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学术英语题型(2023 秋)

I. Translate the following expressions into Chinese (1×10=10 分)


II. Choose the best answer for each question (3×5=15 分)

1. Which sentence offers information about the theme of the conference?
A. The conference will examine the history and current status of the Japanese identity in Canada and in Japan.
B. The conference is organized by the International Labor Organization in collaboration with the Ministry of
Health of China.
C. The conference will begin with registration and a reception on Thursday, August 22.
D. The conference will be held at the University of Victoria, Victoria, B. C., Canada, August 22-24, 2006.
复习范围:课内 samples 及其前面各 task 内容介绍

III. Choose 3 of the questions below and give your answer to each of them (10×3=30 分)
1. When introducing a keynote speaker, what aspect of him/her will you give the most attention?
Unit 1 会议前期准备的相关资料;
Unit 2 邀请函回复函的内容,邮件的格式,写作规范;
Unit 3 学术论文的格式,题目的规范性,两种摘要的区别;
Unit 4 会议过程中相关环节的介绍。

IV. Reading Comprehension (3×10=30 分)

Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. You are
required to give an answer to each of the questions based on the passage.

Passage 1 Call for Papers (课外, 选自近年 IEEE 国际会议)

Passage 2 Abstract (课外,选自国际学术期刊 Science 或 Nature)
Passage 3 Conference Presentation (课内 sample)

V. Writing (15 分)
Suppose you are Tom who is conducting a research program and wants to spend 6 months in Professor John’s Lab
in ABB University, which has a leading position in the world. Please write an application letter to Prof. John,
telling him who you are, stating the purpose of your visit and preparations you have made, and expressing
your expectations of the planned short academic visit.

Application Letter for a Short Academic Visit

Dear Prof. John,

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