HSK 3 Vocabulary List

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HSK 3 Vocabulary List

No Chinese Pinyin English HSK

modal particle ending sentence,
1 ⓲ a showing affirmation, approval, or HSK3
2 䞖 •i low; short (in length) HSK3
to like; to take pleasure in; keen on;
3 䇙⤥ àihào fond of; interest; hobby; appetite HSK3
for; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
4 ⬱朁 •njìng quiet; peaceful; calm HSK3
maternal aunt; step-mother;
childcare worker; nursemaid;
5 旧⦐ yí woman of similar age to one's HSK3
parents (term of address used by
child); CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
to hold; to contain; to grasp; to take
hold of; a handle; particle marking
6 ㈲ b! the following noun as a direct HSK3
object; classifier for objects with
half; semi-; incomplete; (after a
7 ⋲ bàn HSK3
number) and a half
to move; to shift; to remove; to
8 ㏔ b•n transport; to apply indiscriminately; HSK3
to copy mechanically
team; class; squad; work shift;
9 䎕 b•n classifier for groups; ranking; HSK3
surname Ban; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
means; method; way (of doing sth);
10 ≆㱽 bànf! HSK3
to help; to lend a hand; to do a
11 ⷖ⾁ b•ngmáng HSK3
favor; to do a good turn
an office; business premises; a
12 ≆℔⭌ bàng"ngshì HSK3
bureau; CL:攻|斜[jian1]
13 椙 b!o to eat till full; satisfied HSK3
to cover; to wrap; to hold; to
include; to take charge of; package;
wrapper; container; bag; to hold or
14 ⊭ b•o HSK3
embrace; bundle; packet; to contract
(to or for); surname Bao;
by (indicates passive-voice
15 塓 bèi sentences or clauses); quilt; to cover HSK3
north; the northern part a country;
16 ⊿㕡 b if•ng HSK3
China north of the Yellow River
change; variation; to change; to
17 ⎀⊾ biànhuà HSK3
vary; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
to express; to show; to say; to state;
18 堐䣢 bi!oshì HSK3
to indicate; to mean
play; show; performance;
19 堐㺼 bi!oy!n exhibition; to perform; to act; to HSK3
demonstrate; CL:⟜|⛢[chang3]
20 ⇓Ṣ biérén other people; others; other person HSK3
compare; contrast; fairly;
21 㭼弫 b"jiào comparatively; relatively; quite; HSK3
22 ⭦椮 b#ngu!n guesthouse; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4],⭞[jia1] HSK3
icebox; freezer cabinet; refrigerator;
23 ⅘䭙 b#ngxi•ng HSK3
competition (sports etc); match;
24 㭼崃 b"sài HSK3
to have to; must; compulsory;
25 ⽭栣 bìx$ HSK3
26 滣⫸ bízi nose; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4],晣|⎒[zhi1] HSK3
ability; talent; endowment; gift; an
27 ㇵ cái HSK3
expert; only (then); only if; just
28 厄⋽ càid•n menu; CL:ấ[fen4],⻝|⻈[zhang1] HSK3
29 ⍪≈ c•nji• to participate; to take part; to join HSK3
grass; straw; manuscript; draft (of a
document); careless; rough;
30 勱 c!o HSK3
layer; stratum; laminated; floor (of a
31 ⯪ céng building); storey; classifier for HSK3
layers; repeated; sheaf (math.)
32 ⶖ chà differ from; short of; to lack; poor HSK3
length; long; forever; always;
33 攧 cháng HSK3
34 崭ⶪ ch•oshì supermarket (abbr.); CL:⭞[jia1] HSK3
35 ❶ⶪ chéng shì city; town; CL:⹏[zuo4] HSK3
achievement; performance records;
36 ㆸ云 chéngj HSK3
grades; CL:枭|校[xiang4],ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
37 堔堓 chènsh•n shirt; blouse; CL:ẞ[jian4] HSK3
38 徇⇘ chídào to arrive late HSK3
39 ⍐㇧ chúfáng kitchen; CL:攻|斜[jian1] HSK3
besides; apart from (... also...); in
40 昌Ḯ chúle HSK3
addition to; except (for)
spring (time); gay; joyful; youthful;
41 㗍 ch!n HSK3
love; lust; life
to appear; to arise; to emerge; to
42 ↢䍘 ch!xiàn HSK3
show up
word (general term including
monosyllables through to short
43 孵宕 cíy" HSK3
phrases); term (e.g. technical term);
acute (of sight and hearing); clever;
44 倒㖶 c#ngmíng HSK3
intelligent; bright; smart
band; belt; girdle; ribbon; tire; area;
zone; region; CL:㡅|㜉[tiao2]; to
45 ⷎ dài HSK3
wear; to carry; to lead; to bring; to
look after; to raise
46 噳䱽 dàng•o cake; CL:⟲|⛿[kuai4],ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
only natural; as it should be;
47 ⻻䃞 d•ngrán HSK3
certainly; of course; without doubt
anxious; worried; uneasy; to worry;
48 ㉭⽫ d•nx n HSK3
to be anxious
49 ㇻ㈓ d$s$o to clean; to sweep HSK3
to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan;
50 ㇻ䬿 d$suàn intention; calculation; HSK3
-ly; structural particle: used before a
verb or adjective, linking it to
51 ⛘ de HSK3
preceding modifying adverbial
lamp; light; lantern;
52 䀗 d•ng HSK3
low; beneath; to lower (one's head);
53 Ỷ d to let droop; to hang down; to HSK3
54 䓝㡗 diànt elevator; CL:冢|⎘[tai2],悐[bu4] HSK3
55 䓝⫸恖ẞ diànz!"yóujiàn electronic mail; email; CL:⮩[feng1] HSK3
region; regional (away from the
56 ⛘㕡 dìf#ng HSK3
central administration)
57 ⛘摩 dìti$ subway; metro HSK3
58 ⛘⚦ dìtú map; CL:⻝|⻈[zhang1],㛔[ben3] HSK3
east; host (i.e. sitting on east side of
59 ᷄ d%ng HSK3
guest); landlord; surname Dong
60 ⅔ d%ng winter HSK3
61 ≐䈑 dòngwù HSK3
paragraph; section; segment; stage
62 㭝 duàn (of a process); classifier for stories, HSK3
periods of time, lengths of thread etc
short or brief; to lack; weak point;
63 䞕 du&n HSK3
to engage in physical exercise; to
64 擣䁤 duànliàn HSK3
toughen; to temper
how (wonderful etc); what (a great
65 ⣂ᷰ du%me idea etc); however (difficult it may HSK3
be etc)
66 椧 è to be hungry; hungry HSK3
67 俛㛝 $rdu' CL:晣|⎒[zhi1],ᾳ|᷒[ge4],⮵|⮡[dui HSK3
(not only ...) but also; moreover; in
68 侴ᶼ érqi$ HSK3
addition; furthermore
to release; to free; to let go; to put;
69 㓦 fàng to place; to let out; to set off HSK3
convenient; to help out; to make
things easy for people;
70 㕡ὧ f•ngbiàn convenience; suitable; having HSK3
money to spare; (euphemism) to go
to the toilet
to set one's mind at rest; to be at
71 㓦⽫ fàngx n HSK3
ease; to rest
have a high temperature (from
72 ⍹䂏 f•sh•o HSK3
illness); have a fever
73 ⍹䍘 f•xiàn to find; to discover HSK3
to divide; to separate; to allocate; to
distinguish (good and bad); part or
subdivision; fraction; one tenth (of
74 ↮ f!n certain units); unit of length HSK3
equivalent to 0.33 cm; minute; a
point (in sports or games); 0.01
yuan (unit of money)
(in the) vicinity; nearby;
75 旬役 fùjìn HSK3
neighboring; next to
to revise; to review; revision;
76 ⢵Ḉ fùxí HSK3
to dare; daring; (polite) may I
77 㔊 g$n HSK3
78 ⇂ㇵ g•ngcái just now; a moment ago HSK3
79 ⸚Ⅸ g•njìng clean; neat HSK3
to catch cold; (common) cold;
80 デ℺ g$nmào HSK3
heel; to follow closely; to go with;
to marry sb (of woman); with;
81 嶇 g!n HSK3
towards; as (compared to); from
(different from); and (in addition to)
to change or replace; to experience;
one of the five two hour periods
82 㚜 gèng into which the night was formerly HSK3
divided; watch (eg of a sentry or
according to; based on; basis;
83 㟡㌖ g!njù HSK3
foundation; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
84 ℔⚕ g#ngyuán public park; CL:⟜|⛢[chang3] HSK3
85 ⇖桶 gu•$f!ng to be windy HSK3
mountain pass; to close; to shut; to
86 ℛ gu•n HSK3
turn off; to concern; to involve
relation; relationship; to concern; to
87 ℛ䲣 gu•nxì affect; to have to do with; guanxi; HSK3
88 ℛ⽫ gu•nx n to care for sth; caring; concerned HSK3
pertaining to; concerning;
89 ℛḶ gu•nyú regarding; with regards to; about; a HSK3
matter of
90 㝄㯩 gu!"zh fruit juice HSK3
91 ⚥⭞ guóji• country; nation; state; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
(in the) past; former; previous; to go
92 彯⍣ guòqù HSK3
over; to pass by
93 㓭ḳ gùshì old practice; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
still; still in progress; still more; yet;
even more; in addition; fairly;
94 往 hái HSK3
passably (good); as early as; even;
also; else
95 ⭛⾽ hàipà to be afraid; to be scared HSK3
96 往㗗 háishì or; still; nevertheless HSK3
97 㱛 hé river; CL:㡅|㜉[tiao2],忻[dao4] HSK3
98 湹㜧 h#ib$n HSK3
to draw; picture; painting;
99 䓣 huà HSK3
flower; blossom; fancy pattern;
100 剙 hu• HSK3
a3],䙮[pen2],䮯[cu4]; to spend
(money, time); surname Hua
101 ⛷ huài bad; spoiled; broken; to break down HSK3
102 ㌊ huàn change; exchange HSK3
yellow; pornographic; to fall
103 湬 huáng HSK3
environment; circumstances;
104 䍗⠫ huánjìng surroundings; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]; HSK3
105 剙⚕ hu•yuán garden; CL:⹏[zuo4],ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
meeting; conference;
106 Ể孖 huìyì HSK3
107 ㆾ侭 huòzh% or; possibly; maybe; perhaps HSK3
108 ㉌䄏 hùzhào passport; CL:㛔[ben3],ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
extremely; pole (geography,
109 㜩 jí HSK3
physics); utmost; top
inspection; to examine; to inspect;
110 㡨㞍 ji•nchá HSK3
111 䬨⋽ ji•nd n simple; not complicated HSK3
to speak; to explain; to negotiate; to
emphasise; to be particular about; as
112 孚 ji•ng HSK3
far as sth is concerned; speech;
113 ‍⹟ jiànk ng health; healthy HSK3
114 奩朊 jiànmiàn to meet; to see sb; CL:㫉[ci4] HSK3
115 㔁 jiào to teach HSK3
foot; leg; base; kick;
116 僂 ji•o HSK3
angle; corner; horn; horn-shaped;
117 奺 ji•o unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan; HSK3
118 存⼿ jìdé to remember HSK3
to lend; to borrow; excuse; pretext;
by means of; to seize (an
119 ῇ jiè HSK3
opportunity); to take (an
to receive; to answer (the phone); to
meet or welcome sb; to connect; to
120 ㍍ ji! HSK3
catch; to join; to extend; to take
one's turn on duty; take over for sb
121 刪㖍 jié rì holiday; festival; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
122 埿忻 ji!dào street; CL:㡅|㜉[tiao2] HSK3
123 乻⨂ jiéh"n to marry; to get married; CL:㫉[ci4] HSK3
to settle (a dispute); to resolve; to
124 妋⅛ ji#jué HSK3
program; item (on a program);
125 刪䚖 jiémù HSK3
termination; to finish; to end; to
126 乻㜇 jiéshù HSK3
conclude; to close
127 ↈ᷶ j$h" almost; nearly; practically HSK3
opportunity; chance; occasion;
128 㛢Ể j$huì HSK3
129 ⬋刪 jìjié time; season; period; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
day to day; everyday; daily;
130 乷ⷠ j•ngcháng frequently; constantly; regularly; HSK3
to pass; to go through; process;
131 乷彯 j•ngguò HSK3
course; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
manager; director;
132 乷䎮 j•ngl HSK3
old; opposite: new 㕘; former; worn
133 㖏 jiù HSK3
(with age)
134 ᷭ ji! (long) time; (long) duration of time HSK3
to decide (to do something); to
resolve; decision;
135 ⅛⭂ juédìng HSK3
136 ᷦ埴 j!xíng to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc) HSK3
137 ⎍⫸ jùzi sentence; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
quarter (hour); moment; to carve; to
138 ⇣ kè engrave; to cut; oppressive; HSK3
classifier for short time intervals
139 㷜 k" thirsty HSK3
140 ⎗䇙 k"'ài amiable; cute; lovely HSK3
visitor; guest; customer; client;
141 ⭊Ṣ kèrén HSK3
142 䨢宫 kòngtiáo air conditioning HSK3
mouth; classifier for things with
143 ⎋ k#u mouths (people, domestic animals, HSK3
cannons, wells etc)
144 ⒕ k$ to cry; to weep HSK3
145 䬟⫸ kuàizi CL:⮵|⮡[dui4],㟡[gen1],㈲[ba3],暁| HSK3
146 墌⫸ kùzi trousers; pants; CL:㡅|㜉[tiao2] HSK3
147 咅 lán blue; indigo plant HSK3
prefix used before the surname of a
person or a numeral indicating the
order of birth of the children in a
family or to indicate affection or
148 侩 l•o familiarity; old (of people); HSK3
venerable (person); experienced; of
long standing; always; all the time;
of the past; very; outdated; (of meat
etc) tough
149 僠 li•n face; CL:⻝|⻈[zhang1],ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
150 弮 liàng classifier for vehicles HSK3
exercise; drill; practice;
151 乫Ḉ liànxí HSK3
152 Ḯ妋 li•oji to understand; to realize; to find out HSK3
153 䥣⺨ lík!i to depart; to leave HSK3
154 恣⯭ línj" neighbor; next door; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
155 ⌮⎚ lìsh# history; CL:攨|斐[men2],㭝[duan4] HSK3
gift; present;
156 䣤䈑 l#wù HSK3
house with more than 1 story;
storied building; floor;
157 㤤 lóu HSK3
158 产 l$ green HSK3
horse; abbr. for Malaysia
159 樔 m• HSK3
satisfied; pleased; to one's
160 㺉シ m•nyì HSK3
161 ⷥ⫸ màozi hat; cap; CL:枪|栞[ding3] HSK3
at once, right away, immediately;
162 樔ᶲ m•shàng HSK3
lit. on horseback
163 䰛 m# rice; CL:䰺[li4]; meter (classifier) HSK3
164 朊⊭ miànb!o HSK3
165 朊㜉 miàntiáo noodles HSK3
clear; obvious; unequivocal; to
166 㖶䘥 míngbái HSK3
understand; to realize
to hold; to seize; to catch; to
167 ㊧ ná HSK3
apprehend; to take
(informal) father's mother; paternal
168 ⤞⤞ n•inai HSK3
grandmother; CL:ỵ[wei4]
169 ⋿ nán south HSK3
difficult (to...); problem; difficulty;
170 晦 nán HSK3
difficult; not good
171 晦彯 nánguò feel sorry; be grieved HSK3
172 ⸜乏 niánjí grade; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
173 ⸜弣 niánq•ng young HSK3
174 淇 ni o bird; CL:晣|⎒[zhi1],佌[qun2] HSK3
175 ≒≃ n!lì great effort; to strive; to try hard HSK3
176 偾 pàng fat; plump HSK3
177 䚀⫸ pánzi tray; plate; dish; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
to climb a mountain; to
178 䇔Ⱉ pásh•n mountaineer; hiking; HSK3
179 ┌惺 píji! CL:㜗[bei1],䒞[ping2],仸[guan4],㠞 HSK3
180 吉厬 pútáo grape HSK3
Mandarin (common language);
181 㘖忂宅 p!t#nghuà Putonghua (common speech of the HSK3
Chinese language); ordinary speech
to ride (an animal or bike); to sit
182 樹 qí HSK3
(lead) pencil;
183 摭䪼 qi"nb$ HSK3
184 ⣯⿒ qíguài strange; odd HSK3
185 㶭㤂 q•ngch! clear; clearly understood; distinct HSK3
186 ℞⭆ qíshí actually, in fact, really HSK3
other; the others; else; other than
187 ℞Ṿ qít" (that person); in addition to the HSK3
person mentioned above
autumn; fall; harvest time; a swing;
188 䥳 qi% HSK3
surname Qiu
189 墁⫸ qúnzi skirt; CL:㡅|㜉[tiao2] HSK3
after; then (afterwards); after that;
190 䃞⎶ ránhòu HSK3
to believe; to think; to consider; to
191 孌ᷢ rènwéi HSK3
conscientious; earnest; serious; to
192 孌䛇 rènzh&n HSK3
take seriously; to take to heart
193 䂕ね rèqíng #N/A HSK3
194 ⭡㖻 róngyì easy; likely; liable (to) HSK3
195 ⤪㝄 rúgu• if; in case; in the event that HSK3
196 Ệ s n umbrella; parasol; CL:㈲[ba3] HSK3
to be on the internet; to stretch a net
197 ᶲ仹 shàngw ng (in a sports game or for covering HSK3
sth); to be netted (of fish)
angry; mad; offended; animated; to
198 䓇㮼 sh!ngqì get angry; to be enraged; to take HSK3
offense; animation
199 ⢘枛 sh!ngy"n voice; sound; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
to make; to cause; to enable; to use;
200 ἧ sh# to employ; to send; to instruct sb to HSK3
do sth; envoy; messenger
201 ᶾ䓴 shìjiè world; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
202 䗎 shòu tight; thin; lean HSK3
203 㞹 shù tree; CL:㢝[ke1] HSK3
204 ⍴ shu$ng two; double; pair; both HSK3
205 ⇟䈁 shu$yá to brush teeth HSK3
206 冺㚵 sh%fú comfortable; feeling well HSK3
level (of achievement etc);
207 㯜⸛ shu#píng HSK3
standard; horizontal
father's younger brother; uncle;
208 ⍼⍼ sh%shu Taiwan pr. shu2 shu5; HSK3
209 㔘⬎ shùxué mathematics; mathematical HSK3
210 ⎠㛢 s"j" chauffeur; driver; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
211 嘥䃞 su"rán although; even though; even if HSK3
212 ⣒旛 tàiyáng sun; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
sugar; sweets; candy;
213 䱾 táng HSK3
especially; special; particular;
214 䈡⇓ tèbié HSK3
(it) hurts; love fondly; ache; pain;
215 䕤 téng HSK3
216 䓄 tián sweet HSK3
strip; item; article; clause (of law or
treaty); classifier for long thin
217 㜉 tiáo HSK3
things (ribbon, river, road, trousers
218 ㍸檀 tíg$o to raise; to increase HSK3
219 ỻ做 t#yù sports; physical education HSK3
colleague; co-worker;
220 ⎴ḳ tóngshì HSK3
221 ⎴シ tóngyì to agree; to consent; to approve HSK3
222 ⣜⍹ tóuf• hair (on the head) HSK3
223 儧 tu leg; CL:㡅|㜉[tiao2] HSK3
224 䨩䃞 túrán sudden; abrupt; unexpected HSK3
225 ⚦Ḏ椮 túsh!"gu•n library; CL:⭞[jia1],ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
226 ᶯ wàn ten thousand; a great number HSK3
bowl; cup;
227 䠿 w•n HSK3
complete; accomplish; perfect tense
228 ⬴ㆸ wánchéng HSK3
229 ⾀存 wàngjì to forget HSK3
230 ᷢ wèi because of; for; to HSK3
position; location; place; seat;
classifier for people (honorific);
231 ỵ wèi HSK3
classifier for binary bits (e.g.
⋩ℕỵ 16-bit or 2 bytes)
in order to; for the purpose of; so as
232 ᷢḮ wèile HSK3
culture; civilization; cultural;
233 㔯⊾ wénhuà HSK3
234 大 x# west HSK3
235 ⢷ xià summer HSK3
236 ⃰ xi$n early; prior; former; in advance; first HSK3
(look) like; similar (to); appearance;
237 ⁷ xiàng to appear; to seem; image; portrait; HSK3
resemble; seem
238 楁哱 xi$ngji$o CL:㝅[zhi1],㟡[gen1],ᾳ|᷒[ge4],㈲ HSK3
239 䚠⎴ xi$ngtóng identical; same HSK3
be convinced (that something is
240 䚠ᾉ xi$ngxìn HSK3
true); believe; to accept sth as true
241 ⮷⽫ xi•ox#n to be careful; to take care HSK3
(college, university) president;
242 㟉攧 xiàozh•ng headmaster; HSK3
243 朳 xié HSK3
habit; custom; usual practice; to be
244 Ḉ゗ xíguàn HSK3
used to; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
letter; mail; to trust; to believe; to
245 ᾉ xìn profess faith in; truthful; HSK3
confidence; trust; at will; at random
246 埴㛶䭙 xíngl• xi•ng suitcase HSK3
interest in (something);
247 ℜ嵋 xìngqù HSK3
248 㕘斣 x!nwén news; CL:㡅|㜉[tiao2],ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
fresh (experience, food etc);
249 㕘汄 x!nxi•n HSK3
250 䄲䋓 xióngm•o panda; CL:晣|⎒[zhi1] HSK3
251 㲿ㇳ斜 x•sh"uji•n toilet; lavatory; washroom HSK3
252 㲿㽉 x•z#o to bathe; to take a shower HSK3
to select; to pick; choice; option;
253 徱㊑ xu#nzé HSK3
to need; to want; to demand; needs;
254 暨天 x$yào HSK3
to require
255 䛤攄 y#njìng spectacles; eyeglasses; CL:∗[fu4] HSK3
to request; to require; to stake a
256 天㯪 y•oqiú claim; to ask; to demand; HSK3
(informal) father's father; paternal
257 䇟䇟 yéye HSK3
grandfather; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
same; ordinary; common; general;
258 ᶨ凔 yìb•n HSK3
generally; in general
one side; either side; on the one
259 ᶨ彡 yìbi•n HSK3
hand; on the other hand; doing while
surely; certainly; necessarily; fixed;
260 ᶨ⭂ yídìng a certain (extent etc); given; HSK3
particular; must
261 ᶨℙ yígòng altogether HSK3
after; later; afterwards; following;
262 ẍ⎶ y•hòu HSK3
later on; in the future
263 ᶨỂ⃧ y!hu•r a while HSK3
264 ⸼宍 y!ngg•i ought to; should; must HSK3
an influence; an effect; to influence;
265 ⼙⑵ y•ngxi#ng to affect (usually adversely); to HSK3
disturb; CL:偉[gu3]
266 撞埴 yínháng bank; CL:⭞[jia1],ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK3
267 枛᷸ y•nyuè CL:⻝|⻈[zhang1],㚚[qu3],㭝[duan4 HSK3
268 ẍ⇵ y qián before; formerly; previous; ago HSK3
to believe; to think; to consider; to
269 ẍᷢ y wéi HSK3
be under the impression
same; like; equal to; the same as;
270 ᶨ㟟 yíyàng HSK3
just like
straight (in a straight line);
271 ᶨ䚜 yìzhí continuously; always; from the HSK3
beginning of ... up to ...; all along
to use; to employ; to have to; to eat
272 䓐 yòng or drink; expense or outlay; HSK3
usefulness; hence; therefore
(once) again; also; both... and...;
273 ⍰ yòu HSK3
274 㚱⎵ y!umíng famous; well-known HSK3
275 㷠ㆷ yóuxì game; play; CL:⟜|⛢[chang3] HSK3
276 忯⇘ yù dào to meet; to run into; to come across HSK3
to wish; to want; ready; willing (to
277 ョシ yuànyì HSK3
do sth)
to exceed; to climb over; to surpass;
278 崲 yuè HSK3
the more... the more
279 㚰Ṗ yuèliàng moon HSK3
280 ḹ yún (classical) to say HSK3
station; to stand; to halt; to stop;
281 䪁 zhàn HSK3
branch of a company or organisation
to take care of; to show
282 䄏栦 zhàogù consideration; to attend to; to look HSK3
283 䛨⿍ zh"ojí to worry; to feel anxious HSK3
photo; photograph; picture;
284 䄏䇯 zhàopiàn HSK3
285 䄏䚠㛢 zhàoxiàngj• CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4],㝞[jia4],悐[bu4],⎘[t HSK3
286 ⎒ zh$ only; merely; just; but HSK3

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