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1, MARCH 2017

Overview of Electric Turbocharger and

Supercharger for Downsized Internal
Combustion Engines
Woongkul Lee, Student Member, IEEE, Erik Schubert, Yingjie Li, Student Member, IEEE,
Silong Li, Student Member, IEEE, Dheeraj Bobba, Student Member, IEEE,
and Bulent Sarlioglu, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— Forced induction uses otherwise wasted exhaust tion of CO2 emission in road vehicles can have a significant
gases to improve the volumetric efficiency of an engine allowing impact on the conservation of the global environment.
for higher thermodynamic efficiency. As the fuel economy and Recently, the regulatory authorities around the world have
greenhouse gas emission standards are projected to be much
more stringent globally, the use of a forced induction engine established unprecedentedly high fuel economy and CO2
in passenger cars and light duty trucks has become a new emission standards. For instance, USA and Canada are tar-
trend in automotive industry. The aerodynamic matching of geting 56.2 miles per gallon (mpg) by 2025, which is 50%
an exhaust driven turbocharger is a compromise of transient higher than that of 2015. The EU introduced the 56.9 mpg
response at low exhaust energy levels and power targets on high. target by 2020 as well as South Korea. Japan has already
The trend toward highly boosted downsized engines results in
larger aerodynamic matches compromising responsiveness on exceeded its 2020 statutory target as of 2013 and achieved
the low side, known as turbo lag. The electrification of FIS 45.9 mpg, which is the highest among other countries [3].
[electric FIS (EFIS)] has emerged as a feasible solution, and it China, India, Mexico, and Brazil also proposed or estab-
also possesses numerous benefits depending on its topologies. This lished new fuel economy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission
paper provides a comprehensive study on the EFIS by investigat- standards.
ing system level topologies, performance, various types of high-
speed machines, power electronics, and control techniques. The Over the past few years, the automotive industry has
advantages and disadvantages of existing EFIS are summarized, introduced a number of new technologies to meet these new
and the new challenges and opportunities are also introduced. regulations, such as integration of lightweight material, idle
Index Terms— Electrically assisted turbocharger (EAT), forced stop and go, energy regenerative braking systems, engine
induction system (FIS), high-speed machine, hybrid electric downsizing with a forced induction system (FIS), and hybrid
vehicles (HEVs), turbocharger. or battery electric vehicles [4], [5]. Amongst these recent
technologies, the engine downsizing with an FIS is gaining
popularity as a viable solution. Compared with a conventional
non-EFIS (NFIS), the newly introduced EFIS has several

T HE use of an internal combustion engine (ICE) using

liquid-transportation fuel will presumably continue to
hold a major role over the next few decades [1]. However, there
benefits including the following:

1) improved transient response (reduced turbo lag);

are still significant challenges of improving fuel efficiency and
2) improved engine output power;
reducing emissions, considering the rapid growth of environ-
3) energy regenerative capability;
mental concerns. According to the most recent research report
4) applicable to fuel cell vehicles.
from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, transportation
is the second largest source (34%) of carbon dioxide (CO2 )
emission in USA followed by the electricity generation (40%). This paper reviews the NFIS and the EFIS in terms of power
Out of the transportation sector, light duty vehicles (passenger level, operating speed range, performance, types of high-
cars and light duty trucks) are responsible for almost 60% and speed machines, topologies, and mechanical and electrical
medium and heavy duty vehicles take up 23% [2]. It clearly issues. It begins with the overview of the fundamental NFIS
indicates that the improvement of fuel economy and the reduc- and EFIS followed by the investigation and comparison of
various high-speed machines. As high-speed electric machine
Manuscript received June 17, 2016; revised August 30, 2016; accepted technologies are becoming more mature than ever, there are
September 24, 2016. Date of publication October 21, 2016; date of current
version March 3, 2017. new techniques applicable to the EFIS that have not yet
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- been discussed in the previous EFIS research papers. This
neering, WisconsinElectric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium, paper also introduces challenges and opportunities in the EFIS
University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI 53706 USA (e-mail: technology from both electrical and mechanical engineering
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TTE.2016.2620172 perspectives.
2332-7782 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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A. Advantages of Air Pressure Boosting
The ICE indicated power can be estimated by
ṁ f Ve
Pengine = ρim ηv ηth ηcomb Q fuel_LHV N (1)
ṁ a nR
the air density is
ρim = (2)
Rspecific Ta
and the engine swept volume can be calculated by
Fig. 1. Torque restoration with turbocharging for downsized engine
Ve = n Ac L (3) (NA-naturally aspirated) [9].
Pengine engine indicated power; Turbocharger market has been growing rapidly, and sales
ρim air density in the intake manifold; of turbocharged vehicles are expected to grow up to 47% by
ηv volumetric efficiency; 2020 [10]. Ford Motor Company has been investing in the
ηth thermal efficiency; development of gasoline turbocharged direct injection engine
ηcomb combustion efficiency; technology with the Department of Energy since 2010 [11].
ṁ f fuel mass flow rate; The new type of engine marketed as EcoBoost achieves 25%
ṁ a air mass flow rate; total fuel economy improvement while satisfying the GHG
Q fuel_LHV mass specific lower heating value of the fuel; emission standard. General Motors has also been developing
N crankshaft rotational speed; a downsized engine with turbocharger called ECOTEC since
Ve engine swept volume; 2000 [12]. Nissan Motor unveiled a three-cylinder 1.2-L
nR number of crank revolution per power stroke; engine with a supercharger, which can deliver the output
N number of cylinders; power equivalent to that of a 1.5-L engine [13]. Volkswagen
Ac cylinder area; released a four-cylinder 1.4-L turbocharged engine to replace
L stroke length; its conventional four-cylinder 2.0-L NA engine and improved
pim intake manifold air pressure; fuel economy by 13% [14].
Rspecific specific gas constant for dry air;
Ta absolute air temperature. B. Nonelectric-Forced Induction System
In general, an NFIS can be classified into two types
In the past, the FIS was mainly utilized in high-performance depending on the energy source for driving a compressor: an
gasoline engine or diesel engine vehicles for the purpose of exhaust-driven turbocharger and a crank-driven supercharger.
boosting the engine power in (1) by compressing inlet air A conventional single stage turbocharger consists of a turbine
to increase air pressure and density in (2). More recently, and a compressor directly coupled together through a shaft
automotive manufacturers are paying more attention to the as shown in Fig. 2(a). Since exhaust gas from an ICE is
use of the FIS with a downsized engine or a hybrid electric the only energy source to drive the turbine and the coupled
vehicle (HEV) for improving the fuel economy while reducing compressor, this topology suffers from the slow mechanical
the GHG emission. In general, the downsized ICE with a response and low efficiency especially when the engine speed
turbocharger performs more efficiently with lower fuel con- is low [4]. Also, a wastegate valve must be employed to
sumption and emission [6]–[8]. prevent turbine overspeed, which results in a potential waste
A turbocharger compresses the inlet air charge [which of energy. To solve these issues, several different approaches
increases air pressure and volumetric efficiency in (2)] by have been introduced, such as multiple staged turbocharg-
deriving energy from the exhaust gas, which is otherwise ers [regulated two-stage turbocharger in Fig. 2(c)], twin
wasted. It helps to downsize ICE by reducing the cylinder charger [combination of a turbocharger and a supercharger in
area, Ac , and stroke length, L, or the number of cylinders, n, Fig. 2(d)], sequential turbocharger [in Fig. 2(e)], low-inertia
in (3), while producing engine output power similar to that of rotating components, variable geometry turbine, active control
a higher displacement naturally aspirated (NA) engine. turbocharger, control of valve timings and fuel injection, and
A typical family car engine with 2.0-L displacement volume adopting external energy sources to enhance air supply [5].
has the peak engine torque of 220 Nm and brake mean effec- A supercharger is directly connected to a crankshaft of
tive pressure (BMEP) value of 13.5 bar as shown in Fig. 1. an ICE with a belt or chain so that the engine becomes
If the swept volume of this engine is reduced by 40% (1.2 L), the energy source for driving the compressor as shown in
the engine will deliver the torque of 132 Nm at the similar Fig. 2(b). Typically, the supercharger can be classified into
BMEP of 13.5 bar. To restore the initial torque of 220 Nm, the three different types depending on the methods of gas transfer
BMEP should be increased by 70% (23 bar) using the FIS [9]. or compression: roots, twin screw, and centrifugal. Roots and

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Fig. 2. Schematic layout of the NFIS topologies. Black line—air flow path with valve. Blue line—engine inlet air flow. Red line—exhaust gas flow.
(a) Single-stage turbocharger. (b) Mechanical supercharger. (c) Regulated two-stage turbocharger (d) Low-pressure turbocharger with high-pressure mechanically
driven supercharger with bypass (twincharger-Volkswagen). (e) Parallel sequential turbocharging.


twin screw superchargers are positive displacement compres- turbocharger using an electric machine, the torque/inertia ratio
sors and tend to have better volumetric efficiency at lower (or angular acceleration, α) of the EFIS must be higher than
speeds compared with centrifugal compressors, which rely on that of the conventional NFIS as shown in (4)
mass flow acceleration. The advantages and disadvantages of
the NFIS are summarized and compared in Table I. > (4)
C. Electric-Forced Induction System where
The electrification of the NFIS can be realized in five TEFIS_net EFIS net torque;
different topologies as shown in Fig. 3(a)–(e). Since the main TNFIS_net NFIS net torque;
advantages of the EFIS are to improve transient performance JEFIS EFIS total inertia;
and minimize the lagging effect, there is no practical reason JNFIS NFIS total inertia.
to electrify roots and twin screw superchargers, which have
relatively high boost performance in low engine RPM as Minimizing the inertia of the overall system and maxi-
shown in Table I. Nevertheless, the centrifugal supercharger mizing output torque are the challenges in the EFIS and
can be electrified and the topology is equivalent to the elec- five different topologies are characterized based on this
tric turbocharger as shown in Fig. 3(b). The characteristics, equation.
advantages, and disadvantages are summarized in Table II. 1) Electrically Assisted Turbocharger: The electrically
In order to improve the transient response of the conventional assisted turbocharger (EAT) is shown in Fig. 3(a).

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Fig. 3. Schematic layout of EFIS topologies. Black thin line—power flow. Black thick line—air flow path with valve. Blue line—engine inlet air flow.
Red line—exhaust gas flow. (a) EAT. (b) EC. (c) EST. (d) TEDC—upstream. (e) TEDC—downstream.


A high-speed electric machine is interconnected between the In this topology, the characteristics of the electric machine
turbine and the compressor. When the engine speed is low, are important especially inertia and output torque, since the
the electric machine functions as a motor providing additional electric motor is directly coupled with the turbine and the
torque to the compressor generating higher boost pressure compressor. The increased output torque from the electric
with a faster transient response. When the engine speed is motor TEM_EAT should exceed the additional inertia of the
high, the electric machine generates power, which can be electric motor, JEM to the system [5] as
transmitted to energy storage. It can also prevent the turbine TT _EAT + TEM_EAT − |TC_EAT | − |TMech_load_EAT |
to exceed its speed limitation. However, this might also cause JTC+EM
high backpressure effect to the ICE, which can negate the TT _conv − |TC_conv | − |TMechl oadc onv |
energy recovered from exhaust gas [15]. > (5)

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where is utilized as shown

TT _EAT EAT turbine output torque; TEM_EC − |TC_EC | − |TMech_load_EC |
TEM_EAT EAT electric machine output torque; JC+EM
TC_EAT EAT compressor load torque; TT _conv − |TC_conv | − |TMechl oadc onv |
TMech_load_EAT EAT mechanical load torque; > (6)
JTC+EM turbine, compressor, and electric
machine inertia;
TT _conv conventional turbocharger turbine TEM_EC ET electric machine output torque;
output torque; TC_EC ET compressor load torque;
TC_conv conventional turbocharger compressor TMech_load_EC ET mechanical load torque;
load torque; JC+EM compressor and electric machine inertia.
TMech_load_conv conventional turbocharger mechanical
3) Electrically Split Turbocharger: The third topology is
load torque;
called electrically split turbocharger (EST) as shown in
JTC_conv conventional turbocharger inertia.
Fig. 3(c). In this topology, the mechanical energy from exhaust
Typically, the additional rotor inertia of the electric machine gas is not directly delivered to the compressor but converted to
should be limited from 1/3 to a maximum 1/2 of the mass electrical energy initially using a generator. The stored energy
moment inertia of the turbocharger to efficiently assist the is utilized to drive the compressor for boosting. The advantages
turbocharger [16]. The angular acceleration of the free electric of this topology are the ability to drive the compressor at a
machine should be an order of magnitude larger than that of different speed than the turbine. The other advantages of this
the baseline turbocharger to significantly improve the transient topology are less temperature effect due to the separation of
response [16]. The advantages of this topology are improved the turbine and the compressor and no additional inertia from
low RPM boosting, electric machine rotor position self-sensing the turbine and the turbine shaft as shown
capability [17], motoring and generating capabilities, and the TEM_EST − |TC_EST | − |TMech_load_EST |
necessity of electric components with relatively low power JC+EM
output which, in turn, means low cost. TT _conv − |TC_conv | − |TMech_load_conv |
The main challenge of this topology is to minimize the > (7)
high-temperature effect on the electric machine, especially
when the machine is placed inside the turbocharger. Induction where
machines (IMs), switched reluctance machines (SRMs), or
TEM_EST EST electric machine output torque;
flux-switching permanent magnet (FSPM) machines can be
TC_EST EST compressor load torque;
used for this topology, since they are more advantageous than
TMech_load_EST EST mechanical load torque;
surface PM (SPM) machines in terms of high-temperature
JC+EM compressor and electric machine inertia.
operation and thermal management. There are some other
topological approaches to mitigate this issue as well. Splitting the turbine and the compressor is also beneficial in
For instance, BMW utilized clutches to connect and dis- terms of installation so that the airflow path can be optimized.
connect the electric machine to the shaft of the turbocharger However, this topology requires high power electric motor,
so that the machine can be placed outside of the tur- generator, and inverters to satisfy torque/inertia ratio in (7),
bocharger [18]. G + L innotec introduced large airgap PM which will increase the overall system cost.
machine, which can also be placed outside of the tur- 4) Turbocharger With an Additional Electrically Driven
bocharger [19]. The inner diameter of the stator is equivalent Compressor—Upstream and Downstream: The last topology
to the outer diameter of the compressor and the outer diameter is the turbocharger with an additional electrically driven com-
of the rotor is equivalent to the output diameter of the shaft. pressor (TEDC) as shown in Fig. 3(d) and (e). Depending on
The airgap is also used as inlet air path so that it has the location of the electrically driven compressor, the TEDC
multiple benefits in cooling, low inertia, and less temperature can be classified into upstream and downstream TEDCs. In this
effect. topology, the electric machine operates independently from
2) Electric Compressor: The electric compressor (EC) is the exhaust gas-driven turbine, and the electrically driven
shown in Fig. 3(b). The energy for driving the compressor compressor is designed to increase air pressure at low engine
is solely provided from electric energy storage so that it has speed. Therefore, this topology significantly improves the tran-
more flexibility in terms of control. In addition, the compressor sient response when the engine speed is low, since the electric
can be driven at its optimal operating point ensuring high motor operation is not affected by the inertia of the turbine nor
efficiency. The electric components are required to have high the shaft. However, the electric energy needs to be produced
power output compared to other topologies. This topology from an ISG powered by the engine shaft or regenerative
does not have the capability of energy generation itself but braking system [5].
the regenerative braking system or integrated starter genera- The main advantage of this topology is the fastest tran-
tor (ISG) can be combined to provide electrical energy to the sient response when the ICE speed is low [5]. In gen-
energy storage [5]. The torque/inertia ratio can be fulfilled if eral, the downstream TEDC has a faster transient response
an electric machine with high power density and low inertia than upstream TEDC, since the latter has a larger volume

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JTC turbocharger inertia;
ω angular velocity;
PT turbocharger turbine power;
PC turbocharger compressor power;
PMech_load turbocharger mechanical load power;
tacceleration acceleration time.

The acceleration time determines how fast the engine intake

manifold pressure can be built up and the shorter acceleration
time helps to minimize the turbo lag. Typically, the transient
response can be significantly improved in the EFIS, but it pri-
marily depends on the amount of electrical power available in
the vehicle electrical system and the electric machine. It also
to pressurize. The other advantage is that this topology requires varies with the topology of the NFIS and the EFIS.
minimal modifications to the conventional NFIS for the The fast transient response and low engine speed torque
electrification. are highly preferable in downsized ICEs [20], and some
recent development efforts of the EFIS revealed the superior
performance of the EFIS over the conventional NFIS.
III. P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION OF E LECTRIC -F ORCED Extensive modeling and design validations were conducted
I NDUCTION S YSTEM in [6], [21], [22] to quantify the temporary turbo boost that
can be obtained with the EFIS. The time to boost, defined as
The improvements of transient response, steady-state per-
the time taken by the engine/turbo system to reach desired
formance, and fuel efficiency are the prime advantages of
boost level with reference to the steady-state torque at a
the EFIS. Investigating these characteristics is one way of
given speed is studied and shown to be reduced by up to
evaluating the performance of the EFIS in comparison with
90% compared with the NFIS [21]. Studies comparing the
the conventional NFIS. It is also important to consider the
NFIS and the EFIS by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries showed
characteristics of ICEs, such as fuel type (diesel or gasoline),
that the e-assisted EFIS can improve the transient response
size, number of cylinders, fuel injection systems, and engine
time by 33% as well as the steady-state torque by 17% at
control techniques.
low engine speeds [22]. In [16], the transient response of
In general, a diesel engine tends to burn leaner (high air-to-
a baseline diesel engine is improved by up to 26% using
fuel ratio, λ) than its stoichiometric ratio (λdiesel = 14.5), since
EAT. The comprehensive comparison of transient responses
it becomes more fuel-efficient and generates higher power
with baseline turbocharger, EAT, EST, and TEDC showed
with fewer pollutants. Since compression–ignition provides
that TEDC has the fastest boost pressure build up with 67%
high combustion pressure, the boost pressure from the FIS
transient response improvement [5]. EAT and EST feature the
is relatively low. Therefore, the FIS for a diesel engine is
similar transient improvement, which is about 20%. In [6],
generally larger than the counterpart of a gasoline engine to
the utilization of EAT in HEV is simulated and it shows 4%
increase the intake airflow.
reduction in acceleration time compared with HEV with a
On the other hand, gasoline engine generally operates near
conventional turbocharger. Reducing the turbo lag with the
or lower than its stoichiometric ratio (λgasoline = 14.7).
EFIS does not improve the overall fuel economy significantly
Therefore, the high boost pressure is more important than
in both the ICE and the HEV but the energy regeneration with
high intake air flow to improve the efficiency and performance
EAT can potentially provide fuel saving in the HEV [6]. The
of the engine. Nevertheless, the surge limit and detonation
use of EFIS in HEVs can be more advantageous, since some
(preignition) are potential issues with the FIS for the gasoline
of the HEVs are equipped with the higher than the typical
engine. The general characteristics of diesel and gasoline
battery voltage of 12 V. The use of 24 or 48 V battery can
engines are summarized in Table III.
significantly reduce the current rating of the electric motor,
The transient response analysis is a typical figure-of-merit
which improves the overall efficiency of the motor and the
for assessing the performance of the NFIS and the EFIS, which
motor drive system.
can be conducted by measuring and comparing turbo lag. The
definition of turbo lag is the amount of time delay required
to reach the commanded engine output power or torque due IV. H IGH -S PEED E LECTRIC M ACHINES
to the insufficient exhaust gas at low engine speed. For the A high-speed electric machine technology simplifies a
conventional NFIS, it takes a few seconds to accelerate the machine drive system by eliminating essential mechanical
turbine and the compressor, and the acceleration time from components required in a conventional electromechanical
angular velocity ω1 to ω2 is given by drive system [23] and also reduces the dimension of the
 ω1 machines [24]. Fewer mechanical components improve the
tacceleration = JTC (8) system reliability, and the reduction of size and weight is
ω2 PT − PC − PMech_load valued in numerous applications, such as aerospace, aircraft,

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Fig. 4. High-speed machines nominal power versus speed for different machine types (highlighted region—EFIS operating range) [23].


and hybrid or purely electric vehicles. In these applications, machine application. The characteristics, advantages, and dis-
space is limited and weight is highly related to the performance advantages of aforementioned four machines are compared
and efficiency. The turbocharger/supercharger systems benefit and summarized in Table IV. The machine types, ratings,
from having high-speed electric machines. topologies, and manufacturers of the EFIS, which have been
Nevertheless, designing and manufacturing of high-speed reported in the previous literature are summarized in Table V.
machines are challenging and there are several constraints
that need to be carefully considered. In this chapter, four
different machine types that can be utilized in the EFIS with A. Induction Machine
the target output power from 0.5 to 30 kW, and the minimum The IM is one of the most mature electric machine topolo-
speed of 50 krpm are introduced. Fig. 4 shows high-speed gies, and it has been widely used in the high-speed operation.
machine types plotted nominal power against speed. PM, The rotor of a high-speed IM can be either laminated or solid
switched reluctance, and IM are in the target range, and flux- construction, depending on the operating speed. When the
switching machine, which is not included in Fig. 4, will also be tip speed is lower than a threshold speed, laminated rotor is
discussed. It needs to be mentioned that the interior PM (IPM) used, which has the benefits of reduced eddy current loss and
machine is not discussed in the high-speed electric machine improved efficiency compared with solid rotor design [25].
realm, because their mechanical integrity is not high enough The bar shape design in the rotor lamination is critical to the
for very high-speed conditions. The cavity and bridges in rotor dynamic response, which influences the performance of
the rotor laminations of an IPM machine have tendencies to the turbocharger. For very high-speed conditions, the rotor of
deform under high centrifugal forces and mechanical stress. an IM can be designed as a solid rotor instead of the caged
As a result, the IPM machine is not popular in high-speed rotor as presented in [26]. One of the challenges is to design

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EFISs [19], [22], [27], [40]–[47]

Fig. 5. Novel 6/4 FSPM machine with dual stator structure [38].

capability and performance stability of the SRM is superior to

PM machines. The SRM has inherent fault tolerant capability,
because each of the phases can be operated separately, this
means that the machine can still produce partial torque even
if some of the phases are at failure. There are a number
of industrial turbochargers/superchargers that implement the
SRM as reported in [33]–[35].
The power electronic drives for the SRM are different than
the conventional sinusoidal inverter. The performance of the
the appropriate stator leakage reactance, which influences the SRM is sensitive to the variation of airgap length. Torque
peak torque and efficiency of the IM. ripple for the SRM is usually very large, and so the induced
The design and analysis of IM are well understood. How- vibration and noise are also much higher than induction and
ever, due to the eddy current loss in the rotor conductor, the PM machines at high-speed conditions. However, the high-
IM has generally lower efficiency than other electric machines torque ripple property of the SRM may not be a particular
especially the PM machines. It should also be noted that concern for turbocharger application due to its high rotational
the manufacturing cost of the rotor for ultrahigh-speed IM speed, which smooths out the ripple torque. The SRM has
is extremely expensive (possibly higher than SPM and SRM). very good temperature variation withstand capability because
IM is generally considered to have lower torque ripple and of the absence of PM materials, and so it is suitable for high-
less vibration, which is good for turbocharger applications. temperature environment of the turbocharger application.
B. Surface Permanent Magnet Machine/ D. Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machine
Brushless DC Machine The FSPM machine has been developed rapidly over the
The SPM and brushless dc (BLDC) machines are good past decades, and there are many suitable applications, includ-
candidates for high-speed operations. Both the machines ing those for high-speed operations. The FSPM machine
have PMs mounted on the surface of the rotor. The SPM has robust rotor as that of the SRM. The PMs are in the
machine uses sinusoidal current excitation, while the BLDC stator instead of in the rotor. Therefore, PM containment
machine uses rectangular current excitation. Typically, these issue does not exist at high-speed condition. The cooling
two machines have high torque density and high efficiency of the PMs is much easier, since they are closer to the
due the utilization of strong PMs. There are many tur- cooling surface. Conventional sinusoidal inverter is used for
bocharger applications that implement high-speed SPM and the FSPM machine, and the control is almost the same as
BLDC machines as presented in [22], and [27]–[30] due to an SPM machine [36]. Conventional FSPM machines are
the benefits of high torque density, small size, and weight. focused primarily on topologies with number of poles equal
One of the main challenges in the design process is the or larger than ten [37]. Novel low-pole FSPM machine with
thermal regulation of the machine, particularly for the rotor only four rotor poles is recently developed that is amenable
part. This is because the PMs generate eddy current loss for high-speed operation, due to the notable reduction of high-
that increases the operating temperature, which brings thermal frequency losses, such as iron loss and magnet eddy current
demagnetization risks to the PMs. The other challenge is loss, as shown in Fig. 5 [38], [39].
the magnet containment issue at very high-speed conditions. The construction of the FSPM machine is more complicated
The PMs are subject to large centrifugal forces, and retaining than other electric machines due to the highly segmented
sleeves are needed to protect the magnets. stator structure. Because of the doubly salient structure, the
torque ripple could be higher than that of the SPM/BLDC
C. Switched Reluctance Machine machine. The efficiency of the FSPM machine can be higher
The machines with passive rotor geometry, such as SRM, than IM and SRM under high-speed conditions. The FSPM
have an inherent advantage for high-speed operation due to machine is suitable for turbocharger application in the aspects
their ability to withstand higher centrifugal forces [31]–[33]. of high torque density enabled by the PMs in the machine,
Due to the absence of PMs, the high-temperature operation and high-temperature withstand capability due to easier

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dissipation of heat generated by the stator windings and PMs, the prestressed constraining sleeve, which holds the magnets
which are directly in contact with the cooling surface such in place. For IM, SRM, and FSPM machines, their rotors tend
as water jackets. to be more compliant than sleeved PM rotors and the base
of the rotor teeth has the maximum mechanical stress [55].
Therefore, the proper analysis should be done through FEA
A. Electrical Issues or analytical methods to ensure that the stress is acceptable at
The fundamental frequency of an electric machine used in maximum operating speed.
the electric turbocharger ranges from 1 to 8 kHz depending on 2) Bearings: Bearings are a fundamental mechanical com-
the rated speed and the number of the pole. The fundamental ponent of high-speed electric machines in the EFIS. The
frequency of SPM or BLDC motor can be estimated from (9). choice of the bearing can affect the mean time before the
In the case of the IM, the fundamental frequency can be failure of the system as the bearings are often the first parts of
calculated from (10) and that of the FSPM machine from (11), the system to wear out. Ball bearings rated for high speed are a
where n and s are the speed of motor and slip, respectively, common and practical choice for high-speed electric machine
and P is a number of poles design. The lifetime of ball bearings depends on the lubrication
nP and the load [56]. Other more advanced bearings are oil
f fund = (9) film, airfoil/gas, and magnetic bearings. These advanced types
n P(1 − s) of bearings have very low frictional losses when operating
ffund_ind = (10) correctly. Magnetic bearings have been used often in high-
nP speed electric machine research in recent years [57]–[59].
f fund_FSPM = (11) Magnetic bearings offer the possibility of no friction losses
f samp except for windage, but the magnetic control system must
f ratio = . (12) have the correct gains and control strategy to avoid unwanted
f fund
vibration effects.
In (12), f samp and f fund are the sampling frequency and the 3) Temperature Effect: Thermal issues are another impor-
fundamental frequency of an electric motor respectively. tant challenge for the high-speed electric machines. In general,
f ratio ≥ 10.31. (13) the size of an electric machine operating at high speed is
smaller than a low-speed electric machine with the same
With a conventional PI controller, the minimum frequency power rating [56]. The small size has numerous benefits in
ratio, f ratio is about 10.31 considering current regulation the EFIS, but it also poses several thermal management issues.
performance, transient response, and digital execution time In general, high-speed electric machines need to have lower
delay as shown in (13) [17], [48], [49]. losses than low-speed machines with equivalent power ratings,
It indicates that the switching frequency of a motor drive or alternatively, they should be equipped with a more effective
can exceed 20 kHz, which imposes various issues in power cooling system. High-speed electric machines often run at
switching devices and motor drives, such as high switch- temperatures near the critical temperatures for some of the
ing loss, heat dissipation, and electromagnetic interference. components [4]. High-speed PM machines also have thermally
The state-of-the-art power switching devices, such as gallium sensitive parts, including PMs and/or a carbon fiber rotor
nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC), can shed light on these sleeve.
issues due to their superior device characteristics compared In addition to the heat generation from the losses of the
with conventional silicon MOSFET or IGBT [50]–[53]. electric machines, a significant heat source is the hot turbine
The use of position sensor is avoided in high-speed SPM of the turbocharger. Especially in the EAT, the electric machine
and BLDC machine drives, since it tends to increase the is directly connected to the electric machine via the shaft
failure probability and an axial extension of the machine [54]. and typically placed between the turbine and compressor. The
Instead, self-sensing (sensorless) control technique is widely electric machine can be cooled by oil or water from the engine
used to detect a rotor position, and it is also applicable for an cooling system [4], [60]. However, during hot shutdown of the
EAT [17], [54]. In the case of IM and SRM, since there is engine, the flow of coolant will cease, and the temperature
almost no back EMF, a sensor feedback is required to close the of the electric machine can rise as the heat from the turbine
loop on speed. In addition, time delay compensation control is gradually dissipated and partly transferred to the electric
is essential in high-speed machine operation especially when machine. The electric machine and overall system should be
high switching frequency PWM-based full-digital current reg- designed in such a way that the electric machine components
ulator is used [48], [54]. When f ratio is lower than 10.31, do not reach a critical temperature during hot shutdown, where
the minimum time delay of one-and-a-half cycle from space- the components could be damaged.
vector PWM updated at each sampling point can have a critical When the electric machines operate at very high tempera-
impact on the operating performance [48]. ture, the characteristics and performance will vary. The resis-
tivity of conductors, such as copper and aluminum, will
B. Mechanical Issues increase with temperature. As a consequence, the losses in the
1) Rotor Mechanical Stress: Rotor mechanical stress is a rotor bars of IMs and the stator winding are higher compared
major design constraint for the high-speed electric machines with low temperature. The rotor bars of IMs are usually made
in the EFIS. For the SPM machines, the stress is highest in of aluminum instead of copper for weight reduction. However,

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Ia¿i. Downloaded on May 28,2024 at 18:44:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Erik Schubert (M’16) received the B.S. degree in Dheeraj Bobba (S’10–M’12) received the
mechanical engineering from Michigan State Uni- B.S. degree in electrical engineering from
versity, East Lansing, MI, USA, in 2005, and the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,
M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Uni- Hyderabad, India, in 2008, and the M.S. degree in
versity of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI, USA, electrical engineering from the University of North
in 2016. Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA, in
He currently works in the power electronics indus- 2011. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in
try. His current research interests include high-speed electrical engineering with the Wisconsin Electric
surface permanent magnet synchronous machines, Machines and Power Electronics Consortium,
compressors, and inverter motor drives. University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI,
He was an Application Developer with Infosys, Bengaluru, India, from
2008 to 2009. He was an Applications and Project Engineer with the EM
Group (JMAG) of Powersys Inc., Middleton, WI, from 2012 to 2014.
He was part of numerous projects involving development and simulation
Yingjie Li (S’13) received the B.S. degree of electromagnetic energy conversion devices, sensors, and actuators. His
in electrical engineering from Wuhan University, current research interests include electrical machines, drives, and optimization
Wuhan, China, in 2011, and the M.S. degree techniques.
in electrical engineering from the University of
Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI, USA, in 2014,
where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree
with the Department of Electrical and Computer
He has been a Research Assistant with the Wis-
consin Electric Machines and Power Electronics
Consortium. His current research interests include
the design of electric machines, electric drives, compressors, and multiphysics
integration in various applications.
Bulent Sarlioglu (M’94–SM’13) received the
B.S. degree from Istanbul Technical University,
Istanbul, Turkey, in 1990, the M.S. degree from the
Silong Li (S’12) received the B.S. degree in elec- University of Missouri–Columbia, Columbia, MO,
trical and computer engineering from Xi’an Jiao- USA, in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree from the Uni-
tong University, Xi’an, China, in 2011, and the versity of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI, USA,
M.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering in 1999, all in electrical engineering.
from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madi- From 2000 to 2011, he was with the Honeywell
son, WI, USA, in 2014, where he is currently pur- International Inc.’s Aerospace Division, Torrance,
suing the Ph.D. degree with the Wisconsin Electric CA, USA, most recently, as a Staff Systems Engi-
Machines and Power Electronics Consortium. neer. Since 2011, he has been an Assistant Professor
His current research interests include the design with the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the Associate Director of
of permanent magnet machines, electric drives, and the Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium. He is
permanent magnet machine control algorithms. He is the inventor or co-inventor of 16 U.S. patents as well as many international
also interested in investigating the influence of temperature variation on the patents. His current research interests include electrical machines, drives, and
performance of various types of permanent magnet machines and drives, power electronics.
and the related high-performance compensation control algorithms which are Dr. Sarlioglu was a recipient of the Honeywell’s Outstanding Engineer
robust to temperature variation. Award in 2011.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Ia¿i. Downloaded on May 28,2024 at 18:44:45 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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