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1.Write a paragraph on the topic 'Manners and Etiquettes'.

2.Write a paragraph on the topic 'Changing fashions'.

3.You are the Editor of your school magazine. Draft a notice for your school noticeboard inviting
articles, sketches etc. from the students for the magazine. Sign as Shubham of A.B.T Sr. Sec
School, Hyderabad.

4.Your school is holding a summer camp for training students Hockey and Basketball. Write a
notice for the school noticeboard of Anand Prakash Vidalaya, Allahabad. You are the sports
Secretary of the school.

5.Write a dialogue between two friends who plan to spend their vacations abroad.

6.Sam and Tom were caught by the teacher cheating in a class test. Frame dialouge between
the two and the teacher.

7.Fast Food is quick and easy to make . It is also delicious . But how good it is for our health?
Write a newspaper article expressing your views on fast food. Use hints given in the box.

8.Write an article on the given topic 'Mobile Phones : A modern utility or a health hazard'.

9.Write a letter to the editor of the Hindu on the fear that is spreading among people due to
widespread terrorism in the world. Give suggestions to curb such anti-social activities. You are

10.You are Sunil/Sunita, staying at Ramakrishna Puram, Securdrabad. Your locality being away
from the main city, the poor bus service adversely affects the life of the residents. Write a letter
to the editor of the times of India, highlighting the problems faced, and also giving a few possible

11.You are Mohan/Monika. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you five hundred
rupees more than. What you normally receive every month . Give a good reason.

12.Write a letter to your friend on passing in the Annual Examination . You are Arti/Anand.

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