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1.NAME OF COMPANY AND OBJECTIVE................................................................2

2.DESCRIPTION PRODUCT AND INDUSTRY..........................................................2
2.1 Description product:............................................................................................3
2.2 The current status of the eating utensil manufacturing industry:......................3
3. TARGET AUDIENCE AND WHY.............................................................................3
3.1 Environmentally conscious consumers:.................................................................3
3.2 Modern Housewife:.................................................................................................3
3.3 Health-conscious consumers...................................................................................3
4.MARKETING CAMPAIGN.........................................................................................3
4.1 Promotional Channels:............................................................................................3
4.2. Collaborations:........................................................................................................3
4.3 Advertising Timing:.................................................................................................3
4.4 Advertisement Content:..........................................................................................3
4.5. Budget Estimation:.................................................................................................3
5. FINANCIAL BACKING...............................................................................................3
5.1. Reasons for Seeking Investment:..........................................................................3
5.2. Detailed Investment Utilization:............................................................................3
5.3 Commitment to Investors:......................................................................................3
5.4 Call to Action:..........................................................................................................3

The name "TreEcoWare" is a creative combination of two words, "tre" and

"eco", creating a name that is not only memorable but also reflects

"Tre": "Tre" is an abbreviation for "bamboo" in English, indicating an

association with bamboo, a renewable and environmentally friendly natural
resource. "Tre" represents the main material of the products, providing
sustainability and environmental friendliness.

"Eco": "Eco" is short for "ecofriendly". The term "eco" in "TreEcoWare"

demonstrates the company's commitment to producing and providing
environmentally friendly products.

"Ware": "Ware" simply means goods or products. In this context, "Ware"

emphasizes that the company specializes in producing utensils and items
made from bamboo.

Overall, "TreEcoWare" is not just a brand name but also a symbol of

commitment to using natural materials to produce utensils. Additionally, it
conveys the importance of using sustainable products and protecting the


2.1 Description product:

Did you know that the materials of everyday eating utensils also have certain
impacts on health if used for a long time? That's why, ( tên công ty) has specially
designed the Eating Utensils made entirely from natural bamboo, guaranteed to be
benign so you can use it with peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones.

 The advantage of eating utensils made from natural bamboo:

 Safe for health: Bamboo is a natural material, does not contain toxic
chemicals, ensuring safety when storing food and drinks.
 Environmentally friendly: Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource, using
bamboo products contributes to environmental protection and reduces plastic
 Durable and beautiful: If handled properly, bamboo tools are highly durable,
have a smooth surface, and have a natural aesthetic.
 Light and convenient: Bamboo is light in weight, easy to carry for outdoor
or picnic activities.
 The disadvantage of eating utensils made from natural bamboo:
 Difficult to clean: Due to its fibrous structure, bamboo utensils easily adhere
to food, bacteria, and mold if not cleaned thoroughly after each use.
 Easily moldy: If not stored in a dry place, bamboo utensils can become
moldy, affecting the health of the user.
 Cannot withstand high temperatures: Bamboo tools should not be exposed
directly to excessive heat sources because they can easily crack and break.
2.2 The current status of the eating utensil manufacturing industry:

The eating utensil manufacturing industry is currently growing strongly with a

diversity of products, materials and designs. Here are some highlights of the state
of the industry:

 High market demand:

The demand for eating utensils is increasing due to population growth, the
development of the food service industry and modern consumer trends.
Consumers are increasingly interested in the quality, aesthetics and
convenience of eating utensils.

 Materials are increasingly diverse:

In addition to traditional materials such as stainless steel, plastic, ceramics,

manufacturers also use many new materials such as bamboo, glass,
silicone,... to create safe and durable eating utensils. beautiful and

 Sustainable production trends:

More and more tableware manufacturing businesses are focusing on using

environmentally friendly materials and applying sustainable production

 Fiercely competitive market:

The eating utensil manufacturing industry has fierce competition between

domestic and foreign businesses. Businesses need to constantly innovate and
create to meet the increasing demands of the market.

In addition, the eating utensil manufacturing industry also faces a number of

challenges such as:

 Raw material prices increased

 Production costs increase
 Competition is fierce
 Tariff barriers
 Requirements for food quality and safety are increasingly high


3.1 Environmentally conscious consumers:

Environmentalists and eco-conscious individuals are often very concerned about the
origin and sustainability of the products they use on a daily basis. For these people,
bamboo is a perfect choice as it is a natural, sustainable, and eco-friendly material.
Bamboo is a fast-growing plant with a high regeneration capacity, so harvesting and
using bamboo does not have the negative environmental impacts of other materials. In
addition, the production process for bamboo products often uses less chemicals and
energy inputs, helping to reduce the environmental impact. With such characteristics,
bamboo products are well-suited to the green and sustainable lifestyle that
environmentalists always strive for. Therefore, bamboo kitchenware is always favored
and chosen by environmentally conscious people.

3.2 Modern Housewife:

Modern housewives are increasingly concerned about the health of their families and the
environment. They are aware that using natural, eco-friendly products like bamboo will
bring many benefits to their families. For these housewives, bamboo is not only a
sustainable material but also has characteristics that are very well suited to everyday use.
Bamboo is a safe material that does not contain harmful substances like plastic or metal.
Furthermore, bamboo is also durable, easy to clean, and heat resistant, making it ideal for
everyday cooking and food preparation. With their beautiful and unique designs, bamboo
kitchenware also helps to enhance the beauty and sophistication of the kitchen space. It is
these advantages that make modern housewives very fond of using bamboo kitchenware.

3.3 Health-conscious consumers

Health-conscious consumers are increasingly looking for safe and natural alternatives due
to the rising concerns about health issues associated with using industrial products. For
them, using kitchenware made from natural materials like bamboo has become extremely
important. Bamboo is a completely safe material, free from harmful chemicals commonly
found in plastics or metals. Moreover, bamboo also possesses characteristics that are
well-suited for everyday use, such as heat resistance, easy cleaning, and no negative
health impacts. Health-conscious individuals believe that using bamboo kitchenware will
eliminate potential hazards from industrial products while providing a healthy and safe
choice for their families. It is these remarkable benefits that make bamboo kitchenware
always favored by health-conscious individuals.

4.1 Promotional Channels:

Digital Channels:

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

o Create engaging content related to the product, sustainable lifestyle.

o Run targeted ads for audiences interested in the environment,
handicrafts, cooking, etc.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

o Optimize website and content to rank higher on search engines like

Google, attracting organic traffic.

Traditional Channels:

Fairs and Exhibitions:

o Introduce the product directly to potential customers and gather

Partnerships with Local Stores:

o Sell products at stores that focus on handicrafts, gifts, or

environmentally friendly products.

4.2. Collaborations:


o Collaborate with influencers in cooking, sustainable living, etc., to

promote the product to their community.

Non-profit Organizations:

o Partner with non-profits working in environmental or community

development fields to organize joint events or programs.

4.3 Advertising Timing:

Peak Seasons:

o Increase advertising during holiday seasons like Tet, Lunar New Year,
when gift shopping demand is higher.

Special Events:

Participate in events related to the environment, cooking, handicrafts to promote the


4.4 Advertisement Content:

 Emphasize Product Benefits:

o Sustainable, environmentally friendly.
o Made from bamboo, a renewable resource.
o Beautiful and unique.
o Safe for food use.
 Tell the Brand Story:
o Share the company’s mission and values.
o Highlight commitment to sustainability.
o Tell the stories of the artisans who make the products.
 Call to Action:
o Encourage customers to visit your website, purchase the product, or
participate in a contest.

4.5. Budget Estimation:

 Estimated Budget: 10 million VND

5.1. Reasons for Seeking Investment:

 High Growth Potential with a Large Market and Unique Product :

Our unique product offerings cater to the increasing consumer
demand for sustainable and high-quality alternatives to traditional
plastic utensils.

 Experienced and Passionate Management Team: Our team is

passionate about promoting sustainable practices and committed to the
success of this venture.

 Clear and Feasible Business Plan: We have conducted thorough

market research and analysis to ensure the viability of our business
 Attractive Projected Profit for Investors: We are committed to
responsible financial management and transparent communication
with our investors.
5.2. Detailed Investment Utilization:

Product Sample Production and Refining Production Process (50 million VND):

 Material Purchase: Bamboo, wood glue, paint, varnish, etc. (30

million VND)

 Machinery and Equipment Purchase: Bamboo planing machine,

sander, drill, cutting machine, etc. (15 million VND)

 Design and Fabrication of Molds: 5 million VND

 Product Testing Costs: Labor costs, materials for testing and

finalizing product samples.

Website and Online Sales Channels Development (20 million VND):

 Website Design: 10 million VND

 Online Sales System Development: 5 million VND

 Online Advertising Costs: 5 million VND

Participation in Fairs and Exhibitions (15 million VND):

 Booth Rental: 5 million VND

 Product Transportation Costs: 3 million VND

 Accommodation and Meals: 3 million VND

 Advertising and Printing Costs: 4 million VND

Other Marketing Expenses (10 million VND):

 Design and Printing of Advertising Materials: 3 million VND

 SEO Costs: 2 million VND

 Event Organization Costs: 3 million VND

 Other Expenses: 2 million VND

5.1.5 Reserve (5 million VND): For unforeseen expenses.

5.3 Commitment to Investors:

 We will share profits with investors according to a predefined agreement

that reflects their level of investment.

 We will provide regular updates to investors on the company's performance,

financial results, and future plans.

 We may offer investors opportunities to participate in key decisions and

provide strategic guidance depending on the investment level.

5.4 Call to Action:

With its high growth potential, attractive profit margins, and commitment to
sustainability, (company’s name) presents a compelling investment
opportunity for angel investors. We are confident that with your support, we
can achieve our ambitious goals and become a leading player in the eco-
friendly utensil market. We invite you to join us in making a positive impact
on the environment and building a successful business venture.

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