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8SCI Assessment Task 4: Measuring Density Task

Name: Jun Alexander Mieu 8D Partner’s name: Brenden Gu 8D Date: 06/06/2024

Title: Measuring Density Of Common Metals

To measure the density of some common metals for the purposes of comparison.


 1 × aluminium metallic cube

 1 × lead metallic cube
 1 × zinc cube
 1 × brass cube
 1 × copper cube
 1 × iron cube
 Electronic balance
 Ruler

1. Construct a table like the one below in your workbook to record all the data
2. Collect all the metallic cubes and use the electronic balance to measure the mass of each metallic
cube and record your measurements in the table
3. Use the ruler to measure the length, width and height of the block and record the measurement in
the table.

Table: Measurements and calculated density for the metals investigated in this study.

Volume Density
Mass Length Width Height
Material (l x w x h) (mass/volume)
(g) (cm) (cm) (cm)
(cm3) (g/cm3)

Brass 8.5 1 1 1.1 1.1 7.7272727

Lead 10.9 1 1 1 1 10.9
Aluminium 2.4 1 0.9 0.9 0.81 2.962962963
Zinc 7.0 1 1 1 1 7
Copper 9.3 1 0.9 0.9 0.81 11.4814814
Iron 7.8 1 1 1 1 7.8

Graph: Create a graph on excel of the density of different types of material.

Density Of Common Metals

12 11.4814814
Density Of Material (g/cm3)

7.7272727 7.8
8 7

4 2.962962963

Brass Lead Aluminium Zinc Copper Iron
Common Metals/Materials

Write full sentences, NOT just brief answers, in response to the following prompts:

1. Describe your results using specific data as supporting evidence.

Compared to the official densities, the findings in the data concluded that all of the densities found in my
data are within 0.5g/cm3 error margains except copper. The difference between my data and the official
data for copper is 2.5214814.

2. Explain the scientific theory behind why some blocks have higher densities than others with reference
to at least one external source.

The atoms are close together in the structure and atomic masses larger in higher density blocks. It is also
affected by a large amount of electrons contributing to mass per unit. The amount of mass in a
particular space or volume .

Structure & properties of metals – HSC chemistry (no date) Science Ready. Available at:
%20density%20of%20transition,the%20mass%20per%20unit%20volume (Accessed: 08 June 2024).

Density (no date) Maggie’s Science Connection. Available at:
%20packed%20particles,the%20more%20dense%20it%20is. (Accessed: 08 June 2024).
3. The official densities for these metals are:
 Lead 11.35 g/cm3
 Aluminium 2.702 g/cm3
 Zinc 7.13 g/cm3
 Brass 8.2 g/cm3
 Copper 8.96 g/cm3
 Iron 7.87 g/cm3

Compare your calculated densities with the official densities and propose reasons why the values above
might be a little different from the ones you calculated.

Identify any experimental or human errors that may have occurred during the investigation and
explain how this may have affected your results. Suggest strategies to minimise these errors in the

The measurements of the cubes of elements were measured by eye using rulers. Not only did this
change the outcome of the experiment, it created a margain of error. This could be fixed by putting the
object in water to check volume instead of measuring and calculating using eye and rulers.

On top of this, I misinputted data into my worksheet, creating an error that could have been avoided by
me double checking my measurements. If this went undetected, my results would be incorrect and
would affect the overall outcome.

4. Research and explain a method of determining the volume of an object with an irregular shape (not
easily measured with a ruler). Ensure you provide a reference to any resources used in your research.

Water displacement is a way to determine the volume of and object more effectively than measuring
volume with rulers. A contained is filled with water then the object is put into it. The water rises the
amount of volume the object takes up.

What method is used to measure the volume of irregularly shaped objects?: Socratic (2017)
Available at:
%20be%20calculated. (Accessed: 08 June 2024).

Summarise your findings and relate it back to the aim. Be brief and concise.
Comparing the densities, it Is clear that the data compared to the official data is similar. The
findings also had errors that majorly affected the results, making the usual less dense copper the most
dense. As well as this, lead had the second most density, being packed with many atoms. After this came
iron, brass, zinc and aluminium in order. Compared to each other, they all have similar densities except for
aluminium, with the lowest density.

List references used in alphabetical order using APA 7th or Harvard referencing conventions.

Structure & properties of metals – HSC chemistry (no date) Science Ready. Available at:
%20density%20of%20transition,the%20mass%20per%20unit%20volume (Accessed: 08 June 2024).

Density (no date) Maggie’s Science Connection. Available at:
%20packed%20particles,the%20more%20dense%20it%20is. (Accessed: 08 June 2024).

What method is used to measure the volume of irregularly shaped objects?: Socratic (2017) Available at:
%20then%20be%20calculated. (Accessed: 08 June 2024).

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