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Personal Privacy

Department of Home Affairs Record of

Application for a Student Visa Responses

Terms and Conditions

View Terms and Conditions View Privacy statement
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions
Application context

Current location
Give details of the applicant's current location.
Current location: PAKISTAN
Legal status: Citizen
Application type

Is the applicant applying for this visa because their study in Australia has been deferred due to
Confirmation of enrolment

Does the applicant hold a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) for any intended course of study in

Confirmation of enrolment details

CoE code: EB8D5318
Is this course a continuation of the applicant's studies or training outside Australia?
Other evidence of intended study

Does the applicant hold evidence of their intended study in Australia other than a CoE?

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This form submitted by :
Role(s) : Self-registered user
Submitted on : 23/09/2023 19:54

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Personal Privacy
Application for a Student Visa

Note: Do not add a Letter of offer for a course that has already been included in the Confirmation of
enrolment section above. Adding a CoE and a Letter of offer for the same course is unnecessary and
may lead to delays in processing the application.
Education sector
Select the education sector of the applicant's principal course.
Education sector: Higher Education Sector
Closure of education provider

Is the applicant applying for this visa due to the closure of their Australian education provider?
Commonwealth funded student

Is the applicant receiving partial or full funding under a training scheme approved by the
Commonwealth government of Australia?
Primary applicant
Information: Entering names incorrectly may result in denial of permission to board an aircraft to
Australia, or result in delays in border processing on arrival to Australia, even if the applicant has
been granted a visa.
Passport details
Enter the following details as they appear in the applicant's personal passport.
Family name: ANAS
Given names:
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 11 Oct 2003
Passport number: DS1717341
Country of passport: PAKISTAN - PAK
Nationality of passport holder: PAKISTAN - PAK
Date of issue: 24 Feb 2022
Date of expiry: 23 Feb 2027
Place of issue / issuing PAKISTAN
It is strongly recommended that the passport be valid for at least six months.
National identity card

Does this applicant have a national identity card?


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Application for a Student Visa

National identity card

Enter details exactly as shown on the national identity card.
Family name: ANAS
Given names:
Identification number: 37405-5337734-7
Country of issue: PAKISTAN
Note: If the National identity card does not have a Date of issue or a Date of expiry, do not enter a
date. Leave the field/s blank.
Date of issue: 23 Jul 2022
Date of expiry: 23 Jul 2032
Place of birth


State / Province: PUNJAB
Country of birth: PAKISTAN
Relationship status

Relationship status: Never Married

Other names / spellings

Is this applicant currently, or have they ever been known by any other names?

Is this applicant a citizen of the selected country of passport (PAKISTAN)?

Is this applicant a citizen of any other country?
Other passports

Does this applicant have other current passports?

Other identity documents

Does this applicant have other identity documents?

Health examination

Has this applicant undertaken a health examination for an Australian visa in the last 12 months?

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Application for a Student Visa

HAP ID (If available) 34053731
Critical data confirmation
All information provided is important to the processing of this application.
If the information included on this page is incorrect, it may lead to denial of permission to board an
aircraft to Australia, even if a visa has been granted.
Confirm that the following information is correct and that it is in the correct fields.

Family name: ANAS

Given names:
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 11 Oct 2003
Country of birth: PAKISTAN
Passport number: DS1717341
Country of passport: PAKISTAN - PAK

Is the above information Yes

Accompanying members of the family unit
Are there any accompanying members of the family unit included in this application?
Contact details

Country of residence

Usual country of residence: PAKISTAN

Department office
The applicant may be required to attend an Australian Government Office for an interview. Which is
the closest office to the applicant’s current location?

Office: Pakistan, Islamabad

Residential address
Note that a street address is required. A post office address cannot be accepted as a residential

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Application for a Student Visa


Suburb / Town: HAFIZABAD
State or Province: PUNJAB
Postal code: 52110
Postal address

Is the postal address the same as the residential address?

Contact telephone numbers
Enter numbers only with no spaces.
Home phone:
Business phone:
Mobile / Cell phone: 00923476240985
Email address

Email address:

Authorised recipient
Does the applicant authorise another person to receive written correspondence on their behalf?
This authorises the department to send the authorised person all written correspondence that would
otherwise be sent directly to the applicant.
Yes, an education agent
This person is referred to as the 'authorised recipient'.
Education agent contact details

Education agent

Family name: BHATTI

Given names: ASIM
Postal address

Address: 51 C-3
Suburb / Town: LAHORE
State or Province: PUNJAB
Postal code: 54770
Contact telephone numbers

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Application for a Student Visa

Enter numbers only with no spaces.

Business phone:
Mobile / Cell phone: 00923347811160
Electronic communication
The Department prefers to communicate electronically as this provides a faster method of
All correspondence, including notification of the outcome of the application will be sent to:

Note: The holder of this email address may receive a verification email from the Department if the
address has not already been verified. If the address holder receives a verification email, they should
click on the link to verify their address before this application is submitted.

Non-accompanying members of the family unit

Details of all members of the family unit of the applicant must be included in this application whether
or not they intend to apply for a student visa. If non-accompanying members of the family unit details
are not included in this application, they will not be eligible for grant of a student visa at a later date.
Does the applicant have any members of their family unit that have not already been included as an
'Accompanying member of the family unit' in this application?
Other family members
Does the applicant have any parents or siblings in or outside Australia?

Other family members

Relationship to primary applicant

Relationship to the primary Parent

Family member details

Family name: ILYAS

Given names: MUHAMMAD
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 01 Jan 1955
Usual country of residence

Usual country of residence: PAKISTAN

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Application for a Student Visa

Other family members

Relationship to primary applicant

Relationship to the primary Parent

Family member details

Family name: RAQEEB

Given names: AMTUL
Sex: Female
Date of birth: 01 Jan 1962
Usual country of residence

Usual country of residence: PAKISTAN

Other family members

Relationship to primary applicant

Relationship to the primary Brother

Family member details

Family name: ULLAH

Given names: HABIB
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 25 Mar 1983
Usual country of residence

Usual country of residence: QATAR

Other family members

Relationship to primary applicant

Relationship to the primary Sister

Family member details

Family name: KHALID

Given names: AMATULLAH
Sex: Female

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Application for a Student Visa

Date of birth: 08 Jul 1984

Usual country of residence

Usual country of residence: PAKISTAN

Other family members

Relationship to primary applicant

Relationship to the primary Brother

Family member details

Family name: ABDUL REHMAN

Given names: UMAR
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 02 Jul 1986
Usual country of residence

Usual country of residence: PAKISTAN

Other family members

Relationship to primary applicant

Relationship to the primary Brother

Family member details

Family name: ILYAS

Given names: ZAID
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 02 Feb 1989
Usual country of residence

Usual country of residence: PAKISTAN

Other family members

Relationship to primary applicant

Relationship to the primary Sister

Family member details

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Application for a Student Visa

Family name: ILYAS

Given names: NAIMA
Sex: Female
Date of birth: 01 Jun 1997
Usual country of residence

Usual country of residence: PAKISTAN

Other family members

Relationship to primary applicant

Relationship to the primary Brother

Family member details

Family name: ILYAS

Given names: MAAZ
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 26 Dec 2000
Usual country of residence

Usual country of residence: SAUDI ARABIA

Genuine temporary entrant
All student visa applicants are required to provide information in support of their application to
demonstrate that they meet the Genuine Temporary Entrant criteria.

Give details to support the applicant's ability to meet the criteria and ensure supporting documents
are attached
My name is Anas s/o Muhammad Ilyas, holding a Pakistani
passport #DS1717341, currently residing in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
I belong to a very close-knit family where I live with my parents
and siblings. As for as my studies concerned, I have done my
SSC from Islamabad board, HSSC from Gujranwala Board and
Diploma of IT from Rawalpindi. For the purpose of study abroad
I have attempted IELTS in 2022 and scored 6.0 bands overall.
Now, I aspire to get my further education from a foreign country
and to me, Australia is the best option for its high standards of
education experiential learning & diverse culture.

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Application for a Student Visa

To have a career where I can grow, I need to complete the

relevant training and for that I've secured my admission in
Bachelors of Information Technology in a well reputed institute
(KOI). After I made my mind to get enrolled in Bachelors of IT,
I looked through the course detail of the each unit which was
perfectly as per my area of interest. This course will help me
to unlocking my fullest potential. By studying this course, I
would learn cognitive and technical skills to create and manage
cohesive solutions for diverse IT organizations. The subjects
such as; Database System, IT networking, mobile games and
apps will help me to grow in IT Field.
After completion of my course, I will surely return back to
Pakistan and will establish my career in Top Notch IT Firms such
as Netsol or System Ltd on a position as a web developer with
a salary range of 4-5 lac PKR .As Pakistan still faces a lack of
skilled professional manpower in the IT networking field. My
education, experience and expertise gained in Australia will
help me to contribute to my nation's development as, I dreamt
of establishing my own Software house with a team of highly
qualified technical experts. My education is fully sponsored
by my family, and it's my moral duty to look after them while
returning back to home country. I also pledge to abide by all my
student visa conditions.
Kind Regards,
Funding for stay
Do all applicants in this application confirm that they each have access to sufficient funds to support
themselves for the total period of stay in Australia and understand that further evidence of funds may
also be requested?
Show how each applicant included in the application will support themselves in Australia to meet
living, tuition and school costs. Select any that apply.
Financial support from an individual
Financial support from an individual

Will the funds be provided by an individual other than the applicant?

Funding type: Deposit in financial institution
Value in Australian dollars 44317
(whole dollars only)
Financial institution: HBL

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Application for a Student Visa

Health insurance

Overseas Student Health Cover

Does the applicant have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)?

Other health insurance cover
Some Belgian, Norwegian and Swedish students are not required to purchase OSHC as part of their
visa requirements. Belgian students can access Reciprocal Health Cover in Australia, Norwegian
students are covered by the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme and Swedish students are
covered by CSN International or by Kammarkollegiet.
Does the applicant have other acceptable health insurance?

Highest level of schooling

Give details of the applicant's highest level of schooling completed outside Australia.
Highest level of schooling Secondary school - Year 12 or equivalent
Country of institution: PAKISTAN
Education history

Has the applicant completed, or is currently enrolled in any other studies or training outside

Education history details

Give details of all past and current studies at secondary level and above.
Qualification: Other
Category of study: General Education Programmes
Field of study: General Education Programmes, n.e.c.
Country of institution: PAKISTAN
Date from: 06 Nov 2017
Date to: 08 Nov 2019

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Application for a Student Visa

Education history details

Give details of all past and current studies at secondary level and above.
Qualification: Senior Secondary School Certificate
Category of study: General Education Programmes
Field of study: General Education Programmes, n.e.c.
Country of institution: PAKISTAN
Date from: 14 Oct 2019
Date to: 14 Oct 2021
Education history details
Give details of all past and current studies at secondary level and above.
Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Science, Business or Technology
Category of study: Computer Science
Field of study: Computer Science, n.e.c.
Country of institution: PAKISTAN
Date from: 01 Dec 2021
Date to: 01 Feb 2023
Has the applicant previously studied in Australia?

Employment history
Give details of the applicant's employment and unemployment history since leaving school/college/
• Employment includes all paid employment, self-employment, family business employment, work
experience, internships, unpaid employment and volunteer work. • Unemployment includes all gaps
in employment since leaving school/college/university.
Employment history details

Employment status: Student

Is this the applicant's current employment situation?
Student course details

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Application for a Student Visa


Date from: 01 Dec 2021
Date to: 01 Feb 2023
Future employment

Has the applicant been offered a job at the completion of their course?
Give details of the type of employment the applicant will be seeking at the completion of their course:


Language - ANAS (11 Oct 2003)

Language ability

Has the applicant undertaken an English language test within the last 24 months?
English test details
Give details of the highest scoring English test over the 24 month period.
Name of test: IELTS
Date of test: 11 Jun 2022
Test reference number: 22PK003569ANAT015A
Country where test was PAKISTAN
Overall test score: 6.0
Main language

Main language: Urdu

Study in English language

Has the applicant successfully completed at least five years study (in the English language) in
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of South Africa, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom and/
or United States of America?
In the two years before applying for the Student visa, has the applicant successfully completed the
requirements for a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (conducted in English in Australia)?

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Application for a Student Visa

In the two years before applying for the Student visa, has the applicant successfully completed
a substantial component of a course leading to a qualification from the Australian Qualifications
Framework at Certificate IV or higher as a holder of a Student visa (conducted in English in

Countries visited
Have any of the applicants visited any countries in the past 10 years? Include:
• Work or study outside your usual country of residence
• Holiday/leisure trips
• Business
• Military deployment
• Visits back to your usual country of residence if living away
Visa history
Has the applicant, or any person included in this application, held or currently hold a visa to Australia
or any other country?
Has the applicant, or any person included in this application, ever been in Australia or any other
country and not complied with visa conditions or departed outside their authorised period of stay?
Has the applicant, or any person included in this application, ever had an application for entry or
further stay in Australia or any other country refused, or had a visa cancelled?
Health declarations
In the last five years, has any applicant visited, or lived, outside their country of passport, for more
than 3 consecutive months? Do not include time spent in Australia.
Does any applicant intend to enter a hospital or a health care facility (including nursing homes) while
in Australia?
Does any applicant intend to work as, or study or train to be, a health care worker or work within a
health care facility while in Australia?
Does any applicant intend to work, study or train within aged care or disability care while in Australia?
Does any applicant intend to work or be a trainee at a child care centre (including preschools and
creches) while in Australia?
Has any applicant:

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Application for a Student Visa

• ever had, or currently have, tuberculosis?

• been in close contact with a family member that has active tuberculosis?
• ever had a chest x-ray which showed an abnormality?
During their proposed visit to Australia, does any applicant expect to incur medical costs, or require
treatment or medical follow up for:
• blood disorder
• cancer
• heart disease
• hepatitis B or C and/or liver disease
• HIV infection, including AIDS
• kidney disease, including dialysis
• mental illness
• pregnancy
• respiratory disease that has required hospital admission or oxygen therapy
• other?
Does any applicant require assistance with mobility or care due to a medical condition?
Character declarations
If the applicant answers ‘Yes’ to any of the character declarations they must give all relevant details.
For combined applications, state which applicant the declaration applies to.
If the matter relates to a criminal conviction, provide:
• the date and nature of the offence
• full details of the sentence
• dates of any period of imprisonment or other detention.
Has any applicant ever been charged with any offence that is currently awaiting legal action?
Has any applicant ever been convicted of an offence in any country (including any conviction which is
now removed from official records)?
Has any applicant ever been the subject of a domestic violence or family violence order, or any other
order, of a tribunal or court or other similar authority, for the personal protection of another person?
Has any applicant ever been the subject of an arrest warrant or Interpol notice?
Has any applicant ever been found guilty of a sexually based offence involving a child (including
where no conviction was recorded)?
Has any applicant ever been named on a sex offender register?

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Application for a Student Visa

Has any applicant ever been acquitted of any offence on the grounds of unsoundness of mind or
Has any applicant ever been found by a court not fit to plead?
Has any applicant ever been directly or indirectly involved in, or associated with, activities which
would represent a risk to national security in Australia or any other country?
Has any applicant ever been charged with, or indicted for: genocide, war crimes, crimes against
humanity, torture, slavery, or any other crime that is otherwise of a serious international concern?
Has any applicant ever been associated with a person, group or organisation that has been or is
involved in criminal conduct?
Has any applicant ever been associated with an organisation engaged in violence or engaged in
acts of violence (including war, insurgency, freedom fighting, terrorism, protest) either overseas or in
Has any applicant ever served in a military force, police force, state sponsored / private militia or
intelligence agency (including secret police)?
Has any applicant ever undergone any military/paramilitary training, been trained in weapons/
explosives or in the manufacture of chemical/biological products?
Has any applicant ever been involved in people smuggling or people trafficking offences?
Has any applicant ever been removed, deported or excluded from any country (including Australia)?
Has any applicant ever overstayed a visa in any country (including Australia)?
Has any applicant ever had any outstanding debts to the Australian Government or any public
authority in Australia?
Student declarations
Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
The applicants declare that they:
Have read and understood the information provided on the website (
regarding living and studying in Australia.

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Application for a Student Visa

Have made adequate arrangements for health insurance for the period of their stay in Australia and
acknowledge they are required to maintain these arrangements while in Australia as the holder of a
student visa.
Understand that a student visa is a temporary visa and that being granted a student visa will not
guarantee that they will be eligible for the grant of a further visa to stay in Australia, including a skilled
migration visa.
Understand that if they cannot obtain a further visa they must depart Australia on or before the cease
date of the student visa.
Acknowledge that if granted a student visa, they are required to understand and abide by its
Understand that if the 8534 visa condition is imposed on the student visa, it will be indicated by the
condition code 8534 and by the short description No Further Stay.They acknowledge that this means
the 8534 condition has been imposed on their visa and while in Australia they will only be entitled to
the grant of limited visas including:
• A subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa ,or
• A subclass 590 (Student Guardian) visa.
Understand that the effect of 8534 visa condition is that it will not be possible to apply to remain in
Australia beyond the date authorised on the student visa and that they will be required to depart
Australia on or before that date.
Understand that if the 8535 visa condition is imposed on the student visa, it will be indicated by the
condition code 8535 and by the short description No Further Stay. They acknowledge that this means
that the 8535 condition has been imposed on their visa and while in Australia they will only be entitled
to the grant of limited visas including:
• A further student visa (subclass 500) in circumstance where the Commonwealth, or foreign
government (as the case requires), does not oppose them from obtaining a further visa to stay in
Understand that the effect of the 8535 visa condition is that it will not be possible to remain in
Australia beyond the date authorised on the student visa, unless they are applying for a further
student visa in circumstances where the Commonwealth or a foreign government (as the case
requires) does not oppose them undertaking a relevant course of study, and that they will be required
to depart Australia on or before the authorised date.

Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.

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Application for a Student Visa

The applicants declare that they:

Have read and understood the information provided to them in this application.
Have provided complete and correct information in every detail on this form, and on any attachments
to it.
Understand that if any fraudulent documents or false or misleading information has been provided
with this application, or if any of the applicants fail to satisfy the Minister of their identity, the
application may be refused and the applicant(s), and any member of their family unit, may become
unable to be granted a visa for a specified period of time.
Understand that if documents are found to be fraudulent or information to be incorrect after the grant
of a visa, the visa may subsequently be cancelled.
Understand that if this application is approved, any person not included in this application will not
have automatic right of entry to Australia.
Will inform the Department in writing immediately as they become aware of a change in
circumstances (including change of address) or if there is any change relating to information they
have provided in or with this application, while it is being considered.
Have read the information contained in the Privacy Notice(Form 1442i).
Understand that the department may collect, use and disclose the applicant's personal information
(including biometric information and other sensitive information) as outlined in the Privacy
Notice(Form 1442i).
Give consent to the collection of their fingerprints and facial image if required.
Understand that, if required to provide their fingerprints and facial image, the applicant's fingerprints
and facial image and biographical information held by the Department may be given to Australian law
enforcement agencies to help identify the applicant and determine eligibility for grant of the visa being
applied for, and for law enforcement purposes.
Give consent to Australian law enforcement agencies disclosing the applicant's biometric,
biographical and criminal record information to the Department to help identify the applicant, to
determine eligibility for grant of a visa and for law enforcement purposes.
Give consent to the Department using the applicant's biometric, biographical and criminal record
information obtained for the purposes of the Migration Act 1958 or the Citizenship Act 2007.

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Application for a Student Visa

As an applicant:
I understand that if my visa ceases to be in effect and I do not hold another visa to remain in Australia
at that time, I will be an unlawful non-citizen under the Migration Act 1958. As such, I will be expected
to depart from Australia, and be subject to removal under the Migration Act 1958.
Australian values

Each applicant who is 18 years or over has read, or had explained to them, information provided by
the Australian Government on Australian society and values, and agrees to the Australian values
Life in Australia booklet Australian values statement

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Application for a Student Visa

Supporting evidence

Applicant 1 - ANAS (11 Oct 2003)

Evidence type Document type Description Date received Filename
Form 956A Appointment or Form 956A Appointment or 16/09/2023 956a Representative Form.pdf
withdrawal of an authorised recipient withdrawal of an authorised recipient
Health Insurance - Students, Certificate of Overseas Student 23/09/2023 AHM Health insurance
Evidence of Health Cover (OSHC) (ANAS).pdf
Genuine Temporary Entrant Other (specify) Academic 16/09/2023 Academic Documents.pdf
Requirement, Evidence of Documents
Financial Capacity - Student, Letter/Statement - Bank/Financial 23/09/2023 Account Maintenance
Evidence of institution Certificate.pdf
Financial Capacity - Student, Bank Statement - Personal ANAS Bank 23/09/2023 Bank Statement.pdf
Evidence of Sattement
Genuine Temporary Entrant Other (specify) Confirmation Of 23/09/2023 COE BSIT (ANAS).pdf
Requirement, Evidence of Enrolment (BSIT)
Health Insurance - Students, Other (specify) Covid Certificate 16/09/2023 Covid.pdf
Evidence of
Identity, Evidence of Family Book/Household Booklet/ 16/09/2023 FRC.pdf
Family Composition Evidence
Financial Capacity - Student, Evidence of relationship between Family Registration 23/09/2023 FRC_1.pdf
Evidence of applicant and person providing Certificate
financial support
Financial Capacity - Student, Other (specify) Sponsor ID Card 23/09/2023 Father CNIC (Sponsor).pdf
Evidence of
English Language Ability - Students, International English Language 16/09/2023 IELTS.pdf
Evidence of Testing System (IELTS)
Identity, Evidence of National ID Card 16/09/2023 Id Card.pdf
Identity, Evidence of Passport 16/09/2023 Passport.pdf
Health Insurance - Students, Other (specify) Polio certificate 16/09/2023 Polio Card.pdf
Evidence of
Financial Capacity - Student, Other (specify) Property under 16/09/2023 Property Under the Applicant.pdf
Evidence of Applicant name
Financial Capacity - Student, Evidence of ongoing annual income Rental deed 16/09/2023 Rent Deed Constructed Plaza.pdf
Evidence of
Financial Capacity - Student, Evidence of ongoing annual income Rental deed 16/09/2023 Rent Deed Constructed
Evidence of Workshop.pdf
Financial Capacity - Student, Evidence of ongoing annual income Rental deed 16/09/2023 Rent Deed Double Storey
Evidence of Shop.pdf
Financial Capacity - Student, Evidence of ongoing annual income Rental Deed 16/09/2023 Rent Deed constructed Shose
Evidence of Shop.pdf
Financial Capacity - Student, Evidence of ongoing annual income Rental deed 16/09/2023 Rent Deed of House.pdf
Evidence of
Genuine Temporary Entrant Letter Statement for Genuine Letter Statement 23/09/2023 Statement of Purpose
Requirement, Evidence of Temporary Entrant (GTE) SOP (ANAS).pdf
Identity, Evidence of Other (specify) Police character 16/09/2023 police certificate.pdf

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