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HSK 6 Vocabulary List

No Chinese PinyinEnglish HSK

1 ␝ • to scold in a loud voice; to yawn HSK6
to suffer from; to endure; to tide over (a
2 ㋐ •i HSK6
difficult period); to delay
to love sth too much to part with it (idiom);
3 䇙ᶵ慲ㇳ àibùshìsh u HSK6
to fondle admiringly
4 䇙㇜ àidài to love and respect; love and respect HSK6
5 㙏㗏 àimèi vague; ambiguous; equivocal; dubious HSK6
hey; ow; ouch; interjection of pain or
6 ⑶⒇ •iy• HSK6
7 䗴䕯 áizhèng cancer HSK6
8 㖪峝 ángguì expensive; costly HSK6
law case; legal case; judicial case;
9 㟰ẞ ànjiàn HSK6
10 ⬱⯭᷂᷸ •nj•lèyè live in peace and work happily (idiom) HSK6
11 㟰ἳ ànlì case (law); CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
12 ㊱㐑 ànmó massage HSK6
13 ⬱⬩ •nníng peaceful; tranquil; calm; composed HSK6
14 㘿䣢 ànshì to hint; to suggest; suggestion; a hint HSK6
15 ⬱宎 •nxiáng serene HSK6
find a place for; help settle down; arrange
16 ⬱伖 •nzhì HSK6
for; to get into bed; placement
(of cooking) to boil for a long time; to
17 䅔 áo HSK6
endure; to suffer
18 ⤍䦀 àomì profound; deep; a mystery HSK6
bumpy; uneven; slotted and tabbed joint;
19 ↡↠ •otú HSK6
to hold on to; to cling to; to dig up; to rake;
20 ㇺ b• to push aside; to climb; to pull out; to strip HSK6
21 䕌 b• scar HSK6
to be eager for; to long for; to look forward
22 ⶜ᶵ⼿ b•budé HSK6
the Way of the Hegemon, abbr. of
曠䌳ᷳ忻; despotic rule; rule by might;
23 曠忻 bàdào evil as opposed to the Way of the King HSK6
䌳忻; overbearing; tyranny; (of liquor,
medicine etc) strong; potent
24 伊ⶍ bàg•ng a strike; to go on strike HSK6
25 ㈲ℛ b•gu•n to guard a pass; to check on sth HSK6
26 ㍘ b•i to break with both hands HSK6
27 ㊄孧 bàif ng pay a visit; call on HSK6
28 䘦↮䁡b if!ndi n percentage point HSK6
29 峍⛷ bàihuài to ruin; to corrupt; to undermine HSK6
pay a New Year call; wish sb a Happy New
30 ㊄⸜ bàinián HSK6
31 ㊄㈀ bàitu" request sb to do sth; please! HSK6
to break away from; to cast off (old ideas
etc); to get rid of; to break away (from); to
32 ㏮僙 b itu" HSK6
break out (of); to free oneself from; to
extricate oneself
to fawn on; to curry favor with; to make up
33 ⶜乻 b•jié HSK6
bámiáozhùz to spoil things through excessive
34 ㉼剿≑攧 HSK6
h ng enthusiasm (idiom)
35 䇰㛔 b nb#n version; edition; release HSK6
to issue; to proclaim; to enact (laws,
36 栩ⶫ b•nbù HSK6
decrees etc)
37 栩⍹ b•nf• issue; promulgate; award HSK6
see 䡭䦌 scale; platform balance; pound
38 䡭 bàng HSK6
(unit of weight, about 454 grams)
to kidnap; to abduct; to hijack; a
39 乹㝞 b•ngjià HSK6
kidnapping; abduction; staking
40 㥄㟟 b•ngyàng example; model; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
41 ỜὋ bànl• companion; mate; partner HSK6
to accompany; to follow; to occur together
42 Ờ昷 bànsuí HSK6
with; attendant
to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth
43 ⋲徼侴⹇ bàntú'érfèi HSK6
44 㔹乡 b•nwén stripe; streak HSK6
45 ㈖㺼 bàny n play the part of; act HSK6
46 ⊭ⸯ b•obì shield; harbor; cover up HSK6
47 ㉍ṯ bàochóu to revenge (oneself); to avenge HSK6
48 ㉍愔 bàochóu reward; remuneration HSK6
49 ㉍䫼 bàodá to repay; to requite HSK6
50 ㉍⇘ bàodào report for duty; check in; register HSK6
to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst
51 䆮⍹ bàof• HSK6
to make reprisals; to retaliate; revenge;
52 ㉍⢵ bàofù HSK6
53 ㉙峇 bàofù aspiration; ambition HSK6
cloth-wrapper; a bundle wrapped in cloth;
54 ⊭塙 b•ofu HSK6
load; weight; burden
to assure; to guarantee; to take care of; to
55 ᾅ䭉 b ogu n HSK6
safeguard; certainly; surely
56 椙␴ b ohé saturation HSK6
b oj!ngc•n
57 椙乷㱏㟹 having lived through many changes HSK6
58 㙜≃ bàolì violence; (use) force; violent HSK6
59 㙜曚 bàolù to expose; to reveal; to lay bare HSK6
60 ᾅ⭮ b omì to keep sth confidential; to maintain secrecy HSK6
61 ᾅ⥮ b om" nanny; housekeeper HSK6
general office of a newspaper; newspaper
62 ㉍䣦 bàoshè HSK6
office; CL:⭞[jia1]
63 ᾅ⬰ b•osh•u (politically) conservative; to guard; to keep HSK6
64 ᾅ⌓ b•owèi to defend; to safeguard HSK6
65 ⊭⚜ b owéi to surround; to encircle; to hem in HSK6
submit an expense account; apply for
66 ㉍撨 bàoxi o HSK6
reimbursement; write-off; wipe out
to take good care of (or conserve) one's
67 ᾅ℣ b•oy•ng health; to keep in good repair; to maintain; HSK6
68 ㉙⿐ bàoyuàn to complain; to grumble HSK6
explosion; to explode; to blow up; to
69 䆮䁠 bàozhà HSK6
70 ᾅ晄 b•ozhàng to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard HSK6
71 ᾅ慵 b•ozhòng take care of oneself HSK6
72 ⊭塭 b ozhu ng pack; package HSK6
73 ㈲ㇳ b•sh•u handle; grip; knob HSK6
74 ㈲ㆷ b•xì acrobatics; jugglery; cheap trick; game HSK6
75 側宝 bèi sòng recite; repeat from memory HSK6
76 ず⑨ b!i' i grieved; sorrowful HSK6
77 ⋹惁 b!ib" base; mean; contemptible; despicable HSK6
78 ずゐ b!ic•n miserable; tragic HSK6
79 塓≐ bèidòng passive HSK6
80 ⢯ấ bèifèn backup HSK6
81 塓⏲ bèigào defendant HSK6
the North Pole; the Arctic Pole; the north
82 ⊿㜩 b#ijí HSK6
magnetic pole
shell; conch; cowry; mother of pearl; hard
83 峅⢛ bèiké outer skin; alternative reading bei4 qiao4, HSK6
mostly written
84 側⎃ bèipàn to betray HSK6
memorandum; aide-memoire;
85 ⢯⾀⻽ bèiwànglù HSK6
memorandum book
86 ⣼㲊 b•nb• rush about; be busy running about HSK6
to run quickly; to travel quickly; to move
87 ⣼樘 b•nchí HSK6
fast; Mercedes-Benz, German car make
88 䓕 béng need not; (contraction of ᶵ and 䓐) HSK6
89 帎 bèng to jump; to bounce; to hop HSK6
90 徠⍹ bèngf• to burst out; to gush; to spurt HSK6
91 ⳑ㸫 b•ngkuì to collapse; to crumble; to fall apart HSK6
92 㛔傥 b nnéng instinct HSK6
93 㛔摙 b nqián capital HSK6
the person himself; I (humble form used in
94 㛔Ṣ b nrén speeches); oneself; myself; in person; HSK6
95 㛔幓 b nsh•n itself; in itself; per se HSK6
96 㛔ḳ b nshì ability; skill; source material; original story HSK6
based on...; in conformance with..; taking
97 㛔䛨 b nzhe HSK6
as one's main principle
98 䫐㊁ bènzhu• clumsy; awkward; stupid HSK6
99 兪 bì arm HSK6
flat; (old form of character ⋦, horizontal
100 ㇩ bi"n HSK6
tablet with inscription)
to cover the whole (area); to be found
101 念ⶫ biànbù HSK6
to spur on; to urge on; to encourage sb (e.g.
102 杕䫾 bi•ncè HSK6
to make progress)
to belittle; to disparage; to play down; to
103 峔Ỷ bi$nd! HSK6
demean; to degrade; to devalue
104 ⎀㓭 biàngù an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune HSK6
to speak in defense of; to argue in favor of;
105 彑㉌ biànhù HSK6
to defend; to plead
border area; borderland; frontier; frontier
106 彡䔮 bi•nji•ng HSK6
to explain; to justify; to defend (a point of
107 彑妋 biànji" view etc); to provide an explanation; to try HSK6
to defend oneself
108 彡䓴 bi•njiè boundary; border HSK6
109 彡⠫ bi•njìng frontier; border HSK6
110 ὧ⇑ biànlì convenient; easy; facilitate HSK6
111 ⎀彩 biànqi•n changes; vicissitudes HSK6
112 彐孌 biànrèn to recognize; to identify HSK6
(informal) note;
113 ὧ㜉 biàntiáo HSK6
114 峔ᷱ bi•nyì derogatory sense; negative connotation HSK6
115 ὧḶ biànyú easy to; convenient for HSK6
edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery;
116 彡什 bi•nyuán HSK6
marginal; borderline
117 彑孩 biànzhèng investigate; dialectical HSK6
to degenerate; to go bad; to deteriorate;
118 ⎀峐 biànzhì HSK6
119 亾乯 bi•nzh #N/A HSK6
plait; braid; pigtail; a mistake or
120 当⫸ biànzi shortcoming that may be exploited by an HSK6
opponent; handle; CL:㟡[gen1],㡅|㜉[tiao2]
specimen; sample; the root cause and
121 㞯㛔 bi•ob•n HSK6
symptoms of a disease
122 㞯存 bi•ojì sign; mark; symbol; to mark up HSK6
123 堐⅛ bi$ojué decide by vote; vote HSK6
124 梁⋯ bi•osh'ng to rise rapidly; to soar HSK6
to declare one's position; to say where one
125 堐⾩ bi$otài HSK6
126 㞯桀 bi•otí title; heading; headline; caption; subject HSK6
127 堐⼘ bi ozh•ng cite (in dispatches); commend HSK6
malady; evil; malpractice; drawback;
128 ⺲䕭 bìbìng HSK6
129 ⽭⭂ bìdìng be bound to; be sure to HSK6
130 ⺲䪗 bìdu•n malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice HSK6
to choke; to stifle; to restrain; to hold back;
131 ㄳ bi! HSK6
to hold in (urine); to hold (one's breath)
awkward; difficult; uncomfortable; not
132 ⇓㈕ bièniu agreeing; at loggerheads; gauche; awkward HSK6
(writing or speech)
133 ⇓Ṣ biérén other people; others; other person HSK6
134 ⇓⠭ biéshù villa; CL:⸊[zhuang4],⹏[zuo4] HSK6
135 ⇓农 biézhì unusual; unique HSK6
136 㭼㕡 b•f•ng analogy; instance HSK6
137 ⅘暡 b ngbáo hail; hailstone; CL:⟜|⛢[chang2],䰺[li4] HSK6
138 ⸞⬀ bìngcún to exist at the same time; to coexist HSK6
139 ⸞朆 bìngf•i really isn't HSK6
140 ⸞↿ bìngliè to stand side by side; to be juxtaposed HSK6
141 㽺ᷜ b•nlín on the verge of; close to HSK6
142 忤従 b•pò to force; to compel; to coerce HSK6
stop up; close up; hard to get to; out of the
143 斕⠆ bìsè HSK6
way; inaccessible; unenlightened; blocking
144 滣㴽 bítì nasal mucus; snivel HSK6
145 䡏䌱 bìyù jasper HSK6
metaphor; analogy; figure of speech;
146 㭼╣ b yù HSK6
147 㭼慵 b zhòng proportion; specific gravity HSK6
148 ㊐ㇻ b!d• to call; to dial HSK6
149 ⌂⣏䱦㶙 wide-ranging and profound; broad and deep HSK6
150 ㎷㔿 bódòu to wrestle; to fight; to struggle HSK6
151 㑕㓦 bòfàng to broadcast; to transmit HSK6
152 㲊㴒 b!làng wave HSK6
153 ⌂奰Ể ból•nhuì exposition; international fair HSK6
wife of father's elder brother; aunt; (polite
154 ỗ㭵 bóm$ form of address for a woman who is about HSK6
the age of one's mother); CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
155 唬⻙ bóruò weak; frail HSK6
156 㲊㵃㰡㴴 tumultuous situations HSK6
157 ∍⇲ b xuè to exploit; exploitation HSK6
158 㑕䥵 b zhòng to sow seeds; sowing; seed HSK6
lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't
159 ᶵ㔊⻻ bù!g"nd•ng HSK6
deserve your praise; you flatter me
160 ᶵ䚠ᶲᶳ equally matched; about the same HSK6

161 ᶵ⁷宅 unreasonable; shocking; outrageous HSK6
bù yán ér
162 ᶵ妨侴╣ it goes without saying; it is self-evident HSK6

163 堍‧ b$cháng compensate; make up HSK6
act against one's will; have no alternative
164 ᶵ⼿⶚ bùdéy• HSK6
but to; have to; to have no choice; must
165 㬍Ẹ bùfá pace; (measured) step; march HSK6
166 ᶵ⥐ bùfáng there is no harm in; might as well HSK6
posting on a bulletin board; notice;
167 ⶫ⏲ bùgào HSK6
bulletin; to announce
168 ᶵ栦 bùgù in spite of; regardless of HSK6
169 ᶵ䤩 bùj n can't help (doing sth); can't refrain from HSK6
170 堍㓹 b!jiù remedy HSK6
arrangement; composition; layout; opening
171 ⶫ⯨ bùjú HSK6
(chess jargon)
cannot bear; cannot stand; utterly;
172 ᶵ⟒ bùk•n HSK6
inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable;
173 ᶵ⎗⿅孖 bùk#s yì HSK6
be worthy of; deserve to be called; prove
174 ᶵハ bùkuì HSK6
oneself to be
175 ᶵ㕁 bùliào unexpectedly; to one's surprise HSK6
176 ⒢ḛ b!r! breast feeding; to suckle; to nurse HSK6
177 ᶵ㖞 bùshí frequently; often; at any time HSK6
178 悐会 bùsh! to dispose; to deploy; deployment HSK6
179 堍峜 b!ti$ to subsidize; subsidy; allowance HSK6
180 悐ỵ bùwèi position; place HSK6
not stint; not spare; not hesitate (to do sth);
181 ᶵや bùx HSK6
not scruple (to do sth)
182 ᶵ⯹ᶨ栦 bùxiè%y %gù to disdain as beneath contempt HSK6
183 ᶵ䓙⼿ bùyóude can't help; cannot but HSK6
bùzésh&udu by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook;
184 ᶵ㊑ㇳ㭝 HSK6
àn unscrupulously
to put in order; to arrange; to decorate; to
185 ⶫ伖 bùzhì HSK6
fix up; to deploy
incessantly; without end; more than; not
186 ᶵ㬊 bùzh• HSK6
limited to
187 ㋽㋱ b!zhu' to catch; to seize; to capture HSK6
188 塩仅 cáiféng tailor; dressmaker HSK6
189 峊⭴ cáifù wealth; riches HSK6
190 ㇵ⸚ cáigàn ability; competence HSK6
to procure (for an enterprise etc); to
191 慯峕 c(igòu HSK6
192 慯普 c(ijí to gather; to collect; to harvest HSK6
193 慯乛 c(inà to accept; to adopt HSK6
judgment; to referee; umpire; judge;
194 塩⇌ cáipàn HSK6
referee; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4],ỵ[wei4],⎵[ming2]
195 ⼑䤐 c•ipiào the lottery; lottery ticket HSK6
196 峊≉ cáiwù financial affairs HSK6
197 塩␀ cáiyuán to cut staff; to lay off employees HSK6
198 峊㓧 cáizhèng finances (public); financial HSK6
199 凙 c•ng cabin; the hold of a ship or airplane HSK6
200 創䘥 c•ngbái pale; wan HSK6
201 ṻὫ c•ngcù all of a sudden; hurriedly HSK6
202 ṻ⸻ c•ngkù depot; storehouse; warehouse HSK6
203 㬳感 cánkù cruel; cruelty HSK6
204 䀧䁪 cànlàn to glitter; brilliant; splendid HSK6
205 㬳䔁 cánliú to remain; left over; surplus; remnant HSK6
206 ⍪害 c•nmóu staff officer; give advice HSK6
207 㬳⽵ cánr n cruel; mean; merciless; ruthless HSK6
to consult a reference; to refer to (another
208 ⍪䄏 c•nzhào HSK6
209 勱㟰 c!o'àn draft (legislation, proposal etc) HSK6
210 㑵≛ c•oláo to work hard; to look after HSK6
211 㑵乫 c•oliàn drill; practice HSK6
212 勱䌯 c!oshuài careless; negligent; sloppy; not serious HSK6
213 ▰㛪 cáozá noisy; clamorous HSK6
214 㑵九 c•ozòng to operate; to control; to rig; to manipulate HSK6
215 㑵ἄ c•ozuò
to work; to operate; to manipulate HSK6
to plot; to scheme; to bring about; to
216 䫾↺ cèhuà HSK6
engineer; planning; producer; planner
217 㳳慷 cèliáng survey; to measure; to gauge; to determine HSK6
218 䫾䔍 cèlüè tactics; to be tactful HSK6
219 ὏朊 cèmiàn lateral side; side; aspect; profile HSK6
céngch"bù more and more emerge; innumerable
220 ⯪↢ᶵ䨟 HSK6
qióng succession; breeding like flies (idiom)
arrangement of ideas; administrative level;
221 ⯪㫉 céngcì HSK6
level; stage; phase
fork in road; bifurcation; branch in road,
river, mountain range etc; to branch off; to
222 ⰼ chà turn off; to diverge; to stray (from the HSK6
path); to change the subject; to interrupt; to
stagger (times)
to investigate and capture (a criminal); to
223 㞍卟 cháhuò HSK6
ferret out; to hunt down and arrest
224 㞜㱡 cháiyóu diesel fuel HSK6
225 ⶖ嶅 ch•jù disparity; gap HSK6
slander; defame; misrepresent; to speak
226 椳 chán HSK6
to assist by the arm; to mix; to support; to
227 ㎨ ch•n HSK6
an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second;
228 ⇡恋 chànà HSK6
the twinkling of an eye
229 桌㈾ chànd u to shudder; to shiver; to shake; to tremble HSK6
threshing floor; classifier for events and
230 ⛢ ch•ng HSK6
happenings: spell, episode, bout
to advocate; to initiate; to propose; to be a
231 Έ⮤ chàngd•o HSK6
proponent of (an idea or school of thought)
232 ⛢⎰ ch•nghé situation; occasion HSK6
233 ‧往 chánghuán to repay; to reimburse HSK6
234 㔆⺨ ch!ngk•i wide open; to open up HSK6
235 䊾䉪 savage; furious HSK6
236 ⛢朊 ch!ngmiàn scene; occasion HSK6
237 ⷠ⸜ chángnián a whole year; average year HSK6
238 㖴䚃 ch•ngshèngprosperous HSK6
239 ⯅孽 chángshì to try; to attempt; CL:㫉[ci4] HSK6
240 ⛢㇨ ch•ngsu• location; place HSK6
unimpeded; free-flowing; straight path;
241 䓭忂 chàngt ng HSK6
unclogged; move without obstruction
routine; everyday business; daily operation
242 ⷠ≉ chángwù HSK6
(of a company)
243 䓭撨 chàngxi!o best seller; chart-topping HSK6
244 Έ孖 chàngyì to suggest; to initiate; proposal; initiative HSK6
twisting; to twine; to wind; to pester; to
245 仈乽 chánrào HSK6
to expound (a position); to elaborate (on a
246 斸徘 ch•nshù HSK6
topic); to treat (a subject)
247 ṏ᷂ ch•nyè industry; estate; property; industrial HSK6
248 崭崲 ch!o$yuè to surpass; to exceed; to transcend HSK6
249 崭乏 ch!ojí transcending; high grade; super-; ultra- HSK6
250 㼖㳩 cháoliú tide; current; trend HSK6
paper money; a bill (e.g. 100 yuan);
251 摆䤐 ch•opiào HSK6
252 㼖㸧 cháosh• damp; moist HSK6
jeer; mockery; scoff; sneer; make fun of;
253 ◚䪹 cháoxiào HSK6
laugh at (derogatory)
254 宏⺪ chàyì flabbergasted; astonished HSK6
to settle; to precipitate (solid sediment out
255 㰱㵨 chéndiàn HSK6
of a solution)
256 㨁 chéng orange tree; orange (color) HSK6
257 䦌 chèng steelyard; Roman balance; CL:冢|⎘[tai2] HSK6
258 ㆸ⽫ chéng x•n intentional; deliberate; on purpose HSK6
259 ㈧≆ chéngbàn to undertake; to accept a contract HSK6
260 ❶⟉ chéngb•o castle; rook (chess piece) HSK6
261 ㈧⊭ chéngb!o to contract; to undertake (a job) HSK6
262 ㆸ㛔 chéngb•n (manufacturing, production etc) costs HSK6
263 ゑ伂 chéngfá penalty; punishment; to punish HSK6
264 䦘⎟ ch#nghào name; term of address; title HSK6
265 ㆸṌ chéngji!o to complete a contract; to reach a deal HSK6
to promise; to undertake to do something;
266 ㈧客 chéngnuò HSK6
clear (of liquid); limpid; to clarify; to make
267 㼬㶭 chéngq•ng HSK6
sth clear; to be clear (about the facts)
268 ㆸ⣑ chéngti!n (coll.) all day long; all the time HSK6
269 Ḁ≉␀ attendant on an airplane, train, boat etc HSK6
to appear; to emerge; present (a certain
270 ⏰䍘 chéngxiàn HSK6
appearance); demonstrate
271 ㆸ㓰 chéngxiào effect; result HSK6
272 ㆸ␀ chéngyuán member HSK6
273 宂㋂ chéngzhì sincere; cordial HSK6
274 旰㖏 chénjiù old-fashioned HSK6
275 旰↿ chénliè to display; to exhibit HSK6
oppressive (of weather); heavy; depressed;
276 㰱斟 chénmèn HSK6
not happy
277 旰徘 chénshù an assertion; to declare; to state HSK6
contemplate; contemplation; meditation;
278 㰱⿅ chéns• HSK6
chènx•n$ after one's heart (idiom); gratifying and
279 䦘⽫⤪シ HSK6
rúyì satisfactory; everything one could wish
280 㰱慵 chénzhòng heavy; hard; serious; critical HSK6
281 㰱䛨 chénzhuó steady; calm and collected; not nervous HSK6
282 㑌徨 chètuì retreat HSK6
283 㑌撨 chèxi•o to repeal; to revoke; to undo (computing) HSK6
284 崌忻 chìdào equator (of the earth or astronomical body) HSK6
285 徇亻 chíhu$n slow; sluggish HSK6
lasting; enduring; persistent; permanent;
286 ㊩ᷭ chíji! protracted; endurance; persistence; to last HSK6
287 ⎫劎 ch"k! to bear; hardships HSK6
288 ⎫≃ ch"lì entail strenuous effort; be a strain HSK6
289 㰈⠀ chítáng pool; pond HSK6
290 徇䔹 chíyí to hesitate HSK6
291 崌⫿ chìzì (financial) deficit; red letter HSK6
292 ⲯ㊄ chóngbài to worship; adoration HSK6
293 ⃭⻻ ch#ngd•ng to serve as; to act as; to play the role of HSK6
to overlap; to superimpose; to telescope; to
run together; to duplicate; one over
another; superposition; an overlap;
294 慵⎈ chóngdié HSK6
redundancy; reduplication (in Chinese
grammar, e.g. 㔋㔋㬍[san4 san4 bu4] to
have a stroll)
impetus; impulse; emotional impulse;
295 ⅚≐ ch•ngdòng HSK6
296 ⲯ檀 chóngg!o majestic; sublime HSK6
297 ⅚↣ ch•ngjí an attack; under attack; a shock HSK6
298 ⲯ㔔 chóngjìng to revere; high esteem HSK6
299 ⃭㱃 ch•ngpèi abundant; plentiful; vigorous HSK6
300 ⃭⭆ ch•ngshí rich; substantial; enrich; substantiate HSK6
conflict; to conflict; clash of opposing
301 ⅚䨩 ch•ngtú HSK6
forces; collision (of interests); contention
chóngyáng Double Ninth or Yang Festival; 9th day of
302 慵旛刪 HSK6
jié 9th lunar month
303 ⃭嵛 ch•ngzú adequate; sufficient; abundant HSK6
304 䬡⢯ chóubèi preparations; to get ready for sth HSK6
305 嶴帯 chóuchú to hesitate HSK6
306 ᶹ〞 ch!u'è ugly; repulsive HSK6
307 ㉥䨢 ch•ukòng to find the time to do sth HSK6
308 䧈⭮ chóumì dense HSK6
to string together; to mix up; to conspire; to
309 ᷚ chuàn rove; bunch or cluster; string (computing); HSK6
classifier for rows or strings
310 凡凞 chuánbó shipping; boats HSK6
to pass on; to convey; to relay; to transmit;
311 Ỉ彦 chuándá HSK6
312 Ỉ⋽ chuánd•n leaflet; flier; pamphlet HSK6
313 ⸊ chuáng tents; classifier for houses HSK6
to create; to produce; to write; creative
314 ⇃ἄ chuàng zuò HSK6
work; creation; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
315 ⸲⋽ chuángd•n CL:㡅|㜉[tiao2],ẞ[jian4],⻝|⻈[zhang1],⸲ HSK6
316 ⇃䩳 chuànglì to found; establish; originate HSK6
innovation; to bring forth new ideas; to
317 ⇃㕘 chuàngx•n HSK6
blaze new trails
to begin an undertaking; to start a major
318 ⇃᷂ chuàngyè HSK6
task; to initiate; to venture; venture
chu•nliúbù the stream flows without stopping (idiom);
319 ⶅ㳩ᶵ〗 HSK6
x• unending flow
320 ╀㮼 chu!nqì to breathe deeply; to pant HSK6
321 Ỉ㌰ chuánshòu to impart; to pass on; to teach HSK6
322 䨧崲 chu•nyuè to pass through; to cross; to overcome HSK6
323 ⁐⢯ chúbèi reserves; to store up HSK6
324 ⇅㬍 ch%bù initial; preliminary; tentative HSK6
325 ⁐⬀ chúcún stockpile; to store; to stockpile; storage HSK6
326 妎䉗 chùfàn offend HSK6
to discipline sb; to punish; disciplinary
327 ⢬↮ ch#fèn action; to deal with (a matter); HSK6
hammer; to hammer into shape; weight
328 擌 chuí HSK6
(e.g. of a steelyard or balance)
329 ⏡䈃 chu•niú to brag; to chat (dialect) HSK6
to flatter; to laud sb's accomplishments;
330 ⏡㌏ chu•p•ng HSK6
331 ✪䚜 chuízhí perpendicular; vertical HSK6
332 ⢬⠫ ch!jìng plight; unfavorable situation HSK6
333 ↢嶗 ch•lù a way out (of a difficulty etc) HSK6
334 ↢⋾ ch•mài to offer for sale; to sell; to sell out or betray HSK6
335 乗䱡 chúncuì purely HSK6
336 乗㲩 chúnjié pure; clean and honest; to purify HSK6
337 ↢䤆 ch•shén entranced; Trance (music genre) HSK6
338 ↢幓 ch•sh n family background; class origin HSK6
339 ↢〗 ch•xi promise; prospects; future HSK6
340 ⁐呬 chúxù to deposit money; to save; savings HSK6
341 ↢㲳䚠 to make a fool of oneself HSK6
342 ⢬伖 ch!zhì to handle; to take care of; to punish HSK6
343 ⇢ cì thorn; splinter; to stab; to pierce; to prick HSK6
344 㫉⑩ cì"p#n substandard products; defective; seconds HSK6
345 Ợ῁ cìhou to serve; to act as a valet HSK6
vocabulary; list of words (e.g. for language
346 孵㯯 cíhuì HSK6
teaching purposes)
347 ヰ䤍 cíxiáng kindly; benevolent (often of older person) HSK6
348 晴晬 cíxióng male and female HSK6
349 㫉⸷ cìxù sequence; order HSK6
cluster; collection; collection of books;
350 ᷃ cóng HSK6
351 Ṷ⭡ᶵ従 calm; unruffled HSK6

to bring together; to make do in a bad
352 ⅹ⎰ còuhé situation; to just get by; to improvise; HSK6
passable; not too bad
to flee; to scuttle; to exile or banish; to
353 䩄 cuàn HSK6
amend or edit
354 㐏㬳 cu$cán to ravage; to ruin HSK6
355 傮⻙ cuìruò weak; frail HSK6
356 䰿氩 c•l! crude; coarse; rough HSK6
to rub or roll between the hands or fingers;
357 ㎻ cu% HSK6
to twist
to consult; to discuss seriously; to
358 䡳⓮ cu%sh&ng negotiate; to confer; negotiations; HSK6
setback; reverse; check; defeat; frustration;
359 ㋓㉀ cuòzhé disappointment; to frustrate; to discourage; HSK6
to set sb back; to blunt; to subdue
to put up; to build (scaffolding); to hang
(clothes on a pole); to connect; to join; to
360 ㏕ d& HSK6
arrange in pairs; to match; to add; to throw
in (resources); to take (boat, train)
361 ㇻ⭀⎠ d• gu•ns• to file a lawsuit; to sue; to dispute HSK6
to wrap; to pack; to ask for a doggy bag (at
362 ㇻ⊭ d•b•o HSK6
a restaurant)
363 䫼彑 dábiàn to reply (to an accusation) HSK6
at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious;
364 ⣏ᶵḮ dàbùli•o HSK6
365 ⣏冋 dàchén minister (of a monarchy) HSK6
366 彦ㆸ dáchéng to reach (an agreement); to accomplish HSK6
367 ㏕㠋 d•dàng to cooperate; partner HSK6
to answer; to reply; Reply to: (in email
368 䫼⢵ dáfù HSK6
369 ⣏ề⃧ dàhu!r everybody; everyone; we all HSK6
370 忖㋽ dàib" to arrest; to apprehend; an arrest HSK6
371 ẋẟ dàijià price; cost; consideration (in share dealing) HSK6
a loan; to provide a loan (e.g. bank);
372 峟㫦 dàiku•n HSK6
to act on behalf of sb in a responsible
373 ẋ䎮 dàil• position; to act as an agent or proxy; HSK6
374 ⷎ栮 dàil•ng to guide; to lead HSK6
375 ⿈ㄊ dàimàn to slight; to neglect HSK6
376 㬡⼺ d$itú evil-doer; malefactor; gangster; hoodlum HSK6
to hit; to strike; to attack; to crack down on
377 ㇻ↣ d$jí HSK6
sth; a setback; a blow; percussion (music)
to fight; to scuffle; to come to blows;
378 ㇻ㝞 d$jià HSK6
to size sb up; to take measure of; to
379 ㇻ慷 d•liang HSK6
suppose; to reckon
380 ㇻ䊶 d•liè to go hunting HSK6
381 噳䘥峐 dànbáizhí protein HSK6
382 ㉭ᾅ d!nb•o to guarantee; to vouch for HSK6
383 宆彘 dànchén birthday HSK6
party; association; club; society; surname
384 ℂ d•ng HSK6
Dang; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
385 㠋㟰 d•ng'àn file; record; archive; Taiwan pr. dang3 an4 HSK6
386 ⻻⛢ d•ngch•ng at the scene; on the spot HSK6
387 ⻻⇅ d•ngch# at that time; originally HSK6
388 㠋㫉 dàngcì grade; class; quality; level HSK6
389 ⻻朊 d•ngmiàn to sb's face; in sb's presence HSK6
current; today's; modern; present; to be
390 ⻻⇵ d•ngqián HSK6
facing (us)
persons involved or implicated; party (to
391 ⻻ḳṢ d•ngshìrén HSK6
an affair)
d•ngwùzh j
392 ⻻≉ᷳ⿍ top priority job; matter of vital importance HSK6
393 ⻻⽫ d•ngx n to take care; to look out HSK6
394 ⻻徱 d•ngxu!n be elected HSK6
off season; slow business season; (see also
395 㶉⬋ dànjì HSK6
396 偮⿗ d•nqiè timid; cowardly HSK6
397 宆䓇 dànsh ng to be born HSK6
potable water (water with low salt content);
398 㶉㯜 dànshu! HSK6
fresh water
399 Ὰ斕 d•obì to go bankrupt; to close down HSK6
guided missile; cruise missile; missile;
400 ⮤⻡ d•odàn HSK6
401 䧣察 dàog• rice crops HSK6
402 ⮤凒 d"oháng navigation HSK6
to disturb; to look for trouble; to stir up a
403 ㌋ḙ d"oluàn HSK6
row; to bother sb intentionally
404 䙿䨫 dàoqiè to steal HSK6
405 ⮤⎹ d"oxiàng to be oriented towards; orientation HSK6
406 ⱃⰧ d"oy• islands HSK6
to pair up; to match; to arrange in pairs; to
407 ㏕惵 d$pèi HSK6
add sth into a group
large building; edifice; mansion;
408 ⣏⍎ dàshà HSK6
wantonly; without restraint (of enemy or
409 ⣏倮 dàsì HSK6
malefactor); unbridled
in general; more or less; in rough terms;
410 ⣏ỻ dàt• HSK6
basically; on the whole
411 ⣏シ dàyì general idea; main idea HSK6
412 ㇻṿ d$zhàng to fight a battle; to go to war HSK6
413 ⣏农 dàzhì more or less; roughly; approximately HSK6
débùchángs (saying) the gains do not make up for the
414 ⼿ᶵ‧⣙ HSK6
h! losses
415 ⼿≃ délì able; capable; competent; efficient HSK6
to open (one's eyes) wide; to stare at; to
416 䝒 dèng HSK6
glare at
417 帔 d#ng to tread on; to step on HSK6
418 䘣⻽ d•ng%lù
to register; to login HSK6
419 䫱乏 d!ngjídegree; rate HSK6
420 䀗䫤 d•nglóng
lantern HSK6
to land; to come ashore; to make landfall
421 䘣旮 d•nglù HSK6
(of typhoon etc); to log in
déti"ndúhò (of an area) rich in resources; (of a person)
422 ⼿⣑䊔⍂ HSK6
u gifted or able (idiom)
to commit an offense; to violate the law;
423 ⼿伒 dézuì excuse me! (formal); see also HSK6
⼿伒|⼿伒[de2 zui5]
424 ❓ diàn pad; cushion; mat HSK6
425 案䯠 di•nb• to shake; to jolt; to bump HSK6
to turn upside-down; to reverse; back-to-
426 案Ὰ di•nd•o HSK6
front; confused; deranged; crazy
427 ⤈⭂ diàndìng to establish; to fix; to settle HSK6
428 ゎ存 diànjì remember with concern; worry about HSK6
429 ℠䣤 di•nl celebration; ceremony HSK6
model; typical case; archetype; typical;
430 ℠✳ di•nxíng HSK6
431 䓝㸸 diànyuán electric power source HSK6
to decorate; an ornament; to adorn; only for
432 䁡亨 di•nzhuì HSK6
433 ⎲ diào to suspend; to hang up; to hang a person HSK6
434 ⎤ di•o to hold in the mouth HSK6
435 宫≐ diàodòng to transfer; to maneuver (troops etc) HSK6
436 晽⇣ di•okè to carve; to engrave; carving HSK6
a statue; a Buddhist image; sculpture; to
437 晽⟹ di•osù HSK6
438 ⟌✅ d!bà #N/A HSK6
condition; situation; plight; extent; room
439 ⛘㬍 dìbù HSK6
for action
440 ㉝彦 d dá arrive; reach (a destination) HSK6
real; pure; genuine; typical; well-done;
441 ⛘忻 dìdào HSK6
442 嵴 di# to drop; to fall; to tumble; Taiwan pr. die2 HSK6
443 ㉝㈿ d kàng to resist; resistance HSK6
to watch attentively; to fix attention on; to
444 䚗 d!ng HSK6
stare; to gaze; to follow; to shadow sb
445 ⭂㛇 dìngqí regularly; at regular intervals HSK6
446 ⭂ᷱ dìngyì definition HSK6
to warn repeatedly; to urge; to exhort again
447 ⎖◙ d•ngzh• HSK6
and again
hostile; malevolence; antagonism; to view
448 㓴奮 díshì HSK6
as enemy; to stand against
449 ⛘≧ dìshì terrain; topography relief HSK6
450 ᷊Ṣ di rén to lose face HSK6
451 ᷊ᶱ句⚃ di s!nlàsì forgetful; scatterbrained HSK6
to increase by degrees; in increasing order;
452 徺⡆ dìz"ng HSK6
incremental; progressive
453 ⛘峐 dìzhí geology HSK6
to resit; to boycott; to refuse (to cooperate);
454 ㉝⇞ d#zhì HSK6
to reject; resistance; refusal
classifier for houses or buildings; ridgepole
455 㞳 dòng HSK6
unrest (social or political); turmoil;
456 ≐匉 dòngdàng HSK6
upheaval; commotion
d$ngdàozh host; official host (e.g. venue for games or
457 ᷄忻ᷣ HSK6
• a conference)
motor; locomotive; motive; motivation;
458 ≐㛢 dòngj• HSK6
459 Ⅳ乻 dòngjié to freeze (loan, wage, price etc) HSK6
sound of activity or people talking; news of
460 ≐朁 dòngjìng HSK6
461 ≐≃ dònglì power; motion; propulsion; force HSK6
462 ≐傱 dòngmài artery HSK6
463 ≐幓 dòngsh"n go on a journey; leave HSK6
464 吋ḳ攧 chairman of the board; chairman HSK6
to hit with hands or fists; to start work; to
465 ≐ㇳ dòngsh%u HSK6
development; trend; dynamic state;
466 ≐⾩ dòngtài HSK6
movement; moving
467 㳆䨜 dòngxué cave; cavern HSK6
468 ≐␀ dòngyuán mobilize; arouse; CL:㫉[ci4],ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
d•ngzh•ng to look in all directions (idiom); to glance
469 ᷄⻈大㛃 HSK6
x•wàng around
pocket; bag; to wrap up or hold in a bag; to
move in a circle; to canvas or solicit; to
470 ℄ d u HSK6
take responsibility for; to disclose in detail;
combat armor (old)
471 昉ⲕ d!uqiào precipitous HSK6
472 㔿ḱ dòuzh•ng
a struggle; fight; battle HSK6
end; extremity; item; port; to hold sth level
473 䪗 du•n HSK6
with both hands; to carry; regular
474 䞕Ὣ du!ncù short in time; fleeting; brief HSK6
to conclude; to determine; to come to a
475 㕕⭂ duàndìng HSK6
intermittent; off and on; discontinuous;
476 㕕㕕井井 stop-go; stammering; disjointed; HSK6
477 㕕亅 duànjué to sever; to break off HSK6
The Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of
478 䪗⋰刪 du nw"#jié HSK6
the 5th lunar month)
479 䪗㬋 du nzhèng upright; regular; proper; correct HSK6
480 峴⌂ d"bó to gamble HSK6
481 䊔塩 dúcái dictatorship HSK6
482 䜋Ὣ d$cù to urge sb to complete a task HSK6
483 ⮡䫾 duìcè countermeasure for dealing with a situation HSK6
484 ⮡䦘 duìchèn symmetry; symmetrical HSK6
to handle; to deal with; to cope; to get by
485 ⮡Ẁ duìfù HSK6
486 ⃹㌊ duìhuàn to convert; to exchange HSK6
487 ➮䦗 du%j% to pile up; to heap; accumulation HSK6
to withstand; to resist; to stand off;
488 ⮡㈿ duìkàng HSK6
antagonism; confrontation
to oppose; to set sth against; to be
489 ⮡䩳 duìlì antagonistic to; antithetical; relative HSK6
opposite; opposing; diametrical
rhyming couplet; pair of lines of verse
490 ⮡俼 duìlián written vertically down the sides of a HSK6
doorway; CL:ⷭ[fu2]
491 旇ẵ duìwu ranks; troops; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
(of a cheque etc) to cash; to honor a
492 ⃹䍘 duìxiàn HSK6
to correspond; a correspondence;
493 ⮡⸼ duìyìng corresponding; homologous; matching with HSK6
sth; counterpart
to contrast; to compare; to place side by
494 ⮡䄏 duìzhào side for comparison (as parallel texts); to HSK6
495 㜄亅 dùjué put an end to HSK6
496 栧㖞 dùnshí at once; immediately; forthwith HSK6
to morally degenerate; to become
497 ➽句 duòluò depraved; a fall from grace; a fall into sin HSK6
or depravity
to tremble; to shiver; uncontrolled shaking
498 ⑮▎ du•su• HSK6
of the body
499 ⣂⃫⊾ diversification; pluralism; to diversify HSK6
500 㭺⑩ dúp!n drugs; narcotics; poison HSK6
501 ⟝⠆ d"sè to block; to stop; blockage HSK6
502 悥ⶪ d•shì city; metropolis HSK6
503 〞⊾ èhuà worsen HSK6
504 ▗ e$ (a groaning sound) HSK6
(feeling of) resentment; (longstanding)
505 】⿐ %n yuàn HSK6
506 俛䍗 &rhuán earring; CL:晣|⎒[zhi1],⮵|⮡[dui4] HSK6
507 Ḵ㯏⊾䡛 carbon dioxide CO2 HSK6
508 侴⶚ éry• that's all; nothing more HSK6
509 桅⢾ éwài extra; added; additional HSK6
510 〞⽫ x!n nausea; to feel sick; disgust; nauseating HSK6
to check; to contain; to hold back; to keep
511 忷⇞ èzhì HSK6
within limits; to constrain; to restrain

to release; to issue; to announce; to

512 ⍹ⶫ f"bù HSK6
distribute; also written 䘤ⶫ|⍹ⶫ[fa1 bu4]
513 ⍹峊 f•cái to get rich HSK6
514 ⍹⏮ f•d•i to daydream; lost in thought HSK6
to start; to launch; to unleash; to mobilize;
515 ⍹≐ f•dòng HSK6
to arouse
to catch fire; to ignite; to detonate; to get
516 ⍹䀓 f•hu HSK6
517 ⍹奱 f•jué to find; to detect; to discover HSK6
to take turns; order in series; time; a kind
518 䔒 f•n HSK6
of; barbarians
to turn over; to flip over; to overturn; to
519 侣 f•n HSK6
translate; to decode
520 ⍵樛 f!nbó to retort; to refute HSK6
521 ⍵ⷠ f!ncháng unusual; abnormal HSK6
522 劫䔜 fànchóu category HSK6
523 ⍵Ὰ f•ndào but on the contrary; but expectedly HSK6
524 ⍵≐ f•ndòng reaction; reactionary HSK6
to be disgusted with; to dislike; bad
525 ⍵デ f•ng•n HSK6
reaction; antipathy
526 㓦⣏ fàngdà to enlarge; to magnify HSK6
527 㓦⮬ fàngshè to radiate; radioactive HSK6
528 旚⬰ fángsh u defend; protect (against) HSK6
529 㓦ㇳ fàngsh u let go; have a free hand; let go one's hold HSK6
direction; points of the compass; bearing;
530 㕡ỵ f!ngwèi HSK6
position; azimuth
531 㕡妨 f!ngyán dialect HSK6
disease prevention; protection against
532 旚䕓 fángyì HSK6
533 旚⽉ fángyù defense HSK6
534 㕡搰 f!ngzh"n policy; guidelines; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
535 旚㱣 fángzhì prevention and cure HSK6
to prevent; to guard against; to take
536 旚㬊 fángzh• HSK6
537 乢乯 f•ngzh• spinning and weaving HSK6
538 ䷩⋶ fánhuá flourishing; bustling HSK6
539 ⍵㈿ f•nkàng to resist; to rebel HSK6
540 ⍵椰 f•nkuì to send back information; feedback HSK6
to be in flood; to overflow (the banks); to
541 㲃㺍 fànlàn HSK6
inundate; to spread unchecked
542 峑⋾ fànmài to sell; to peddle; to traffic HSK6
543 ䷩⾁ fánmáng busy; bustling HSK6
reverse side of sth; opposite side of some
544 ⍵朊 f•nmiàn HSK6
topic; the other side
to reflect; reflection (from a mirror etc);
545 ⍵⮬ f•nshè HSK6
reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism)
to think back over sth; to review; to revisit;
546 ⍵⿅ f•ns• HSK6
to rethink; reflection; reassessment
547 ䷩ỻ⫿ fánt !zì traditional Chinese character HSK6
to ask (a question) in reply; to answer a
548 ⍵斖 f•nwèn question with a question; rhetorical HSK6
549 ䷩㬾 fánzhí to breed; to reproduce; to propagate HSK6
550 ⍵ᷳ f•nzh• on the other hand...; conversely... HSK6
legal person; corporation; see also
551 㱽Ṣ f•rén HSK6
冒䃞Ṣ|冒䃞Ṣ[zi4 ran2 ren2]
to shoot (a projectile); to fire (a rocket); to
552 ⍹⮬ f•shè launch; to emit (a particle); to discharge; HSK6
emanation; emission
553 ⍹娻 f•shì to vow; to pledge; to swear HSK6
to publish; to issue (stocks, currency etc);
554 ⍹埴 f•xíng HSK6
to release; to distribute (a film)
inflamed from infection or injury;
555 ⍹䀶 f•yán HSK6
556 ⍹㈔ f•yáng to develop; to make full use of HSK6
557 ⍹做 f•yù to develop; growth; development HSK6
558 宥富 f ibàng slander; libel HSK6
559 ⹇昌 fèichú to abolish; to abrogate; to repeal HSK6
560 朆㱽 f•if" illegal HSK6
f•iqín# birds and animals; the beasts of the field
561 梆䥥崘℥ HSK6
z$ushòu and the birds of the air
562 㱠儦 fèiténg boiling; ebullition HSK6
563 ⋒⼺ f itú gangster; bandit HSK6
564 偍㰫 féiwò fertile HSK6
565 梆佼 f•ixiáng fly HSK6
566 ⹇⡇ fèix% ruins HSK6
567 梆嵫 f•iyuè to leap HSK6
to distinguish; to differentiate; to resolve;
568 ↮彐 f•nbiàn to defend against an accusation; to HSK6
propriety; appropriate behavior; proper
569 ↮⮠ f•ncùn HSK6
speech or action; within the norms
570 ⏑␸ f•nfu to tell; to instruct; to command HSK6
to meet by chance; to come across; to fawn
571 忊 féng HSK6
572 ᷘ䚃 f•ng#shèng rich; sumptuous HSK6
storm; violent commotion; fig. crisis (e.g.
573 桶㙜 f•ngbào HSK6
revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc)
to seal; to close; to confine; to seal off; to
574 ⮩斕 f•ngbì close down; sealed; confined; closed; HSK6
elegance (for men); elegant demeanor;
575 桶⹎ f•ngdù HSK6
grace; poise
scene; view; sight; landscape; to be well-
576 桶⃱ f•nggu•ng regarded; to be well-off; grand (topolect); HSK6
impressive (topolect)
system of enfeoffment; feudalism; feudal;
577 ⮩⺢ f•ngjiàn HSK6
sharp (e.g. knife blade); incisive; to the
578 撳⇑ f•nglì HSK6
579 ᷘ㺉 f•ngm•n plentiful; rich; plump; well-rounded HSK6
general mood; atmosphere; common
580 桶㮼 f•ngqì HSK6
581 桶嵋 f•ngqù humor; wit; humorous; witty HSK6
582 ᷘ㓞 f•ngsh!u bumper harvest HSK6
583 ⮩撩 f•ngsu" to blockade; to seal off HSK6
584 桶⛇Ṣね local conditions and customs (idiom) HSK6
585 桶␛ f•ngwèi local flavor; local style HSK6
586 ⣱䋖 fèngxiàn to consecrate; to dedicate; to devote HSK6
587 ↮乊 f•nhóng a bonus; to award a bonus HSK6
588 ↮妋 f•nji% to resolve; to decompose; to break down HSK6
589 ↮慷 fènliàng weight; measure HSK6
590 ↮塪 f•nliè to split up; to divide; to break up; fission HSK6
591 ↮㱴 f•nmì secrete HSK6
592 ↮㖶 f•nmíng clearly demarcated; sharply contoured HSK6
593 䰱㛓 f%nmò fine powder; dust HSK6
594 ✇⠻ fénmù sepulcher; tomb HSK6
difference (of opinion, position);
595 ↮㬏 f•nqí HSK6
596 ↮㔋 f•nsàn scatter; disperse; distribute HSK6
white; light pink; erotic; beautiful woman;
597 䰱刚 f%nsè HSK6
powdered (with make-up)
598 ↮ㇳ f•nsh"u to split up; to break up HSK6
599 䰱䠶 f%nsuì crash; break up HSK6
600 ⏎⅛ f"ujué veto; to overrule; to veto; to reject HSK6
secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant;
601 ∗ fù vice-; abbr. for ∗娆|∗孵 adverb; HSK6
classifier for pairs
602 僸峍 f•bài corruption; corrupt; rotten HSK6
603 峇㉭ fùd•n burden; to bear a burden HSK6
604 ⷭ⹎ fúdù width; extent; range; scope HSK6
a (married) couple; husband and wife;
605 ⣓⤯ f#fù HSK6
606 央䙾 fùgài to cover HSK6
607 䫎⎟ fúhào symbol; mark; sign HSK6
to parrot; to crib; to copy sb's action or
608 旬␴ fùhè HSK6
words; to trail sb's footsteps; copy-cat
609 ⢵㳣 fùhuó to bring back to life; to revive; resurrection HSK6
610 旬ẞ fùjiàn enclosure; attachment (email); appendix HSK6
611 僸䁪 f•làn to rot; to become gangrenous HSK6
612 䤷⇑ fúlì (material) welfare; well-being HSK6
613 ᾀ嗷 fúl• captive HSK6
614 䤷㮼 fúqi good fortune; to enjoy good fortune HSK6
615 㚵㮼 fúqì to be convinced; to accept HSK6
616 ⣓Ṣ f•rén lady; madam; Mrs.; CL:ỵ[wei4] HSK6
617 弸⮬ fúshè radiation HSK6
corrosion; to corrode (degrade chemically);
618 僸嘨 f•shí HSK6
to rot; corruption
subsidiary; auxiliary; attached; affiliated;
619 旬Ⰶ fùsh• HSK6
subordinate; subordinating
620 儡㲣 fùxiè diarrhea; to have the runs HSK6
621 ⢵ℜ fùx ng to revive; rebirth HSK6
622 僸㛥 f•xi• rotten; decayed; decadent; degenerate HSK6
to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the
classics); perfunctory; to skimp; to botch;
623 㔟埵 f•y"n HSK6
to do sth half-heartedly or just for show;
barely enough to get by
looking up and down; actions; being
624 ᾗẘ f•y"ng HSK6
625 ㉂℣ f•y"ng to foster; to bring up; to raise HSK6
626 ⭴塽 fùyù abundant; affluent; richness; affluence HSK6
to assign; to entrust (a task); to give; to
627 峳Ḱ fùy• HSK6
to assist; to aid; supplementary; auxiliary;
628 弭≑ f•zhù HSK6
629 ∗ἄ䓐 fùzuòyòng side effect HSK6
630 䙾䪈 gài#zh$ng to affix a seal (to sth) HSK6
631 㓡列 g"iliáng improve HSK6
632 ⯜⯔ g$ngà awkward; embarrassed HSK6
633 㜈㛮 gàngg"n lever; pry bar; crowbar; financial leverage HSK6
634 ⇂⇂ g$ngg$ng just recently; just a moment ago HSK6
635 㷗⎋ g"ngk%u port; harbor HSK6
636 乚栮 g$ngl&ng program; guiding principle HSK6
637 㷗㸦 g"ngw$n natural harbor; bay serving as harbor HSK6
638 ⰿỵ g"ngwèi a post; a job HSK6
639 ⸚㖙 g•nhàndrought; arid; dry HSK6
640 ⸚≚ gànjìng
enthusiasm for doing sth HSK6
641 デㄐ g$nk$ilament; with a tinge of emotion or regret HSK6
642 デ㝻 g$nr$ninfection; to infect; to influence HSK6
643 ⸚㈘ g•nr oto interfere; obstruction HSK6
644 ⸚㴱 g•nshèto interfere; to meddle; interference HSK6
645 䓀⽫ g•nx!nto be willing to; to resign oneself to HSK6
646 ⸚栬 g•nyù to meddle; to intervene; intervention HSK6
high tide; high water; upsurge; climax;
647 檀㼖 g•ocháo HSK6
orgasm; chorus (part of a song)
648 檀崭 g•och•o excellent; superlative HSK6
649 ⏲彆 gàocí to take leave HSK6
650 檀Ⲙ g•of%ng peak; summit; height HSK6
rough draft; material contributing to a final
651 䧧ẞ g$ojiàn HSK6
652 ⏲宓 gàojiè to warn; to admonish HSK6
college entrance exam; abbr. for
653 檀侫 g•ok o 䫱⬎㟉㊃䓇ℐ⚥亇ᶨ侫孽[pu3 tong1 HSK6
gao1 deng3 xue2 xiao4 zhao1 sheng1
quan2 guo2 tong3 yi1 kao3 shi4]
654 檀㖶 g•omíng wise; brilliant; superior HSK6
655 檀⯂ g•oshàng nobly; lofty HSK6
656 檀㵐 g•ozhàng upsurge; (tensions etc) run high HSK6
657 √ g to cut; to cut apart HSK6
658 ㎩ g to place; to put aside; to shelve HSK6
swelling or lump on skin; pimple; knot;
659 䕁䗑 g da HSK6
preoccupation; problem
660 昼斪 géhé estrangement HSK6
661 㟤⯨ géjú structure; pattern; layout HSK6
662 昼䥣 gélí to separate; to isolate HSK6
663 侽⛘ g ngdì arable land; to plow land HSK6
to replace the old with new; to renew; to
664 㚜㕘 g•ngx!n renovate; to upgrade; to update; to HSK6
665 㚜㬋 g•ngzhèng to correct; to make a correction HSK6
in front of; close to; nearby; the time just
666 嶇⇵ g•nqián HSK6
667 㟡㶙吪⚢ deep-rooted (problem etc) HSK6
668 嶇昷 g•nsuí to follow HSK6
669 㟡㸸 g•nyuán origin; root (cause) HSK6
670 嶇巒 g•nz ng to follow sb's tracks; to tail; to shadow HSK6
671 㟤⺷ géshì form; specification; format HSK6
672 ⎬㈺⶙奩
gèsh!j"jiàn everyone gives their own view HSK6
673 㫴株 g•sòng sing the praises of; extol; eulogize HSK6
674 ᷒ỻ gèt" individual HSK6
675 ⎬冒 gèzì each; respective; apiece HSK6
g ng#bù#
676 ὃᶵ⸼㯪 supply does not meet demand HSK6
yìng qiú
677 ℔⬱⯨ g ng'$n#jú Public Security Bureau HSK6
678 ℔忻 g ngdào justice; fairness; public highway HSK6
679 ⭓㭧 g ngdiàn palace; CL:⹏[zuo4] HSK6
680 ⶍ⣓ g•ngf• time; skill HSK6
681 ℔⏲ g•nggào post; announcement HSK6
682 ⶑ⚢ g nggù to consolidate; consolidation; to strengthen HSK6
683 ℔ℛ g•nggu!n public relations HSK6
684 ℙ␴⚥ gònghéguó republic HSK6
685 ℙ孉 gòngjì to sum up to; to total HSK6
to attack; to accuse; to charge; an attack
686 㓣↣ g•ngjí HSK6
(terrorist or military)
to furnish; to provide; supply (as in supply
687 ὃ亁 g•ngj" HSK6
and demand)
688 〕㔔 g•ngjìng deferential; with respect HSK6
homework; assignment; task; classwork;
689 ≇宦 g•ngkè HSK6
lesson; study; CL:攨|斐[men2]
690 㓣⃳ g•ngkè to capture; to take HSK6
691 ≇≛ g•ngláo contribution; meritorious service; credit HSK6
692 ℔㮹 g•ngmín citizen HSK6
physical resonance; sympathetic response
693 ℙ淋 gòngmíng HSK6
to sth
694 ℔⧮ g•ngpó husband's parents; parents-in-law HSK6
695 ℔䃞 g•ngrán openly; publicly; undisguised HSK6
696 ℔孌 g•ngrèn publicly known (to be); accepted (as) HSK6
697 ℔⺷ g•ngshì formula HSK6
698 ℔≉ g•ngwù official business HSK6
699 ≇㓰 g•ngxiào efficacy HSK6
handicraft article; handiwork;
700 ⶍ刢⑩ g•ngyìp"n HSK6
701 ℔㬋 g•ngzhèng just; fair; equitable HSK6
702 ℔孩 g•ngzhèng notarization; notarized; acknowledgement HSK6
to collude with; to collaborate with; to
703 ⊦乻 g•ujié HSK6
gang up with
to outline a story; to make a preliminary
704 㜬⿅ gòus HSK6
705 摑⫸ g•uzi hook HSK6
706 ㉸㛾 gu!izhàng crutches; crutch; walking stick HSK6
707 仸 guàn can; jar; pot HSK6
to implement; to put into practice; to carry
708 峗⼣ guànchè HSK6
709 ⭀㕡 gu"nf"ng official; (by the) government HSK6
710 㿴㸱 guàngài to irrigate HSK6
711 ⃱⼑ gu•ngc•i luster; splendor; radiance; brilliance HSK6
712 ⃱弱 gu•nghu radiance; glory; brilliant; magnificent HSK6
713 ⸧於 gu!ngkuò wide; vast HSK6
714 ⃱刺 gu"ngmáng rays of light; brilliant rays; radiance HSK6
715 奪⃱ gu"ngu"ng to tour; sightseeing; tourism HSK6
716 ゗ἳ guànlì conventional HSK6
717 䭉弾 gu!nxiá to administer; to have jurisdiction (over) HSK6
to take care; to keep an eye on; to look
718 ℛ䄏 gu"nzhào HSK6
after; to tell; to remind
719 溻≐ g#dòng to agitate; to arouse; to instigate; to encite HSK6
720 ⎌吋 g#d$ng curio; antique HSK6
721 偉᷄ g#d•ng shareholder; stockholder HSK6
722 ⬌䊔 g%dú lonely; solitary HSK6
723 偉ấ g#fèn a share (in a company); stock HSK6
to fail to live up (to expectations);
724 彄峇 g%fù unworthy (of trust); to let down; to betray HSK6
(hopes); to disappoint
diaphysis (long segment of a bone); fig.
725 橐⸚ g#gàn HSK6
726 ⎌⿒ g#guài eccentric; grotesque; oddly; queer HSK6
727 嶒 guì kneel HSK6
orbit; railway or tram line; fig.
728 弐忻 gu&dào HSK6
conventional way of thinking
norm; standard; specification; regulation;
729 奬劫 gu fàn rule; within the rules; to fix rules; to HSK6
regulate; to specify
730 奬㟤 gu gé standard; norm; specification HSK6
gu g'n(
731 ⻺㟡⇘⸽ (saying) to sum it up... HSK6
732 奬↺ gu huà plan; program HSK6
733 ⻺往 gu•huán to return sth; to revert HSK6
to sum up; to summarize; to conclude from
734 ⻺乛 gu•nà facts; induction (method of deduction in HSK6
735 奬䪈 gu•zh•ng rule; regulation HSK6
lord; nobility; nobleman; noblewoman;
736 峝㕷 guìzú HSK6
aristocrat; aristocracy
737 ⬌䩳 g!lì isolate; isolated HSK6
738 栦嗹 gùl" misgivings; apprehensions HSK6
739 㡵㡺 gùnbàng club HSK6
excessive; over-; excess; going too far;
740 彯⹎ guòdù HSK6
extravagant; intemperate; overdue
to cross over (by ferry); transition; interim;
741 彯㷉 guòdù HSK6
caretaker (administration)
742 㝄㕕 gu#duàn firm; decisive HSK6
743 ⚥旚 guófáng national defense HSK6
744 彯⣾ guòji$ng to over-praise; to flatter HSK6
745 彯㺌 guòl" to filter; filter HSK6
746 彯⣙ guòsh• defect; fault HSK6
747 彯斖 guòwèn to show an interest in; to get involved with HSK6
State Council (PRC); State Department
748 ⚥≉昊 guówùyuàn HSK6
to satisfy a craving; to get a kick out of sth;
749 彯䗦 guòy%n gratifying; immensely enjoyable; HSK6
satisfying; fulfilling
750 彯Ḷ guòyú too much; excessively HSK6
temporarily; the time being; for the
751 ⥹ᶼ g!qi& HSK6
moment; provisional; tentatively
752 ⚢䃞 gùrán admittedly (it's true that...) HSK6
753 栦斖 gùwèn adviser; consultant HSK6
home; homeland; native place;
754 㓭ḉ gùxi•ng HSK6
755 ⚢㚱 gùy•u intrinsic to sth; inherent; native HSK6
malfunction; breakdown; defect;
756 㓭晄 gùzhàng shortcoming; fault; failure; impediment; HSK6
error; bug (in software)
757 ⚢㈏ gùzhí persistent; stubborn HSK6
758 ▐ h•i oh alas; hey!; hi! (loanword) HSK6
759 㴟㉼ h$ibá height above sea level; elevation HSK6
760 㴟㺐 h$ib!n shore; seaside HSK6
761 凒䨢 hángk•ng aviation HSK6
762 埴↿ hángliè procession HSK6
763 凒⣑ hángti•n space flight HSK6
764 凒埴 hángxíng to sail; to fly; to navigate HSK6
765 ⏓䱲 hánhú obscurity; vague HSK6
766 份奩 h!njiàn rare; rarely seen HSK6
767 ㋵⌓ hànwèi defend; uphold; safeguard HSK6
exchanging conventional greetings; to talk
768 ⭺㘬 hánxu•n HSK6
about the weather
meaning (implicit in a phrase); implied
769 ⏓ᷱ hányì HSK6
meaning; hidden meaning; hint; connotation
not in the least; none whatsoever;
770 㮓㖈 háo wú HSK6
completely without
771 便峡 hàofèi to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander HSK6
hospitality; to treat guests well; to enjoy
772 ⤥⭊ hàokè HSK6
having guests; hospitable; friendly
773 尒彰 háomài bold; open-minded; heroic HSK6
774 㮓䰛 háom" millimeter HSK6
775 ⎟⎔ hàozhào to call; to appeal HSK6
776 ␴哤 hé'!i kindly; nice; amiable HSK6
777 ⎰⸞ hébìng to merge; to annex HSK6
to compose; to constitute; compound;
778 ⎰ㆸ héchéng HSK6
synthesis; mixture; synthetic
779 ⎰᷶ héh# to accord with; conforming to HSK6
780 ⎰ề héhu• to act jointly; to form a partnership HSK6
781 ◧ h%i hey HSK6
to settle (a dispute out of court); to
782 ␴妋 héji& reconcile; settlement; conciliation; to HSK6
become reconciled
783 ␴䜎 hémù peaceful relations; harmonious HSK6
wishing one could do sth; to hate to be
784 【ᶵ⼿ hènbude unable; itching to do sth; can't wait for; to HSK6
wish one could do sth; to desire strongly

785 ⒤ h%ng to groan; to snort; to hum; to croon; humph! HSK6

786 䕽御 hénj( vestige; mark; trace HSK6
787 䊈⽫ h&nx(n callous; heartless HSK6
788 ␴㮼 héqì friendly; polite; amiable HSK6
789 ⎰幓 hésh•n well-fitting (of clothes) HSK6
worthwhile; be a good deal; be a bargain;
790 ⎰䬿 hésuàn HSK6
reckon up; calculate
791 ␴宸 héxié harmonious HSK6
roar of laughter (onomatopoeia); hubbub;
792 ⑬ h ng HSK6
to roar (as a crowd)
793 䂀 h ng to bake; to heat by fire HSK6
lit. money wrapped in red as a gift; a bonus
794 乊⊭ hóngb!o HSK6
payment; a kickback; a bribe
795 弘≐ h ngdòng sensation; stir HSK6
796 ⬷奪 hónggu!n macro-; macroscopic; holistic HSK6
797 㳒㯜 hóngshu" deluge; flood HSK6
798 ⬷ệ hóngw#i grand; imposing; magnificent HSK6
799 ⏤ h•u roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage HSK6
posterity; later periods; later ages; later
800 ⎶ẋ hòudài HSK6
fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family
worries (obstructing freedom of action);
801 ⎶栦ᷳ⾏ worries about the future consequences; HSK6
often in negative expressions, meaning "no
worries about anything"
802 ┱⑁ hóulóng throat; larynx HSK6
803 ⎶朊 hòumiàn rear; back; behind; later; afterwards HSK6
804 ⎶⊌ hòuqín logistics HSK6
805 ῁徱 hòuxu•n candidate HSK6
806 剙䒋 hu!bàn #N/A HSK6
807 ⊾偍 huàféi fertilizer HSK6
808 ↺↮ huàf•n to divide HSK6
pregnant; to have conceived; gestation;
809 ⾨⫽ huáiyùn HSK6
810 ⋶ᷥ huálì gorgeous HSK6
811 湬㖷 huángh'n dusk; evening; nightfall HSK6
812 勺ⅱ hu!ngliáng desolate HSK6
813 ヴ⾁ hu!ngmáng in a great rush; in a flurry HSK6
814 勺寔 hu!ngmiù absurd; ridiculous HSK6
hu&ngrándà to suddenly realize; to suddenly see the
815 ⿵䃞⣏ぇ HSK6
wù light
beyond belief; preposterous; absurd;
816 勺Ⓒ hu!ngtáng HSK6
intemperate; dissipated
to ease (tension); to alleviate; to moderate;
817 亻␴ hu&nhé HSK6
to allay; to make more mild
round segment; segment (of annelid
818 䍗刪 huánjié worms); connection; link; sector; annular HSK6
gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure;
819 㫊᷸ hu•nlè HSK6
happy; joyous; gay
to restore to the original state; reduction
820 往⍇ huányuán HSK6
821 か侭 huànzh patient; sufferer HSK6
822 ⋶ὐ huáqiáo overseas Chinese; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4],ỵ[wei4] HSK6
lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fig. to
823 䓣噯㶣嵛 ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous; to HSK6
overdo it
824 ⊾䞛 huàshí fossil HSK6
825 宅䫺 huàt•ng microphone HSK6
826 ⊾樴 huàyàn laboratory test; chemical experiment; assay HSK6
827 ⊾⤮ huàzhu•ng to put on make-up HSK6
828 㷾㱲 húbó lake HSK6
(in) return; reciprocation; payback;
829 ⚆㉍ huíbào HSK6
retaliation; to report back; to reciprocate
to report; to give an account of; to collect
830 㯯㉍ huìbào HSK6
information and report back
831 ⚆性 huíbì to evade; to shun; to avoid HSK6
832 ⚆栦 huígù to look back; to review HSK6
833 〼【 hu!hèn remorse; repentance HSK6
834 弱䃴 hu"huáng splendid; glorious HSK6
to squander money; extravagant; prodigal;
835 ㋍暵 hu"huò HSK6
free and easy; agile
836 峧峪 huìlù to bribe; a bribe HSK6
837 㭩䀕 hu!miè perish; ruin; destroy HSK6
838 ⚆㓞 huísh•u to recycle; to reclaim; to retrieve; to recover HSK6
839 Ể㘌 huìwù to meet; meeting; conference HSK6
840 Ḻ俼仹 hùliánw$ng the Internet HSK6
careless; reckless; casually; absent-
841 傉ḙ húluàn HSK6
mindedly; at will; at random; any old how
842 ⾥䔍 h%lüè to neglect; to overlook; to ignore HSK6
843 㶟⎰ hùn hé to mix; to blend HSK6
844 㶟ḙ h&nluàn confusion; chaos; disorder HSK6
to lose consciousness; to be in a coma;
845 㖷徟 h•nmí HSK6
stupor; coma; stunned; disoriented
846 㳹幓 húnsh n all over; from head to foot HSK6
to obscure; to confuse; to mix up; to blur;
847 㶟㵮 hùnxiáo HSK6
to mislead
848 㶟㳲 húnzhuó turbid; muddy; dirty HSK6
849 峏ⶩ huòbì currency; monetary; money HSK6
(coll.) serve sb right; deservedly; ought;
850 㳣宍 huóg!i HSK6
851 䀓䭕 hu"jiàn rocket; CL:㝂[mei2] HSK6
852 㳣≃ huólì energy; vitality; vigor; vital force HSK6
853 ㆾ孠 huòx• perhaps; maybe HSK6
854 䀓䃘 hu yàn blaze; flame HSK6
855 䀓北 hu yào gunpowder HSK6
856 ␤┠ h!xiào to whistle; to scream; to whiz HSK6
to call on (sb to do sth); to appeal (to); an
857 ␤⎩ h!yù HSK6
858 ⭞ⷠ ji"cháng the daily life of a family HSK6
to process; processing; working (of
859 ≈ⶍ ji"g#ng HSK6
household dish, implement or furniture;
860 ⭞ề ji"huo HSK6
domestic animal; guy (slang); chap
to intensify; to sharpen; to accelerate; to
861 ≈∏ ji"jù HSK6
aggravate; to exacerbate; to embitter
862 㸭 jiàn splash HSK6
863 ㊋ ji$n to choose; to pick; to sort out; to pick up HSK6
864 奩⣂孮⸧ experienced and knowledgeable (idiom) HSK6
865 㡨子 ji$n%t$o to examine or inspect; self-criticism; review HSK6
866 戜⇓ jiànbié to differentiate; to distinguish HSK6
to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening
867 −⼑ ji$nc$i HSK6
868 斜宵 jiàndié spy HSK6
869 戜⭂ jiàndìng to appraise; to identify; to evaluate HSK6
870 ✂⭂ ji"ndìng firm; steady; staunch; resolute HSK6
871 䙹䜋 ji"nd! to control; to supervise; to inspect HSK6
sharp pointed end; the tip; the cusp; tip-
872 ⮾䪗 ji"ndu"n top; most advanced and sophisticated; HSK6
highest peak; the best
873 㠐 ji•ng oar; paddle HSK6
874 斜昼 jiàngécompartment; gap; interval; to divide HSK6
875 ⮮役 ji•ngjìn
almost; nearly; close to HSK6
(Military) admiral; (chess) to check; to
876 ⮮⅃ ji•ngj#n HSK6
877 ⣾≙ ji!nglì reward (as encouragement) HSK6
878 旵ᷜ jiànglín to descend to HSK6
879 ⣾峷 ji!ngsh!ng reward; prize; an award HSK6
880 ✂⚢ ji•ngù firm; firmly; hard; stable HSK6
881 ₝䠔 ji•ngyìng stark; stiff HSK6
882 䬨⊾ ji!nhuà simplify HSK6
883 奩妋 jiànji" opinion; view; understanding HSK6
884 斜㍍ jiànji# indirect HSK6
885 䬨旳 ji!nlòu simple and crude (of a room or building) HSK6
886 刘晦 ji•nnán difficult; hard; challenging HSK6
887 ‍ℐ jiànquán robust; strong HSK6
888 ✂枏 ji•nrèn tough and durable; tenacious HSK6
889 ✂⭆ ji•nshí firm and substantial; solid HSK6
to monitor; to oversee; to keep a close
890 䙹奮 ji•nshì HSK6
watch over; to spy on
891 嶝嶷 jiàntà to trample HSK6
892 凘凯 jiànt&ng warship; naval vessel HSK6
simplified Chinese character, as opposed to
893 䬨ỻ⫿ ji•nt$zì traditional Chinese character HSK6
䷩橼⫿|䷩ỻ⫿[fan2 ti3 zi4]
what one sees and hears; knowledge;
894 奩斣 jiànwén HSK6
895 㡨樴 ji•nyàn to inspect; to examine; to test HSK6
896 䬨天 ji•nyào concise; brief HSK6
897 ✂䠔 ji!nyìng hard; solid HSK6
to see what is right and act courageously
jiànyìy!ng (idiom, from Analects); to stand up bravely
898 奩ᷱ≯ᷢ HSK6
wéi for the truth; acting heroically in a just
in view of; seeing that; considering;
899 戜Ḷ jiànyú HSK6
900 䙹䊙 ji•nyù prison HSK6
to hold concurrent posts; part-time;
901 ℤ俴 ji•nzhí HSK6
concurrent job; moonlighting
902 ㎭㉴ ji•obàn to stir; to agitate HSK6
903 Ṍ⍱ ji!och! to cross; to intersect HSK6
to hand over; to explain; to make clear; to
904 Ṍẋ ji•odài brief (sb); to account for; to justify oneself; HSK6
to confess; to finish (colloquial)
905 䃎䁡 ji•odi n focus; focal point HSK6
906 䃎⿍ ji•ojí anxiety; anxious HSK6
to have a contest with sb; to cross swords;
907 弫慷 jiàoliàng to measure up against; to compete with; to HSK6
haggle; to quibble
908 奺句 ji oluò nook; corner HSK6
909 仜乛 ji onà to pay (taxes etc) HSK6
910 ⦯㮼 ji•oqì delicate; squeamish; finicky HSK6
911 Ṍ㴱 ji•oshè to negotiate; relating to HSK6
912 Ṍ⼨ ji•ow ng to associate; to contact; association; contact HSK6
to train; to educate; to bring up; to nurture;
913 㔁℣ jiàoy ng education; culture; upbringing; early HSK6
(business) transaction; business deal;
914 Ṍ㖻 ji•oyì HSK6
915 `学 ji•shè suppose that...; hypothesis; conjecture HSK6
916 `ἧ ji•sh• if; in case; suppose; given ... HSK6
917 ⭞Ⰶ ji sh$ family member; (family) dependent HSK6
918 Ἓ停 ji yáo fine food; delicacies; delicious food HSK6
understood by everyone (idiom); well
919 ⭞╣㇟㗻 ji yùhùxi•o HSK6
known; a household name
to mix together (disparate substances); to
920 ⣡㛪 jiázá HSK6
mingle; a mix; to be tangled up with
even if; even though; right away;
921 ⌛ὧ jíbiàn HSK6
922 乏⇓ jíbié (military) rank; level; grade HSK6
923 䕦䕭 jíbìng disease; sickness; ailment HSK6
924 亏㈧ jìchéng to inherit; to carry on; to succeed HSK6
base (of operations); industrial or military
925 ➢⛘ j"dì HSK6
base; al-Qaeda
locomotive; motorized; power-driven;
926 㛢≐ j"dòng adaptable; flexible (use, treatment, timing HSK6
927 ⩱⤺ jídù to be jealous; to envy; to hate HSK6
quarter (finance, publishing, schools etc);
928 ⬋⹎ jìdù HSK6
season (sports); period of three months
929 㜩䪗 jídu n extreme HSK6
930 䘮 ji• all; each and every; in all cases HSK6
931 植椧 j 'è hunger; starvation; famine HSK6
to take precautions; to guard against
932 ㆺ⢯ jièbèi HSK6
933 旞⯪ ji•céng hierarchy; stratum HSK6
outstanding; distinguished; remarkable;
934 㜘↢ jiéch! HSK6
prominent; illustrious
to remove; to sack; to get rid of; to relieve
935 妋昌 ji"chú (sb of their duties); to free; to lift (an HSK6
embargo); to rescind (an agreement)
to expose; to bring to light; to disclose;
936 ㎕⍹ ji•f# HSK6
937 妋景 ji"gù to fire; to sack; to dismiss HSK6
938 乻㝄 jiégu• result; outcome; effect; in the event; so that HSK6
to use other people's experience; to borrow
939 ῇ戜 jièjiàn HSK6
from a source; to use as reference
to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's
940 䪕⯥ℐ≃ jiéjìn quánlì HSK6
941 乻㘞 jiéj ng crystallization; crystalline; crystal HSK6
942 乻⯨ jiéjú conclusion; ending HSK6
943 ㍍徆 ji•lián on end; in a row; in succession HSK6
to expose; to unmask; to ferret out; to
944 ㎕曚 ji•lù HSK6
disclose; disclosure
945 妋⇾ ji"p%u to dissect (an animal); to analyze; anatomy HSK6
946 妋㔋 ji"sàn dissolve; disband HSK6
947 乻䬿 jiésuànto settle a bill; to close an account HSK6
to break up into components; to
948 妋ỻ ji"t& HSK6
disintegrate; to collapse; to crumble
949 䓴旸 jièxiàn boundary; marginal HSK6
950 ㇒军 jiézhì up to (a time); by (a time) HSK6
951 ῇ≑ jièzhù to draw support from; with the help of HSK6
rhythm; tempo; musical pulse; cadence;
952 刪⣷ jiézòu HSK6
953 㽨⍹ j f• to arouse; to excite HSK6
seeking instant benefit (idiom);
954 ⿍≇役⇑ jíg%ngjìnlì shortsighted vision, looking only for fast HSK6
mechanism; structure; organization;
955 㛢㜬 j gòu HSK6
agency; institution; CL:㇨[suo3]
one's native place; place of ancestry;
956 䯵峗 jíguàn HSK6
registered birthplace
mechanism; gear; machine-operated;
office; agency; organ; organization;
957 㛢ℛ j•gu•n HSK6
establishment; institution; body; strategum;
scheme; intrigue; plot; trick; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
958 ⽴孛 jìhuì taboo; to avoid as taboo; to abstain from HSK6
on the eve of; to be about to; to be on the
959 ⌛⮮ jíji•ng HSK6
verge of
960 孉弫 jìjiào to haggle; to bicker; to argue HSK6
961 ➢慹 j•j•n fund HSK6
962 ⭪朁 jìjìng quiet HSK6
963 ⿍∏ jíjù rapid; sudden HSK6
964 ⬋⅃ jìj#n third in a race; bronze medalist HSK6
965 㽨≙ j•lì to encourage; to urge; motivation; incentive HSK6
966 㛢䀝 j•ling clever; quick-witted HSK6
967 㛢⭮ j•mì secret; classified (information) HSK6
968 ㈨傥 jìnéng technical ability; skill HSK6
969 徃侴 jìn'ér and then (what follows next) HSK6
970 ḽ j!ng warn; well; surname Jing; CL:⎋[kou3] HSK6
971 劶 j•ng stalk; stem; CL:㡅|㜉[tiao2] HSK6
j•ng j•ng yè
972 ℊℊ᷂᷂ cautious and conscientious HSK6

cervical vertebra; the seven cervical
973 栰㢶 j•ngchuí vertebrae in the neck of humans and most HSK6
j ngd•xìsuà (saying) meticulous planning and careful
974 䱦ㇻ乮䬿 HSK6
n accounting
975 ひ≐ j ngdòng alarm; alert; disturb HSK6
976 乷峡 j ngfèi funds; expenditure; CL:䫮|䪼[bi3] HSK6
977 嬎⏲ j•nggào to warn; to admonish HSK6
best feature; most important part of an
978 䱦⋶ j•nghuá HSK6
object; quintessence; essence; soul
979 䱦䬨 j•ngji•n to simplify; to reduce HSK6
980 ⠫䓴 jìngjiè boundary; state; realm HSK6
981 㔔䣤 jìngl! salute HSK6
982 䱦⭮ j•ngmì accuracy; exact; precise; refined HSK6
to attack; to assault; to go on the offensive;
983 徃㓣 jìng"ng HSK6
attack; assault; offense (sports)
984 ひ⣯ j•ngqí to be amazed; to be surprised; to wonder HSK6
985 䱦䠖 j•ngquè accurate; precise HSK6
986 䪆崃 jìngsài race; competition; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
to trade; to carry out commercial activities;
987 乷⓮ j•ngsh•ng HSK6
in business
to be on the alert; vigilant; alert; on guard;
988 嬎ぽ j•ngtì HSK6
to warn
989 䱦忂 j•ngt!ng proficient HSK6
990 攄⣜ jìngtóu camera shot (in a movie etc); scene HSK6
warp and woof; longitude and latitude;
991 乷乔 j•ngw"i HSK6
main points
992 䱦⽫ j•ngx•n with utmost care; fine; meticulous; detailed HSK6

993 䪆徱 jìngxu#n to take part in an election; to run for office HSK6

amazed; astonished; to surprise; amazing;
994 ひ孞 j•ngyà HSK6
astonishment; awe
j•ngyìqiúj•n to perfect sth that is already outstanding
995 䱦䙲㯪䱦 HSK6
g (idiom); constantly improving
996 䱦农 j•ngzhì delicate; fine; exquisite; refined HSK6
997 徃⊾ jìnhuà evolution; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
j•nj•ny•uwè with keen interest pleasure (idiom); with
998 㳍㳍㚱␛ HSK6
i gusto; to relish; eagerly; with great interest

as quickly as possible; as soon as possible;

999 ⯥⾓ j•nkuài HSK6
with all speed; also written 䚉⾓|⯥⾓
1000 役㜍 jìnlái recently; lately HSK6
1001 ⯥慷 j•nliàng as much as possible; to the greatest extent HSK6
1002 䳏⭮ j•nmì inseparably close HSK6
1003 㴠㲉 jìnpào to steep; to soak; to immerse HSK6
1004 䳏従 j•npò pressing; urgent HSK6
1005 慹圵 j nróng banking; finance; financial HSK6
1006 㗳⋯ jìnsh'ng to promote to a higher position HSK6
1007 役奮 jìnshì shortsighted; nearsighted; myopia HSK6
1008 ≚⣜ jìntóu enthusiasm; zeal; vigor; strength HSK6
j•nxiù" a bright future; a rosy future; brilliant
1009 擎事⇵䦳 HSK6
qiánchéng prospects
1010 徃⯽ jìnzh•n to make headway; to make progress HSK6
1011 ㈨ⶏ jìqi•o skill; technique HSK6
1012 ⿍↯ jíqiè eager; impatient HSK6
1013 㽨ね j•qíng passion; fervor; enthusiasm; strong emotion HSK6
1014 普⚊ jítuán group; bloc; corporation; conglomerate HSK6
to have sb look after sb; to entrust the care
1015 ⭬㈀ jìtu HSK6
of sb; to place (hope etc) on
1016 么也 ji!f"n a dispute; entanglement (law) HSK6
emergency relief; to help the needy with
1017 㓹㳶 jiùjì HSK6
cash or goods
1018 ⯙役 jiùjìn nearby; in a close neighborhood HSK6
alcohol; ethanol CH3CH2OH; ethyl
1019 惺䱦 ji#j•ng HSK6
alcohol; also written ḁ愯; grain alcohol
looking for employment; getting a job; to
1020 ⯙᷂ jiùyè HSK6
start a career
1021 么㬋 ji•zhèng to correct; to make right HSK6
1022 ⯙俴 jiùzhí take office; assume a post HSK6
to follow the past and herald the future
jìw"ngk$ilá (idiom); part of a historical transition;
1023 亏⼨⺨㜍 HSK6
i forming a bridge between earlier and later
1024 㜩旸 jíxiàn limit; extreme boundary HSK6
1025 ⎱䤍 jíxiáng lucky; auspicious; propitious HSK6
1026 御尉 j"xiàng mark; indication; sign; indicator HSK6
1027 孍䪹 j"xiào to sneer HSK6
1028 㛢㡘 j"xiè machine; machinery; mechanical HSK6
1029 存⿏ jìxìng memory; recall HSK6
1030 乒天 jìyào minutes; written summary of a meeting HSK6
1031 ➢⚈ j"y"n gene (loanword) HSK6
1032 亁Ḱ j#y$ to accord; to give; to show (respect) HSK6
opportunity; favorable circumstance; stroke
1033 㛢忯 j"yù HSK6
of luck
anxious for quick results (idiom); to
jíyú qiú
1034 ⿍Ḷ㯪ㆸ demand instant success; impatient for HSK6
result; impetuous
1035 存弥 jìz$i write down; record; written account HSK6
1036 ⿍帩 jízào irritable; irascible; impetuous HSK6
at the earliest possible time; as soon as
1037 ⍲㖑 jíz$o HSK6
1038 㛢㘢 j"zhì quick-witted; tact; witty; resourceful HSK6
1039 ∏㛔 jùb%n script for play, opera, movie etc; screenplay HSK6
1040 ⯨悐 júbù part; local HSK6
1041 ᷦ≐ j•dòng act; action; activity; move; movement HSK6
strategic decision; decision-making; policy
1042 ⅛䫾 juécè HSK6
decision; to determine policy
1043 亅㛃 juéwàng desperation; forlorn; hopeless HSK6
consciousness; awareness; Buddhist
1044 奱ぇ juéwù HSK6
enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotp!da)
to awaken; to come to realize; awakened to
1045 奱愺 juéx"ng the truth; the truth dawns upon one; scales HSK6
fall from the eyes; to become aware
1046 杈幔 j#g$ng to bow HSK6
1047 倂䱦Ể䤆 to concentrate one's attention (idiom) HSK6
1048 ␨♤ j•jué to chew HSK6
1049 ∏䁰 jùliè violent; acute; severe; fierce HSK6
1050 ㊀䔁 j#liú to detain (a prisoner); to keep sb in custody HSK6
1051 ⯨朊 júmiàn aspect; phase; situation HSK6
1052 ⅃旇 j#nduì army troops; CL:㓗[zhi1],ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1053 㱖᷏ j•sàng dispirited; dejected; dismayed HSK6
1054 ⯨≧ júshì situation; state (of affairs) HSK6
1055 ᷦᶾ斣⎵ (saying) world famous HSK6
1056 ᷦᶾ䝑䚖 attract worldwide attention HSK6
to restrict; to restrain; constrained;
1057 ㊀㜇 j!shù awkward; ill at ease; uncomfortable; HSK6
1058 ㌖〱 jùx" according to reports; it is reported (that) HSK6
1059 ⯨旸 júxiàn limit HSK6
to reside; to dwell; to live in a place;
1060 ⯭ỷ j!zhù HSK6
resident in
a foot's move sways the balance (idiom); to
1061 ᷦ嵛弣慵 hold the balance of power; to play the HSK6
decisive role
to extract (ore or other resource from a
1062 ⺨慯 k%ic$i HSK6
mine); to exploit; to mine
1063 ⺨昌 k%ichú to expel HSK6
1064 ⺨於 k%ikuò wide; open (spaces); to open up HSK6
spacious and well-lit; open and clear; to
1065 ⺨㚿 k•il•ng open out (onto a wider vista); optimistic; HSK6
cheerful; carefree; easy-going; open-minded
1066 ⺨㖶 k•imíng enlightened; open-minded; enlightenment HSK6
1067 ⺨彇 k•ipì to open up; to set up; to start; to build HSK6
1068 ⺨㯜 k•ishu boiled water; boiling water HSK6
to break new ground (for agriculture); to
1069 ⺨㉻ k•ità open up (a new seam); to develop (border HSK6
regions); fig. to open up (new horizons)
(begin to) develop; unfold; to start; to
1070 ⺨⯽ k•izh•n HSK6
launch; to open; to carry out
1071 ⺨㓗 k•izh! expenditures; pay; expenses; CL:䫮|䪼[bi3] HSK6
apparently; it seems that; it appears; it
1072 䚳㜍 kàn lái HSK6
1073 䚳⼭ kàndài to look upon; to regard HSK6
to carry a story; to publish (in a newspaper
1074 ↲䘣 k•nd•ng HSK6
or magazine)
1075 ㈃ káng to raise aloft with both hands HSK6
1076 ㈃ káng to raise aloft with both hands HSK6
1077 ㄟㄐ k•ngk•i vehement; fervent; generous; giving; liberal HSK6
1078 ⊀㍊ k•ntàn exploration HSK6
1079 䚳㛃 kànwàngto visit; to pay a call to HSK6
1080 ↲䈑 k•nwù publication HSK6
to inspect; to observe and study; on-the-
1081 侫⮇ k•ochá HSK6
spot investigation
1082 侫⎌ k•og# archaeology HSK6
to examine; to check up on; to assess; to
1083 侫㟠 k•ohé HSK6
review; appraisal; review; evaluation
1084 月㊊ kàol!ng to draw close to HSK6
1085 侫樴 k•oyàn to test; to put to the test HSK6
1086 ⌉忂 k•t"ng cartoon HSK6
1087 䡽 k# to tap; knock HSK6
kèbùrónghu to brook no delay; to demand immediate
1088 ⇣ᶵ⭡亻 HSK6
•n action
1089 ⎗奪 k•gu•n considerable HSK6
1090 ⭊㇟ kèhù client; customer HSK6
1091 ⎗⎋ k$k!u tasty; to taste good HSK6
kernel; granule; granulated (sugar,
1092 栿䰺 k•lì HSK6
chemical product)
1093 䥹䚖 k•mù subject HSK6
1094 ⓫ k n to gnaw; to nibble; to bite HSK6
1095 ⛹ k•ng pit; to defraud HSK6
1096 〛↯ k nqiè earnest; sincere HSK6
1097 宦桀 kètí task; problem; issue HSK6
1098 㷜㛃 k wàng to thirst for; to long for HSK6
1099 ⎗〞 k wù repulsive; vile; hateful; abominable HSK6
1100 ⎗䪹 k xiào funny; ridiculous HSK6
1101 ⎗埴 k xíng feasible HSK6
1102 ⫼ k!ng aperture; opening; hole HSK6
1103 䨢䘥 kòngbái blank space HSK6
1104 䨢㳆 k"ngdòng cavity; empty; vacuous HSK6
1105 ⿸⎻ k!nghè to threaten; to menace HSK6
1106 ⿸わ k!ngjù fear; dread; phobia HSK6
k"ngqiánju unprecedented and never to be duplicated;
1107 䨢⇵亅⎶ HSK6
éhòu the first and the last; unmatched; unique
crack; gap between two objects; gap in
1108 䨢晁 kòngxì HSK6
time between two events
1109 䨢゛ k"ngxi•ng daydream; fantasy; to fantasize HSK6
1110 䨢嘂 k"ngx$ hollow; emptiness; meaningless HSK6
tone of voice; the way one speaks; manner
1111 ⎋㮼 k!uqì HSK6
of expression; tone
1112 ⎋僼 k!uqi%ng oral cavity HSK6
1113 ⎋⣜ k!utóu oral; verbal HSK6
1114 ⎋枛 k!uy&n accent HSK6
to carry (esp. slung over the arm, shoulder
1115 ㊶ kuà HSK6
or side)
to step across; to stride over; to straddle; to
1116 嶐 kuà HSK6
1117 ⾓㳣 kuàihuó happy; cheerful HSK6
1118 ⭥㔆 ku%nchang spacious; wide HSK6
1119 㫦⼭ ku•ndài entertain HSK6
1120 䫸 ku%ng basket; CL:晣|⎒[zhi1] HSK6
frame; framework; fig. pattern; outline;
1121 㟮㝞 kuàngjià HSK6
organizing plan
1122 㖟宦 kuàngkè to play truant; to cut classes HSK6
1123 ⅝ᶼ kuàngqi• moreover; besides; in addition; furthermore HSK6
1124 㫦⺷ ku•nshì pattern; style; design; CL:䧖|䥵[zhong3] HSK6
1125 ḷ⼭ ku•dài to treat sb unfairly HSK6
1126 ḷ㌇ ku•s#n deficit; (financial) loss HSK6
1127 㝗䪕 k!jié used up; dried up; exhausted (of resources) HSK6
bitterness finishes, sweetness begins
1128 劎⯥䓀㜍 k jìng•nlái (idiom); the hard times are over, the good HSK6
times just beginning
1129 ㋮乹 k nb#ng to bind HSK6
1130 㖮嘓 k!nchóng insect; CL:晣|⎒[zhi1],佌[qun2],➮[dui1] HSK6
1131 ㈑⃭ kuòch•ng to expand HSK6
to spread; to proliferate; to diffuse; spread;
1132 ㈑㔋 kuòsàn HSK6
proliferation; diffusion
expansion; dilation; to expand (e.g. one's
1133 ㈑⻈ kuòzh•ng HSK6
power or influence); to broaden
1134 㝗䆍 k#zào dry and dull; uninteresting; dry-as-dust HSK6
1135 ┎ la a phrase-final particle HSK6
horn (automobile, alarm siren, musical etc)
which produces a sound; loudspeaker;
1136 ┯⎕ l!b• HSK6
brass wind instrument; trumpet; suona
挾⏞|撩⏸[suo3 na4]
1137 㜍⌮ láilì history; antecedents; origin HSK6
1138 㜍㸸 láiyuán source (of information etc); origin HSK6
1139 ㅺ゘ l•nduò idle; lazy HSK6
in a difficult situation; to cut a sorry figure;
1140 䊤䉰 lángbèi HSK6
scoundrel! (derogatory)
1141 㚿宣 l•ngdú read aloud; read loudly and clearly HSK6
a column (in a newspaper or on a news
1142 㞷䚖 lánmù HSK6
1143 ㌆ l!o to fish up; to dredge up HSK6
to prattle; to chatter; talkative; garrulous; to
1144 Ⓢ⎐ láo#d o HSK6
1145 䈊⚢ láogù firm; secure HSK6
1146 䈊橂 láos o discontent; complaint HSK6
1147 暟彦 léidá radar (loanword) HSK6
1148 䰣Ụ lèisì similar; analogous HSK6
to look distracted; to stare blankly;
1149 ニ lèng HSK6
distracted; blank; (coll.) unexpectedly
1150 ⅟㶉 l"ngdàn cold; indifferent HSK6
1151 ⅟朁 l"ngjìng calm; cool-headed HSK6
1152 ⅟感 l"ngkù grim; unfeeling; callous HSK6
1153 ⅟⌜ l•ngquè to cool off; cooling HSK6
1154 ᷸嵋 lèqù delight; pleasure; joy HSK6
to be willing to do sth; to be ready to do
1155 ᷸シ lèyì HSK6
sth; to be happy to do sth; content; satisfied
1156 㘦 liàng to dry in the air HSK6
1157 宭妋 liàngji• (reach) an understanding HSK6
1158 列⽫ liángx n conscience HSK6
1159 俼㫊 liánhu!n have a get-together HSK6
honest; not coercive; honesty; integrity;
1160 ⹱㲩 liánjié HSK6
communication; to get in touch with; to
1161 俼亄 liánluò HSK6
contact; connection (math.)
1162 俼䚇 liánméng alliance; union; coalition HSK6
1163 徆⸜ liánnián successive years; over many years HSK6
1164 徆撩 liánsu" chain HSK6
1165 徆⎴ liántóng together with; along with HSK6
to associate with something in thinking;
1166 俼゛ liánxi•ng abbr. for 倗゛普⛀|俼゛普⚊[Lian2 HSK6
xiang3 Ji2 tuan2]
1167 彥於 liáokuò vast; extensive HSK6
1168 䎮䜔 l•c•i to heed; to pay attention to HSK6
1169 䩳⛢ lìch•ng position; standpoint; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1170 慴䦳䠹 l•chéngb•i milestone HSK6
successive generations; successive
1171 ⌮ẋ lìdài HSK6
dynasties; past dynasties
1172 ↿ᷦ lièj• a list; to list; to enumerate HSK6
pros and cons; advantages and
1173 ⇑⭛ lìhài HSK6
disadvantages; gains and losses
1174 䩳Ṍ㠍 lìji•oqiáo overpass; flyover HSK6
1175 䣤刪 l!jié etiquette HSK6
always; throughout (a period of time); (of)
1176 ⌮㜍 lìlái HSK6
1177 ⇑䌯 lìl" interest rates HSK6
1178 湶㖶 límíng dawn; daybreak HSK6
to drain; to drench; to drip; diseases of the
1179 㵳 lín HSK6
1180 ᷜ⸲ línchuáng clinical HSK6
1181 ⅴ㘐 língchén early in the morning HSK6
inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in
1182 䀝デ língg#n HSK6
scientific or artistic endeavor
1183 栮Ể l•nghuì to understand; to comprehend; to grasp HSK6
1184 䀝櫪 línghún soul; spirit HSK6
1185 Ởὸ línglì clever; witty; intelligent HSK6
1186 䀝㓷 língm•n smart; clever; sensitive; keen; quick; sharp HSK6
1187 栮ḳ椮l•ngshìgu n consulate HSK6
1188 栮⛇ l•ngt! territory HSK6
1189 栮ぇ l•ngwù to understand; to comprehend HSK6
1190 栮⃰ l•ngxi•n to lead; to be in front HSK6
fragmentary; random; bits and pieces;
1191 暞㗇 língx#ng HSK6
1192 栮堾 l•ngxiù leader; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4],ỵ[wei4],⎵[ming2] HSK6
1193 ⏅└ lìnsè stingy; mean; miserly HSK6
as it should be by rights (idiom); proper
1194 䎮㇨⻻䃞 and to be expected as a matter of course; HSK6
inevitable and right
as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom);
1195 ≃㇨傥⍲ lìsu•néngjí to the best of one's ability; within one's HSK6
1196 䩳ỻ lìt" three-dimensional; solid; stereoscopic HSK6
1197 ≃⚦ lìtú try hard to; strive to HSK6
1198 㹄 li! to slip away; to escape in stealth; to skate HSK6
to drift about; to wander; to roam;
1199 㳩㴒 liúlàng nomadic; homeless; unsettled (e.g. HSK6
population); vagrant
reluctant to leave; to hate to have to go; to
1200 䔁⿳ liúliàn HSK6
recall fondly
to express; to reveal (one's thoughts or
1201 㳩曚 liúlù HSK6
rogue; hoodlum; gangster; immoral
1202 㳩㮻 liúmáng HSK6
1203 䔁⾝ liúniàn to keep as a souvenir; to recall fondly HSK6
1204 䔁䤆 liúshén to take care; to be careful HSK6
1205 㳩忂 liút"ng to circulate HSK6
1206 ἳ⢾ lìwài (make an) exception HSK6
to work hard for; to do all one can; to
1207 ≃ḱ lìzh#ng HSK6
contend strongly
1208 䎮㘢 l"zhì reason; intellect; rationality HSK6
in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold
l"zhíqìzhuà and confident with justice on one's side; to
1209 䎮䚜㮼⢖ HSK6
ng have the courage of one's convictions; just
and forceful
to stand; to have a footing; to be
1210 䩳嵛 lìzú HSK6
established; to base oneself on
1211 俳⑹ lóng y• deaf and dumb; deaf-mute; surdimutism HSK6
1212 ✬㕕 l!ngduàn enjoy market dominance; monopolize HSK6
1213 䫤休 lóngzhào to envelop; to shroud HSK6
1214 昮慵 lóngzhòng grand; prosperous; ceremonious; solemn HSK6
1215 ㎪ l!u to hold or embrace in one's arms HSK6
1216 Ⰹ㫉 l"cì repeatedly; time and again HSK6
1217 ㍈⣢ lüèduó to plunder; to rob; also written 䔍⤒|䔍⣢ HSK6
1218 䔍⽖ lüèw•i a little bit; slightly HSK6
1219 弖凡 lúnchuán steamship; CL:刀[sou1] HSK6
1220 弖⹻ lúnkuò an outline; silhouette HSK6
1221 弖偶 lúnt•i tire; pneumatic tire HSK6
1222 孢✃ lùntán forum (for discussion) HSK6
to prove a point; proof; to expound on;
1223 孢孩 lùnzhèng HSK6
demonstrate or prove (through argument)
1224 句ㆸ luòchéng to complete a construction project HSK6
practical; workable; to implement; to carry
1225 句⭆ luòshí HSK6
out; to decide
1226 坢᷅搱 luós•d•ng screw HSK6
1227 ┘⒮ lu su to grumble HSK6
1228 亄乶ᶵ亅 luòyì bù jué continuously; in an endless stream (idiom) HSK6
to fulfill (one's obligations); to carry out (a
1229 Ⰽ埴 l"xíng task); to implement (an agreement); to HSK6
1230 䀱䀞 lúzào stove HSK6
1231 ◃ ma (a modal particle) HSK6
1232 湣䖡 mábì paralysis; palsy; numbness; to benumb HSK6
1233 彰 mài take a step HSK6
1234 傱㎷ màibó a pulse (both medical and figurative) HSK6
1235 ❳ặ máifú ambush HSK6
1236 ❳㱉 máimò oblivion HSK6
1237 ❳吔 máizàng to bury HSK6
1238 湣㛐 mámù numb; insensitive; apathetic HSK6
1239 㻓攧 màncháng very long; endless HSK6
1240 ⾁䠴 mánglù busy; bustling HSK6
1241 勓勓 mángmáng boundless; vast and obscure HSK6
1242 䚚䚖 mángmù blind; aimless HSK6
1243 勓䃞 mángrán ignorant; to have no knowledge of sth HSK6
1244 㻓䓣 mànhuà caricature; cartoon; Japanese manga HSK6
slow and patient; chronic (disease); slow to
1245 ㄊ⿏ mànxìng HSK6
take effect (e.g. a slow poison)
1246 咻⺞ mányán to extend; to spread HSK6
1247 ❳⿐ mányuàn to complain HSK6
to feign; to pretend to be; to pass oneself
1248 ℺⃭ màoch•ng HSK6
off as
1249 努䚃 màoshèng lush HSK6
1250 䞩⣜ m$tóu dock; pier; wharf; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1251 湣愱 mázuì anesthesia; fig. to poison (sb's mind) HSK6
classifier for coins, rings, badges, pearls,
1252 㝂 méi HSK6
sporting medals, rockets, satellites etc
1253 伶奪 m•igu•n pleasing to the eye; beautiful; artistic HSK6
1254 ⨺ṳ méijiè media; medium HSK6
1255 伶㺉 m•im n happy; blissful HSK6
1256 伶⥁ m•imiào beautiful; wonderful; splendid HSK6
1257 ⨺ỻ méit! media, esp. news media HSK6
(idiom) unable to solve; no way to escape a
1258 㱉彁 méizhé HSK6
1259 呁 méng drizzle; mist HSK6
1260 䋃䁰 m•ngliè fierce; violent (criticism etc) HSK6
1261 㡎゛ mèngxi$ng to dream of; to hope in vain HSK6
1262 厴剥 méngyá sprout; germ of a plant HSK6
1263 斐孲 ménzh•n outpatient service HSK6
to narrow one's eyes; (Dialect) to nap; to
1264 䛗 m" HSK6
take a nap
1265 ⃵⼿ mi$nde so as not to; so as to avoid HSK6
1266 ≱≙ mi$nlì to encourage HSK6
1267 朊尴 miànmào appearance; face; features; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
to do with difficulty; to force sb to do sth;
1268 ≱⻢ mi•nqiáng HSK6
reluctant; barely enough
1269 ⃵䕓 mi•nyì immunity (to disease) HSK6
outer surface; outside; honor; reputation;
1270 朊⫸ miànzi face (as in "losing face"); self-respect; HSK6
feelings; (medicinal) powder
1271 ㍷亀 miáohuì to describe; to portray HSK6
1272 㷢⮷ mi•oxi•o minute; tiny; negligible; insignificant HSK6
1273 ⻍堍 míb to complement; to make up for a deficiency HSK6
1274 ⭮⹎ mìdù density; thickness HSK6
1275 咹奮 mièshì to loathe; to despise; contempt HSK6
to be destroyed; to become extinct; to
1276 䀕ṉ mièwáng HSK6
perish; to die out; to destroy; to exterminate
1277 ⭮⮩ mìf•ngseal up HSK6
1278 徟べ míhuò to puzzle; to confuse; to baffle HSK6
to pervade; to fill the air; diffuse;
everywhere present; about to inundate
1279 ⻍㻓 mímàn (water); permeated by (smoke); filled with HSK6
(dust); to saturate (the air with fog, smoke
sensitive; susceptible; politically sensitive
1280 㓷デ m ng•n HSK6
(pretext for censorship)
1281 ⎵㫉 míngcì position in a ranking of names HSK6
1282 ⎵桅 míng'é fixed number of people; quota HSK6
míngfùqísh not just in name only, but also in reality
1283 ⎵∗℞⭆ HSK6
í (idiom)
1284 㖶㖶 míngmíng obviously; plainly; undoubtedly; definitely HSK6
to give a name to; to dub; to christen; to
1285 ␥⎵ mìngmíng HSK6
designate; named after; naming
fame; reputation; honor; honorary;
1286 ⎵娱 míngyù HSK6
emeritus (of retired professor)
among the people; popular; folk; non-
1287 㮹斜 mínji"n governmental; involving people rather than HSK6
1288 㓷㌟ m njié nimble; quick; shrewd HSK6
1289 㓷撸 m nruì keen; sharp; acute HSK6
1290 㮹䓐 mínyòng (for) civilian use HSK6
1291 徟Ṣ mírén fascinating; enchanting; charming; tempting HSK6
1292 徟⣙ mísh# lost; not knowing one's location HSK6
1293 徟ᾉ míxìn superstition HSK6
1294 兄 mó membrane; film HSK6
friction; rubbing; chafing; fig. disharmony;
1295 㐑㒎 móc" HSK6
conflict; same as 䢐㒎
1296 㧉劫 mófàn model; fine example HSK6
1297 櫼櫤 mógu• devil HSK6
1298 䢐⎰ móhé to break in; to wear in HSK6
unfathomable mystery (idiom); subtle and
1299 卓⎵℞⥁ ineffable; unable to make head or tail of it; HSK6
boring (e.g. movie)
1300 満満 mòmò in silence; not speaking HSK6
to erase; to cover traces; to obliterate
1301 ㉡㛨 m•sh• evidence; to expunge; to blot out; to HSK6
1302 㧉⺷ móshì mode; method HSK6
1303 櫼㛗 móshù magic HSK6
1304 ⡐㯜⃧ mòshu !er ink; CL:䒞[ping2] HSK6
to feel about; to grope about; to fumble; to
1305 㐠䳊 m•su• HSK6
do things slowly
1306 害㯪 móuqiú to seek; to strive for HSK6
1307 㧉✳ móxíng model; mould; matrix; pattern HSK6
to witness; to see at first hand; to see with
1308 䚖䜡 mùd HSK6
one's own eyes
1309 䚖⃱ mùgu!ng sight; vision; view; gaze; look HSK6
catalog; table of contents; directory (on
1310 䚖⻽ mùlù HSK6
computer hard drive); list; contents
look; style; appearance; approximation;
1311 㧉㟟 múyàng HSK6
about; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
1312 㰸㴜 mùyù to take a bath; to bathe; to immerse HSK6
1313 㭵宕 m•y• native language; mother language HSK6
1314 侸䓐 nàiyòng durable HSK6
1315 乛斟⃧ nàmèn er puzzled; bewildered HSK6
1316 晦⼿ nándé seldom; rare; hard to come by HSK6
1317 晦⟒ nánk•n hard to take; embarrassed HSK6
1318 晦⃵ nánmi$n hard to avoid; difficult to escape from HSK6
1319 晦傥⎗峝 rare and commendable; estimable HSK6
to get angry; irritated; to annoy; to
1320 〤䀓 n•ohu" HSK6
aggravate; annoying
1321 ㊧ㇳ násh"u expert in; good at HSK6
meaning; content; essential properties
1322 ℭ㵝 nèihán implied or reflected by a notion; intention; HSK6
connotation; self-possessed
inside story; non-public information;
1323 ℭⷽ nèimù HSK6
behind the scenes; internal
1324 ℭ⛐ nèizài intrinsic; innate HSK6
1325 傥慷 néngliàng energy; capabilities HSK6
1326 ⸜⹎ niándù year (e.g. school year, fiscal year) HSK6
1327 ㊇⭂ n#dìng to draw up; to draft; to formulate HSK6
to pinch (with one's fingers); to knead; to
1328 ㋷ ni$ HSK6
make up
1329 ㊏ níng to pinch; wring HSK6
to freeze; to solidify; to congeal; fig. with
1330 ↅ⚢ nínggù HSK6
rapt attention
to condense; to coagulate; coacervation
1331 ↅ倂 níngjù (i.e. form tiny droplets); aggregation; HSK6
would rather...; it would be better...; would
1332 ⬩偗 nìngk•n HSK6
1333 ↅ奮 níngshì gaze HSK6
1334 ⬩ョ nìngyuàn would rather; better HSK6
to reverse; to turn around (an undesirable
1335 ㈕弔 ni zhu!n HSK6
dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a
1336 㳻⍂ nónghòu strong interest in; deep; fully saturated HSK6
the traditional Chinese calendar; the lunar
1337 ⅄⌮ nónglì HSK6
to mistreat; to maltreat; to abuse;
1338 嗸⼭ nüèdài HSK6
mistreatment; maltreatment
1339 ⤜晞 núlì slave HSK6
1340 ㋒ nuó to shift; to move HSK6
1341 ⒎ ó oh; ah HSK6
1342 㭜ㇻ "ud! to beat up; to come to blows; battery (law) HSK6
1343 ⏽⎸ #utù to vomit HSK6
1344 㫏㳚 "uzh"u Europe; European HSK6
1345 嵜 p$ to lie on one's stomach HSK6
denomination; group; school; faction;
1346 㳦⇓ pàibié HSK6
school of thought
to reject; to exclude; to eliminate; to
1347 ㌺㕍 páichì HSK6
remove; to repel
1348 ㌺昌 páichú to eliminate; to get rid of; to remove HSK6
1349 ㌺㓦 páifàng emission; discharge; exhaust (gas etc) HSK6
to dither; to hesitate; to pace back and
1350 ⽀⼲ páihuái HSK6
forth; by ext. to hover around; to linger
1351 㳦怋 pàiqi!n to send (on a mission); to dispatch HSK6
1352 䓼 pàn bank; field-path HSK6
to climb; to pull oneself up; to clamber; to
1353 㒨䘣 p$nd%ng scale; fig. to forge ahead in the face of HSK6
hardships and danger
1354 ⹆⣏ pángdà huge; enormous; tremendous HSK6
1355 ⇌⅛ pànjué judgment (by a court of law) HSK6
to spiral; to circle; to go around; to hover;
1356 䚀㕳 pánxuán HSK6
to orbit
1357 㲉㱓 pàomò foam; (soap) bubble; (economic) bubble HSK6
1358 ㉃⺫ p•oqì discard; dump; abandon HSK6
1359 惵⢯ pèibèi to allocate; to provide; to outfit with HSK6
1360 惵„ pèi'!u consort; mate; spouse HSK6
1361 惵⣿ pèitào to form a complete set; coherent HSK6
1362 ➡孕 péixùn to cultivate; to train; to groom; training HSK6
1363 ➡做 péiyù to train; to breed HSK6
basin (low-lying geographical feature);
1364 䙮⛘ péndì HSK6
to clasp; to cup the hands; to hold up with
1365 ㌏ p•ng both hands; to offer (esp. in cupped hands); HSK6
to praise; to flatter
1366 䂡椒 p#ngrèn cooking; culinary arts HSK6
to hack; to chop; to split open; see
1367 ∰ p• ☤┒|∰┒, onomat. for crack, slap, clap, HSK6
clatter etc
1368 ῷⶖ pi•nch• bias; deviation HSK6
fragment (of speech etc); extract (from
1369 䇯㭝 piànduàn HSK6
book etc); episode (of story etc)
1370 ῷ奩 pi•njiàn prejudice HSK6
1371 䇯⇣ piànkè short period of time; a moment HSK6
1372 ῷ₣ pi•npì remote; desolate; far from the city HSK6
(indicates that sth turns out just the
opposite of what one would expect or what
1373 ῷῷ pi•npi•n HSK6
would be normal); unfortunately; against
to float; to hover; to drift (also fig., to lead
1374 㺪㴖 pi•ofú a wandering life); to rove; showy; HSK6
1375 梀㈔ pi•oyáng wave; flutter; fly HSK6
1376 䕚ん píbèi beaten; exhausted; tired HSK6
1377 ㈡⍹ p f• wholesale; bulk trade; distribution HSK6
1378 䙖朑 pígé leather; CL:⻝|⻈[zhang1] HSK6
1379 ⯩偉 pìgu buttocks; bottom; ass HSK6
1380 䕚῎ píjuàn to tire; tired HSK6
1381 ㊤㎷ p•nbó to struggle; to wrestle HSK6
1382 ⑩⯅ p"ncháng to taste a small amount; to sample HSK6
1383 ⑩⽟ p"ndé moral character HSK6
1384 峓᷷ pínfá lack; incomplete HSK6
1385 根䷩ pínfán frequently; often HSK6
1386 ⸛↉ píngfán commonplace; ordinary; mediocre HSK6
to evaluate; to assess; assessment;
1387 孬Ộ píngg• HSK6
to comment on; to discuss; comment;
1388 孬孢 pínglùn HSK6
commentary; CL: 䭯[pian1]
1389 ⸛朊 píngmiàn plane (flat surface); print media HSK6
1390 ⸛✎ píngt•n level; even; smooth; flat HSK6
1391 ⸛埴 píngxíng parallel; of equal rank; simultaneous HSK6
1392 ⸛⍇ píngyuán field; plain; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1393 ⯷晄 píngzhàng protective screen HSK6
1394 峓⚘ pínkùn impoverished; poverty HSK6
1395 根䌯 pínl• frequency HSK6
to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at
1396 ㊤␥ p nmìng all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life HSK6
depends on it
1397 ⑩埴 p#nxíng behavior; moral conduct HSK6
1398 ⑩峐 p#nzhí quality HSK6
1399 ㈡⇌ p pàn criticize; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
temperament; disposition; temper;
1400 僦㮼 píqì HSK6
1401 嬔⤪ pìrú for example; for instance; such as HSK6
1402 㲤 po to splash; to spill; rough and coarse; brutish HSK6
1403 ✉ p• slope; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1404 栯 p• very; considerably HSK6
impatient (idiom); in a hurry; itching to get
1405 従ᶵ⍲⼭ pòbùjídài HSK6
on with it
1406 従⭛ pòhài to persecute; persecution HSK6
1407 䟜ἳ pòlì to make an exception HSK6
1408 櫬≃ pòlì courage; daring; boldness; resolution; drive HSK6
1409 従↯ pòqiè urgent; pressing HSK6
1410 撢 pù to spread; to extend; to pave; to lay HSK6
to assault; to pounce; to rush at sth; to
1411 ㇹ p• HSK6
throw oneself on
1412 㾹ⶫ pùbù waterfall HSK6
exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material);
1413 㚅⃱ pùgu•ng HSK6
to expose (a scandal to the public)
exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material);
1414 㚅⃱ pùgu•ng HSK6
to expose (a scandal to the public)
popular; to popularize; universal;
1415 㘖⍲ p jí HSK6
ubiquitous; pervasive
plain; simple; guileless; down-to-earth;
1416 㛜⭆ p shí HSK6
sincere and honest
to pick (flowers); to pinch; to clutch;
1417 ㌸ qi• HSK6
(slang) to fight
1418 〘⻻ qiàdàng appropriate; suitable HSK6
1419 〘⇘⤥⢬ it's just perfect; it's just right HSK6

1420 䈝㈗ qi•nch" to involve; to implicate HSK6
1421 䬦孊 qi•ndìng to agree to and sign (a treaty etc) HSK6
qi•nf•ngb!ilit. thousand ways, a hundred plans
1422 ⋫㕡䘦孉 HSK6
jì (idiom); by every possible means
1423 ㉊≓ qi!ngjié to rob; looting HSK6
1424 ㉊㓹 qi!ngjiù rescue HSK6
1425 ⻢従 qi!ngpò to compel; to force HSK6
to enforce; enforcement; forcibly;
1426 ⻢⇞ qiángzhì HSK6
foreground; vista; (future) prospects;
1427 ⇵㘗 qiánj&ng HSK6
to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to
1428 彩⯙ qi•njiù HSK6
1429 㼄≃ qiánlì potential; capacity HSK6
1430 䬦会 qi•nsh! to sign (an agreement) HSK6
to dive; to go under water; lurker (Internet
1431 㼄㯜 qiánshu# slang for sb who reads forum posts but HSK6
never replies)
1432 ⇵㍸ qiántí premise; precondition; prerequisite HSK6
1433 彩⽁ qi•nx# to migrate; to move HSK6
1434 寎徲 qi•nxùn humble; humility; modesty HSK6
qiányímòhu imperceptible influence; to influence
1435 㼄䦣満⊾ HSK6
à secretly
to denounce; to condemn; to criticize;
1436 寜峋 qi•nzé HSK6
condemnation; criticism
to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to
1437 䈝⇞ qi•nzhì HSK6
pin down (enemy troops)
1438 侀 qiào to raise HSK6
1439 㠍㠩 qiáoliáng bridge; fig. connection between two areas HSK6
1440 〘ⶏ qiàqi•ofortunately; unexpectedly; by coincidence HSK6
1441 㳥宰 qiàtán to discuss HSK6
1442 ☐㛸 qìcái equipment; material HSK6
1443 崟勱 q c•o draft (a bill); draw up (plans) HSK6
1444 ⏗䦳 q chéngto set out on a journey HSK6
1445 崟⇅ q ch! originally; at first; at the outset HSK6
to chip away at a task and not abandon it
1446 據侴ᶵ况 qiè'érbùsh" (idiom); to chisel away at sth; to persevere; HSK6
unflagging efforts
feasible; earnestly; conscientiously;
1447 ↯⭆ qièshí HSK6
realistic; practical
to move up and down; to undulate; ups and
1448 崟ặ q fú HSK6
1449 㫢峇 q#fù to bully HSK6
1450 㮼㤪 qìgài lofty quality; mettle; spirit HSK6
1451 Ḇᶸ q gài beggar HSK6
qigong, a system of deep breathing
1452 㮼≇ qìg$ng HSK6
1453 ☐⭀ qìgu%n organ (part of body tissue); apparatus HSK6
to heckle; rowdy jeering; to create a
1454 崟⑬ q hòng HSK6
1455 彬Ṳᷢ㬊 qìj#n&wéizh so far; up to now; still (not) HSK6
1456 Ⅼⅱ q#liáng desolate HSK6
1457 崟䞩 q m• at the minimum; at the very least HSK6
1458 ⣯⥁ qímiào fantastic; wonderful HSK6
1459 Ὕ䉗 q#nfàn to infringe on; to encroach on; to violate HSK6
1460 㯊 q#ng hydrogen (chemistry) HSK6
1461 実ⶾ q ng&ti" invitation card; written invitation HSK6
1462 ね㉍ qíngbào (spy) intelligence; information-gathering HSK6
1463 㶭㼰 q#ngchè clear; limpid HSK6
1464 㶭㘐 q#ngchén early morning HSK6
1465 㶭昌 q#ngchú eliminate; get rid of HSK6
1466 弣侴㖻ᷦ q#ng'éryìj( easy; with no difficulty HSK6
1467 実㞔 q ngji•n invitation card; written invitation HSK6
1468 実㔁 q ngjiào consult HSK6
1469 ね刪 qíngjié plot; circumstances HSK6
1470 㶭㲩 q#ngjié clean; purity HSK6
1471 㘜㚿 qíngl•ng sunny and cloudless HSK6
1472 ね䎮 qíngl reason; sense HSK6
1473 㶭䎮 q#ngl clear; to put in order; to check up HSK6
1474 実䣢 q•ngshì ask for instructions HSK6
1475 ῦ⏔ q ngt ng to listen attentively HSK6
1476 㶭㘘 q ngx clear; distinct HSK6
1477 ῦ⎹ q ngxiàng trend; tendency; orientation HSK6
1478 ῦ㕄 q ngxié to incline; to lean; to slant; to slope; to tilt HSK6
1479 ね⼊ qíngxíng circumstances; situation; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1480 㶭愺 q•ngx•ng clear-headed; sober; awake HSK6
Islamic; Muslim; halal (of food); clean;
1481 㶭䛇 q•ngzh•n HSK6
1482 ⊌ᾕ qínji&n hardworking and frugal HSK6
1483 ⊌〛 qínk!n diligent and attentive; assiduous; sincere HSK6
to admire; to look up to; to respect sb
1484 摎ἑ q•npèi HSK6
1485 Ṛ䂕 q•nrè affectionate; intimate; warm-hearted HSK6
1486 Ṛ幓 q•nsh•n personal; oneself HSK6
1487 㕿堵 qípáo Chinese-style dress; cheongsam HSK6
1488 㫢樿 q•piàn to deceive; to cheat HSK6
spirit; boldness; positive outlook; imposing
1489 㮼櫬 qìpò HSK6
1490 滸ℐ qíquán complete HSK6
1491 㮼刚 qìsè complexion HSK6
1492 㬏奮 qíshì to discriminate against; discrimination HSK6
momentum; manner; energy; look of great
1493 㮼≧ qìshì HSK6
force or imposing manner; powerful
announcement (written, on billboard, letter,
1494 ⏗ḳ q$shì newspaper or website); to post information; HSK6
a notice
1495 ⏗䣢 q$shì enlightenment; revelation; apocalypse HSK6
1496 ᷀昝 qi(líng hills HSK6
1497 㛇㛃 q•wàng hope; expectation HSK6
1498 㮼␛ qìwèi odor; scent HSK6
1499 㛇旸 qíxiàn time limit; deadline; allotted time HSK6
meteorological feature; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4];
1500 㮼尉 qìxiàng HSK6
meteorology; atmosphere or scene
to work with a common purpose (idiom); to
1501 滸⽫⋷≃ qíx•n xiélì make concerted efforts; to pull together; to HSK6
work as one
1502 㮼⌳ qìy• atmospheric pressure; barometric pressure HSK6
1503 崟ᷱ q"yì uprising; insurrection; revolt HSK6
how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous;
1504 Ⱚ㚱㬌䎮 q•y!uc•l• HSK6
ridiculous; absurd
1505 崟㸸 q•yuán origin; to originate; to come from HSK6
1506 㕿ⷄ qízhì ensign; flag HSK6
1507 䉔 qu&n dog HSK6
to weigh; to consider; to assess; to balance;
1508 㛫堉 quánhéng HSK6
to trade-off
1509 ℐ⯨ quánjú overall situation HSK6
1510 ℐ≃ẍ崜 quánlì#y•#fù do at all costs; make an all-out effort HSK6
1511 ⚰⣿ qu"ntào trap; snare; trick HSK6
fist; clenched fist; competitive (product);
1512 ㊛⣜ quántóu HSK6
superior quality; CL: ᾳ|᷒
1513 㛫⦩ quánw•i authority; authoritative; power and prestige HSK6
1514 㛫䙲 quányì rights and benefits HSK6
irrigation ditch; medium or channel of
1515 㷈忻 qúdào HSK6
to ban; to prohibit (publications, customs
1516 ⍾亼 q•dì HSK6
etc); to outlaw; to suppress (violators)
1517 䗠 qué lame HSK6
1518 仢星 qu !xiàn a defect; a flaw HSK6
1519 䠖ᾅ quèb"o to ensure; to guarantee HSK6
1520 仢⎋ qu k#u nick; jag; gap; shortfall HSK6
1521 䠖䩳 quèlì to establish; to institute HSK6
1522 䠖↯ quèqiè definite; exact; precise HSK6
1523 仢ⷕ qu xí absence; absent HSK6
to be convinced; to be sure; to firmly
1524 䠖ᾉ quèxìn HSK6
believe; to be positive that; definite news
1525 ⋢↮ q$f n to differentiate; to find differing aspects HSK6
1526 ⯰㚵 q$fú to surrender; to yield HSK6
1527 佌ế qúnzhòng mass; multitude; the masses HSK6
fun; interest; delight; taste; liking;
1528 嵋␛ qùwèi HSK6
1529 ⋢➇ q$yù area; region; district HSK6
1530 㚚㉀ q$zhé complicated; winding HSK6
1531 標徸 q$zhú to expel; to deport; banishment HSK6
1532 㚚⫸ q•zi poem for singing; tune; music; CL:㓗[zhi1] HSK6
to dye; to catch (a disease); to acquire (bad
1533 㝻 r•n habits etc); to contaminate; to add colour HSK6
washes to a painting
to concede; to give in; to yield; a
1534 孑㬍 ràngbù HSK6
1535 ㈘ḙ r•oluàn to disturb; to perturb; to harass HSK6
1536 椞⿽ ráoshù forgiveness; spare HSK6
1537 ァ䤠 r huò stirring up trouble; to invite disaster HSK6
rèlèi yíng eyes brimming with tears of excitement
1538 䂕㲒䙰䛞 HSK6
kuàng (idiom); extremely moved
1539 䂕斐 rèmén popular; hot; in vogue HSK6
benevolent; charitable; kind; kindly;
1540 ṩヰ réncí HSK6
kindness; merciful
human sympathy; humanitarianism;
humane; the "human way", one of the
1541 Ṣ忻 réndào HSK6
stages in the cycle of reincarnation
(Buddhism); sexual intercourse
to maintain (that sth is true); to determine
(a fact); determination (of an amount); of
1542 孌⭂ rèndìng HSK6
the firm opinion; to believe firmly; to set
one's mind on; to identify with
1543 Ṣ㟤 réngé personality; integrity; dignity HSK6
1544 ṵ㖏 réngjiù still (remaining); to remain (the same); yet HSK6
1545 Ṣⶍ réng!ng artificial; manpower; manual work HSK6
1546 Ṣ⭞ rénji" other; other people; him(her, them); I HSK6
1547 Ṣ斜 rénji"n man's world; the world HSK6
1548 孌⎗ rènk to approve; approval; acknowledgment; OK HSK6
1549 ả␥ rènmìng
to appoint and nominate HSK6
to show restraint; to repress (anger etc); to
1550 ⽵侸 r nnài HSK6
exercise patience
1551 Ṣ⢓ rénshì person; figure; public figure HSK6
1552 ⽵⍿ r nshòu to bear; to endure HSK6
artificial; man-made; having human cause
1553 Ṣᷢ rénwéi HSK6
or origin; human attempt or effort
human nature; humanity; human; the
1554 Ṣ⿏ rénxìng HSK6
totality of human attributes
1555 ả⿏ rènxìng willful; headstrong; uninhibited HSK6
1556 ảシ rènyì arbitrary; at will; at random HSK6
1557 Ṣ峐 rénzhì hostage HSK6
a heavy load and a long road; fig. to bear
1558 ả慵忻径 heavy responsibilities through a long HSK6
struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7)
daily renewal, monthly change (idiom);
1559 㖍㕘㚰⺪ rìx•nyuèyì every day sees new developments; rapid HSK6
day by day; more and more; increasingly;
1560 㖍䙲 rìyì HSK6
more and more with each passing day
1561 㹞妋 róngji• dissolve; solution HSK6
one's appearance; one's aspect; looks;
1562 ⭡尴 róngmào HSK6
to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to
1563 ⭡乛 róngnà HSK6
tolerate (different opinions)
1564 ⭡☐ róngqì receptacle; vessel HSK6
harmonious; friendly relations; on good
1565 圵㳥 róngqià HSK6
terms with one another
1566 ⭡⽵ róngr•n to put up with; to tolerate HSK6
1567 ㍱ róu to knead; to massage; to rub HSK6
1568 㝼␴ róuhé gentle; soft HSK6
1569 ⻙䁡 ruòdi&n weak point; failing HSK6
a certain number or amount; how many?;
1570 劍⸚ ruòg!n HSK6
how much?
1571 㐺家 s$hu"ng to tell lies HSK6
1572 儖 s$i cheek (esp. lower cheek); jaw; gills (of fish) HSK6
1573 㔋⍹ sànfà distribute; emit; issue HSK6
1574 ᷏⣙ sàngsh• to lose; to forfeit HSK6
1575 ᶱ奺 s$nji"o triangle HSK6
1576 㔋㔯 s"nwén prose; essay HSK6
(informal) older brother's wife; sister-in-
1577 ⩪⫸ s"ozi HSK6
law; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
1578 刚⼑ sèc•i tint; coloring; coloration; character HSK6
1579 ┍ shà (dialect) what HSK6
to brake (when driving); to stop; to switch
1580 ⇡弎 sh•ch• HSK6
off; to check (bad habits); a brake
1581 䬃徱 sh•ixu n to filter HSK6
1582 㑭攧 shàncháng to be good at; to be expert in HSK6
1583 Ọ傹䫳 knotty; troublesome; bothersome HSK6
n oj"n
1584 ⓮㞯 sh•ngbi•o trademark; logo HSK6
1585 ᶲ乏 shàngjí higher authorities; superiors; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
shàngjìn aggressiveness; gumption; enterprising
1586 ᶲ徃⽫ HSK6
x•n spirit
1587 ᶲả shàngrèn take office HSK6
1588 ᶲ䗦 shàngy•n to get into a habit; to become addicted HSK6
1589 ᶲ㷠 shàngyóu upper reaches; advanced position HSK6
1590 Ⱉ傱 sh•nmài mountain range; CL:㡅|㜉[tiao2] HSK6
1591 斒䁩 sh•nshuò flicker; twinkling HSK6
1592 ㇯⫸ shànzi fan; CL:㈲[ba3] HSK6
1593 㑭冒 shànzì without permission; of one's own initiative HSK6
1594 ⒐ shào a whistle; sentry HSK6
1595 ㋶ sh•o to bring sth to sb (news etc) HSK6
1596 㡊 sh•o tip of branch HSK6
1597 ⤊ἰ sh ch! luxurious; extravagant; wasteful HSK6
1598 㴱⍲ shèjí to involve; to touch upon (a topic) HSK6
1599 学䩳 shèlì to set up; to establish HSK6
1600 䤆⣯ shén qí magical; mystical; miraculous HSK6
1601 㶙⤍ sh n'ào profound; abstruse; recondite; profoundly HSK6
to report (to the authorities); to declare (to
1602 䓛㉍ sh nbào HSK6
to examine; to investigate; to censor out;
1603 ⭉㞍 sh"nchá HSK6
1604 㶙㰱 sh nchén deep; extreme; dull; low pitched (sound) HSK6
to hold; contain; to ladle; pick up with a
1605 䚃 shèng HSK6
1606 傄峇 shèng fù victory or defeat; the outcome of a battle HSK6
to rust; to grow rusty; to corrode;
1607 䓇撰 sh ng#xiù HSK6
superabundant; to teem with; to produce in
1608 䚃ṏ shèngch•n HSK6
abundance; to abound in
1609 䈚䔄 sh ngchù domesticated animals; livestock HSK6
1610 䓇⬀ sh ngcún to exist; to survive HSK6
1611 䚩Ể sh"nghuì provincial capital HSK6
opportunity to live; to reprieve from death;
1612 䓇㛢 sh ngj% HSK6
life force; vitality
1613 䚃⺨ shèngk•i blooming; in full flower HSK6
1614 䓇䎮 sh ngl! physiology HSK6
statement; declaration;
1615 ⢘㖶 sh ngmíng HSK6
1616 䚃ね shèngqíng great kindness; magnificent hospitality HSK6
1617 ⢘≧ sh•ngshì momentum HSK6
unfamiliar; strange; out of practice; not
1618 䓇䔷 sh•ngsh• HSK6
1619 䓇⾩ sh•ngtài way of life; ecology HSK6
organism; living creature; life form;
1620 䓇䈑 sh•ngwù HSK6
biological; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
1621 䓇㓰 sh•ngxiào to take effect; to go into effect HSK6
1622 䚃埴 shèngxíng to be in vogue; to be prevalent HSK6
1623 ⢘娱 sh•ngyù reputation; fame HSK6
to bear; to give birth; to grow; to rear; to
1624 䓇做 sh•ngyù HSK6
bring up (children)
1625 ⭉䎮 sh nl! to hear (a case) HSK6
1626 ⭉伶 sh nm i esthetics; appreciating the arts; taste HSK6
1627 ⭉⇌ sh npàn a trial; to try sb HSK6
1628 䤆㮼 shénqì expression; manner; spirited; vigorous HSK6
1629 䤆ね shénqíng look; expression HSK6
1630 㶙ね⍂宲 profound friendship HSK6
1631 䤆刚 shénsè expression; look HSK6
1632 䤆⛋ shénshèng divine; hallow; holy; sacred HSK6
1633 乭⢓ sh•nshì gentleman HSK6
appearance; manner; bearing; deportment;
1634 䤆⾩ shéntài HSK6
look; expression; mien
to permeate; to infiltrate; to pervade;
1635 㶿德 shèntòu HSK6
Daoist immortal; supernatural entity; (in
modern fiction) fairy, elf, leprechaun etc;
1636 䤆ẁ shénxi•n fig. lighthearted person; used in HSK6
advertising: Live like an immortal!
1637 ␣⏇ sh•nyín to moan; to groan HSK6
1638 ヶ慵 shènzhòng cautious; careful; prudent HSK6
1639 ㏬⍾ shèq absorb (nutrition); take a photo HSK6
1640 䣦⋢ shèq! community HSK6
1641 ㏬㮷⹎ shèshìdù degrees centigrade HSK6
to imagine; to assume; to envisage;
1642 学゛ shèxi"ng HSK6
tentative plan; to have consideration for
1643 学伖 shèzhì to set up; to install HSK6
to pick up; to collate or arrange; ten
1644 ㊦ shi HSK6
(banker's anti-fraud numeral)
1645 ≧⽭ shìbì is bound to (happen) HSK6
1646 孮⇓ shìbié to distinguish; to discern HSK6
1647 㖞ⶖ shích• time difference; time lag; jet lag HSK6
1648 㖞ⷠ shícháng often; frequently HSK6
generation; an era; accumulation of years;
1649 ᶾẋ shìdài HSK6
passing on from generation to generation
1650 㖞侴 shí'ér occasionally; from time to time HSK6
to demonstrate; to show how to do sth;
1651 䣢劫 shìfàn HSK6
demonstration; a model example
teacher-training; pedagogical; normal
1652 ⶰ劫 sh•fàn HSK6
(school, e.g. Beijing Normal University)
to release; to set free; to liberate (a
1653 慲㓦 shìfàng HSK6
prisoner); to discharge
1654 㗗朆 shìf i right and wrong; quarrel HSK6
1655 ḳ㓭 shìgù HSK6
1656 㖞⃱ shígu•ng time; era; period of time HSK6
tangible benefit; material advantages;
1657 ⭆よ shíhuì HSK6
advantageous (deal); substantial (discount)
1658 㖞㛢 shíj• fortunate timing; occasion; opportunity HSK6
1659 ᶾ乒 shìjì century; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
deed; past achievement; important event of
1660 ḳ御 shìjì HSK6
the past
1661 㕥≈ sh•ji• to exert (effort or pressure) HSK6
1662 ḳẞ shìjiàn event; happening; incident; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1663 ᶾ䓴 shìjiè world; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1664 ᶾ䓴奪 shìjiègu•n worldview; world outlook; Weltanschauung HSK6
1665 ⭆≃ shílì strength HSK6
1666 ≧≃ shìlì power; (ability to) influence HSK6
1667 奮≃ shìlì vision; eyesight HSK6
1668 ἧ␥ sh•mìng mission (diplomatic or other); set task HSK6
current trends; the present situation; how
1669 㖞ḳ shíshì HSK6
things are going
1670 ⭆㕥 shísh to implement; to carry out HSK6
1671 必ᶾ shìshì to pass away; to die HSK6
to seek truth from facts (idiom); to be
1672 ⭆ḳ㯪㗗 shíshìqiúshì HSK6
practical and realistic
1673 ḳ⾩ shìtài situation; existing state of affairs HSK6
1674 ⯠ỻ sh t• dead body; corpse; carcass; CL:℟[ju4] HSK6
1675 孽⚦ shìtú to attempt; to try HSK6
to demonstrate (as a protest); a
1676 䣢⦩ shìw•i HSK6
demonstration; a military show of force
1677 ḳ≉ shìwù (political, economic etc) affairs; work HSK6
lapse; mistake; to make a mistake; fault;
1678 ⣙宗 sh wù HSK6
service fault (in volleyball, tennis etc)
1679 奮乧 shìxiàn line of sight HSK6
1680 ḳ校 shìxiàng matter; item HSK6
experiment; test; experimental;
1681 孽樴 shìyàn HSK6
undertaking; project; activity; (charitable,
political or revolutionary) cause; publicly
1682 ḳ᷂ shìyè funded institution, enterprise or HSK6
foundation; career; occupation;
1683 奮慶 shìy• field of view; horizon HSK6
1684 循⭄ shìyí suitable; appropriate HSK6
1685 䣢シ shìyì to hint; to indicate (an idea to sb) HSK6
1686 䞛㱡 shíyóu oil; petroleum HSK6
1687 㕥⯽ sh•zh•n to use fully; to put to use HSK6
1688 ⭆峐 shízhì substance; essence HSK6
1689 㖞塭 shízhu•ng the latest fashion in clothes; fashionable HSK6
1690 䊖⫸ sh•zi lion HSK6
1691 ⣙巒 sh•z!ng missing; lost; unaccounted for HSK6
ample; complete; hundred percent; a pure
1692 ⋩嵛 shízú HSK6
shade (of some color)
1693 㓞啷 sh!ucáng to hoard; to collect; collection HSK6
1694 ㇳ㱽 sh"uf• technique; trick; skill HSK6
1695 ⬰㉌ sh"uhù to guard; to protect HSK6
1696 ㇳ≧ sh"ushì gesture; sign; signal HSK6
1697 㓞仑 sh!usu! to pull back; to shrink; to contract HSK6
1698 椾天 sh"uyào the most important; of chief importance HSK6
craftmanship; workmanship; handicraft;
1699 ㇳ刢 sh"uyì HSK6
1700 㓞䙲 sh!uyì earnings; profit HSK6
1701 㓞枛㛢 sh!uy•nj• radio; CL:冢|⎘[tai2] HSK6
1702 ㌰Ḱ shòuy• to award; to confer HSK6
to endure; to suffer; hardships; torments; a
1703 ⍿伒 shòuzuì HSK6
hard time; a nuisance
to count; to enumerate; to criticize (i.e.
1704 㔘 shù HSK6
enumerate shortcomings)
1705 㜇 shù to bind; to tie; bundle; cluster; restraint HSK6
to erect; vertical; vertical stroke (in
1706 䩾 shù HSK6
Chinese characters)
1707 侵 shu• to play with; to juggle HSK6
to age; to deteriorate with age; old and
1708 堘侩 shu!il•o HSK6
1709 䌯栮 shuàil#ng lead; command; head HSK6
to decline; to fall; to drop; to falter; a
1710 堘徨 shu•ituì HSK6
decline; recession (in economics)
shuàn to instant-boil (mutton, beef, vegetables,
1711 㵖䀓播 HSK6
hu"gu$ etc.)
1712 ⍴傆偶 twin; CL:⮵|⮡[dui4] HSK6
refreshed; rejuvenated; frank and
1713 䇥⾓ shu•ngkuài HSK6
1714 冺䓭 sh•chàng happy; entirely free from worry HSK6
1715 㔘桅 shù'é amount; sum of money; fixed number HSK6
1716 Ḏ㱽 sh•f' calligraphy; handwriting; penmanship HSK6
1717 㜇仂 shùfù to bind; to restrict; to tie; to commit; fetters HSK6
to neglect; to overlook; negligence;
1718 䔷⾥ sh•h• HSK6
1719 㯜⇑ shu•lì water conservancy; irrigation works HSK6
1720 㯜潁⣜ shu•lóngtóu faucet; tap HSK6
1721 㯜㲍 shu•ní cement; CL:堳[dai4] HSK6
1722 Ḏ䯵 sh•jí books; works HSK6
1723 Ḏ存 sh•jì secretary; clerk; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1724 㞹䩳 shùlì to set up; to establish HSK6
1725 Ḏ朊 sh•miàn in writing; written (guarantee etc) HSK6
1726 㔘䚖 shùmù amount; number HSK6
1727 㬣ṉ s• wáng death; deadly HSK6
1728 ⎠㱽 s!f" judicial; (administration of) justice HSK6
1729 ⎠Ẍ s!lìng commanding officer HSK6
1730 ⿅⾝ s!niàn think of; long for; miss HSK6
1731 ⿅䳊 s!su# think deeply; ponder HSK6
1732 ⿅亜 s!wéi (line of) thought; thinking HSK6
refined; educate; cultured; intellectual;
1733 㕗㔯 s!wén HSK6
polite; gentle
absolutely unrestrained; unbridled; without
1734 倮㖈⽴ゖ sìwújìdàn HSK6
the slightest scruple
train of thought; emotional state; mood;
1735 ⿅互 s!xù HSK6
1736 椚℣ sìy"ng to raise; to rear HSK6
1737 ⚃偊 sìzh! the four limbs of the body HSK6
private; personal; secretly; without explicit
1738 䥩冒 s!zì HSK6
to excite; to raise up; to shrug; high; lofty;
1739 俠 s•ng HSK6
1740 刀 s u classifier for ships; Taiwan pr. sao1 HSK6
to search; to look for sth; to scour (search
1741 ㏄䳊 s usu• meticulously); to look sth up; internet HSK6
search; database search
1742 䬿Ḯ suànle let it be; let it pass; forget about it HSK6
to count numbers; to keep to one's word; to
1743 䬿㔘 suànshù hold (i.e. to remain valid); to count (i.e. to HSK6
be important)
1744 ὿宅 súhuà common saying; proverb HSK6
1745 晏忻 suìdào tunnel HSK6
1746 昷⌛ suíjí immediately; presently; following which HSK6
to (carry) on one's person; to (take) with
1747 昷幓 suísh'n HSK6
conveniently; without extra trouble; while
1748 昷ㇳ suísh•u HSK6
doing it; in passing
as one wishes; according to one's wishes;
1749 昷シ suíyì HSK6
at will; voluntary; conscious
1750 Ⱙ㚰 suìyuè years; passing of time HSK6
1751 ㌇⛷ s"nhuài to damage; to injure HSK6
to ask for compensation; to claim damages;
1752 䳊峼 su•péi HSK6
claim for damages
1753 䳊⿏ su•xìng you might as well (do it); simply; just HSK6
1754 䳈梇ᷣᷱ sùshí#zh"yì vegetarianism HSK6
1755 孱孤 sùsòng lawsuit HSK6
1756 剷愺 s•x•ng to wake up; to regain consciousness HSK6
to model; to mould; plastic (arts); flexible;
1757 ⟹忈 sùzào HSK6
to portray (in sculpture or in words)
inner quality; basic essence; change over
1758 䳈峐 sùzhì HSK6
1759 ⟴ t& collapse HSK6
1760 㲘㔿 tàid•u leading scholar of his time; magnate HSK6
1761 ⎘桶 táif'ng hurricane; typhoon HSK6
1762 ⣒䨢 tàik ng outer space HSK6
1763 ㏲⃧ t&n#er street vendor's stall or stand HSK6
1764 ✎䘥 t'nbái honest; forthcoming; to confess HSK6
to probe; to take readings; to explore;
1765 ㍊㳳 tàncè HSK6
sugar coated Chinese hawthorn fruit on a
1766 䱾吓剎 tánghúlu HSK6
stick; tanghulu
1767 ῀劍 t•ngruò #N/A HSK6
1768 䗓䖒 t!nhuàn paralysis HSK6
avaricious; greedy; rapacious; insatiable;
1769 峒⨒ t!nlán HSK6
1770 ⎡㮼 tànqì to sigh; to heave a sigh HSK6
to explore; to probe; commonly used in
1771 ㍊䳊 tànsu! HSK6
names of publications or documentaries
1772 ㍊子 tànt•o to investigate; to probe HSK6
1773 ㍊㛃 tànwàng to visit HSK6
1774 峒㰉 t•nw% corruption HSK6
1775 ⻡⿏ tánxìng flexibility; elasticity (physics) HSK6
1776 ㌷ t•o to fish out (from pocket); to scoop HSK6
1777 昞䒟 táocí pottery and porcelain; ceramics HSK6
1778 子ẟ往ẟ haggle over price HSK6
1779 㶀㮼 táoqì naughty; bad HSK6
to wash out; elimination (by selection);
1780 㶀㰘 táotài natural selection; to knock out (in a HSK6
competition); to die out; to phase out
t ot o#bù# unceasing torrent (idiom); talking non-
1781 㹼㹼ᶵ亅 HSK6
jué stop; gabbling forty to the dozen
practical; down-to-earth; realistic; firmly
1782 嶷⭆ tàshí based; steadfast; to have peace of mind; HSK6
free from anxiety
personal strength; one's special ability or
1783 䈡攧 tècháng HSK6
strong points
1784 䈡⭂ tèdìng special; specific; designated; particular HSK6
characteristic; distinguishing feature or
1785 䈡刚 tèsè HSK6
1786 冼 ti•n to lick; to lap HSK6
1787 ⣑ㇵ ti!ncái talent; gift; genius; talented; gifted HSK6
1788 䓘⼬ tiánjìng track and field (athletics) HSK6
ti nlún#zh$# pleasure of heavenly agreement (idiom);
1789 ⣑Ỏ᷸ᷳ HSK6
lè family love and joy; domestic bliss
1790 ⣑䃞㮼 ti nránqì natural gas HSK6
1791 ⣑䓇 ti nsh•ng innate; natural HSK6
1792 ⣑➪ ti ntáng paradise; heaven HSK6
1793 ⣑㔯 ti nwén astronomy HSK6
1794 ㊹㊐ ti•ob& to incite disharmony; to instigate HSK6
1795 宫␴ tiáohé harmonious; harmony HSK6
to adjust; to balance; to make up a medical
1796 宫⇪ tiáojì HSK6
to adjust; to regulate; to harmonize; to
1797 宫刪 tiáojié HSK6
reconcile (accountancy etc)
1798 宫妋 tiáoji• to mediate; to bring parties to an agreement HSK6
clause (of contract or law);
1799 㜉㫦 tiáoku&n HSK6
1800 㜉䎮 tiáol• arrangement; order; tidiness HSK6
1801 宫㕁 tiáoliào condiment; seasoning; flavoring HSK6
1802 ㊹⇼ ti•otì picky; fussy HSK6
1803 ㊹埭 ti&oxìn to provoke; provocation HSK6
1804 㜉乎 tiáoyu' treaty; pact; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1805 嶛嵫 tiàoyuè to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip HSK6
to promote to a higher job; to select for
1806 ㍸㉼ tíbá HSK6
1807 桀㛸 tícái subject matter HSK6
to extract (ore, minerals etc); to refine; to
1808 ㍸䁤 tíliàn HSK6
purify; to process
to empathize; to allow (for something); to
1809 ỻ宭 t•liàng HSK6
show understanding; to appreciate
dignity; face (as in "losing face");
1810 ỻ朊 t•miàn HSK6
honorable; creditable; pretty
1811 ㋢㉼ t•ngbá tall and straight HSK6
1812 㱲 tíngbó anchorage; mooring (of a ship) HSK6
1813 栧 tíngdùn pause HSK6
1814 㺆 tíngzhì stagnation; at a standstill; bogged down HSK6
1815 ṕ⫸ tíngzi pavilion HSK6
to prompt; to present; to point out; to draw
1816 ㍸䣢 tíshì HSK6
attention to sth; hint; brief; cue
1817 ỻ䲣 t•xì system; setup; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1818 ㍸孖 tíyì proposal; suggestion; to propose; to suggest HSK6
t•ng huò
1819 忂峏児偨 inflation HSK6
1820 撄䞧 tóng kuàng copper mine HSK6
born of the same parents; fellow citizen or
1821 ⎴傆 tóngb•o HSK6
t ngchóu! an overall plan taking into account all
1822 亇䬡ℤ栦 HSK6
ji•ngù factors
1823 䪍宅 tónghuà children's fairy tales HSK6
1824 亇孉 t•ngjì statistics; to count; to add up HSK6
1825 忂὿ t ngsú common; everyday; average HSK6
1826 亇亇 t•ngt•ng totally HSK6
1827 忂䓐 t ngyòng common (use); interchangeable HSK6
comrade; homosexual (slang);
1828 ⎴⽿ tóngzhì HSK6
to speculate (on financial markets);
1829 ㈽㛢 tóuj• HSK6
opportunistic; congenial; agreeable
1830 ㈽䤐 tóupiào to vote; vote HSK6
1831 ㈽旵 tóuxiáng to surrender; surrender HSK6
1832 ㈽㍟ tóuzhí to throw sth a long distance; to hurl HSK6
1833 䥫 t• bald; blunt HSK6
1834 ⚦㟰 tú'àn design; pattern HSK6
1835 ⚊乻 tuánjié a rally; to hold a rally; to join forces HSK6
1836 ⚊ỻ tuánt" group; organization; team; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1837 ⚊␀ tuányuán member; group member HSK6
1838 ⼺⻇ túdì apprentice; disciple HSK6
speculation; to conjecture; to surmise; to
1839 ㍐㳳 tu•cè HSK6
1840 ㍐侣 tu•f•n overthrow HSK6
1841 ㍐䎮 tu•l! reasoning; speculative; inference HSK6
to infer; a deduction; a corollary; a
1842 ㍐孢 tu•lùn HSK6
reasoned conclusion
1843 ㍐撨 tu•xi•o to market; to sell HSK6
1844 徼⼬ tújìng way; channel HSK6
1845 㴪㉡ túm" to paint; to smear; to doodle HSK6
1846 ⏆⑥ t#nyàn to swallow; to gulp HSK6
1847 ⥍⻻ tu"dang appropriate; proper; ready HSK6
to separate oneself from; to break away
1848 僙䥣 tu$lí from; diastasis (medicine); abscission; HSK6
abjunction (botany)
1849 ⓦ㱓 tuòmò spittle; saliva HSK6
1850 ⥍┬ tu"shàn appropriate; proper HSK6
to compromise; to reach terms; a
1851 ⥍⋷ tu"xié HSK6
to adjourn; to delay; to defer; adjournment;
1852 ㉾⺞ tu$yán HSK6
1853 㣕⚮ tu"yuán oval; ellipse; elliptic HSK6
to consign (goods); to check through
1854 ㈀彸 tu$yùn HSK6
to break through; to make a breakthrough;
to surmount or break the back of (a task
1855 䨩䟜 túpò HSK6
etc); (of ball sports) to break through a
1856 ⛇⢌ t•r•ng soil HSK6
1857 ⑯ wa Wow!; sound of child's crying HSK6
1858 ⢾堐 wàibi•o external; outside; outward appearance HSK6
1859 ⢾埴 wàiháng layman; amateur HSK6
1860 ⢾䓴 wàijiè the outside world; external HSK6
1861 㬒㚚 w•iq! to distort; to misrepresent HSK6
outward-looking; extrovert; extroverted
1862 ⢾⎹ wàixiàng HSK6
(personality); export-oriented (economy)
1863 䒎妋 w•ji" to collapse; to disintegrate; to crumble HSK6
1864 ㊾㍀ w•jué to excavate; to dig; to unearth HSK6
1865 ᷠ wán pill HSK6
faultless; complete; perfect; to leave
1866 ⬴⢯ wánbèi HSK6
nothing to be desired
1867 ⬴㭽 wánbì to finish; to end; to complete HSK6
very much; extremely; one ten thousandth
1868 ᶯ↮ wànf#n HSK6
habitually in the past; as one used to do
1869 ⼨ⷠ w•ngcháng HSK6
formerly; as it used to be
network (computing, telecommunications,
1870 仹亄 w•ngluò HSK6
transport etc); Internet
1871 ⼨ḳ w•ngshì past events; former happenings HSK6
1872 栥⚢ wángù stubborn; obstinate HSK6
1873 ⤬゛ wàngxi•ng to attempt vainly; a vain attempt HSK6
1874 ㋥⚆ w•nhuí to retrieve; to redeem HSK6
1875 ㋥㓹 w•njiù to save; to remedy; to rescue HSK6
to play with; to engage in; to resort to; to
1876 䍑⺬ wànnòng HSK6
dally with
1877 栥⻢ wánqiáng tenacious; hard to defeat HSK6
to feel sorry for a person over sth that
1878 びや wànxí HSK6
should have happened
toy; plaything; thing; act; trick (in a
1879 䍑シ⃧ wányìr HSK6
performance, stage show, acrobatics etc)
1880 ⦫⦫ wáwá baby; small child; doll HSK6
socks; stockings;
1881 塄⫸ wàzi HSK6
only; just (i.e. it is only that...); all except;
1882 ⓗ䊔 wéi dú HSK6
1883 ỵḶ wèi yú to be located at; to be situated at; to lie HSK6
1884 待側 wéibèi to violate; to be contrary to HSK6
1885 ⽖ᶵ嵛忻 negligible; insignificant HSK6
1886 亜㊩ wéichí to keep; to maintain; to preserve HSK6
1887 ⦩桶 w•if•ng might; awe-inspiring authority; impressive HSK6
1888 ⽖奪 wéigu•n micro-; sub-atomic HSK6
1889 ⌙㛢 wéij! crisis; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
1890 䓷わ wèijù to fear; to dread; foreboding HSK6
1891 偫⎋ wèik•u appetite HSK6
1892 ⦩≃ w•ilì might; formidable power HSK6
unavoidable; a bit too much; over the top
1893 㛒⃵ wèimi&n HSK6
(you exaggerate)
feel embarrassed or awkward; to make
1894 ᷢ晦 wéinán things difficult (for someone); to find HSK6
things difficult (to do or manage)
(to be done) by (a certain date); lasting (a
1895 ᷢ㛇 wéiqí HSK6
certain time)
1896 亜䓇䳈 wéish•ngsù vitamin HSK6
1897 ᷢ椾 wéish!u head; be headed by HSK6
1898 ⦩㛃 w•iwàng prestige HSK6
to express sympathy, greetings, consolation
1899 ㄘ斖 wèiwèn HSK6
1900 ⌙昑 wéixi&n danger; dangerous HSK6
(of a government, etc.) prestige and public
1901 ⦩ᾉ w•ixìn HSK6
1902 ⌓㗇 wèix•ng (space) satellite; CL:柮|栿[ke1] HSK6
maintenance (of equipment); to protect and
1903 亜ᾖ wéixi• HSK6
committee member; committee; council;
1904 ⥼␀ w•iyuán HSK6
1905 Ồ忈 wèizào to forge; to fake; to counterfeit HSK6
1906 㷑ⷎ w•ndài temperate zone HSK6
1907 㷑␴ w•nhé moderate (policy etc) HSK6
1908 㔯↕ wénpíng diploma HSK6
1909 斖ᶾ wènshì to be published; to come out HSK6
cultural relic; historical relic;
1910 㔯䈑 wénwù HSK6
1911 㔯䋖 wénxiàn document HSK6
1912 㔯晭 wény• elegant; refined HSK6
1913 㔯刢 wényì literature and art HSK6
nest; pit or hollow on the human body; lair;
den; place; to harbor or shelter; to hold in
1914 䩅 w HSK6
check; to bend; classifier for litters and
1915 ⊧ wù do not HSK6
1916 㖈⎗⣱⏲ (idiom) "no comment" HSK6
wú!y u!wú!
1917 㖈⾏㖈嗹 carefree and without worries (idiom) HSK6
1918 㖈㭼 wúb• matchless HSK6
1919 ≉⽭ wùbì must; to need to; to be sure to HSK6
1920 宗ⶖ wùch• difference; error; inaccuracy HSK6
1921 㖈‧ wúcháng free; no charge; at no cost HSK6
without any sense of shame;
1922 㖈俣 wúch$ HSK6
unembarrassed; shameless
not to have access; beyond one's authority
1923 㖈Ṷ wúcóng HSK6
or capability; sth one has no way of doing
1924 准巰 w%d&o dance HSK6
1925 㖈≐Ḷ堟 aloof; indifferent; unconcerned HSK6
h ng
1926 㖈朆 wúf•i only; nothing else HSK6
1927 ᷴ湹 w(h•i jet-black; dark HSK6
to misunderstand; to misread;
1928 宗妋 wùji" HSK6
wúj•ngd&c& dispirited and downcast (idiom); listless; in
1929 㖈䱦ㇻ慯 HSK6
i low spirits; washed out
have no way out; have no alternative; abbr.
1930 㖈⎗⣰ỽ wúk"nàihé HSK6
to 䃉⣰|㖈⣰ [wu2 nai4]
hoodlum; rascal; rogue; rascally;
1931 㖈峾 wúlài HSK6
to make trouble without reason (idiom);
1932 㖈䎮⍾斡 wúl•q•nào deliberately awkward; pointless HSK6
provocation; willful trouble maker
wùm•i jià cheap and fine; attractive in price and
1933 䈑伶ẟ⹱ HSK6
lián quality
1934 㰉咹 w!miè slander HSK6
1935 㖈傥ᷢ≃ impotent (idiom); powerless; helpless HSK6

vast and limitless (idiom); endless span of
1936 㖈䨟㖈⯥ time; no vestige of a beginning, no HSK6
prospect of an end
1937 ὖ彙 w•r• to insult; to humiliate; dishonor HSK6
1938 ≉⭆ wùshí pragmatic; dealing with concrete issues HSK6
wúw ibùzh
1939 㖈⽖ᶵ军 in every possible way (idiom); meticulous HSK6
martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary,
1940 㬎Ὀ w•xiá HSK6
theatrical and cinema genre); knight-errant
to entrap; to frame; to plant false evidence
1941 宔星 wúxiàn HSK6
against sb
1942 㖈䞍 wúzh! ignorance HSK6
arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed
1943 㬎塭 w•zhu"ng HSK6
1944 䈑峬 wùz! goods and materials HSK6
1945 㹒 x! creek; rivulet HSK6
1946 曆 xiá red clouds HSK6
narrow; tight; narrow minded; lacking in
1947 䊕晀 xiá'ài HSK6
1948 ⲉ察 xiág• canyon; gill; ravine HSK6
1949 ⢷Ẍ反 xiàlìngyíng summer camp HSK6
to dislike; suspicion; resentment; enmity;
1950 ⩴ xián abbr. for ⩴䉗|⩴䉗[xian2 fan4], criminal HSK6
bow string; string of musical instrument;
1951 ⻎ xián watchspring; chord (segment of curve); HSK6
hypotenuse; CL:㟡[gen1]
stuffing; filling, e.g. in ⊭⫸[bao3 zi5] or
1952 椭⃧ xiàn er HSK6
椢⫸[jiao3 zi5]
lit. actual location; the scene (of the
1953 䍘⛢ xiànch•ng HSK6
incident); on-the-spot
1954 䍘ㆸ xiànchéng ready-made; readily available HSK6
1955 ⭒㱽 xiànf• constitution (of a country) HSK6
1956 ⶟ xiàng lane; alley HSK6
1957 校 xiàng neck; sum; funds HSK6
1958 䚠ⶖ xi!ngchà to differ; discrepancy between HSK6
1959 ⎹⮤ xiàngd•o guide HSK6
1960 䚠䫱 xi•ngd!ng equal; equally; equivalent HSK6
to think up every possible method (idiom);
1961 ゛㕡学㱽 to devise ways and means; to try this, that HSK6
and the other
1962 䚠弭䚠ㆸ to complement one another (idiom) HSK6
1963 ⎹㜍 xiànglái always; all along HSK6
1964 ⑵Ṗ xi&ngliàng loud and clear; resounding HSK6
to inlay; to embed; to set (e.g. a jewel in a
1965 攞⳴ xi•ngqiàn HSK6
ring); tiling; tesselation
1966 ⎹⼨ xiàngw&ng to yearn for; to look forward to HSK6
1967 ⑵⸼ xi&ngyìng respond to; answer; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
to correspond; answering (one another); to
1968 䚠⸼ xi•ngyìng agree (among the part); corresponding; HSK6
relevant; appropriate; (modify) accordingly
1969 ḉ擯 xi•ngzhèn village; township HSK6
1970 星⭛ xiànhài to frame (up); to make false charges against HSK6
digression; gossip; complaint; scandal;
1971 斚宅 xiánhuà HSK6
1972 峌よ xiánhuì chaste; virtuous HSK6
1973 埼㍍ xiánji• to join together; to combine HSK6
1974 ⃰徃 xi•njìn advanced (technology); to advance HSK6
1975 汄㖶 xi•nmíng bright; clear-cut; distinct HSK6
to lift; to raise in height; to begin; upsurge;
1976 ㌨崟 xi nq! HSK6
to set off (a campaign)
1977 ⃰⇵ xi nqián before; previously HSK6
to sink into; to get caught up in; to land in
1978 星ℍ xiànrù HSK6
(a predicament)
1979 乧䳊 xiànsu" trail; clues; thread (of a story) HSK6
1980 乌亜 xi•nwéi fiber; CL:䧖|䥵[zhong3] HSK6
1981 ⩴䔹 xiányí suspicion; (be) suspected (of) HSK6
1982 㗦叿 xi•nzhù outstanding; notable; remarkable HSK6
1983 䍘䉞 xiànzhuàng current situation HSK6
1984 㴰昌 xi•ochú to eliminate; to remove HSK6
1985 㴰㭺 xi•odú to disinfect; to sterilize HSK6
1986 㴰旚 xi•ofáng fire-fighting; fire control HSK6
1987 㴰便 xi•ohào to use up; to consume HSK6
to destroy (by melting or burning); to
1988 撨㭩 xi•ohu HSK6
1989 㴰㜩 xi•ojí negative; passive; inactive HSK6
1990 ⮷㮼 xi•oqì stingy; petty; miserly; narrow-minded HSK6
1991 ⬅栢 xiàoshùn filial piety; to be obedient to one's parents HSK6
1992 倾⁷ xiàoxiàng portrait HSK6
cautious and solemn (idiom); very
1993 ⮷⽫侤侤 xi•ox•nyìyì HSK6
carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously
1994 㓰䙲 xiàoyì benefit HSK6
1995 ᶳⰆ xiàsh subordinate; underling HSK6
1996 䊕䨬 xiázh•i narrow HSK6
1997 乮傆 xìb!o cell (biology) HSK6
1998 ⯹ xiè crumbs; filings; worthwhile HSK6
to carry (on one's person); to support (old);
1999 ㏢ⷎ xiédài HSK6
Taiwan pr. xi1 dai4
an association; a society;
2000 ⋷Ể xiéhuì HSK6
2001 寊亅 xièjué to refuse politely HSK6
2002 㱬曚 xièlòu to leak (information); to divulge HSK6
discouraged; dejected; demoralized;
2003 㱬㮼 xièqì despairing; to want to give up; to deflate HSK6
(air from a tyre)
to consult with; to talk things over;
2004 ⋷⓮ xiésh•ng HSK6
2005 埨⌳ xi y• blood pressure HSK6
agreement; pact; protocol;
2006 ⋷孖 xiéyì HSK6
2007 ⋷≑ xiézhù provide assistance; aid HSK6
2008 ⅁ἄ xi•zuò writing; written works HSK6
daughter-in-law; wife (of a younger man);
2009 ⩛⤯ xífù HSK6
young married woman; young woman
2010 充䙾 x•gài knee HSK6
an attack (esp. surprise attack); raid; to
2011 塕↣ xíjí HSK6
2012 乮却 xìjùn bacterium; germ; CL:䧖|䥵[zhong3] HSK6
2013 䲣↿ xìliè series HSK6
to stop burning; to go out (of fire); to die
2014 䄬䀕 xímiè HSK6
out; extinguished
x•nchéndài metabolism (biology); the new replaces the
2015 㕘旰ẋ寊 HSK6
xiè old (idiom)
2016 ⽫⼿ x•ndé knowledge gained; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
2017 儍 x•ng fishy (smell) HSK6
2018 ⿏デ xìngg•n sex appeal; eroticism; sexuality; sexy HSK6
xìngg!oc•il happy and excited (idiom); in high spirits;
2019 ℜ檀慯䁰 HSK6
iè in great delight
2020 ⸠⤥ xìngh•o fortunately HSK6
Xinglong county in Chengde ㈧⽟[Cheng2
2021 ℜ昮 x•nglóng HSK6
de2], Hebei
2022 ⿏␥ xìngmìng life HSK6
2023 ⿏傥 xìngnéng function; performance HSK6
2024 ⿏ね xìngqíng nature; temperament HSK6
2025 ↹ḳ xíngshì criminal; penal HSK6
2026 ⼊⾩ xíngtài shape; form; pattern; morphology HSK6
2027 ℜ㖢 x•ngwàng prosperous; thriving; to prosper; to flourish HSK6
2028 埴㓧 xíngzhèng administration; administrative HSK6
xìngzhì to become exhilarated (idiom); in high
2029 ℜ农≫≫ HSK6
bóbó spirits; full of zest
to trust; to have confidence in; to have faith
2030 ᾉ峾 xìnlài HSK6
in; to rely on
2031 㕘恶 x•nláng bridegroom; groom HSK6
bright; smart; quick-witted; heart;
2032 ⽫䀝 x•nlíng HSK6
thoughts; spirit
2033 ᾉ⾝ xìnniàn faith; belief; conviction HSK6
2034 㕘⧀ x•nniáng bride HSK6
2035 彃⊌ x•nqín hardworking; industrious HSK6
2036 啒㯜 x•nshu• salary; wage HSK6
attitude (of the heart); state of one's psyche;
2037 ⽫⾩ x•ntài HSK6
way of thinking; mentality
2038 ⽫䕤 x•nténg to love dearly; the pain of love HSK6
2039 㫋ㄘ x•nwèi to be gratified HSK6
x•nx•nxiàng luxuriant growth (idiom); flourishing;
2040 㫋㫋⎹匋 HSK6
róng thriving
heart's blood; expenditure (for some
2041 ⽫埨 x•nxuè HSK6
project); meticulous care
one's thoughts; mind; intention;
2042 ⽫䛤⃧ x•ny!n"er willingness to accept new ideas; baseless HSK6
to believe in (a religion); firm belief;
2043 ᾉẘ xìny!ng HSK6
2044 㕘栾 x•ny ng lit. new bud; fig. new and original HSK6
2045 ᾉ娱 xìnyù prestige; distinction; reputation; trust HSK6
2046 ↞〞 xi#ng'è fierce; ferocious; fiendish; frightening HSK6
2047 晬⍂ xiónghòu robust; strong and solid HSK6
one's bosom (the seat of emotions); breast;
2048 傠⾨ xi#nghuái broad-minded and open; to think about; to HSK6
2049 ↞ㇳ xi•ngsh•u assailant; murderer; assassin HSK6
2050 傠元 xi•ngtáng chest HSK6
to absorb; to draw (a lesson, insight etc); to
2051 ⏠⍾ x q! HSK6
2052 㖼㖍 x rì formerly; in olden days HSK6
to sacrifice oneself; to lay down one's life;
to do sth at the expense of; beast
2053 䈢䈚 x sh"ng HSK6
slaughtered for sacrifice; sacrifice;
custom; tradition; local tradition;
2054 Ḉ὿ xísú HSK6
2055 事 xiù to embroider HSK6
2056 但俣 xi•ch• (a feeling of) shame HSK6
2057 ᾖ⢵ xi•fù restoration HSK6
2058 ᾖ⺢ xi•jiàn to build; to construct HSK6
2059 ╭奱 xiùjué sense of smell HSK6
to repair; to perform maintenance; to
2060 ᾖ䎮 xi•l• HSK6
overhaul; to fix; to prune; to trim
2061 ᾖ℣ xi•y'ng accomplishment; training; self-cultivation HSK6
a delight to see (idiom); an attractive
2062 ╄斣᷸奩 x•wénlèjiàn HSK6
2063 ⢽旛 x!yáng sunset; the setting sun HSK6
2064 ╄ぎ x•yuè happy; joyous HSK6
delicate; fine; careful; meticulous;
2065 乮农 xìzhì HSK6
2066 徱㉼ xu'nbá to select the best HSK6
2067 ご㊪ xuánguà to suspend; to hang; suspension (cable car) HSK6
2068 㕳⼳ xuánl" melody; rhythm HSK6
suspense in a movie, play etc; concern for
2069 ご⾝ xuánniàn HSK6
sb's welfare
2070 ⭋娻 xu•nshì to swear an oath (of office); to make a vow HSK6
2071 徱ㇳ xu nsh•u athlete; contestant HSK6
2072 ごⲾⲕ⡩ cliffside HSK6
2073 ⭋㈔ xu•nyáng to proclaim; to make public or well known HSK6
2074 㕳弔 xuánzhu&n to rotate; to revolve; to spin; to whirl HSK6
educational background; academic
2075 ⬎⌮ xuélì HSK6
2076 ⇲⻙ xu%ruò to weaken HSK6
to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on
2077 暒ᶲ≈曄 top of another; to make things worse in a HSK6
bad situation
2078 ⬎宜 xuéshu theory; doctrine HSK6
academic degree, e.g.: BSc
⬠⢓⬠ỵ|⬎⢓⬎ỵ[xue2 shi4 xue2 wei4],
MSc 䡑⢓⬠ỵ|䟽⢓⬎ỵ[shuo4 shi4 xue2
2079 ⬎ỵ xuéwèi HSK6
wei4], Diploma ⬠ỵ嫱㚠|⬎ỵ孩Ḏ[xue2
wei4 zheng4 shu1], PhD
⌂⢓⬠ỵ|⌂⢓⬎ỵ[bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4]
2080 嘂` x•ji• false; phony; pretense HSK6
heavy drinking; to get drunk; to drink to
2081 惿惺 xùji HSK6
2082 孠⎗ x k! to allow; to permit HSK6
2083 䔄䈏 xùmù to raise animals HSK6
2084 ⽒䍗 xúnhuán to cycle; to circulate; circle; loop HSK6
2085 ⶉ忣 xúnluó to patrol (police, army or navy) HSK6
2086 ⮣奭 xúnmì to look for HSK6
nurturing (i.e. assimilate some branch of
2087 䄷昞 x•ntáo HSK6
culture); seeped in
xúnxùjiànjì in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make
2088 ⽒⸷㶸徃 HSK6
n steady progress incrementally
2089 暨㯪 x•qiú requirement; demand (economics) HSK6
2090 嘂匋 x•róng vanity HSK6
2091 嘂Ồ x•wèi false; hypocritical; artificial; sham HSK6
preface; introductory remarks; preamble;
2092 ⸷妨 xùyán HSK6
prerequisites; rules that must be known
2093 栣䞍 x•zh" HSK6
before starting sth
2094 ㉤慹 y#j"n deposit; cash pledge HSK6
second place (in a sports contest); runner-
2095 Ṃ⅃ yàj•n HSK6
2096 㺼⎀ y•nbiàn to develop; to evolve HSK6
2097 ㍑䙾 y•ngài to conceal; to hide behind; to cover up HSK6
2098 㟟⑩ yàngp$n sample; specimen HSK6
2099 㯏㮼 y•ngqì oxygen HSK6
2100 䛤⃱ y•ngu#ng vision HSK6
2101 㱧㴟 yánh•i coastal HSK6
2102 ᷍⭺ yánhán bitter cold; severe winter HSK6
to screen; to shield; to cover; protection;
2103 ㍑㉌ y•nhù HSK6
cover; CL:朊[mian4]
2104 㺼孚 y•nji•ng lecture; to make a speech HSK6
2105 ᷍䤩 yánjìn strictly prohibit HSK6
2106 ᷍ⲣ yánjùn grim; severe; rigorous HSK6
2107 ᷍⌱ yánlì severe; strict HSK6
speech; expression of opinion; public
2108 妨孢 yánlùn HSK6
2109 ᷍⭮ yánmì strict; tight (organization, surveillance etc) HSK6
to submerge; to drown; to flood; to drown
2110 㶡㱉 y!nmò HSK6
out (also fig.)
2111 ⺞㛇 yánqí to delay; to extend; to postpone; to defer HSK6
2112 䀶䂕 yánrè blistering hot; sizzling hot (weather) HSK6
2113 䛤刚 y•nsè a wink; to signal with one's eyes HSK6
2114 ⺞Ỡ yánsh'n to extend; to spread HSK6
expression or emotion showing in one's
2115 䛤䤆 y•nshén eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight HSK6
2116 ⱑ䞛 yánshí rock HSK6
2117 ㍑椘 y•nshì to conceal a fault; to gloss over HSK6
to check on receipt; an inventory of
2118 樴㓞 yànsh"u received goods; to verify and accept (a HSK6
2119 ⌴〞 yànwù to loath; to hate; disgusted with sth HSK6
2120 㺼Ḉ y•nxí exercise; practice; to put on a play; to act HSK6
2121 䛤ᶳ y•nxià now; at present; subocular (medicine) HSK6
2122 ⺞井 yánxù to continue; to go on; to last HSK6
2123 㺼乶 y•nyì to deduce; to infer HSK6
to inspect and verify; experimental
2124 樴孩 yànzhèng HSK6
to play a musical instrument; to perform
2125 㺼⣷ y•nzòu HSK6
2126 天ᶵ䃞 yào bùrán otherwise; or else; or HSK6
to waver; swaying (of building in an
2127 ㏯㏮ yáob•i HSK6
2128 天䁡 yàodi•n main point; essential HSK6
2129 ㏯㺂 yáog#n to shake and boil; rock and roll (music) HSK6
2130 ㏯㗫 yáohuàng to rock; to shake; to sway HSK6
2131 怍㍏ yáokòng remote control HSK6
to cause sb's death; very; extremely;
2132 天␥ yàomìng HSK6
frightening; annoying
2133 天䳈 yàosù
essential factor; key constituent HSK6
2134 寋妨 yáoyán
rumor HSK6
2135 侨䛤 yàoy•n
to dazzle; dazzling HSK6
gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying
2136 ⑔䈁↯漧 y•oyáqièch extreme anger; fuming with rage between HSK6
gritted teeth
2137 怍径 yáoyu•n distant; remote HSK6
to oppress; to repress; to constrict;
2138 ⌳従 y!pò HSK6
oppression; stress (physics)
money given to children as new year
2139 ⌳Ⱙ摙 y!suìqián HSK6
2140 ⌳仑 y!su" to compress; compression HSK6
to constrain or repress emotions;
2141 ⌳㈹ y!yì HSK6
oppressive; stifling; depressing; repression
to press; to squeeze; to extract juice, oil etc
2142 ⌳㥐 y!zhà HSK6
by squeezing
2143 ⌳⇞ y!zhì to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle HSK6
2144 慶嚖 y#$mán barbarous; uncivilized HSK6
2145 慶⽫ y#x%n ambition; wild schemes; careerism HSK6
2146 Ṏ yì also HSK6
2147 侤 yì wing HSK6
2148 ẍὧ y biàn so that; so as to; in order to HSK6
heritage; legacy; inheritance; bequest;
2149 忿ṏ yích•n HSK6
2150 ⺪ⷠ yìcháng exceptional; abnormal; an anomaly HSK6
2151 忿Ỉ yíchuán heredity; inheritance; to transmit HSK6
2152 ὅ㫉 y•cì in order; in succession HSK6
2153 ᶨ⹎ y•dù for a time; at one time; one time; once HSK6
y•f nf!ngsh single sail, gentle wind (idiom); plain
2154 ᶨⶮ桶栢 HSK6
ùn sailing; to go smoothly
consistent; constant; from start to finish; all
2155 ᶨ峗 y•guàn HSK6
along; persistent
to doubt; to distrust; unconvincing; to
2156 䔹べ yíhuò HSK6
puzzle over; misgivings; suspicions
2157 ὅ㖏 y•jiù as before; still HSK6
2158 ὅ㌖ y•jù according to; basis; foundation HSK6
one move, two gains (idiom); two birds
2159 ᶨᷦ᷌⼿ y•j"li#ngdé HSK6
with one stone
2160 ὅ月 y•kào to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on HSK6
2161 ὅ峾 y•lài to depend on; to be dependent on HSK6
2162 㭭≃ yìlì perseverance; willpower HSK6
2163 シ㕁 yìliào to anticipate; to expect; to reckon ahead HSK6
(leave or be a) legacy; left over; hand down
2164 忿䔁 yíliú HSK6
(to next generation)
2165 ᶨ㳩 y•liú top quality; front ranking HSK6
2166 ᶨ⼳ y•l same; uniformly; all; without exception HSK6
2167 ẍ⃵ y!mi"n in order to avoid; so as not to HSK6
2168 ᶨ䚖Ḯ䃞 y•mùli"orán obvious at a glance (idiom) HSK6
2169 昸哥 y!nbì to conceal; to hide; covert; under cover HSK6
2170 ⺽⮤ y!nd"o to guide; to lead; to conduct; introduction HSK6
social niceties; social interaction; a dinner
2171 ⸼愔 yìngchóu HSK6
2172 ⨜⃧ y•ng'ér infant; baby; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]; lead (Pb) HSK6
2173 䙰⇑ yínglì profit; gain HSK6
directly; head-on (collision); in one's face
2174 彶朊 yíngmiàn HSK6
(of wind)
2175 劙㖶 y•ngmíng wise; brilliant HSK6
2176 匏⯷ yíngpíng fluorescent screen; TV screen HSK6
2177 ⸼怨 yìngy•o at sb's invitation; on invitation HSK6
2178 劙≯ y•ngy!ng bravery; gallant; valiant HSK6
a danger concealed within sth; hidden
2179 昸か y$nhuàn damage; misfortune not visible from the HSK6
to conceal; to hide (a taboo subject); to
2180 昸䜺 y$nmán HSK6
cover up the truth
2181 旜害 y•nmóu plot; conspiracy HSK6
2182 ⺽㑶 y$nqíng engine (transliteration) HSK6
2183 椖梇 y$nshí food and drink HSK6
2184 ⌘⇟ yìnshu• print HSK6
2185 昸䥩 y$ns• secrets; sth one hopes to conceal HSK6
speakers or speaker (electronic); acoustics;
2186 枛⑵ y•nxi#ng HSK6
sound field (in a room or theater)

2187 ⺽䓐 y$nyòng to quote; to cite; to recommend; to appoint HSK6

2188 昸乎 y"nyu$ vague; faint; indistinct HSK6
2189 Ẓ☐ yíqì instrument; apparatus; CL:冢|⎘[tai2] HSK6
2190 㭭䃞 yìrán firmly; resolutely; without hesitation HSK6
just as in the past (idiom); as before;
2191 ᶨ⤪㖊⼨ y•rújìw•ng HSK6
continuing as always
2192 堋墛 y•shang clothes HSK6
2193 Ẓ⺷ yíshì ceremony HSK6
2194 忿⣙ yísh• to lose; lost HSK6
consciousness; awareness; consciously (i.e.
2195 シ孮 yìshí HSK6
deliberately); to be aware
not one thread loose (idiom); strictly
2196 ᶨ᷅ᶵ劇 y•s•bùg u according to the rules; meticulous; not one HSK6
hair out of place
2197 シ⚦ yìtú intent; intention; intend; schematic diagram HSK6
2198 ὅ㈀ y•tu! to rely on; to depend on HSK6
2199 ẍ⼨ y"w•ng in the past; formerly HSK6
2200 シ␛䛨 yìwèizhe to signify; to mean; to imply HSK6
2201 シ⎹ yìxiàng disposition HSK6
all along; the whole time; constantly;
2202 ᶨ⎹ y•xiàng HSK6
earlier; lately
2203 ᶨℵ y•zài repeatedly HSK6
will; willpower; determination;
2204 シ⽿ yìzhì HSK6
2205 ㈹⇞ yìzhì to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress HSK6
down to; up to; to such an extent as to ...
2206 ẍ军 y•zhì HSK6
(also written ẍ军㕤|ẍ军Ḷ[yi3 zhi4 yu2])
2207 ẍ农 y•zhì to such an extent as to; down to; up to HSK6
diligent; industrious (in one's studies); to
2208 䓐≇ yòngg•ng HSK6
study hard; to make great effort
eternal; everlasting; fig. to pass into
2209 㯠⿺ y"nghéng HSK6
eternity (i.e. to die)
2210 䓐㇟ yònghù user; consumer; subscriber; customer HSK6
2211 ㊍㉌ y"nghù to endorse; to support HSK6
2212 ⹠὿ y•ngsú filthy; vulgar; debased HSK6
to emerge in large numbers; to spring up;
2213 㴴䍘 y"ngxiàn HSK6
to emerge prominently
2214 ㊍㚱 y"ngy"u to have; to possess HSK6
2215 ≯Ḷ y"ngyú to dare to; to be brave enough to HSK6
2216 嶲嵫 y"ngyuè to leap; to jump; eager; enthusiastically HSK6
y u!tiáo!bù! regular and thorough (idiom); methodically
2217 㚱㜉ᶵ䲲 HSK6
w"n arranged
2218 宙べ yòuhuò to entice; to lure; to induce; to attract HSK6
grease; greasy food; oily; rich (of food);
2219 㱡儣 yóunì HSK6
fatty; greasy and dirty; a slippery character
oil paints; lacquer; to paint;
2220 㱡㺮 yóuq• HSK6
2221 䉡⤪ yóurú similar to; appearing to be HSK6
2222 Ề傄≋㰘 survival of the fittest HSK6
2223 Ề⃰ y•uxi•n priority HSK6
2224 Ề⺪ y•uyì exceptional; outstandingly good HSK6
2225 ⾏恩 y•uyù sullen; depressed; melancholy; dejected HSK6
2226 Ề崲 y•uyuè superior; superiority HSK6
2227 ⸤䧂 yòuzhì young; childish; naive HSK6
2228 グ yù heal; the more...the more; to recover; better HSK6
2229 䅐 yù reconciled; smooth HSK6
2230 ⍇⏲ yuángào complainant; plaintiff HSK6
2231 ⍇䎮 yuánl" principle; theory HSK6
2232 ⚕㜿 yuánlín gardens; park; landscape garden HSK6
2233 ⚮㺉 yuánm•n satisfactory HSK6
fountainhead; well-spring; water source;
2234 㸸㱱 yuánquán HSK6
fig. origin
first; original; primitive; original
2235 ⍇⥳ yuánsh" HSK6
(document etc)
2236 ⃫椾 yuánsh"u head of state HSK6
2237 ⃫䳈 yuánsù element; element of a set; chemical element HSK6
hatred; injustice; bad luck; unjust
2238 ⅌㜱 yu•nwang HSK6
treatment; wronged; not worthwhile
2239 ⍇⃰ yuánxi•n former; original HSK6
Lantern festival, the final event of the
2240 ⃫⭝刪 Spring festival 㗍䭨|㗍刪, on 15th of first HSK6
month of the lunar calendar
2241 ヂ埊 yúch•n silly; stupid HSK6
2242 ⱛ䇞 yuèfù wife's father, father-in-law HSK6
2243 ᷸寙 yuèp• a musical score; sheet music HSK6
to restrict; to limit to; to constrain;
2244 乎㜇 yu shù HSK6
restriction; constraint
2245 栬㕁 yùliào to forecast; to anticipate; expectation HSK6
2246 冮孢 yúlùn public opinion HSK6
2247 ヂ㗏 yúmèi ignorant; uneducated HSK6
2248 㶼㮹 yúmín fisherman; fisher folk HSK6
to hold in store; to contain (untapped
2249 唜啷 yùncáng HSK6
reserves etc)
(of alcohol) to ferment; (of a crisis) to be
2250 愅愧 yùnniàng brewing; to mull over (an issue); to hold HSK6
exploratory discussions
2251 彸䬿 yùnsuàn (mathematical) operation HSK6
2252 彸埴 yùnxíng be in motion; to move; to run HSK6
to be pregnant; to produce offspring; to
2253 ⫽做 yùnyù nurture (a development, school of thought, HSK6
artwork etc); fig. replete with (culture etc)
2254 栬㛇 yùq• expect; expected HSK6
to increase steadily; to grow with each
2255 ᶶ㖍ᾙ⡆ y•rìjùz!ng HSK6
passing day
2256 佥乺㚵 y•róngfú down garment HSK6
preliminary competition; to hold
2257 栬崃 yùsài HSK6
preliminary heats
2258 栬䬿 yùsuàn budget HSK6
2259 㫚㛃 yùwàng desire; longing; appetite; craving HSK6
2260 栬Ḉ yùxí to prepare a lesson HSK6
2261 栬⃰ yùxi"n beforehand; prior HSK6
2262 ⭻妨 yùyán fable; CL:⇯|⇁[ze2] HSK6
2263 栬妨 yùyán to predict; prophecy HSK6
2264 Ḱẍ y•y• to give; to impose; to apply HSK6
2265 栬⃮ yùzhào omen; prognosis (in medicine) HSK6
2266 䟠 zá smash; smashed; to fail; to get it wrong HSK6
2267 ␳ z• (dialect) why; how; what HSK6
to slaughter livestock; to govern or rule; to
2268 ⭘ z•i cheat customers; Imperial official in HSK6
dynastic China
2269 ⛐᷶ zàih# determined by; to care about; to mind HSK6
to continue the struggle (idiom); to persist;
2270 ℵ㍍ℵ⌱ zàiji!zàilì HSK6
unremitting efforts
2271 䀦晦 z"inàn disaster; catastrophe HSK6
2272 㟥➡ z"ipéi to grow; to cultivate HSK6
2273 ⛐シ zàiyì to care about; to mind HSK6
2274 㛪㈨ zájì acrobatics; CL:⟜|⛢[chang3] HSK6
2275 㛪Ṍ záji•o a hybrid HSK6
2276 㒺 z•n to accumulate; to amass; to hoard; to save HSK6
2277 㘪ᶼ zànqi for now; for the time being; temporarily HSK6
2278 崆⎡ zàntàn to sigh or gasp in admiration; high praise HSK6
to approve of; to endorse; (vote) in favor;
2279 崆⎴ zàntóng HSK6
trad. also written 岲⎴
2280 崆㈔ zànyáng to praise; to approve of; to show approval HSK6
2281 崆≑ zànzhù to support; to assist; sponsor HSK6
2282 忈⍵ zàof•n rebel; revolt HSK6
2283 怕⍿ z!oshòu to suffer; to sustain (loss, misfortune) HSK6
to waste; to wreck; to despoil; to abuse; to
2284 䲇巳 z!otà HSK6
slander; to insult; to defile; to trample on
modeling; mold-making; model or mold;
2285 忈✳ zàoxíng HSK6
2286 怕㬫 z!oy!ng to suffer a calamity HSK6
2287 ☒枛 zàoy!n rumble; noise; static HSK6
to meet with; to encounter; (bitter)
2288 怕忯 z•oyù HSK6
2289 峋⿒ zéguài to blame; to rebuke HSK6
thief; wily; deceitful; evil; extremely;
2290 峤 zéi HSK6
2291 崈復 zèngsòng give as a present; present as a gift HSK6
2292 ⡆㶣 z"ngti n add to; increase HSK6
2293 䛐 zh• wink HSK6
to prick; to run or stick (a needle etc) into;
2294 ㇶ zh HSK6
jug (a classifier for liquids such as beer)
2295 㷋 zh slag (in mining or smelting); dregs HSK6
2296 ῢ⇠ zhàiquàn bond; debenture HSK6
2297 㐀天 zh iyào summary; abstract HSK6
to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom);
2298 㕑搱㇒摩 resolute and decisive; unhesitating; HSK6
definitely; without any doubt

2299 ㇀㔿 zhàndòu to fight; to battle; CL:⟜|⛢[chang2],㫉[ci4] HSK6

barrier; obstruction; hindrance;
2300 晄䠵 zhàng'ài HSK6
impediment; obstacle
2301 攧弰 zh•ngbèi elder generation HSK6
rules; regulations; constitution; statute;
articles of association (of company);
2302 䪈䦳 zh•ngchéng HSK6
articles of incorporation; charter (of a
corporation); by-laws
2303 ⶸ䮟 zhàngpéng tent; CL:枪|栞[ding3],⹏[zuo4] HSK6
to bask in the light; fig. to benefit from
2304 㱦⃱ zh•ngu•ng HSK6
association with sb or sth; reflected glory
2305 ⌈㌖ zhànjù to occupy; to hold HSK6
2306 ⌈栮 zhànl"ng to occupy (a territory); to hold HSK6
2307 ㇀䔍 zhànlüè strategy HSK6
2308 㘪㖞 zhànshí temporary; provisional; for the time being HSK6
2309 ⯽䣢 zh•nshì to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit sth HSK6
2310 ㇀㛗 zhànshù tactics HSK6
outlook; prospect; to look ahead; to look
2311 ⯽㛃 zh•nwàng HSK6
forward to
2312 ⯽䍘 zh•nxiàn to come out; to emerge HSK6
2313 ⳕ㕘 zh!nx"n brand new HSK6
2314 䝣ẘ zh•ny!ng to revere; to admire HSK6
2315 ㇀⼡ zhànyì military campaign HSK6
2316 ⌈㚱 zhàny#u to have; to own; to hold; to possess HSK6
2317 ㊃㈽㞯 bidding; tender HSK6
2318 䄏㕁 zhàoliào to tend; to take care of sb HSK6
2319 䛨徟 zháomí to be fascinated; to be captivated HSK6
zh•oqì$ full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous;
2320 㛅㮼咔≫ HSK6
péngbó energetic; a bright spark
2321 ㊃㓞 zh•osh%u to hire; to recruit HSK6
2322 䄏㟟 zhàoyàng as before; (same) as usual HSK6
2323 䄏侨 zhàoyào shine; illuminate HSK6
2324 䄏⸼ zhàoyìng to correlate with; to correspond to HSK6
2325 㱤㲥 zh!ozé marsh; swamp; wetlands; glade HSK6
2326 孰樿 zhàpiàn to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail HSK6
2327 ㇶ⭆ zh•shi strong; solid; sturdy; firm; practical HSK6
to break; to snap; to suffer the loss of; to
turn; to bend; to admire; to amount to; to
2328 ㉀ zhé HSK6
discoun; to fold; turning stroke (in Chinese
character); booklet
2329 怖㋉ zh•d!ng to shelter from; to keep out HSK6
2330 ㉀䢐 zhémó to persecute; to torment HSK6
2331 旝⛘ zhèndì position; front HSK6
2332 擯⭂ zhèndìng calm; unperturbed; cool HSK6
to stir oneself up; to raise one's spirits; to
2333 ㋗⣳ zhènfèn HSK6
2334 㬋峇 zhèng fù positive and negative HSK6
honest; reasonable; fair; sensible; timely;
2335 㬋⻻ zhèngdàng HSK6
just (when needed)
2336 ḱ䪗 zh•ngdu•n dispute; controversy; conflict HSK6
to tidy up; to reorganize; to consolidate; to
2337 㔜栧 zh ngdùn HSK6
2338 ḱ⣢ zh•ngduó fight over; contest; vie over HSK6
2339 呠⍹ zh•ngf• to evaporate; evaporation HSK6
2340 ⼩㚵 zh•ngfú conquer; subdue; vanquish HSK6
2341 㬋奬 zhènggu! regular; according to standards HSK6
decent; honorable; proper; serious;
2342 㬋乷 zhèngj!ng HSK6
according to standards
healthy environment; healthy atmosphere;
2343 㬋㮼 zhèngqì righteousness; vital energy (in Chinese HSK6
to work hard for sth; to resolve on
2344 ḱ㮼 zh•ngqì HSK6
improvement; determined not to fall short
2345 㓧㛫 zhèngquán regime; (wield) political power HSK6
2346 孩⭆ zhèngshí to confirm (sth to be true); to verify HSK6
2347 ⼩㓞 zh•ngsh"u to levy (a fine); to impose (a tariff) HSK6
2348 孩Ḏ zhèngsh# credentials; certificate HSK6
2349 䍵峝 zh•nguì precious HSK6
zh•ngxi•nk striving to be first and fearing to be last
2350 ḱ⃰⿸⎶ HSK6
$nghòu (idiom); outdoing one another
2351 㬋ᷱ zhèngyì justice; righteous; righteousness HSK6
2352 ḱ孖 zh•ngyì controversy; dispute HSK6
2353 㬋㚰 zh•ngyuè first month of the lunar year HSK6
2354 ㋋ㇶ zh•ngzhá to struggle; struggling HSK6
2355 恹慵 serious HSK6
2356 䕯䉞 symptom (of an illness) HSK6
2357 擯朁 zhènjìng calm; cool HSK6
2358 暯ひ zhènj!ng to shock; to astonish HSK6
troop arrangement; battle formation; line-
2359 旝⭡ zhènróng HSK6
up (of a sports team etc)
2360 ὎㍊ zh•ntàn detective; to do detective work HSK6
2361 䍵䦨 zh•nx! rare; precious and uncommon HSK6
2362 䛇䚠 zh•nxiàng the truth about sth; the actual facts HSK6
Zhengxing district of Dandong city
2363 ㋗ℜ zhènx!ng ᷡ㜙ⶪ|ᷡ᷄ⶪ[Dan1 dong1 shi4], HSK6
suppression; repression; to suppress; to put
2364 擯⌳ zhèny• HSK6
down; to quell
2365 䛇㋂ zh nzhì sincere; sincerity HSK6
2366 䍵䎈 zh nzh• pearl HSK6
to consider; to deliberate; to fill up a cup to
2367 㕇惴 zh nzhuó HSK6
the brim
to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly);
2368 ㉀儦 zh teng to repeat sth over and over again; to HSK6
torment sb; to play crazy
branch; classifier for sticks, rods, pencils
2369 㝅 zh• HSK6
2370 㱣⬱ zhì'•n law and order; public security HSK6
2371 ῤ䎕 zhíb•n to work a shift; on duty HSK6
2372 ㊯㞯 zh#bi•o norm; index; target HSK6
live broadcast (not recorded); direct
2373 䚜㑕 zhíbò HSK6
internet broadcasting
to punish; punishment; sanctions (incl.
2374 ⇞塩 zhìcái HSK6
2375 㓗㐹 zh"ch•ng to prop up; to support; strut; brace HSK6
2376 㓗↢ zh•ch! to spend; to pay out; expense HSK6
to express in words or writing; to make a
speech (esp. short introduction, vote of
2377 农彆 zhìcí HSK6
thanks, afterword, funeral homily etc); to
address (an audience); same as 农娆|农孵
2378 ⇞孊 zhìdìng to work out; to formulate HSK6
to appoint; to assign; to indicate clearly
2379 ㊯⭂ zh•dìng HSK6
and with certainty; designated
2380 傪偒 zh•fáng body fat HSK6
to subdue; to check; to bring under control;
(in former times) what one is allowed to
2381 ⇞㚵 zhìfú wear depending on social status; uniform HSK6
(army, party, school etc); livery (for
company employees); CL:⣿[tao4]
2382 ㊯䓚 zh•ji• fingernail HSK6
2383 䞍奱 zh jué perception; consciousness HSK6
2384 㘢≃ zhìlì intelligence; intellect HSK6
to govern; to administer; to manage; to
2385 㱣䎮 zhìl• HSK6
2386 ㊯Ẍ zh•lìng order; command; instruction HSK6
2387 㺆䔁 zhìliú to detain; retention HSK6
2388 㓗㳩 zh•liú tributary (river) HSK6
2389 㬾㮹⛘ zhímíndì colony HSK6
2390 ㊯⋿搰 zh nánzh!n compass HSK6
2391 俴傥 zhínéng function; role HSK6
intelligent; able; smart (phone, system,
2392 㘢傥 zhìnéng HSK6
bomb etc)
2393 㓗惵 zh•pèi to dominate; to allocate HSK6
2394 ⽿㮼 zhìqì ambition; resolve; backbone; drive; spirit HSK6
2395 㘢⓮ zhìsh"ng IQ (intelligence quotient) HSK6
2396 农ἧ zhìsh to cause; to result in HSK6
to point out; to indicate; to instruct;
2397 ㊯䣢 zh shì HSK6
directives; instructions; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
2398 ㊯㛃 zh•wàng to hope for sth; to count on; hope HSK6
2399 俴ỵ zhíwèi post; office; position HSK6
botanical; plant; vegetation;
2400 㢵䈑 zhíwù HSK6
2401 俴≉ zhíwù post; position; job; duties HSK6
2402 㓗㎜ zh•yuán to provide assistance; to support; to back HSK6
2403 ⇞乎 zhìyu• to restrict; condition HSK6
2404 ㊯峋 zh"zé to criticize; to find fault with; to denounce HSK6
to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check;
2405 ⇞㬊 zhìzh" HSK6
to limit
2406 㓗㞙 zh!zhù mainstay; pillar; prop; backbone HSK6
2407 䞍嵛᷸ⷠ satisfied with what one has (idiom) HSK6
cháng lè
2408 ⾈宂 devoted; fidelity; loyal; loyalty HSK6
the end; end point; finishing line (in a
2409 买䁡 zh•ngdi$n HSK6
race); destination; terminus; CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4]
2410 ᷕ㕕 zh•ngduàn
to cut short; to break off; to discontinue HSK6
2411 买䨞 zh•ngjiù
in the end; after all is said and done HSK6
2412 ᷕ䩳 zh•nglì
neutral HSK6
2413 偧䗌 zh ngliú
tumor HSK6
entire year; throughout the year; age at
2414 买⸜ zh•ngnián HSK6
2415 买幓 zh•ngsh!n lifelong; all one's life; marriage HSK6
2416 ⾈⭆ zh•ngshí faithful HSK6
zhòngsu zh
2417 ế㇨␐䞍 as everyone knows (idiom) HSK6
2418 慵⽫ zhòngx"n center of gravity; central core; main part HSK6
2419 堟⽫ zh•ngx•n heartfelt; wholehearted; cordial HSK6
central; middle; center; central authorities
2420 ᷕ⣖ zh•ngy•ng HSK6
(of a state)
2421 买㬊 zh•ngzh! to stop; to terminate (law) HSK6
2422 䥵⫸ zh"ngzi seed; CL:柮|栿[ke1],䰺[li4] HSK6
2423 䥵㕷 zh•ngzú race; ethnicity HSK6
prefecture; state (e.g. of US); province
2424 ⶆ zh•u HSK6
(old); administrative division (old)
2425 䱍 zh•u porridge (of rice or millet) HSK6
2426 凇 zh•u boat HSK6
2427 ␐彡 zh•ubi•n periphery; rim HSK6
2428 ␐⭮ zh•umì careful; thorough HSK6
2429 ␐⸜ zh•unián anniversary; annual HSK6
2430 ␐㛇 zh•uqí period; cycle HSK6
2431 䙙乡 zhòuwén wrinkle; CL:忻[dao4] HSK6
day and night; period of 24 hours;
2432 㗤⣄ zhòuyè HSK6
continuously, without stop
complication; twists and turns; problem;
2433 ␐㉀ zh•uzhé HSK6
turnover (in cash or personnel); to have
2434 ␐弔 zh•uzhu$n HSK6
enough resources to cover a need
2435 ㉬ zh! to lean on; to prop on HSK6
tree trunk; stump (tree root); a plant;
2436 㟒 zh% classifier for trees or plants; to involve HSK6
others (in shady business)
2437 ㊥ zhuai to drag; to haul HSK6
2438 䞾䒎 zhu#n$w tiles and bricks HSK6
2439 ᶻ攧 zhu#ncháng specialty; special knowledge or ability HSK6
2440 ᶻ䦳 zhu#nchéng special-purpose trip HSK6
2441 弔彦 zhu ndá to pass on; to convey; to communicate HSK6
2442 塭⢯ zhu#ngbèi equipment; to equip; to outfit HSK6
2443 ⢖奪 spectacular; magnificent sight HSK6
magnificence; magnificent; majestic;
2444 ⢖ᷥ zhuànglì HSK6
2445 ⢖䁰 zhuàngliè brave; heroic HSK6
to load or unload; to transfer; to assemble
2446 塭⌠ zhu#ngxiè HSK6
and disassemble
2447 ⸬᷍ zhu#ngyán stately HSK6
2448 ⸬慵 grave; solemn; dignified HSK6
2449 Ỉ存 zhuànjì biography; CL:䭯[pian1],悐[bu4] HSK6
specialized subject; branch (of medicine);
2450 ᶻ䥹 zhu•nk• HSK6
specialized training school
2451 ᶻ⇑ zhu•nlì patent HSK6
transfer (technology, goods etc);
2452 弔孑 zhu&nràng HSK6
conveyancing (property)
2453 ᶻ桀 zhu•ntí special topic HSK6
to shift; to divert or distract (attention etc);
2454 弔䦣 zhu&nyí to change; to transform; metastasis HSK6
shift in the trend of events; plot shift in a
2455 弔㉀ zhu&nzhé HSK6
book; twists and turns
to organize; to host (a conference or sports
2456 ᷣ≆ zh!bàn HSK6
2457 ᷣ⮤ zh!d o to lead; to manage HSK6
2458 ᷣ䭉 zh!gu n in charge; responsible for HSK6
2459 徥つ zhu•dào mourning; memorial (service etc) HSK6
2460 徥䨞 zhu•jiù investigate; look into HSK6
2461 ≑䎮 zhùl# assistant HSK6
main stream (of a river); fig. the essential
2462 ᷣ㳩 zh!liú HSK6
point; main viewpoint of a matter
year after year; with each passing year;
2463 徸⸜ zhúnián HSK6
over the years
2464 Ⅾ⇁ zh!nzé norm; standard; criterion HSK6
to carve and polish (jade); to polish and
2465 䏊䢐 zhuómó HSK6
refine a literary work
to put one's hand to it; to start out on a
2466 䛨ㇳ zhuósh•u HSK6
task; to set out
to give thought (to others); to consider
2467 䛨゛ zhuóxi ng HSK6
(other people's needs)
distinction; excellence; outstanding;
2468 ⋻崲 zhuóyuè HSK6
surpassing; distinguished; splendid
2469 䛨慵 zhuózhòng put emphasis on; to stress; to emphasize HSK6
2470 ᷣ㛫 zh!quán sovereignty HSK6
2471 㲐⮬ zhùshè injection; to inject HSK6
2472 㲐奮 zhùshì to watch attentively; to gaze HSK6
marginal notes; annotation; to annotate; to
2473 㲐慲 zhùshì HSK6
add comments to text
2474 ≑ㇳ zhùsh•u assistant; helper HSK6
2475 ᷣ桀 zh!tí theme; subject HSK6
(pron) everyone; Ladies and Gentlemen;
2476 宠ỵ zh•wèi HSK6
2477 撠忈 zhùzào to cast (pour metal into a mold) HSK6
2478 樣ㇶ zhùzhá to station; to garrison (troops) HSK6
2479 ỷ⬭ zhùzhái residence; tenement HSK6
2480 㲐慵 zhùzhòng to pay attention to; to emphasize HSK6
to write; literary work; book; article;
2481 叿ἄ zhùzuò HSK6
writings; CL:悐[bu4]
senior (in terms of depth of accumulated
2482 峬㶙 z• sh•n HSK6
experience); deeply qualified
2483 冒⋹ zìb•i feeling inferior; self-abased HSK6
2484 峬㛔 z•b!n capital (as in capitalism) HSK6
2485 峬ṏ z•ch•n property; assets HSK6
2486 ⫸⻡ z#dàn bullet; CL:䰺[li4],柮|栿[ke1],䘤|⍹[fa1] HSK6
2487 冒⍹ zìf• spontaneous HSK6
zìlìg•ngsh• regeneration through one's own effort
2488 冒≃㚜䓇 HSK6
ng (idiom); self-reliance
2489 冒㺉 zìm&n complacent; self-satisfied HSK6
2490 ⫿㭵 zìm! letter (of the alphabet); CL:ᾳ|᷒[ge4] HSK6
2491 ⦧⾩ z•tài attitude; posture; stance HSK6
2492 㹳␛ z•wèi taste; flavor; feeling HSK6
to grow (usually of abstract things); to
2493 㹳攧 z•zh&ng HSK6
yield; to develop
2494 冒ᷣ zìzh! to act for oneself; autonomous HSK6
to subsidize; to provide financial aid;
2495 峬≑ z•zhù HSK6
2496 ⿣侴妨ᷳ in short; in a word; in brief HSK6
2497 ⿣␴ z"nghé sum HSK6
lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically
and horizontal; length and breadth; criss-
crossed; able to move unhindered; abbr. for
2498 九㧒 zònghéng HSK6
⎰䷙忋㨓|⎰九徆㧒[He2 zong4 Lian2
heng2], School of Diplomacy during the
Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC)
2499 巒御 z•ngj• tracks; trail; footprint; trace; vestige HSK6
2500 㡽刚 z•ngsè brown HSK6
2501 ⬿㖐 z•ngzh" objective; aim; goal HSK6
2502 ㍵ zòu to beat up; to break to pieces HSK6

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