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Wild Cats - d6 TTRPG v0.

1 Classes
You are playing dice poker with guns, and you all are cats! Players are Brawler - 3 tiles range, 4 ammo
members of secret cat society who solve the mysteries of the Wild - attack as a reaction to any enemy
West (inhabited by humanoid animals) and fight weird and dangerous Trigger happy (Passive) FD
action. Can be used multiple times per round
creatures. At the end of the short session they should fight the Boss. Defence - Add AD Defence until the end of the round
Run and Gun - Use 2 AD, Move as a sum of them, make FD Attack
During the game players can make a Guess about the case (Story, Joker - DR 1 and +1 Damage until the end of the round
Lore, Boss mechanics etc). If they are correct players add d6 Clue die
(CD) to the pool, if they are wrong, boss gets a CD against players the Marksman - 12 tiles range, 4 ammo
same way. Players are forced to make at least one Guess at the end of - Ignores 1 DR
the day. In the bossfight players or Boss may replace any of their die High caliber (Passive)
- with min(AD, FD), double Damage
rolls with CD from the pool after the roll. Headshot Attack
Aimed Shot - Use 2 . Change your initiative to the highest of
Round step by step them. On your turn, replace lowest AD with FD, make and AD +
FD Attack
DM rolls Situation Die (SD) in open - shared die Joker - Headshot uses max(AD, FD), Aimed Shot gains +2 to
Each players rolls Initiative Die (ID) in open Attack
DM rolls Initiative Die (ID) for opponents behind the scenes
Wild dice combinations are determined based on ID and SD Gunslinger - 6 tiles range, 6+6 ammo
Combatants act in ascending order. Attackers have a tiebreaker. Fan the hammer (Passive) - When you make an Attack, you can
Combatants with the same ID can use their Action Dice (ADs) in repeat it against the same or adjacent target with -1 penalty
any order. Each combatant has 2 actions by default - ID and SD Quick shot - Attack. Use 2 AD. Make a FD+FD Attack
Preparation - Discard AD. All dice rolls in the next round are
Wild dice (Poker) Lucky
Joker - Reload both revolvers. You ignore all negative attack
Joker - If your ID = SD, you can use Joker ability this round. Joker modifiers until the end of the round. Gain HD
activates in addition to any other combination
From lowest to highest priority - only highest combo takes effect Gunner - 8 tiles range, 6 ammo
4 of a Kind - All HD are Lucky - Any successful Attack adds +2 to all
5 of a Kind - All HD and FD are Lucky
Guiding fire (Passive)
Full House - Enemies lose 1 AD at their choice
Attacks against this target until the end of the round, doesn’t stack
All Odds/All Evens - DM reveals all IDs
Suppressive fire Attack . Adds -1 penalty to the first AD of the
Small straight - Players can replace each AD with FD
target for each . No damage
Big Straight - Players get and extra AD
Dynamite - Throw range tiles. FD Attack, ignores Cover.
Radius 1. Successful attack removes 1 DR until the end of the
round and deals 1 damage.
Keywords Joker (Free action) - Reload weapon. Make 6 FD attacks (normal
CD - Result from Clue dic rolled when someone got a Clue
or suppressive) against targets in range. Reload weapon
ID - Result from Initiative Dic rolled at the start of the round Occultist - 6 tiles range, 4 ammo
SD - Result from Situation Dic rolled at the stat of the round
AD - Action Dic - ID, SD or a Result from an extra Action Dic Foresight (Passive) - When IDs are rolled, you can swap your ID
FD - Free dic. Immediately roll d6 and use a result with an ally
HD - Special help FD. Max one HD can be added to AD Cursed Shot - Attack. First ASR dices of the target are unlucky.
Lucky - When you roll a dic, roll 2 dice, choose one No damage
Unlucky - When you roll a die, roll 2 dice, choose lowest Chain lighting - Attack. Use 2 AD. Change your initiative to
Defence X - Action result should be higher then X to succeed highest of them. On your turn make AD+AD attack add -2 penalty
ASR - Attack Success Rating. 1 if result is higher than Defence or and repeat until it misses. Choose a target in range from the
equal, +1 for each 4 higher than Defence previous one. No ammo cost.
Joker - Choose one - all enemies gain -1 to all ADs or -1 to Defence
Common actions until the end of the round
Movement - Use AD. Move up to AD tiles
Basic Attack - Use AD. AD + modifiers Attack. ASR damage
Help - Use AD. Give HD to one ally with the same ID
Reload - Use AD. Reload 1 weapon
Shrug it off - Discard AD. Remove all temporary modifiers
Action can’t be Used if AD + modifiers <= 0 (e.g Suppressed)

Base Defence - 4
Height advantage - Add 2 to Attack
Height disadvantage - Subtract 2 from Attack
Half Cover - Add 2 to Defence
Full Cover - Can’t be target of ranged Attacks
Stealth - Add 2 to all ADs and Defence until the end of the round
Difficult terrain\Climbing - Movement cost increased by 1 per tile
DR X - Damage Reduction, reduces damage by X
Ranged characters (including Players) can’t attack in melee
Ranged Attacks cost 1 Ammo by default
Ammo - Number of Attacks can be fired without a Reload

Heroes and Enemies

Players - 9 lives (they are Cats), no health recovery
Minions - 1 life, can’t use Help action or receive HD, all share ID
Champions - 3 life, have Class, DR 1 Leave your feedback here
Boss - Create your own (example below)
Champions and Bosses use Joker, but not other combinations
Non-commercial read only version made for One-Page RPG Jam 2023 by Ivan Kapranov and Viktor Durkin. All rights reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners
Session example for 4-5 players Wendigo boss example
Just an example. Not required to play the game. Isn’t part of the rules. 2*2 creature
Melee only
Story 40 health
1 DR
Known info 2 extra Action Dices
Players are hired by a mining company to investigate rumors about If he is on fire loses DR until the end of the round and 1 AD at his
missing workers in one of the small silver mining towns. Company choice
thinks natives are behind that. Permanently loses 1 AD if players burned Malcolm’s body before
the fight
Has +1 to all ADs for each player near him
Full info Claw - Basic attack
Town was cursed by the native tribe after the mining company took Bite - Attack. Uses 2 ADs. Attacks with a sum
their land. Later one of the cruelest and greediest merc stole silver Makes FD opportunity attack if player moves away from him
ingots from the company and cannibalized miners and mercs. He was Joker - All enemies gain -1 to all ADs until the end of the round and
transformed to Wendigo after death. Now he is hunting after anyone should use at least one AD to run from him as far as possible.
who walks in the night, especially greedy people. Sometimes a Cleanses fire.
terrifying howling is heard in the woods. Will target players with silver ingots first
Will try to avoid players who hold fire
Characters Silver bullets deal double damage against him (after DR)
Wendigo will cease to exist if Charles, Rex and Miranda are dead
Miranda - Coyote, Gunner , leader of the bandit gang in the area. and miner city is abandoned
Sister of the Malcolm. Believes that her brother has a hidden
stash of silver ingots. Arrived to city after her brother death. Will
attack players, but can be captured for interrogation. Can help
with boss fight if players met Wendigo before that and will
persuade her that this is her brother (enough correct clues are
Malcolm - Coyote, Brawler, was head of the mercenary group
hired by the same company as players. Ruthless, cruel, and
greedy. Was trapped in the mining shaft when the explosion
happened, along with some merc and miners. Killed them all and
ate them, but still starved to death after a few months. Has a
hidden stash with silver. Afraid of fire, has a burn. Nobody knows
that miners, mercs and Malcolm where alive after mine collapse.
John - Mouse, local priest. Can lift curse from the silver ingots if
players want to make silver bullets
Rex - Dog, Gunslinger, sheriff. Can give some info about Miranda
and Malcolm. With some fighters can help with Miranda’s gang if
players are friendly. Thinks that Miranda is killing miners. Steals
silver from the company.
Charles - Swine, representative of the company. Extremely greedy.
Can give some info about conflict with natives, thinks that natives
are killing miners. Can say that leader of the native tribe is a wolf.
Rob and Bob - Hounds. Brother hunters. Can tell players that they
don’t walk in the night and they don’t take from nature more then
required. Also can describe how some bodies they found were
mutilated (giant wolf killed them and ate their bodies). Know that
natives cursed this land. Will not talk to players if they know that
they are greedy and sided with a company. Can say that leader of Possible Clues
the native tribe is a wolf.
Local miners - Moles, Badgers, Hamsters Boss is afraid of fire
Boss is cursed, so silver bullets will help
Locations Boss is Malcolm
Collapsed mine - can be cleared with help of the mining company Malcolm became Wendigo because of greed
after Miranda is killed. Inside Malcolm’s body can be found and Malcolm became Wendigo because of cannibalism
eaten bodies of other miners and mercs Boss has fear mechanic
Old native village - Location where Wendigo manifests itself - can Wendigo will target people with cursed silver (he wants it back)
be ambushed (Stealth bonus in the first round) at the start of the Boss is not a werewolf (common mistake)
night Malcolm was stealing silver from the company
Miranda’s camp - Camp can be assaulted Natives aren’t directly involved in it
Hidden stash in the woods - map is found on Malcolm’s body. etc, expand the story, add more details and the clues
Contains 3 cursed silver ingots -> 3 ammo sets of silver bullets for
any weapon
Forest - Possible fight location if players wander into the woods in
the night, especially with cursed silver ingots. Wendigo has
Stealth in the first round if it happens, and automatically activates
Joker at the start of the fight. Will leave the fight if reduced to half
health and will recover full health in the next fight.

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