Science Educational Activity at The

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Science Educational

Activity at the
Water Treatment Plant
at Sulaibiya
Key Findings:

 Established: 2004 - The Sulaibiya

Water Treatment Plant has been a key
player in Kuwait's water infrastructure
since its inauguration in 2004. This
longevity speaks to the effectiveness of the plant's design and its importance in
managing wastewater.
 Dual-Site System: The treatment process is divided between two facilities:
o Sulaibiya: This is the main treatment plant where the majority of the
cleaning processes occur.
o Ardiya: This pre-treatment facility acts as the first line of defense,
removing large debris like wood and cardboard to prevent them from
overwhelming the main treatment processes at Sulaibiya.
 High Treatment Capacity: The plant is designed to handle a significant
volume of wastewater, treating up to 6 million liters of sewage daily. This
capacity highlights the plant's role in serving a large population or a vast
geographical area.
 Pre-treatment Focuses on Physical Removal: The initial treatment stage at
Ardiya utilizes a physical process to remove large objects that could clog or
damage equipment at the main treatment facility. This pre-screening step
ensures a smoother and more efficient treatment process downstream.

Treatment Process Breakdown:

1. Screening (Physical Removal):

 This initial stage acts as a sieve, utilizing metal screens with varying bar
spacing to capture large and coarse debris like rags, wood, and plastics.
 Removing these objects prevents them from damaging delicate equipment
further down the treatment process and helps maintain efficient flow.
2. Buffer Tank (Flow Management):
 The pre-treated wastewater from Ardiya arrives at the buffer tank at Sulaibiya.
 This tank acts as a holding reservoir, balancing out any fluctuations in the
incoming flow.
 A consistent flow is crucial for optimal performance of the subsequent
treatment stages. The buffer tank ensures that each treatment step receives a
steady volume of wastewater for effective processing.
3. Pumping (Transfer to Main Treatment):
 Powerful pumps transfer the pre-treated wastewater from the buffer tank to the
heart of the treatment process – the aeration tanks located at Sulaibiya.
4. Coagulation (Biological Treatment):
 Coagulation is a biological process that clumps together suspended particles
and organic matter still present in the wastewater.
 At Sulaibiya, activated starch is used as a coagulant.
 As the wastewater mixes with the starch, it creates flocs (clumps) that trap
these unwanted materials.
 These flocs become heavier and settle out for easier removal in the next stage.
5. Aeration Tank (Biological and Chemical Treatment):
 The aeration tank is the workhorse of the treatment process. Here, a
combination of biological and chemical processes takes place to remove
organic matter and nutrients.
 The tank is filled with wastewater and kept well-aerated by constantly pumping
in air.
 This aeration process encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria that feed on
the organic materials present in the wastewater, breaking them down into
simpler compounds.
 The aeration tank is often divided into zones with varying oxygen levels:
o Anaerobic Zone: In the absence of oxygen, specific bacteria convert
nitrates (NO3-) into nitrites (NO2-).
o Anoxic Zone: Here, other bacteria utilize the nitrites and convert them
into harmless nitrogen gas (N2) – a process called denitrification. This
step is crucial for preventing excess nitrogen from contaminating the
treated water.

6. Brine Solution (Waste Management):

 A by-product of the reverse osmosis (RO) process used in some advanced
treatment plants (potentially present at Sulaibiya) is a concentrated brine
 This brine contains high levels of salts and other dissolved minerals that were
removed from the wastewater.
 The report mentions that the brine solution from Sulaibiya is sold to the Kuwait
Oil Company (KOC) for further use. The specific application of the brine by
KOC is not mentioned in the report, but potential uses include industrial
processes or oil well injection.

Water Quality Observation and Conclusion:

Lab Analysis Results:

The lab analysis provided a valuable insight into the effectiveness of the various
treatment stages at the Sulaibiya Water Treatment Plant. Four distinct water samples
were identified:

 Influent (Raw Sewage): This initial sample represents the untreated

wastewater entering the plant. It is described as translucent with a high content
of organic material, highlighting the necessity of the treatment process.
 Brine: This yellowish, concentrated solution is a by-product of the treatment
process, potentially generated during reverse osmosis (if employed at the
plant). The presence of high salt and mineral content makes it unsuitable for
human consumption or direct environmental discharge. The report indicates a
resourceful approach by selling the brine solution to KOC for further industrial
 DFL Inlet: This sample represents treated wastewater that has undergone some
level of treatment but is not yet considered potable. The "cleaner" description
suggests a significant reduction in organic matter and impurities compared to
the influent. However, further treatment might be necessary before it meets
drinking water standards.
 Effluent: This final sample signifies the treated and polished water exiting the
plant. Described as "clean," it represents the successful outcome of the
treatment process. This high-quality effluent is suitable for domestic purposes,
potentially used for irrigation, landscaping, or reintroduced into the
environment after further disinfection (depending on local regulations).


The educational trip to the Sulaibiya Water Treatment Plant offered a valuable
opportunity to understand the intricate processes involved in transforming wastewater
into clean water. The multi-stage treatment approach, encompassing physical removal,
biological processes, and potentially chemical treatment (aeration), effectively
removes impurities and organic matter, resulting in clean water suitable for domestic
use. The responsible management of the brine solution as a by-product further
demonstrates the plant's commitment to sustainable practices.

Overall, the Sulaibiya Water Treatment Plant plays a crucial role in safeguarding
public health and environmental well-being by treating wastewater to a high standard.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Ms. Pritty Markose Ma’am for
accompanying us on this trip and for her patience and guidance throughout the visit.
Her insights and explanations were invaluable in helping us understand the complex
water treatment process.

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