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CIP 5—Plastic Shrinkage Cracking

WHAT is Plastic Shrinkage Cracking

Plastic shrinkage cracks appear in the surface of fresh
concrete soon after it is placed and while it is still
plastic. These cracks appear mostly on horizontal
surfaces. They are usually parallel to each other on
the order of 1 to 3 feet apart, relatively shallow, and
generally do not intersect the perimeter of the slab.
Plastic shrinkage cracking is more likely to occur
when high evaporation rates cause the concrete
surface to dry out before it has set.
Plastic shrinkage cracks are unsightly but rarely P Shkg Ck
impair the strength of concrete floors and pavements. Conditions that cause high evaporation rates from
These cracks, however, can permit the ingress of the concrete surface, and thereby increase the
other aggressive chemicals that impact durability and possibility of plastic shrinkage cracking, include:
as weak points for the initiation of later age cracking
• Wind velocity in excess of 5 mph
due to other reasons. The development of these cracks
can be minimized if appropriate measures are taken • Low relative humidity
prior to and during placing and finishing concrete. • High ambient and/or concrete temperatures
Note: Plastic shrinkage cracks should be distinguished from other Small changes in any one of these factors can
early or pre-hardening cracks caused by settlement of the
concrete around reinforcing bars, formwork movement, early age change the rate of evaporation of water from the
thermal cracking, or differential settlement at a change from a concrete surface. ACI 305R provides a chart to
thin to a deep section of concrete. estimate the rate of evaporation and indicates when
special precautions might be required. However, the
WHY Do Plastic Shrinkage Cracks Occur chart isn’t infallible because many factors other
Plastic shrinkage cracks are caused by a rapid loss of than rate of evaporation are involved.
water from the surface of concrete before it has set. Concrete mixtures with an inherent reduced rate of
The critical condition exists when the rate of bleeding or quantity of bleed water are susceptible
evaporation of surface moisture exceeds the rate at to plastic shrinkage cracking even when
which rising bleed water can replace it. Water evaporation rates are low. Factors that reduce the
receding below the concrete surface forms menisci rate or quantity of bleeding include high
between the fine particles of cement and aggregate cementitious materials content, high fines content,
causing a tensile force to develop in the surface reduced water content, entrained air, high concrete
layers. If the concrete surface has started to set and temperature, and thinner sections. Concrete
has developed sufficient tensile strength to resist the containing silica fume requires particular attention
tensile forces, cracks do not form. If the surface dries to avoid surface drying during placement due to its
very rapidly, the concrete may still be plastic, and very low rate of bleeding.
cracks do not develop at that time; but plastic Any factor which delays setting increases the
shrinkage cracks will surely form as soon as the possibility of plastic shrinkage cracking. Delayed
concrete starts to stiffen. Synthetic fiber setting can result from a combination of one or
reinforcement incorporated in the concrete mixture more of the following: cool weather, cool
can help resist the tension when concrete is very subgrades, high water contents, lower cement
weak. contents, retarders, some water reducers, and
supplementary cementitious materials.
HOW to Minimize Plastic Shrinkage Cracking as wet burlap, polyethylene sheeting or building
paper, between finishing operations. Some
Attempts to eliminate plastic shrinkage cracking by contractors find that plastic shrinkage cracks can
modifying the concrete mixture composition to be prevented in hot dry climates by spraying an
affect bleeding characteristics have not been found evaporation retardant on the surface behind the
to be consistently effective. To reduce the potential screeding operation and following floating or
for plastic shrinkage cracking, it is important to troweling, as needed, until curing is started.
recognize ahead of time, before placement, when f. Start curing the concrete as soon as possible. Spray
weather conditions conducive to plastic shrinkage the surface with liquid membrane curing
cracking will exist. Precautions can then be taken to compound or cover the surface with wet burlap
minimize its occurrence. and keep it continuously moist for a minimum of 3
a. When adverse conditions exist, erect temporary days.
windbreaks to reduce the wind velocity over the g. Consider using synthetic fibers (ASTM C1116) to
surface of the concrete and, if possible, provide minimize plastic shrinkage cracking.
sunshades to control the surface temperature of h. Accelerate the setting time of concrete and avoid
the slab. If conditions are critical, schedule large temperature differences between concrete
placement to begin in the later afternoon or early and ambient air temperatures.
evening. However, in very hot conditions, early
If plastic shrinkage cracks should appear during final
morning placement can afford better control on
finishing, the finisher may be able to close them by
concrete temperatures.
refinishing. However, when this occurs precautions,
b. In the very hot and dry periods, use fog sprays to as discussed above, should be taken to avoid further
discharge a fine mist upwind and into the air cracking.
above the concrete. Fog sprays reduce the rate of
evaporation from the concrete surface and
should be continued until suitable curing
materials can be applied.
c. If concrete is to be placed on a dry absorptive References
subgrade in hot and dry weather, dampen the 1. Hot Weather Concreting, ACI 305R, American Concrete
subgrade but not to a point that there is Institute, Farmington Hills, MI., www.concrete.org
freestanding water prior to placement. The 2. Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction, ACI
302.1R, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
formwork and reinforcement should also be
3. Standard Practice for Curing Concrete, ACI 308, American
dampened. Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
d. The use of vapor retarders under a slab on grade 4. Concrete Slab Surface Defects: Causes, Prevention, Repair,
can increase the risk of plastic shrinkage IS177, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL,
cracking. However, it may be necessary for www.cement.org
interior slabs that will have a floor covering at 5. Bruce A. Suprenant, Curing During the Pour, Concrete
Construction, June 1997.
any point during its service life. See CIP 29.
6. Eugene Goeb, Common Field Problems, Concrete
e. Have proper manpower, equipment, and supplies Construction, October 1985.
on hand so that the concrete can be placed and 7. Vapor Retarders Under Slabs on Grade, CIP 29, NRMCA,
finished promptly. If delays occur, cover the Alexandria, VA, www.nrmca.org
concrete with moisture-retaining coverings, such

Fw Th Ru  Mmz P Shkg Ckg

1. Dampen the subgrade and forms when conditions for high evaporation rates exist.
2. Prevent excessive surface moisture evaporation by providing fog sprays and erecting windbreaks.
3. Cover concrete with wet burlap or polyethylene sheets between finishing operations.
4. Use cooler concrete in hot weather and avoid high concrete temperatures in cold weather.
5. Cure properly as soon as finishing has been completed.

1978, 1992, 1998, 2014

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
66 C C Pz, S. 250, A VA 22314 • www.m.g
Technical information prepared by NRMCA. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, without permission in writing from NRMCA

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