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ba (modal particle indicating polite suggestion); ...right?; ...OK? IHSK2 white; snowy; pure; bright; empty; Iblank; plain; clear; to make clear; in vain; gratuitous; free of charge; reactionary; anti-communist; funeral; to stare coldly; to write wrong character; to state; to explain; vernacular; spoken lines in opera; surname Bai bai lhundred; numerous; all kinds of, surname Bai IHSK2 bangzhi assistance; aid; to help; to assist |HSK2_ baozhi newspaper; newsprint; CL:(5}[fen4], #Al gil) 54 [zhang 1] |HSK2 bi (particle used for comparison and "-er than"); to compare; to contrast; to gesture (with hands); ratio |HSK2 ito leave; to depart; to separate; to distinguish; to classify; other; another; do not; must not; to pin IHSK2 UE ito sing a son; |HSK2 ito go out; to come out; to occur; to produce; to go beyond; to rise; to put forth; to happen; classifier for dramas, plays, operas ete |HSK2 chuan, a boat; vessel; ship; CL:8| 4 [tiao2) $B [soul], [51 [zhil] IHSK2 chuan: ito bore through; pierce; perforate; penetrate; pass through; to dress; to wear; to put on; to thread HSK2 ci Inext in sequence; second; the second (day, time ete); secondary; vice-; sub-; infra-; inferior quality; substandard; order; sequence; hypo- (chemistry); classifier for enumerated events: time HSK2 from; via; passing through; through (a zap); past; ever (followed by negative, meaning never); (formerly pr. zong4 land related to #t|/\) to follow; to comply with; to obe: Wy 06 13 eon engage in; adopting some mode of ae action or attitude; follower; retainer; accessory; accomplice; related by common paternal grandfather or earlier ancestor; surname Cong . . mistake; error; blunder; fault; cross; 14 [fi cue luneven; wrong; CL {ill Mge4] FASK2 15 [RR |aajia authority: everyone HSK2 16 [Giz _[danshi but; how. HSK2 7 bey tio to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; Pprgsey to arrive structural particle: used after a verb (or ss . adjective as main verb), linking it to eye fle following phrase indicating effect, HSK2 degree, possibility ete lass; rank; grade; equal to; same as; to lwait for; to await; et cetera; and so on; 5 Is : : ; ; 5 9 fe dng etal. (and other authors); after; as soon HSK? as; once 20 di yt first; number one HSK2 . lyounger brother; 21 di . fii CL:ff5) Need] fir[weid] PES 22 ding fo understand; to know HSK2 couple; pair; to be opposite; to oppose; 3 at to face; versus; for; to; correct eae (answer); to answer; to reply; to direct (towards sth); right 24_[S__|fingjian room; CL-eil=ifianl] [HSK > we deers junusual; extraordinary; extreme; very; 25 EN |feichang excepticnel HSK2 26 |ikS i | fawdyuan IHSK2 _ Ihigh; tall; above average; loud; your 27 be 2 e y a7 | Ba0 (honorific); surname Gao ee 28 [air to tell; to inform; to let know HSK2 29 [EPS older brother; CL:fs Med]. firlweid] [HSK2 to; for; for the benefit of; to give; to gai allow; to do sth (for sb); (passive HHSK2 particle) SSF [gongging qiché|bus, CL-¥i]filliang4] St [bant] [HSK2 Fe _|gongiin kilogram (kg) [HSK2 In — (business) company; company; firm; . ones corporation; incorporated; CL:3¢{jial] ]ASK2 st gui expensive; noble; your (name); precious |HSK2 (experienced action marker); to cross; vue to go over; to pass (time); to celebrate eve (a holiday); to live; to get along; HISK2 excessively; too-; surname Guo still; still in progress; still mo nai even more; in addition; fairly; passably |HSK2 (good); as early as; even; also; else dizi child [HSK2 hao day of a month; (Suffix used after) — name of a ship; (ordinal) number hao chi tasty; delicious HSK2 black; dark; abbr. for Heilongjiang hei “ABEST|MULIL province in northeast }HSK2 China hong bonus; popular; red; revolutionary [HSK2 huanying to welcome; welcome [HSK2 ae to reply; to answer; the answer; nui cL eed] HHSK2 ian item; component; classifier for events, HSK2 things, clothes etc jidoshi classroom; CL:fei|/=J[jianl] [HSK2 airport; airfield; ljichang iia | fchud] HHSK2 ey (chicken) egg; hen's egg; idan CL fii Yee4].fT1da2] eke jigiié older sister; CL:{fél/Mge4] IHSK2 to present; to introduce; to recommend; HSK2 Ito suggest; to let know; to brief jin Inear; close to; approximately JHSK2 51 jin ito advance; to enter; to come (or go) into; to receive or admit; to eat or drink; to submit or present; (used after a verb) into, in; to score a goal HSK2 52 ji lat once; right away; only; just (emphasis); as early as; already; as soon as; then; in that case; as many as; leven if; to approach; to move towards: ito undertake; to engage in; to suffer; subjected to; to accomplish; to take advantage of; to go with (of foods); with regard to; concerning IHSK2 Ties |HSK2 Hines kafei |HSK2_ ps6 kaishi {to begin; beginning; to start; initial; CL: (isi|/Mge4] IHSK2 Hit kaoshi exam; |HSK2_ ke subject; cours lesson; CL: ftang2), i)fifjie2],/ Tmen2] |HSK2 kénéng might (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability; maybe: pethaps; CL:{/Nge4] IHSK2 key can; may; possible; able to |HSK2_ uai rapid; quick; speed; rate; soon; almost; to make haste; clever; sharp (of knives or wits); forthright; plain-spoken; gratified; pleased; pleasant HSK2 61 kuailé happy; merry |HSK2_ 62 tired; weary; to strain; to wear out; to work hard IHSK2 63 ito leave; to part from; to be away from; (in giving distances) from; without (sth); independent of; one of the eight trigrams of the Book of Changes representing fire (old) |HSK2 both; two; ounce; some; a few; tael; weight equal to 50 grams IHSK2 road; path; way; CL:(”|&[tiao2] |HSK2_ trip; journey; tourism; travel; tour, |HSK2 to sell; to betray; to spare no effort; to show off or flaunt IHSK2 68 [ie man slow [HSK2 69 [it mang busy; hurriedly [HSK 70 méi leach; every [HSK2 . lyounger sister; fig. younger woman TL Po fmeime (esp. git! friend or rival); CL{|-Mged] | 2S? gate; door; CL:.ii[shan4]; gateway; doorway; CL:{fil//Nge4]; opening; valve; switch; way to do something; knack; family; house; (religious) sect; nm | mén school (of thought); class; category; |HSK2 phylum or division (taxonomy) classifier for large guns; classifier for | subjects, branches of technology B ndnrén ja man; a male; men ayMeec4] _|HSK2 74 in fyou (polite, as opposed to informal age f[ni3}) 75-5 |niunai Wilping2].fe[beil] _ [HSK2 76 [eK Iniirén woman, HSK2 77 | pangbian lateral; side; to the side; beside IHSK2. 78_ [Hi [paoba to walk quickly; to march; to run [HSK2 - a small advantages; to let sb off lightly; 79 [GEE _pidnys cheap: inexpensive ae ticket; ballot; bank note; CL:3|#& [zhang]; person held for 80 pido ransom; amateur performance of HHSK2 Chinese opera; classifier for shipments and business transactions (topolect) 81 gian thousand [HSK2 82 gichuang to get up HSK2 83 ging clear; fine (weather) [HSK2 84 gizi wife; CL:{él/ Mge4] IHSK2. 85 ginian last year [HSK2 . 5 to yield; to permit; to let sb do sth; to so rang. have sb do sth Se sae to go to work; to be on duty; to start 87 | E5E___|shangban work; to go to the office [2 88 [Eis _|shengbing [to fall ill; to sicken [HSK2 89 [EA |shengri birthday; CL:fal/[ge4] [HSK2 90 [ee _[shenti (human) body; health; CL-{/Nee4] [HSK2 a [ital [shijian lime; period; CL:f2[duan4] HSK2 7 - affair; matter; thing; business; 9: A s] g - 2 pe shiging CL:(-[jian4 | $6] [zhuang1] HSK? . jwrist watch; 93 S shoubia ts , I 5 PFE fspoubilo Yc get uais) 22h] 8 ees] ASS? ou Ie 7 cell phone; cellular phone; mobile 94 [FHL [shoul [bu] HSK2 ; to carry; to give (asa 95 song present); to present (with); to see off; to [HSK2 send 96 |b _[suoyt therefore; as a result; so SK2 7 |e ta it |HSK2_ opie; problem for diseu: , . question; subject; to ins 9 ii 8 fe ‘ mention; surname Ti; SE CL:{f&i|/Mge4] 38 [dao4] 99 [BEE [tizowa fo danc HSK2 100_[¥k wai loutside; in addition; foreign; external _ [HSK2 lo be van [0 finish; to be over; whole; complete; [prgae entire hoy d for amusement; curio or _ . antique (Taiwan pr. wan4); to play; to 2 bt é an Pre ‘ 102 Px wan nave fan; to trifle with; to keep sth for |#SK? entertainment 103 [RE Wwénshang. in the evening; CL:(f/“‘[ge4] IHSK2_ 104 Ps shéme | why?; for what reason? HSK2 105_ [ial wen to ask HSK2 i i question; problem; issue; topic; 106 filet |wanti ues HSK2 ae Lif Mee] 107_ [6 xi to wash; to bathe [HSK2 direction; orientation; to f to tum os toward; to; towards; shortly before; ptang, formerly; to side with; to be partial to; ASK? all along (previously); surname Xiang 109 [= hide laugh; smile; CL/Meed] HSK2 110 [Nat xidoshi hour; CL:{él/Mge4] IHSK2 Ti [pay Pigua watermelon; CL:(|[tiao2] HSK2 12 [i xin Inew; newly; meso- (chemistry) IHSK2 13 be sing family name; surname; name; ee CL fis) Mge4] 114 [RE [xox rest; to rest HSK2 S a to wish for; to desire; hope we ang 5 us [7% — |xiwang cL Need] HSK2 snow; snowfall; CL} [chang2]; to 116 | ue Ihave the appearance of snow; to wipe |HSK2 away, off or out; to clean 17 yangrou mutton HSK2 118 lyanjing eye; CLS] [chil], @polfshuangl] — |HSK2 119 lyansé color; CL: Mge4] JHSK2_ 120 yao HSK2 121 yao HSK D2 ve also; too; (in classical Chinese) final frre particle serving as copula 123 yvijing already MSK2 overcast (weather); cloudy; shady; Yin , . (the negative principle of Yin and 14H yn Yang); negative (electric.); feminine; | #95 moon; implicit; hidden: genitalia vinwei because; owing to; on account of THSK2 vo in the same place; together; with; yi altogether (in total) eee 7 idea; opinion; meaning; wish; desire; 127 [BR visi 5 ALoed a |HSK2 y CLii// eed] 128 [Gy _[youbian right side; right, to the right HSK2 129 [ieok lyouyéng, swim IHSK2_ Bo [fi va fish; CLifk[e[tiao2], FZ [wei3] HSK2 Chinese monetary unit; dollar; primary; iat [ic yuan first; the Yuan or Mongol dynasty HSK2 (1279-1368); surname Yuan 132 [se yuan far; distant; remote HSK2 nae movement; campaign; CL: pyunding s$4)3%[chang3]; sports HASK2 . again; once more; re-; second; another; 4 [ie zat then (after sth, and not until then) a 135 Te fesosnane early morning; CL:fal/N[ge4l: Good [pray morning! 136 |K zh’ing length; long; forever; always; constantly|HSK2 to open up; to spread; sheet of paper; 137 [ak zhang classifier for flat objects, sheet; IHSK2 classifier for votes 138 [te zhangfa husband; CL:fal Nee4] HSK2 {to try to find; to look for; to call on sb; 139 |#¥ zhao ito find; to seek; to return; to give |HSK2 change 140 | Ber [particle attached after verb to indicate HSK2 faction in progress, like -ing ending 141 [= hen really; truly; indeed; real; true; genuine [HSK2 ; os in the process of (doing something or 142 [IEE —_[ehéngzai happening); while (doing) Rr 143 AG zhidao to know; to be aware of |HSK2_ 144 [ee [zhiinbai preparation; prepare HSK2 145 |S¢2e _|zixingché bicycle; bike; CL:fi/Ailliang4] THSK2 to walk; to go; to run; to move (of vehicle); to visit; to leave; to go away; 146 | zou to die (euph.); from; through; away (in |HSK2 compound verbs, such as jAjzt:); to change (shape, form, meaning) 147 [Fe Zui Imost; the most; -est |HSK2 148 |e zudbian left; the left side; to the left of |HSK2

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