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Big Hero 6 Physics Analysis

Big Hero 6, the 2014 animated film by Walth Disney Animation Studios, masterfully blends emotional

storytelling with technological innovation. Hiro Hamada, the protagonist in the microbot demo scene, proudly

presents his creation—microscopic robots that can attach to each other to create any structure or shape

commanded by the neural-cranial transmitter. This demo scene successfully depicts advanced robotics and

material science in a realistic yet innovative and futuristic manner. The microbots move and reattach to each

other in order to create different structures as commanded by Hiro’s neural-cranial transmitter. Magnetic fields

are emitted by the transmitter which attract the microbots and allow Hiro to command their movements. This

physics is very real and can be demonstrated in everyday life by using electromagnetic forces to manipulate

metallic materials. The scene accurately portrays the swarming motion of the microbots as well as their

self-assembly into different structures. Magnetic fields naturally tend to organize metallic particles into

specific configurations, so the pattern that the microbots follow in their liquid state accurately reflects how

magnetic fields might direct the movement and attachment of microscopic robots. The fluid animation of the

tiny robots is remarkably smooth and lifelike, which adds to the sophistication of Hiro’s creation.The

microbots display collective motion which resembles the swarming behavior observed in nature among flocks

of birds, schools of fish, and flocks of insects. The animators probably utilized physics and biology principles

which describe how individual agents or entities move and interact with one another to display such organized

yet seemingly chaotic behavior. This accurate representation of self-assembly makes the technology very

believable and points toward possible advances in nanotechnology and robotics in the future. Mimicking

nature’s own systems of self-organization, the film creates a plausible and innovative route for technological

advancement. The fluid animation of the microbots as they flow from one structure to another allows for a

smooth and dynamic change in form while maintaining the structural integrity of the entity. This realistic

portrayal of the technology’s physical properties helps ground the fantastical aspects of the demo scene in real

science.How the microbots flow and change form dynamically, maintaining structural integrity while

transforming, speaks volumes about the careful consideration given to their physical portrayal. Baymax, the

rubbery healthcare robot, goes super-hero towards the end of the demo scene, transforming into an aerialist

with a spectacular and thrilling flight pattern. This flight pattern acts as a character extender for the lovable

Baymax and provides an exciting action sequence. Baymax’s aerial flight utilizes some of the most basic
Big Hero 6 Physics Analysis

principles in aerodynamics and physics. Baymax’s suit, engineered by Hiro, is equipped with strong thrusters

and wing-like slits that create lift. The animators do a superb job visualizing the flight mechanics of the winged

suit as Baymax zooms through the sky.The thrust generated by the thrusters in the suit pushes air downwards

and by Newton’s third law of motion, the suit is pushed upwards. The wings of the suit stabilize Baymax as he

lifts off and also provide the necessary lift to overcome his weight and move through the air. The lift force on

the wings is the difference between the air pressure above the wing and the air pressure below the wing. This

pressure difference creates an upward force on the wings which propels the suit and Baymax upwards. The

drag, the resistance of the air on the wing and the suit, is another physical principle considered by the

animators. As Baymax flies through the sky, the drag against the suit and the microbots in the air are

minimized by their smooth and streamlined shape.Furthermore, the animation cleverly visualizes the changes

in air current as Baymax dives, rises, and speeds through the atmosphere. Baymax’s flight path demonstrates

how the pressure of the atmosphere changes with height. The altimeter in a suit measures the pressure of the

atmosphere and Baymax’s flight path accurately reflects how pressure decreases as altitude increases. These

physical considerations are noticed by the astute viewer in the minor details of Baymax’s exhilarating flight

and his interaction with the environment. Notice how Baymax tilts his upper body back as he dives, placing his

chin underneath the area of maximum lift, the front of the wings. This changes the airflow around the wings

and alters the pressure difference between the upper and lower wings, thus increasing the lift and diving

Baymax even faster. When Baymax rises and stabilizes, his chin is positioned perpendicular to the wings thus

leveling the pressure difference between the upper and lower wings and minimizing lift. Also notice the ripples

in the air as Baymax flies through the turbulent air currents below the dam. The suit’s wings are designed to

move through different pressures and altitudes while minimizing air resistance and drag. Specialists were

consulted by the filmmakers to ensure that Baymax’s flight was physically plausible.


⁤Microbot- 0.43 seconds into the movie ⁤ ⁤Baymax- 36.43 minutes into the movie ⁤

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