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Title: Determinants of Onion Market Outlet Choices of Smallholder Farmers: The Case of
Ticho District, Arsi Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia”

General Guideline for enumerator: Politely introduces you to the respondent and explain the
objective of the study as follows.

Dear Respondent, the objective of this survey is to assess the determinants of onion market
outlet choices of smallholder farmers: the case of Ticho district, Arsi zone, Oromia,
Ethiopia and recommend policy interventions. Any information we collect from you will be
kept confidential and used only for research purpose. Thesis, therefore, to kindly request your
kind cooperation in providing us correct information for the research”.

For any information you can contact:

Researcher:Tamirat Asefa HordofaPhone: 0979321306

I. General Information

1. HH Code: _____________
2. Name of the enumerator: _____________________Signature: _____________
3. Date: _______/ _______/________
4. Name of Kebele____________________________
part1: Demographic Characteristics of respondents
1. Sex of household head; 1= Male 0= Female
2. Age of household head _____________years
3. Family size _____________years
4. Education level of household head: _____________________
5. Marital status of the household head; 1. Single 2. Married 3. Divorced 4. Widow

Part2. Production related Questions
1. Do you own arable land? (√) 0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]
2. If yes how much? ______ha.
3 Total irrigable area: [____] timad or [_______] ha.

4 From the total cultivated land how many hectares you are allocating for onion production in
2015 Ec? [____] timad or [_____] ha

5. Do you have your own Oxen for plowing purpose? (√) 0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]
6. If your answer for Q.5 is Yes, livestock Number: 1 [____], 0 [___]
7. Do you have your own irrigation facilities (√)0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]

8 Do you have your own transportation Material (√)0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]

9. If your answer for Q. 8 is yes, what type? (√) 0. [ ] Vehicle 1. [ ] (donkeys/mules/horses) 3. [

] others

10. How many you contact with DA/year [ ] times

11. Are you a member of any Farmers associations or cooperative? (√) 0. No. [ ] 1. Yes [ ]
12. Are you having linkage with any onion marketing organization? (√) (√) 0. No. [ ] 1. Yes [ ]

Organization 0= No Benefit (use code) * Benefit

1= Yes

Onion producer’s 0.Access to credit

1. To get financial support when
Onion marketing you incur a loss

Multipurpose 2. Encourage to save

3. Facilitate joint marketing

4. Access to input

5. Got market information

2.1 Onion Production

1. How long have you practiced on onion production? [______] years

1.1 Production of onion in 2015 production year cropping of rain feed and irrigation season?
Type of crop Area Quantity Quantity Quantity sold (qt) Average
in ha produced consumed Price/qt(EB
(qt) (qt) R)


2. What is the objective of producing onion? Put the following in order of priority.

Objective Rank %

As a major income from sale of the produce

For personal consumption at home

As a supplementary income from sale of the produce

Other, Specify

3. What type of onion seeds you are using? (√) 0. Local [ ] 1. Improved [ ] 2. Both [ ]
4. Have you used irrigation for onion production? 0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]
5. If "yes" what is it, method, frequency of use application, and costs of irrigation? (*
Multiple responses are possible).___________________________________________
Type of crop Method of irrigation Frequency of onion Cost of
application per week, irrigation/q
1. Surface irrigation
two week or month t(ETB)
2. Border strip

3. Basin method
4. Check method


6. What is your average production of onion in 2015 per year/ha? [_____]Qt

2.2 Production services of onion
Input Supply
1. Do you always get inputs in the quantities that you need? (√) 0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]

2.2.1 Access to Credit

1. Did you borrow money for onion production before? (√) 0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]
2. If your answer for Q.1 is Yes, from where and for what purpose did you collect the credit?
(*Multiple responses are possible)
No. Source *Purpose (write 1.Payment for hired labor
2. Purchase of fertilizer and seed
1 Micro finance
3. Purchase of farm implements
2 Cooperatives/unions
4. Payment for rented oxen
3 NGOs (specify)
5. Purchase of transport animals
4 Bank (specify)
6. To rent in land to extend
5 Trader vegetables production

6 Relatives

2.2.2 Information/knowledge flow

2.2.3 Access Extension service

1. Did you get advisory service on onion production practices before? (√) 0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]
2. If your answer for Q.1 is No, why? (√) (Multiple responses are possible) 1. [ ] No service
Provider nearby. 2. [ ] Possessed the required information 3. [ ] Availability of contact
Farmers. 4. [ ] Do not have time to get the service 5. [ ] Others (specify)
3. Who provides the Extension service? (√) (Multiple responses is possible) 1. [ ] Development
agents 2.[ ] NGOs (specify) _____ 3.[ ] Research centers (specify) 4.[ ] 4. What was the
Frequency of extension service you got last year? (√) 1. [ ] Once per month
2. [ ] Twice per month 3. [ ] Three times per month 4. [ ] Four times per month

2.2 Marketing of onion

1. Did you sell onion before? (√)0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]

2. If your answer for Q.1 is No, why you did not sell? _______________

3. To whom do you sell most of your onion produce? ___________________________

4. To which one of the following marketing center do you have access? (√) 1. [ ] Gobesa, 2.[ ]
Kela, 3.[ ] Ticho 4. [ ] Other (specify)___________________________
4. How did you get the last year price of onion? 0. Low [ ] 1 Medium.[ ] 2. High [ ] 6. When
did you get the money after your sale? 0. [ ] Immediately after sale 1.[ ] After few days 2.[ ]
After week 3.[ ] Week to month 4. [ ] other (specify)________________________
6. Do you have any value addition on your onion produce? (√) 0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]

7. If your answer for Q.6 is yes, what are those value adding activities? (*Multiple responses are
Crop type Value adding How much it costs?(Birr/qt)
1. Cleaning
2. Curing

3. Storage

8. Do you have marketing information in last year? (√)0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]

9. If your answer for Q. 8 is yes, from whom did you get the market information? (√) 1. [ ] DAs
2. [ ] 3.[ ] District experts 4.[ ] Radio 5.[ ] Brokers 6.[ ] From market 7. [ ] Other s
10. What type of information did you get? (√) (Multiple responses is possible)

1. [ ] Price information 2.[ ] Market place information 3.[ ] Buyers’ information 4. [ ] other
(specify) ______________________________
11. Did you know the nearby market price before you sell? (√)0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]

12. Who sets your selling price for onion produce in last season? (√) 1. [ ] Yourself 2.[ ] Buyers
3. [ ] Set by demand and supply 4. [ ] Negotiations 5. [ ] Others
Part3. Onion producer’s interviews
1. To which market and to whom did you sell Onions. (*Multiple market area is possible, **
Multiple answers are possible and write the codes in correspondence to the market area and other
answers should be written accordingly)

Crop Market to Quantit Average %age share Payment

type y sold price/kg of buyers
1. Retailers 1. Cash
2. Wholesalers 2. Credit

3. Consumers 3. Advance
4 local collectors


2. How many regular buyers do you have? Wholesalers_____, Consumers____________,

Retailers_____, others
3. What is your packaging onion for transporting material? (√) 1. [ ] Sisal sack 2.[ ] Plastic sack
3. [ ] Basket 4.[ ] Others ______
7. Do you know the market prices in different markets (on farm, village market and other
areas) before you sold your onion? (√)0. No [ ] 1. Yes [ ]
8. To sell your onion products, which market outlet do you use?
1. Local Collector
2. Whole sellers

3. Retailers
4. Consumers

7. The reason why you choose that market channel?

1. High price

2. Reliable (will always purchase)

3. Accessibility

4. Only available channel

5. Don’t know anywhere else to sell

Part4. Wholesaler or retailer interviews

1. From which market and supplier did you buy onion produce? (*Multiple market area is
possible, ** Multiple answers are possible and write the codes in correspondence to the market
area and other answers should be written in accordance)

Crop Market* From ** Quantity Average %age of Payment

types (location purchased price/kg purchased
1. Producers/ 1. Cash
name) (qt) onion
farmer gate
2. Credit
2. Collectors
3.consumers payment


2. How many regular suppliers do you have? Producers ________, Collectors, _________, others

3. How do you attract suppliers? (√) 1. [ ] Giving better price 2. [ ] By visiting them 3.[ ] Fair
scaling /weighing 4. [ ] Extending credit 5. [ ] Using brokers 6. [ ] Advertising using influential
peoples 7. [ ] Other (specify) ___________________

4. Do you consider quality requirement of your customers in purchasing activities? 0. No [ ]

1.Yes [ ]
5. Who purchase onion for you? (√) 1. [ ] Myself 2.[ ] Broker 3.[ ] Commission agent 4.[ ]
Family members 5.[ ] Friends 6. [ ] Others_________________
6. Who sets the purchase price? (√) 1. [ ] Myself 2. [ ] Set by demand and supply 3. [ ] Sellers 4.
[ ] Other (specify)

Pat5. Consumers Interview Schedules

1. Experience in onion produce consumption? _____ years
2. Do you produce and consume or purchase onion? 1. [ ] Purchase 2. [ ] Produce
3. If you purchase, what is the proportion of your monthly income is used for purchasing onion
produce? [______] % of monthly income.

Thank you all of respondent for gave information for me!!!!!!!

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