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A. State whether the statement is true is TRUE or FALSE.
1. The role of the antipodal cells is to guide the entry of pollen tubes into synergids.
2. Apomixis is a type of asexual reproduction that mimics sexual reproduction to form seeds without
3. Parthenogenesis is the formation of fruit without fertilisation.
4. Cleistogamous flowers favours cross pollination.
5. The tassels of the corn-cob represent the style and stigma of the flower.
6. In order to produce 100 pollen grains, 50 microspore mother cells must undergo meiosis.
7. The shield –shaped single cotyledon of monocots is called scutellum.
8. Self incompatible plants favour xenogamy.
9. Sporopollenin are present in the region of germ pore and intine.
10. Autogamy can occur in chasmogamous flowers if protandry or protogyny is seen in them.
11. Pollen grains of many species can germinate on the stigma of a flower,but only one pollen
tube of the same species grows into the style

12. Tapetum helps in dehiscence of anther

13. When pollen is shed at 2 celled stage,double fertilization does not take place.

14. Intine is made up of cellulose and pectin

15. Even in the absence of pollinating agents,seed setting is assured in Commellina.

16. Apomictic embryos in citrus arise from maternal sporophytic tissue.

17. Plants with ovaries having only one or a few ovules are generally pollinated by wind.

18. A dioecious flowering plant prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy.

19. Cross pollination results in healthy and stronger offspring.

20. Self pollination occurs in Pteridophytes and monocots.

21. Calyx and Corolla are essential whorls of the flower.

22. A typical angiosperm anther is bilobed and dithecous.

23. Cells of the endothecium are multinucleated and have dense cytoplasm .

24. In cereals like rice and wheat, pollen grains are viable for 30 days of their release.

25. Storing pollen grains of a large number of species for years in liquid hydrogen at -1960 is
called cryopreservation.
26. In some plants, like Allium the development of the embryo sac is bisporic as it involves
two megaspore nuclei.

27. To compensate for uncertainties and associated loss of pollen grains, the flowers produce
an enormous amount of ovules when compared to the number of pollen available for

28. Floral rewards means not only providing nectars and pollens, but also providing safe
places to lay eggs.

29. In Artificial hybridisation, emasculation is required for all the plants that produce flowers.

30. The coconut water from tender coconut is the free-nuclear endosperm having thousands of
nuclei .

31. Endosperm is formed as a result of syngamy fusion.

32. Pollen grains of wind pollinated plants are light and sticky.

33. At maturity embryo sac is 7 nucleated, 8 cell structure

34. Megaspore is a diploid cell.

35. Geitonogamy is functionally cross pollination.

36. The body of ovule fuse with funicle in the region called Chalaza.

37. The most resistant organic material sporopollenin form the outer intine layer of spore.

38. Male gametophyte develops from microspore mother cell.

39. Endothecium is the innermost layer of microsporangium.

40. Coconut has both cellular and free nuclear endosperm.

41. Autogamy can occur in a chasmogamous flower if both pollen and ovules mature
(a) True (b) False
42. Pollen grain of many species can germinate on the stigma of a flower, but only one pollen
tube of the same species grows into the style.
(a) True (b) False
43. Cross pollination is preferred over self pollination because it results in a better offspring.
(a)True (b) False
44. Tapetal cells are characterised by the presence of dense cytoplasm and one nuclei
(a)True (b) False
45. Pollen grain of water-pollinated plants are coated by covering to prevent it from wetting
(a)True (b) False
46. Continued self pollination results in inbreeding depression.
(a)True (b) False
47. Pollen tablets are available in the market for invitro fertilisation.
(a)True (b) False
48. A micropyle is a small aperture where no integuments are present
(a)True (b) False
49. Potandry is a condition in which anthers matures after stigma
(a)True (b) False
50. Non albuminous seed has endosperm
(a)True (b) False
51. One major drawback of hybrid cultivation is that hybrid seeds have to be produced every year.
52. The integument, nucellus and female gametophyte are three main parts of an ovule and Funiculus is act
as the stalk of ovule.
53. Hydrophily is a mode of pollination that occurs through air.
54. Cucurbit plant are referred to as monoecious plants because where male and flowers borne on same
55. The phenomenon wherein, the ovary develops in to a fruit without fertilization is called Apomixis.
56. The mature embryo sac is 7-celled (3 antipodals, one egg, 2 synergids and one central cell) and 8-
57. Flowers are modifications of shoot to perform the function of sexual reproduction.
58. Entomophily is the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma through the agency of bats.
59. The gynoecium represents the male reproductive organ of the plant.
60. Removal of stamens or anthers of a bisexual flower without affecting the female reproductive organs is
called emasculation.
61 Carpel may be regarded as modified microsporophyll
62 The fruit which is derived from the ovary of the flower and not associated with any non carpellary
part is called false fruit
63 The condition when bisexual,inconspicuous,colourless flowers never open to ensure complete self
pollination,is called cleistogamy
64 Sticky pollens condition is helpful for wind pollination of flowers
65 The innermost layer of anther wall in angiospermic plant is tapetum which plays a vital role in
dehiscence of anther
66 Male flowers are carried by water currents to female flowers at the surface of water in Vallisneria
67 Emasculation is needed when female parent produces unisexual flowers
68 Albuminous seeds store their reserve food mainly in cotyledons.
69 Attractants and rewards are required for Entomophily
70 The arrangement of the nuclei in a normal embryo sac in the dicot plants is 3+3+2
71 Vegetative cell in pollen divides to form male gametes.
72 Megaspore in angiosperms shows monosporic development.
73 Ovule represents the female gametophyte in angiosperms.
74 Xenogamy is similar to autogamy but requires pollinators.
75 Perisperm is triploid in nature.
76 Apomictic seeds produces genetically similar plants.
77 Tapetum provides nourishment to sporogenous tissue.
78 Emasculation is required for both unisexual & bisexual flowers.
79 Coconut water is free nuclear endosperm.
80 Tegmen of a seed is produced from outer integument of an ovule.
81 Vegetative cells in pollen divide to form male gametes.
82 Megaspore in angiosperms shows monosporic development.
83 Xenogamy is similar to autogamy but requires pollinators.
84 Perisperm is triploid in nature.
85 Apomictic seeds produce genetically similar plants.
86 Tapetum provides nourishment to sporogenous tissue.
87 Ovule represents the female gametophyte in angiosperms.
88 Coconut water is a free nuclear endosperm.
89 Emasculation is required for both unisexual & bisexual flowers.
90 Tegmen of a seed is produced from outer integument of an ovule.
91. If the hybrids are made into apomictic, there is no segregation of characters in the hybrid progeny.
This helps the farmers to use the hybrid seeds to raise new crops year after year without losing hybrid
92. Integument, tapetum, endothelium are the wall layers of microsporangium in flowering plants.
93. Cleistogamous flowers exhibit both autogamy and geitonogamy
94. During microsporogenesis, meiosis occurs in the megaspore mother cell.
95. Integuments of ovules harden as tough protective seat coats.
96. In corn cob, the tassels or the stigma style which have sticky head to catch pollen grains, pollination
occurs through water as a median
97. Hilum is the junction between ovule and funicle.
98. The vegetative cell within a pollen grain acts as a food reservoir.
99. Emasculation is done to allow multiple pollen grains to fertilise the egg cell
100. The incompatible pollen grains are unable to penetrate into the style and reach the ovary.
101. Vegetative cell is larger than the generative cell. True/false
102. Megaspore divides twice to form an 8-nucleate embryo sac. True/False
103. Fibrous thickening of endothecium is in the form of spiral bands. True/false
104. In a dicot embryo the radicle is produced by hypophysis of the suspensor. True/False
105. Yucca is pollinated by bumble bees. True /False
106. Suspensor is a component of mature embryos. True/false
107. Many male gametes are formed inside the pollen grain. True/False
108. Embryo sac of angiosperms contains 3-celled egg apparatus,3 antipodal cells and 2 polar nuclei.
109. Parthenogenesis is formation of seed without fertilization. True/False
110. Cleistogamous flowers are always self-pollinated. True/False

111. The order of stages of development of dicot embryo is zygote is

Zygote proembryo globular embryo mature embryo.

112.Pollen grains are kept viable by preserving in liquid Hydrogen.

113.Pollen grains are protected by a mucilaginous covering in hydrophily.

114.Formation of seed without fertilisation is parthenocarpy.

115.The fruits developed from thalamus are known as true fruit.

116.Filliform apparatus present in the micropylar part of the synergids guide the entry of the pollen tube.
117.Water hyacinth & water lily are water pollinated plants.

118. In Wheat & Mango No. of ovules in an ovary is one.

119. The egg apparatus in the embryo sac consists of two synergids & one egg cell.

120. A large irregularly shaped nucleus is found in vegetative cells.

121. The microphyte in a seed helps in the entry of water.

122. Scutellum is a protective covering of radicals.

123. Palynology is the study of Pollen development.

124. Double fertilization involves fertilization of egg and central cell by two sperms brought by the same pollen

125. Unisexuality of flowers prevents autogamy but not geitonogamy.

126. Nucellar polyembryony is reported in species of Brassica.

127. Long ribbon-like pollen grains are seen in some bird pollinated flowers.

128. A bisexual flower which never opens in its life span is called cleistogamous.

129. In an apomixis known as adventive embryony the embryos develop directly from Nucellus of
130. The plant which produces the largest flower in the world is Drosera.

131. sexualreproduction in flowering plants requires two types of gametes.

132 Micropyle of seed, facilitates in the entry of water.

133 Nonflowering plants are called angiosperms.

134 Syngamy means Fusion of cytoplasm.

135 Fertilization follows capacitation.

136 Fertilisation cannot take place in flowers, if pollination does notoccur because without pollination
male and female gametes cannot come closer.

137 One of the essential organs for fertilisation is the mature ovule.

138 Double fertilisation is characteristic of bryophytes.

139 Fusion of sperm and ovum occurs in the fallopian tube.

140 Cleavage of fertilized ovum results blastula

True or false questions

141 Pollen grains of water pollinated species have mucilaginous covering for protection from water.
142 Parthenocarpy is the development of seeds without undergoing fertilization
143 The process of formation of microspores from pollen mother cell through meiosis is known as
144 The exine of pollen grain is composed of a highly resistant organic chemical, sporopollenin.
145 In maize plant the pollination occurs with the help of bats
146 In angiosperms the zygote develops only after certain amount of endosperm is formed
147 The process of formation of more than one embryo inside the ovule is called polyembryony.
148 The mature female gametophyte consists of 7 celled and 7 nuclei.
149 In double fertilization ,one male gamete fuses with egg to form zygote, while the second male
gamete fuses with a secondary nucleus to form primary endosperm cell.
150 Apple is called a false fruit, because it develops only from the ovary of the flower.
1 F 16 T 31 F 46 T 61 F
2 T 17 T 32 F 47 F 62 F
3 F 18 T 33 F 48 T 63 T
4 F 19 T 34 F 49 T 64 F
5 T 20 F 35 T 50 F 65 F
6 F 21 F 36 F 51 T 66 T
7 T 22 T 37 F 52 T 67 F
8 T 23 F 38 T 53 F 68 F
9 F 24 F 39 F 54 T 69 T
10 F 25 F 40 T 55 T 70 F
11 F 26 T 41 T 56 T 71 F
12 F 27 F 42 F 57 T 72 T
13 F 28 T 43 T 58 F 73 F
14 T 29 F 44 T 59 F 74 F
15 T 30 T 45 T 60 T 75 T

76 T 91 T 106 F 121 T 136 T

77 F 92 F 107 F 122 F 137 T
78 F 93 F 108 T 123 F 138 F
79 T 94 F 109 F 124 T 139 T
80 F 95 T 110 T 125 T 140 T
81 F 96 F 111 T 126 F 141 T
82 T 97 T 112 F 127 F 142 F
83 F 98 T 113 T 128 T 143 T
84 F 99 F 114 F 129 T 144 T
85 T 100 T 115 F 130 F 145 F
86 T 101 T 116 T 131 T 146 T
87 F 102 F 117 F 132 T 147 T
88 F 103 F 118 T 133 F 148 F
89 T 104 T 119 T 134 F 149 T
90 F 105 F 120 F 135 F 150 F



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