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+256704014181 | Github: |

International Science, Business and Technology University,Kampala 2021-2025 Bachelors of
Science in Networking and Cybersecurity Expected June 2025

St.Augustine’s College Wakiso 2018-2019 Uganda Advanced Certi cate of Education

Relevant Courses: Android Apps Marketing, Introduction to Computer science, Web programming with
Python and JavaScript, Design Thinking for Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Ethical Hacking


Intern | Cabral Tech Company - Kampala, Uganda May 2020 - present ● Front End web
development in modern HTML/CSS, Javascript, React js
● Back End web development in PHP, MySQL and Node js
● Knowledge of relative database systems

Founder | Surviving Kampala with Tendo & Michael July 2020 - Present ● Founded a youtube channel
to create awareness among Kampala youth of their skills and resources ● Collaborate with a team to create
content that answers questions that point young people to resources they need to start their initiatives

Fellow | Andela Programming Holiday Program - Kampala, Uganda March – May 2020 ● Selected
for a competitive coding program at Andela, Uganda
● Utilized work oor environment tools such as Github, slack, android studio, visual studio code and
visual studio community

Tutor | Computer Science and Tech Support July 2016 – present ● Independently work with 3
students, teaching them basic computer science lessons, HTML and CSS ● Support video libraries and
churches in Kampala with troubleshooting computer issues and meeting their tech support needs, editing
videos from live sermons and sharing them with wider audiences

Poultry Farmer 2014 – present ● Owns and runs a small scale chicken farm (250 chickens) where I manage
all the day to day activities on the farm for the chicken from a day old to the market


● Advent of Cyber 2020 from Try Hack Me


● Programing Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React js, PHP, MySQL, Node js ● Skills &
Interests: Research, UX Design, Web Design, Cyber Security, Entrepreneurship, Farming. ●
Languages: English (Fluent), Luganda (Native)

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