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 Question 1

4 out of 4 points
Which phrase best describes the adaptation level theory?
Selected Answer: 1.
“taking things for granted”
Answers: 1.
“taking things for granted”
“easy come, easy go”
“a level playing field”
“so much to do in so little time”
 Question 2
4 out of 4 points
In order to achieve high performance on a simple, familiar task, the
Yerkes-Dodson law would recommend:
Selected Answer: 3.
high arousal
Answers: 1.
moderate arousal
low arousal
high arousal
that arousal does not play a role in performance
 Question 3
0 out of 4 points
The use of lie detectors assumes that:
Selected 1.
emotions involve various physiological responses that can
be detected
Answers: 1.
emotions involve various physiological responses that can
be detected
all of these
the subject correctly interprets the question
emotions consist of subjective feeling
 Question 4
4 out of 4 points
You are visiting Japan and you notice that the people there are not very
kind. What’s the best explanation for your observation?
Selected 2.
The people are kind, but are very reluctant to show
emotions in public.
Answers: 1.
It is a cultural norm to treat foreigners that way.
The people are kind, but are very reluctant to show
emotions in public.
You must have acted in some threatening way.
It is likely that they misinterpreted your actions as rudeness.
 Question 5
4 out of 4 points
The James-Lange theory emphasizes the ____ component of emotion.
Selected Answer: 2.
Answers: 1.
 Question 6
4 out of 4 points
According to the adaptation level theory, money cannot buy happiness
Selected 2.
we adapt to continuous satisfaction
Answers: 1.
most of us cannot afford to buy those things that create true
we adapt to continuous satisfaction
we are greedy
we find it difficult to put a price tag on happiness
 Question 7
4 out of 4 points
The ____ theory of emotion suggests that we have emotions to help us
judge objects and situations to determine if they can help us survive.
Selected Answer: 3.
Answers: 1.
cognitive appraisal
 Question 8
0 out of 4 points
To do well on a difficult task, the Yerkes-Dodson law would recommend:
Selected Answer: 3.
moderate arousal
Answers: 1.
high arousal
that arousal does not play a role in performance
moderate arousal
low arousal
 Question 9
4 out of 4 points
The new concept of emotional intelligence includes all of the
following except:
Selected Answer: 4.
excluding emotions when making crucial decisions
Answers: 1.
perceiving emotions accurately
taking feelings into account when reasoning
managing emotions in oneself and others
excluding emotions when making crucial decisions
 Question 10
4 out of 4 points
The James-Lange theory would predict that people with a severed spinal
cord at the neck would experience:
Selected 2.
little or no emotion
Answers: 1.
continuing feedback of physiological responses
little or no emotion
the same type and intensity of emotion as those with intact
spinal cords
an intensifying of emotion
 Question 11
4 out of 4 points
According to the ____, the reason why you feel fear when seeing a shark is
because you have experienced a specific pattern of physiological
responses that your brain recognizes as fear.
Selected Answer: 3.
James-Lange theory
Answers: 1.
cognitive theory
facial feedback theory
James-Lange theory
behavioral theory
 Question 12
4 out of 4 points
You attend a sporting event in Japan. The athletes perform very well. But
the mainly Japanese crowd shows less appreciation than what you
expected. This is due to:
Selected Answer: 3.
a difference in display rules
Answers: 1.
psychodynamic factors
differences in how Japanese understand sporting events
a difference in display rules
genetic differences
 Question 13
4 out of 4 points
Schachter and Singer’s theory emphasizes the ____ component of
Selected Answer: 2.
Answers: 1.
 Question 14
4 out of 4 points
The notion that emotions can help or hinder performance is key to the:
Selected Answer: 1.
Yerkes-Dodson law
Answers: 1.
Yerkes-Dodson law
peripheral theories
Schachter and Singer
adaptation level theory
 Question 15
4 out of 4 points
Which culture appears to perceive the emotion of others more easily?
Selected 4.
cultures that place greater emphasis on the group rather
than the self
Answers: 1.
cultures the encourage mirror neurons to develop
cultures that value individual expression
cultures that have rich oral history traditions
cultures that place greater emphasis on the group rather
than the self
 Question 16
4 out of 4 points
The fact that blind infants begin to smile around 4-6 weeks shows that:
Selected 4.
some facial expressions are biologically programmed
Answers: 1.
they are socially delayed, because sighted infants smile
almost immediately
at least in the beginning, humans have a cheerful disposition
blind children can learn anything sighted children can
some facial expressions are biologically programmed
 Question 17
4 out of 4 points
Most people would detect ____ stimuli faster than ____ stimuli according to
affective neuroscience.
Selected Answer: 4.
emotional; unemotional
Answers: 1.
color; uncolored
moving; stationary
stationary; moving
emotional; unemotional
 Question 18
4 out of 4 points
The ____ theory says emotions result from our brain’s interpretation of
muscle and skin movements that occur when we express an emotion.
Selected Answer: 4.
facial feedback
Answers: 1.
cognitive appraisal
facial feedback
 Question 19
4 out of 4 points
The ____ theory says that your interpretations of a situation, object, or
event can contribute to, or result in, your experiencing different
emotional states.
Selected Answer: 1.
cognitive appraisal
Answers: 1.
cognitive appraisal
facial feedback
 Question 20
4 out of 4 points
According to the James-Lange theory, experiencing emotion starts with:
Selected Answer: 3.
physiological changes
Answers: 1.
changes in facial muscles
the brain interpreting stimulus
physiological changes
a show of observable behavior
 Question 21
0 out of 4 points
What function do social signals serve?
Selected 3.
They help us to adapt to the environment.
Answers: 1.
These social signals are patterns that solve problems in our
Social signals alleviate stress.
They help us to adapt to the environment.
Different social signals elicit responses from those around
 Question 22
4 out of 4 points
The primary cause of emotions according to the cognitive appraisal theory
Selected Answer: 4.
how we interpret a situation
Answers: 1.
how the brain interprets physiological changes
our degree of physiological arousal
the extent of change in facial muscles and skin
how we interpret a situation
 Question 23
4 out of 4 points
An emotion is a feeling made up of:
Selected 4.
appraising a stimulus, having a subjective feeling,
physiological responses, and overt behavior
Answers: 1.
facial expressions which convey social signals and social
needs and physiological responses
having a subjective feeling and objectively learned behavioral
anger, fear, or happiness
appraising a stimulus, having a subjective feeling,
physiological responses, and overt behavior
 Question 24
4 out of 4 points
You’re at a baseball stadium watching a game. Suddenly a ball is hit right
at you, and you detect the stimulus very fast. What would affective
neuroscientists say about that?
Selected 2.
The baseball coming right at you represents a potential threat.
Answers: 1.
The baseball represents some unconscious stimulus that
symbolizes conflicts experienced in childhood.
The baseball coming right at you represents a potential threat.
The baseball is detected very fast because it is moving and not
The baseball is round and we can detect this shape very fast.
 Question 25
4 out of 4 points
The ability to perceive and express emotion, understand and reason with
emotion and regulate one’s emotion is called:
Selected Answer: 3.
emotional intelligence
Answers: 1.
emotional maturity
emotional intelligence
interpersonal intelligence
Tuesday, April 2, 2024 12:40:45 PM ICT

Question 1 Which phrase best describes the adaptation level theory? 1. “taking things for
granted” 2. “easy come, easy go” 3. “a level playing field” 4. “so much to do in so little time”
The phrase that best describes the adaptation level theory is “taking things for granted.” This
theory explains how people become accustomed to and insensitive to constant stimuli,
leading them to take these stimuli for granted over time12.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 link.springer.com2 oxfordreference.com3 en.wikipedia.org4 marketing91.

Question 2 In order to achieve high performance on a simple, familiar task, the Yerkes-
Dodson law would recommend: 1. moderate arousal 2. low arousal 3. high arousal 4. that
arousal does not play a role in performance
The Yerkes-Dodson law suggests that for a simple, familiar task, high arousal is
recommended to achieve high performance. This is because simple tasks are generally best
performed when arousal levels are relatively high1.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 simplypsychology.org2 verywellmind.com3 healthline.com4 med.libretext

s.org5 xem thêm

Question 3 The use of lie detectors assumes that: 1. emotions involve various physiological
responses that can be detected 2. all of these 3. the subject correctly interprets the question 4.
emotions consist of subjective feeling
The use of lie detectors is based on the assumption that emotions involve various
physiological responses that can be detected12. This includes changes in heart rate, blood
pressure, respiration, and skin conductivity. Lie detectors, or polygraphs, attempt to measure
these responses to determine whether a person is being truthful or deceptive2.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 nature.com2 discovermagazine.com3 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov4 researchgate.net5 xem thêm
Question 4 You are visiting Japan and you notice that the people there are not very kind.
What’s the best explanation for your observation? 1. It is a cultural norm to treat foreigners
that way. 2. The people are kind, but are very reluctant to show emotions in public. 3. You
must have acted in some threatening way. 4. It is likely that they misinterpreted your actions
as rudeness.
The best explanation for your observation could be that the people are kind, but are very
reluctant to show emotions in public1. In Japanese culture, there is a strong emphasis on
self-control and respect for others, which often results in emotional expressions being kept to
a minimum in public settings2. This restraint is part of the cultural concept of ‘tatemae,’
which refers to the behavior and opinions one displays in public3. It’s important to note that
this does not necessarily mean that people are unkind; rather, it reflects a cultural difference
in the expression of emotions and kindness.
Tìm hiểu thêm
1 exploringyourmind.com2 japannihon.com3 en.wikipedia.org4 link.springe

r.com5 japan.travel6 storylearning.com7angloinfo.com8 japannihon.com9 n xem thêm
Question 5 The James-Lange theory emphasizes the ____ component of emotion. 1. active 2.
physiological 3. behavioral 4. cognitive
The James-Lange theory emphasizes the physiological component of emotion. According to
this theory, emotions arise as a result of physiological arousal12. It suggests that we
experience emotions after our body responds to an external event, not the other way around3.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 simplypsychology.org2 verywellmind.com3 scienceabc.com4psychologynotes xem thêm
Question 6 According to the adaptation level theory, money cannot buy happiness because: 1.
most of us cannot afford to buy those things that create true happiness 2. we adapt to
continuous satisfaction 3. we are greedy 4. we find it difficult to put a price tag on happiness
According to the adaptation level theory, money cannot buy happiness because we adapt to
continuous satisfaction1. This theory suggests that a rise in income will temporarily increase
people’s happiness, but over time, they will get used to living on a higher income and raise
their sights higher, returning to a baseline level of happiness2.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 scienceabc.com2 link.springer.com3 cambridge.org4 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov5

psychology.unl.edu6 xem thêm

Question 7 The ____ theory of emotion suggests that we have emotions to help us judge
objects and situations to determine if they can help us survive. 1. affective-primacy 2.
cognitive appraisal 3. evolutionary 4. James-Lange
The evolutionary theory of emotion suggests that we have emotions to help us judge objects
and situations to determine if they can help us survive1. This perspective views emotions as
adaptations that have evolved to deal with fundamental life-tasks, including survival2.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 academic.oup.com2 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov3 plato.stanford.edu4 ncbi.nlm.nih.g xem thêm
Question 8 To do well on a difficult task, the Yerkes-Dodson law would recommend: 1. high
arousal 2. that arousal does not play a role in performance 3. moderate arousal 4. low arousal
To do well on a difficult task, the Yerkes-Dodson law would recommend moderate
arousal. This is because performance tends to be optimal at a moderate level of arousal; too
little or too much arousal can negatively affect performance, especially for complex tasks 12.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 simplypsychology.org2 verywellmind.com3 sites.dartmouth.edu4practicalpie.c

Question 9 The new concept of emotional intelligence includes all of the following except: 1.
perceiving emotions accurately 2. taking feelings into account when reasoning 3. managing
emotions in oneself and others 4. excluding emotions when making crucial decisions
The new concept of emotional intelligence includes all of the options except for excluding
emotions when making crucial decisions. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to
perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions to communicate with
and relate to others effectively and constructively1. It encompasses perceiving emotions
accurately, taking feelings into account when reasoning, and managing emotions in oneself
and others. Excluding emotions when making crucial decisions is not a component of
emotional intelligence.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 verywellmind.com2 en.wikipedia.org3 simplypsychology.org4merriam-
Question 10 The James-Lange theory would predict that people with a severed spinal cord at
the neck would experience: 1. continuing feedback of physiological responses 2. little or no
emotion 3. the same type and intensity of emotion as those with intact spinal cords 4. an
intensifying of emotion
According to the James-Lange theory, which posits that emotions are the result of
physiological responses to events, people with a severed spinal cord at the neck would
experience little or no emotion. This is because the theory suggests that without the
physiological feedback from the body, the emotional experience would be greatly
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 psycnet.apa.org2 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov3 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov4

5 xem thêm

Question 11 According to the ____, the reason why you feel fear when seeing a shark is
because you have experienced a specific pattern of physiological responses that your brain
recognizes as fear. 1. cognitive theory 2. facial feedback theory 3. James-Lange theory 4.
behavioral theory
According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, the reason why you feel fear when seeing
a shark is because you have experienced a specific pattern of physiological responses that
your brain recognizes as fear1. This theory posits that emotions arise as a result of
physiological arousal, and it is the physical response that comes before the conscious
experience of emotion1.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 simplypsychology.org2 jphysiolanthropol.biomedcentral.com3 verywellmind.

com4 xem thêm

Question 12 You attend a sporting event in Japan. The athletes perform very well. But the
mainly Japanese crowd shows less appreciation than what you expected. This is due to: 1.
psychodynamic factors 2. differences in how Japanese understand sporting events 3. a
difference in display rules 4. genetic differences
The most likely explanation for the mainly Japanese crowd showing less appreciation than
you expected is a difference in display rules1. In Japanese culture, there are specific norms
and rules that govern the expression of emotions in public, which can be more reserved
compared to other cultures. This restraint in public emotional expression is part of
maintaining harmony and respect within the society1.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 tandfonline.com2 researchgate.net3 statista.com4 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov5 r

esearchgate.net6 xem thêm

Question 13 Schachter and Singer’s theory emphasizes the ____ component of emotion. 1.
behavioral 2. cognitive 3. active 4. physiological
Schachter and Singer’s theory emphasizes the cognitive component of emotion. This theory,
also known as the two-factor theory of emotion, proposes that emotion is determined by a
combination of physiological arousal and cognitive interpretation or labeling of that arousal 1.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 simplypsychology.org2 verywellmind.com3 senioritis.io4 psu.pb.unizin.or

Question 14 The notion that emotions can help or hinder performance is key to the: 1.
Yerkes-Dodson law 2. peripheral theories 3. Schachter and Singer theory 4. adaptation level
The notion that emotions can help or hinder performance is key to the Yerkes-Dodson
law. This law suggests that there is an optimal level of arousal for performance, and that both
too little and too much arousal can impair performance1. It is particularly relevant when
considering how emotional arousal can affect tasks of varying complexity1.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 simplypsychology.org2 simplypsychology.org3 wonderfulmind.net4 psyc

hologytools.com5 xem thêm

Question 15 Which culture appears to perceive the emotion of others more easily? 1. cultures
the encourage mirror neurons to develop 2. cultures that value individual expression 3.
cultures that have rich oral history traditions 4. cultures that place greater emphasis on the
group rather than the self
The culture that appears to perceive the emotion of others more easily is the one that
places greater emphasis on the group rather than the self. Research suggests that there is a
distinct in-group advantage when it comes to recognizing emotions, meaning individuals
from the same culture tend to recognize the emotions of others of the same culture somewhat
better than those from a different culture1. This is often more pronounced in cultures that
prioritize collective values over individual ones231.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 open.maricopa.edu2 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov3 link.springer.com4 academic.oup.

Question 16 The fact that blind infants begin to smile around 4-6 weeks shows that: 1. they
are socially delayed, because sighted infants smile almost immediately 2. at least in the
beginning, humans have a cheerful disposition 3. blind children can learn anything sighted
children can 4. some facial expressions are biologically programmed
The fact that blind infants begin to smile around 4-6 weeks indicates that some facial
expressions are biologically programmed. Research suggests that smiling is an innate
behavior that occurs in both sighted and blind infants, not dependent on visual cues12.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 wonderbaby.org2 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov4

Question 17 Most people would detect ____ stimuli faster than ____ stimuli according to
affective neuroscience. 1. color; uncolored 2. moving; stationary 3. stationary; moving 4.
emotional; unemotional
According to affective neuroscience, most people would detect emotional stimuli faster
than unemotional stimuli. This is because emotional stimuli often carry more significance
and are prioritized by the brain for processing, which can influence the speed of perception 12.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 academic.oup.com2 link.springer.com3 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov4 scienc

Question 18 The ____ theory says emotions result from our brain’s interpretation of muscle
and skin movements that occur when we express an emotion. 1. James-Lange 2. Schacter-
Singer 3. cognitive appraisal 4. facial feedback
The theory that says emotions result from our brain’s interpretation of muscle and skin
movements that occur when we express an emotion is the facial feedback theory1. This
theory suggests that the act of forming a facial expression can influence our emotional
experience. For example, smiling can make us feel happier, while frowning can make us feel
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 verywellmind.com2 nature.com3 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov4

Question 19 The ____ theory says that your interpretations of a situation, object, or event can
contribute to, or result in, your experiencing different emotional states. 1. cognitive appraisal
2. Plotnik-Kouyoumdjian 3. James-Lange 4. facial feedback
The theory that says your interpretations of a situation, object, or event can contribute to, or
result in, your experiencing different emotional states is the cognitive appraisal theory. This
theory emphasizes the role of an individual’s evaluation and interpretation of a situation in
the formation of emotional responses1.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 link.springer.com2 frontiersin.org3 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov4 verywellmind.com5

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov6 xem thêm

Question 20 According to the James-Lange theory, experiencing emotion starts with: 1.
changes in facial muscles 2. the brain interpreting stimulus 3. physiological changes 4. a
show of observable behavior
According to the James-Lange theory, experiencing emotion starts with physiological
changes. This theory posits that emotions arise as a result of physiological arousal, which
then leads to the experience of emotion12.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 simplypsychology.org2 verywellmind.com3 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov4 en.wikipe
Question 21 What function do social signals serve? 1. These social signals are patterns that
solve problems in our environment. 2. Social signals alleviate stress. 3. They help us to adapt
to the environment. 4. Different social signals elicit responses from those around us.
Social signals serve various functions, including helping us adapt to the environment and
eliciting responses from those around us. They are crucial for communication and interaction
within social groups, influencing behaviors and relationships12. Social signals can also be
seen as patterns that solve problems in our environment by facilitating coordination and
cooperation among individuals1. While they may not directly alleviate stress, effective social
signaling can lead to better understanding and harmony within a group, which can indirectly
reduce stress levels2. Therefore, options 1, 3, and 4 are all functions that social signals can
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 nature.com2 link.springer.com3

Question 22 The primary cause of emotions according to the cognitive appraisal theory is: 1.
how the brain interprets physiological changes 2. our degree of physiological arousal 3. the
extent of change in facial muscles and skin 4. how we interpret a situation
The primary cause of emotions according to the cognitive appraisal theory is how we
interpret a situation1. This theory suggests that our emotions are determined by our
appraisal of the situation, meaning that different interpretations can lead to different
emotional experiences1.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 psu.pb.unizin.org2 link.springer.com3

Question 23 An emotion is a feeling made up of: 1. facial expressions which convey social
signals and social needs and physiological responses 2. having a subjective feeling and
objectively learned behavioral responses 3. anger, fear, or happiness 4. appraising a stimulus,
having a subjective feeling, physiological responses, and overt behavior
An emotion is a feeling made up of appraising a stimulus, having a subjective feeling,
physiological responses, and overt behavior12. This comprehensive definition includes the
cognitive appraisal of the situation, the personal experience of the emotion, the body’s
physical reaction, and the external expression of the emotion.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 verywellmind.com2 khanacademy.org3 psychologytoday.com4 open.mari
Question 24 You’re at a baseball stadium watching a game. Suddenly a ball is hit right at
you, and you detect the stimulus very fast. What would affective neuroscientists say about
that? 1. The baseball represents some unconscious stimulus that symbolizes conflicts
experienced in childhood. 2. The baseball coming right at you represents a potential threat. 3.
The baseball is detected very fast because it is moving and not stationary. 4. The baseball is
round and we can detect this shape very fast.
Affective neuroscientists would likely say that the baseball coming right at you represents a
potential threat, which is why you detect the stimulus very fast. Our brains are wired to
quickly respond to potential threats in our environment as part of our survival mechanism12.
This rapid detection allows for quick reactions, such as moving out of the way to avoid being
hit by the ball.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 frontiersin.org2 link.springer.com3 link.springer.com4 link.springer.com5

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov6 xem thêm

so what is the answer?
The answer is that the baseball coming right at you represents a potential threat. This rapid
detection and response to potential threats are crucial for survival, and our brains are adapted
to prioritize such stimuli for immediate attention1.
Tìm hiểu thêm

1 link.springer.com2 frontiersin.org3 link.springer.com4 link.springer.com5

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov6 xem thêm

Question 25 The ability to perceive and express emotion, understand and reason with emotion
and regulate one’s emotion is called: 1. self-actualization 2. emotional maturity 3. emotional
intelligence 4. interpersonal intelligence
The ability to perceive and express emotion, understand and reason with emotion, and
regulate one’s emotion is called emotional intelligence. This concept encompasses a range
of emotional skills that are crucial for effective interpersonal functioning.

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