A.I School Project Topic-2

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Artificial intelligence


Topic - 2 Neural Network

Subtopic-1 what is “Neural Network”

Neural network :- A Neural Networks is a
combination of algorithms to recognize

underlying relationships in a set of data which is

like a process that mimics the way the human
brain operates.
• Neural Networks reflect the behavior of the
human brain.
• Allowing computer programs to recognize
patterns and solve common problems in the
fields of Al, machine learning, and deep learning.
• Neural Networks(NN) is also known as Artificial
neural networks(ANN).
• Neural Networks is inspired by human brain.
Subtopic-2 “Why are neural networks important”.
Neural networks can help computers make
intelligent decisions with limited human
assistance.This is because they can learn and
model the relationships between input and
output data that are nonlinear and complex.
Make generalizations and inferences

Neural networks can comprehend unstructured

data and make general observations without
explicit training. For instance, they can recognize
that two different input sentences have a similar
• Can you tell me how to make the payment?
• How do I transfer money?
A neural network would know that both
sentences mean the same thing. Or it would be
able to broadly recognize that Baxter Road is a
place, but Baxter Smith is a person's name.
Subtopic-3 “Applications of neural networks”
Some of the applications of neural networks are :-
• Speech recognition.
• Character recognition.
• Spell checking.

● Speech recognition:- Speech recognition has

many applications such as virtual assistance,

hands-free computing and video games ,etc

neural networks is used widely in this areas.
● Character recognition :- In this Application of
Al is also a use of neural networks in character
recognition, where this technology is used to
recognize a character with the help of this
application of Al.
● Spell checking :- Personalized Spell Checking
using Neural Networks a new system for
detecting misspelled words was proposed.
this system corrects the mistakes made by
typist .
Subtopic- 4 “Features of Neural Networks” (NN)
These are some common features of neural
• Neural Networks(NN) system are modelled on
the functioning of human brain.
• They are able to automatically extract features
without input from the programmer.

• Every neural network is essentially a machine

learning algorithm.
• It is useful when solving problems for which the
data set is very large.
Subtopic-5 “what is A.I modeling”
● Following data collection and data
preparation, the third phase in the data
pipeline involves the creation of intelligent
machine learning models to support
advanced analytics. These models use various
types of algorithms, such as linear or logistic
regression, to recognize patterns in the data
and draw conclusions in a manner that
emulates human expertise. Simply put, Al
modeling is the creation of a decision-making
process that follows three basic steps:-

● Modeling :- The first step is to create an Al

model, which uses a complex algorithm or
layers of algorithms that interpret data and

make decisions based on that data. A

successful Al model can act as a surrogate for
human expertise in any given use case.

● A.I model training :- The second step is to

train the Al model. Most often, training
involves processing large amounts of data
through the Al model in iterative test loops
and checking the results to ensure accuracy,
and that the model is behaving as expected
and desired.Engineers are on hand during this
process to modify and improve the Al model
as it learns.

● Inference:- The third step is known as

inference. This step refers to the deployment
of the Al model into its real-world use case,
where the Al model routinely infers logical
conclusions based on available data.

Subtopic-6 “what is human nerve system?”

It is the controlling and regulating center of our

body.The nervous system transmits signals
between the brain and the rest of the body,
including internal organs.It is made up of
neurons. Neurons are the specialized cells that
can detect the stimulus and change in the
environment.the nervous system's activity
controls the ability to move, breathe, see, think,
and more.The nervous system classified into the
central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral
nervous system (PNS).The basic unit of the
nervous system is a nerve cell, or neuron.
Subtopic-7 “working of neural networks”

The human brain is the inspiration behind neural

network architecture. Human brain cells, called
neurons, form a complex, highly interconnected
network and send electrical signals to each other

to help humans process information. Similarly, an

artificial neural network is made of artificial
neurons that work together to solve a problem.
Artificial neurons are software modules, called
nodes, and artificial neural networks are software
programs or algorithms that, at their core, use
computing systems to solve mathematical
Simple neural network architecture:- A basic
neural network has interconnected artificial
neurons in three layers:-

Input layer :- Information from the outside world

enters the artificial neural network from the input
layer. Input nodes process the data, analyze or
categorize it, and pass it on to the next layer.

Hidden layer :- Hidden layers take their input from

the input layer or other hidden layers. Artificial
neural networks can have a large number of
hidden layers. Each hidden layer analyzes the

output from the previous layer, processes it

further, and passes it on to the next layer.

Output layer :- The output layer gives the final

result of all the data processing by the artificial
neural network. It can have single or multiple
nodes. For instance, if we have a binary (yes/no)
classification problem, the output layer will have
one output node, which will give the result as 1 or
0. However, if we have a multi-class classification
problem, the output layer might consist of more
than one output node.

Subtopic-8 “what is (ANN)”.

1.ANN:- Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a type

of neural network that is based on a
Feed-Forward strategy. It is called this
because they pass information through the

nodes continuously till it reaches the output

This is also known as the simplest type of
neural network.

Some advantages of ANN :-

• Ability to learn irrespective of the type of data
(Linear or Non-Linear).
• ANN is highly volatile and serves best in financial
time series forecasting.

Some disadvantages of ANN :-

• The simplest architecture makes it difficult to
explain the behavior of the network.
• This network is dependent on hardware.

Subtopic-9 “what is BNN”.


2. BNN :- Biological Neural Network (BNN) is a

structure that consists of Synapse, dendrites,
cell body, and axon. In this neural network,
the processing is carried out by neurons.
Dendrites receive signals from other
neurons,Some sums all the incoming signals
and axon transmits the signals to other cells.
Some advantages of BNN :-
• The synapses are the input processing element.
• It is able to process highly complex parallel
Some disadvantages of BNN :-
• There is no controlling mechanism.
• Speed of processing is slow being it is complex.

Subtopic-10 “Difference between ANN and BNN”.

Difference b/w ANN and BNN :-


Biological Neural Networks (BNNs) and Artificial

Neural Networks (ANNs) are both composed of
similar basic components, but there are some
differences between them.

Neurons:- In both BNNs and ANNs, neurons are

the basic building blocks that process and
transmit information. However, BNN neurons are
more complex and diverse than ANNs. In BNNs,
neurons have multiple dendrites that receive
input from multiple sources, and the axons
transmit signals to other neurons, while in ANNs,
neurons are simplified and usually only have a
single output.

Synapses:- In both BNNs and ANNs, synapses are

the points of connection between neurons, where
information is transmitted. However, in ANNs, the
connections between neurons are usually fixed,
and the strength of the connections is determined
by a set of weights, while in BNNs, the

connections between neurons are more flexible,

and the strength of the connections can be
modified by a variety of factors, including learning
and experience.

Neural Pathways:- In both BNNs and ANNs, neural

pathways are the connections between neurons
that allow information to be transmitted
throughout the network.
However, in BNNs, neural pathways are highly
complex and diverse, and the connections
between neurons can be modified by experience
and learning. In ANNs, neural pathways are
usually simpler and predetermined by the
architecture of the network.

Subtopic-11 “Types of neural networks”.

Types of neural networks models are listed


The nine types of neural networks are:-

• Perceptron
• Feed Forward Neural Network
• Multilayer Perceptron
• Convolutional Neural Network
• Radial Basis Functional Neural Network
• Recurrent Neural Network
• LSTM - Long Short-Term Memory
• Sequence to Sequence Models
• Modular Neural Network

Subtopic-12 “Neural networks in everyday life”.

Social media :- The people who are in the social

media platforms such as facebook and instagram,
people connect themselves with other peoples

and make friends online in which people upload

their photos or selfies shows to other people, we
can also see who else are in their photo and show
them their profile names automatically when
clicked on the image.

Online shopping :- We all know, whenever we are

shopping for one thing we end up buying a lot
and this happens to all of us most of the time so
the technology behind this is recommendations
and what we search for.

● Recommendations :- Amazon shows you

recommendations depending on the
behaviour of the individual interests, Amazon
makes use of Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)
to train its algorithms to learn the pattern and
behaviour of its users. that is why amazon
have such a good services and make sure to
improve their quality.

● Search :- Your amazon searches are also use

neural network and your amazon return a list
of the most relevant products related to your
search, It uses past patterns and adapts to
what is important for the customer in

Online Banking:- Online banking has become one

of the most common use in everyday daily life,
neural networks is used , where you write a
cheque you write with your own handwriting and
then it is converted into text with the help of
neural networks.

Voice-to-text:- The voice to text is now a days is

very helpful and it is one of the common features
on smartphones, in this Technology there is a
hand of neural networks.

Smart Personal Assistant :- It is one of more

common features of voice to text technology, this
technology made this new invention of smart
personal assistant which is similar as real life
personal assistant.
Example:- Siri,alexa and google are some of the
example of smart personal assistants.

Subtopic-13 “History of Neural Networks (NN)”.

● The first step towards neural networks took

place in 1943 ,Neural Network was introduced
by Warren McCullough and Walter Pitts in
1944 at the university of Chicago.
● Warren McCullough was a Brain researcher,
neurophysiologist who was one of the
discover and researcher of neural networks
with collaboration with walter pitt who
worked as a logician in the field of
computational neuroscience.

Topic-2 completed ……..

Thank you !!! 🙏


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