Questions - Section B - Taxation Law

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Section B

Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks

6. What are the test to determine the residential status of individual?

7. Explain the transactions which are excluded from the meaning of ‘transfer’ for the
purposes of capital gains.
8. What do you understand by Self-Assessment?

6. What are the tests to determine the residential status of an individual? 7. What is
depreciation? Discuss in detail.
8. What is ‘Agricultural Income’? What are its kinds? Explain.

6. What is the process of Computing Income Tax
7. What is Income? Explain the fundamental principles of determining income. 8. Discuss the
exempted Income of House Property

6. How the residential status of HUF is determined ? Discuss. 7. What is Salary? Discuss in
8. What is income from House Property ? Explain

6. What are perquisites? What perquisites are included in the salary income of an
7. What do you mean by capital gain? How are capital gains calculated?
8. What do you understand by Provident Fund? Explain different types of Provident Funds.

6. What do you understand by depreciation? How is the depreciation deduction availed
while company income is from business or profession?
7. Explain different types of provident funds.
8. Discuss how the capital gains are calculated.

6. What do you mean by Capital Assets?
7. What do you mean by Tax and Fee and what is the difference between the two?
8. What is the basis of charge of Salary income as given in section 15 of Income Tax Act,

6. What is exemption? Discuss the exemption under Section, 80G of Income-Tax Act?
7. Discuss the method of calculation of Capital Gains.
8. Define Previous Year. How previous year will be determined.

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