B Plan Turkey

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AAA – American Accreditation Association

Murat Samil Sandikci - Integrated Systems Lead Auditor

it is my pleasure to present to you our comprehensive business plan. This
document outlines our vision, strategy, and roadmap for AAA Turkey, highlighting
how we aim to achieve sustainable growth and success in Turkey market.

1. Market Research and Analysis

• Identify Market Demand: To conduct thorough research to identify regions where

certification companies have a demand for quality system accreditation services.
• Competitive Landscape: To analyze existing accreditation providers and
competitors offering similar services in the target market. Understand their
strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning.
• Industry Standards: To gain familiarity with international quality standards such as
ISO 17021, ISO 17065 etc. and specific accreditation requirements for each
2. Comprehensive Business Plan

• Business Objectives: To outline the business goals, target market demographics,

and financial projections.
• Financial Planning: To calculate startup costs, ongoing operational expenses, and
potential revenue streams.
3. Financing and Budgeting

• Financial Requirements Assessment: To determine the total investment needed to

acquire the including initial setup costs and working capital.
• Financing Options: To research financing options such as small business loans,
investor partnerships, or personal investments.
• Financial Plan Development: To develop a detailed financial plan outlining how the
necessary funds will be obtained and managed to support operational needs.
4. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

• Franchise Regulations: To familiarize myself with franchise laws and regulations

applicable in the target market.
• Franchise Agreements: To seek legal counsel to review and understand the terms
and conditions of franchise agreements.
• Necessary Licenses and Permits: To secure any required licenses or permits
necessary to operate a franchise business in Turkey.
5. Operational Framework and Infrastructure

• Business Structure Establishment: To decide on the legal structure (e.g., LLC,

corporation) for the franchise business.
• Developing Operational Procedures: To create standardized operational
procedures for accreditation processes, client management, and compliance with
industry standards.
• Implementing Technology Systems: To invest in appropriate technology systems
for managing accreditation processes, client communications, and reporting.
6. Marketing and Branding Strategy

• Brand Development: To formulate a robust branding strategy that communicates

credibility and expertise in quality system accreditation.
• Local Marketing Initiatives: To implement targeted marketing campaigns to attract
certification companies within the chosen market.
• Network and Partnerships: To establish relationships with industry associations,
business networks, and potential clients to generate leads and referrals.
7. Launch the Business

• Recruiting and Training Staff: If needed to hire and train employees or contractors
to manage accreditation processes and client relationships.
• Providing Continuous Support: To offer ongoing training and support to the team
• Performance Monitoring: To track and evaluate business performance against
predefined key performance indicators (KPIs).
8. Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

• Maintaining Accreditation Standards: To implement quality assurance measures to

ensure adherence to accreditation standards and client satisfaction.
• Customer Concerns: To establish protocols for addressing client concerns or
disputes related to accreditation services.
• Continuous Improvement: To seek feedback from clients and stakeholders to
continuously improve service delivery and operational efficiency.
9. Expansioning and Growing Strategies

• Evaluating Expansion Opportunities: To assess opportunities for expanding the

business into new regions or countries.
• Diversify Service Offerings: To consider offering additional services related to
quality management or accreditation to enhance business growth.
• Adapting to the Market Changes: To stay informed about industry trends and
regulatory changes to adjust business strategies accordingly.

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