ELS19 NA 03 T7 L3 Quiz Review

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Quiz Review: G3, Topic 7, Lesson 3 – Living

Things and Climage Change
Use the information below to review the correct answers on the Lesson Quiz.

1. The correct answer is B. Whales live in the ocean, not on dry mountains. A fossil of a whale
found on a mountaintop is a clue that the mountain was once under an ocean. A is incorrect
because crocodiles are still found in swamps. C is incorrect because shelled animals still live in
water. D is incorrect because palm trees and jungles both grow in warm climates.

2. The four fossils must be arranged according to how wet their environment must be for the
once-living organism to have survived. As the environment changed from swamp to desert-like
land over time, the organisms living in the location changed from organisms that needed a lot of
water to organisms that needed very dry conditions. The oldest fossil, in layer Z, appeared only
in water. “Fossil fish” is the correct answer because fish cannot survive on land. Layer Y should
contain “fossil frogs” because frogs live both on land and in water. Layer X should contain “fossil
bears” because bears live on dry land. Layer W, the top layer, should contain “fossil cactus,”
which are desert plants.

3. The correct answer is D. If the snake needed to eat fish to survive, it must have been found in
the same rock layer as the fossil fish. This is layer Z, the bottom layer. Both fish and water
snakes live in the watery environment of a swamp.

4. The correct answers are C and D. C is correct because healthy organisms usually grow
larger than organisms that are not healthy. D is correct because organisms usually grow larger if
they eat a lot of food. A is incorrect because the size of an organism does not determine
whether or not it will become fossilized. B is incorrect because dragonflies of all sizes are likely
to survive in a given climate.

5. The correct answers are A and C. Remember that rock layers are laid down on top of older
layers. The fish survived the flood, so fish fossils would be found in rock layers above the layer
in which the flood occurred. Dinosaurs were all killed by the flood, so they became extinct. No
dinosaur fossils would be found in layers that formed after the flood layer. B is incorrect because
dinosaur fossils would be found below the layer in which the flood occurred.

6. The armored fish in the picture appeared after the trilobites appeared. The dinosaur appeared
before the woolly mammoth appeared. Remember that rock layers and their embedded fossils
are laid down one on top of the other from bottom to top. Organisms in a layer always appear
before the organisms found in layers above them and after the organisms found in layers below

G3, Topic 7, Lesson 3: Living Things and Climate Change • Quiz Review
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