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If people enter the homes of your hearts, they should not worry about remaining standing.

Designate seats in your hearts for everyone, no matter how different they are from you. Tell
them with confidence: “Your seat is reserved in our hearts.” Developing this spirit requires
education. It requires education in the family. It also requires that the street not corrupt that
education. It needs the school to transform that education into science. It needs the mosque to
elevate that education to the heights of the spirit. But if the family is deprived of this vision, if
the streets are distorted, the mosque is captive to stereotypes and formalities, and the school is
devoid of heartfelt life, if everything revolves around the self, matter, body and instinct, then it
is impossible for this spirit to grow. However, if they grow in an integrated manner, these
spaces will support each other, and the space built by the other will not be destroyed. The
meanings that a person imbibed in his family environment in the middle of the streets will not
be wasted. Rather, the mosque will come to deepen those meanings in his soul, and the school
will come to nourish his mind and teach him how to read the universal Sunnahs. Things and
incidents, transforming him into a person who can read the universe deeply. Then real
deepening will come, and what has been built will not be demolished, the street will not spoil
what the family has planted, the mosque will not contradict the house, and the school will not
contradict the mosque. If these incubators and other incubators and spaces like them move in
one direction, man will be liberated from his physicality and earthiness - to some extent - and
will rise to the life of the heart and spirit. Then he will feel spaciousness in his heart, open his
chest to everyone, and seek to build bridges between himself and all people. Then real
deepening will come, and what has been built will not be demolished, the street will not spoil
what the family has planted, the mosque will not contradict the house, and the school will not
contradict the mosque. If these incubators and other incubators and spaces like them move in
one direction, then man will be liberated from his physicality and earthiness - to some extent -
and will rise to the life of the heart and spirit. Then he will feel spaciousness in his heart, open
his chest to everyone, and seek to build bridges between himself and all people. Then real
deepening will come, and what has been built will not be demolished, the street will not spoil
what the family has planted, the mosque will not contradict the house, and the school will not
contradict the mosque. If these incubators and other incubators and spaces like them move in
one direction, man will be liberated from his physicality and earthiness - to some extent - and
will rise to the life of the heart and spirit. Then he will feel spaciousness in his heart, open his
chest to everyone, and seek to build bridges between himself and all people.

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