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Verb + that clause Verb + to Verb + infinitive

infinitive without to
suggest, forget… Verb + -ing
agree, aim, appear… Modal verbs
I suggest that you add some admit, avoid, finish…
lemon juice. Don’t expect to have You should add them I enjoy making it.
much cake left. slowly.

Adjectives – are usually

followed by the to Verb + to infinitive or –ing
attempt, begin, like…
afraid, cheap, nice…
I love making cakes. /
I’m surprised to see you. I love to make cakes.

Verb + -ing or infinitive without Verb + to infinitive or –ing

to (with a difference in the Verb + object + to (with a difference in the
meaning) infinitive or meaning)
feel, hear, notice, see… no object + -ing remember, forget, stop…
I watched the boys playing football. (=an advise, allow, recommend… She stopped to have a rest. (=in
activity continuing over a period of time) / order to have a rest)
I watched the boy kick the football into the I recommend using apricots. / Stop beating him. (=finish doing it)
road (=short completed action). I recommend you to use apricots.

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