programming: Texts like "Python Crash Course" by Eric Matthes
and "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart offer comprehensive
guidance on Python programming for beginners. These books cover essential topics
such as data structures, file handling, and text processing, providing valuable insights
for building the English dictionary project.
3. NLTK Documentation: For advanced text processing tasks, the documentation of
the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) library is invaluable. It explains various text
processing techniques, such as tokenization, stemming, and part-of-speech tagging,
which can enhance the functionality of the dictionary project.
4. Web Development Resources: If considering implementing a web-based interface
for the dictionary using frameworks like Flask or Django, resources like official
documentation, tutorials, and online courses on web development would be
beneficial. Websites like MDN Web Docs and W3Schools offer comprehensive guides
on web development technologies.
5. Research Papers on Dictionary Design: Academic research papers on dictionary
design and implementation can provide insights into best practices, user interface
design, and features of effective dictionaries. Topics such as user experience (UX)
design, information retrieval, and linguistics may be relevant for designing a user-
friendly and efficient dictionary application.
6. Open Source Projects: Exploring open-source projects related to dictionaries or text
processing in Python can provide inspiration and guidance for implementing various
features and functionalities. Platforms like GitHub host a multitude of projects with
source code and documentation that can be studied and adapted for the English
dictionary project.
Annexure II

5.0) Actual Methodology Followed

 Understanding requirements and designing the dictionary structure.

 Implementing basic functionalities like reading from file and storing words.
 Developing search, add, update, and delete operations.
 Testing and debugging the application to ensure correctness and reliability.
 Documenting the project for reference and future maintenance.

6.0) Resources Required

S. Name of Resources/Material Specification Qty.
1 Computer System i5 12th gen 1
2 Python IDE - 1

7.0) Skill Developed/Learning outcome of this Micro-project

 Proficiency in Python programming

 Understanding of data structures and algorithms
 Familiarity with text processing techniques
 Competence in file handling operations

8.0) Application of the microproject

 Educational institutions for language learning purposes
 Writing and editing professions for quick reference
 Language learning apps or websites
 Spelling and grammar checkers
 Linguistics research and analysis
Annexure II

Program :
def add_word(self, word, meaning):
self.dictionary[word.lower()] = meaning
print(f"Added '{word}' to the dictionary.")

def update_word(self, word, new_meaning):

word_lower = word.lower()

if word_lower in self.dictionary:
self.dictionary[word_lower] = new_meaning
print(f"Updated the meaning of '{word}'.")


print(f"Word '{word}' not found in the dictionary. Use 'add_word' to add


def delete_word(self, word):

word_lower = word.lower()

if word_lower in self.dictionary:
del self.dictionary[word_lower]

print(f"Deleted '{word}' from the dictionary.")


print(f"Word '{word}' not found in the dictionary.")

def get_meaning(self, word):

return self.dictionary.get(word.lower(), f"Meaning not found for '{word}'.")

def suggest_similar_words(self, partial_word):

Annexure II
suggestions = [word for word in self.dictionary.keys() if partial_word.lower() in

return suggestions

def display_dictionary(self):
print("\nEnglish Dictionary:")

for word, meaning in self.dictionary.items():

print(f"{word.capitalize()}: {meaning}")

# Example Usage:

def main():

english_dict = EnglishDictionary()

while True:

print("\n1. Add Word\n2. Update Meaning\n3. Delete Word\n4. Get

Meaning\n5. Suggest Similar Words\n6. Display Dictionary\n7. Exit")

choice = input("Enter your choice (1-7): ")

if choice == "1":

word = input("Enter the word: ")

meaning = input("Enter the meaning: ")
english_dict.add_word(word, meaning)

elif choice == "2":

Annexure II
word = input("Enter the word to update: ")
new_meaning = input("Enter the new meaning: ")
english_dict.update_word(word, new_meaning)

elif choice == "3":

word = input("Enter the word to delete: ")


elif choice == "4":

word = input("Enter the word to get meaning: ") print(english_dict.get_meaning(word))

elif choice == "5":

partial_word = input("Enter a partial word to get suggestions: ")

suggestions = english_dict.suggest_similar_words(partial_word)
print(f"Suggestions: {suggestions}")

elif choice == "6":


elif choice == "7":

print("Exiting the English Dictionary. Goodbye!")



print("Invalid choice. Please enter a number between 1 and 7.") if

name == " main ":


Output :

1. After Adding a dictionary And Displaying it

Annexure II


1. After Updating meaning of a word :

Annexure II

1. After clicking on get Meaning :

1. After Clicking On Exit :

Detailed Description :
1. Class: EnglishDictionary
- Purpose: The class acts as a container for the dictionary data structure
and encapsulates all the functionality related to managing the English
- init (self): Initializes an instance of the class with an empty dictionary.
- add_word(self, word, meaning): Adds a new word and its meaning to
Annexure II
the dictionary.
- update_word(self, word, new_meaning): Updates the meaning of an
existing word in the dictionary.
- delete_word(self, word) : Deletes a word and its meaning from the dictionary.
- get_meaning(self, word): Retrieves the meaning of a specific word from
the dictionary.
- suggest_similar_words(self, partial_word) : Provides suggestions for
words similar to a given partial word.
- display_dictionary(self) : Displays the entire dictionary with words and

2. Function: main()
- Purpose: The main function serves as the entry point for the program, providing
a user interface to interact with the English dictionary.
- Tasks:
- Displays a menu of options for the user to choose from.
- Calls the appropriate methods of the `EnglishDictionary` class based on
user input.
- Manages the flow of the program, allowing the user to perform
various operations on the dictionary.
- Continues running until the user chooses to exit.
These classes and functions contribute to the overall structure and functionality of the
English Dictionary program, promoting code organization, modularity, and ease of
maintenance. The use of a class helps encapsulate related functionality, and functions
provide a modular approach to handling specific tasks within the program.
Annexure II


This English Dictionary project is a handy tool designed to make working

with words easier. It lets you add, update, delete words, get meanings, and even
suggests similar words. Whether you're learning a language, writing, or just
exploring words, this program is here to help. The project is built around a user-
friendly menu system, making it easy to interact with the dictionary. It's not just a
one-time tool – you can keep the dictionary up-to- date by adding new words
whenever you need.

This simple and flexible program is suitable for various purposes, offering a
straightforward way to manage your English vocabulary. Feel free to run the script,
explore the features, and enhance your language skills!


 Google & Wikipedia

 https://www/

Department in Computer Engineering Page 10

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