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Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks or actions that

need to be done, often until the last minute or past the deadline. It is
a common tendency that affects people from all walks of life and can
be a major obstacle to productivity and personal growth.

Procrastination can take many forms, from putting off work or school
assignments to delaying important life decisions or avoiding difficult

 delay (verb)
 indecisive (adjective)
 put off (phrasal verb)
 postpone (adjective)
 avoid (verb)
 indecision (adjective)
 leave to the last minute (phrase)
 strike while the iron is hot (idiom)

1. Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? Why or why not?

2. Is procrastination always a bad thing? Why or why not?
3. What tasks or projects do you typically procrastinate on? Why?
4. What advice would you give to someone who struggles with
5. Would you say procrastination is a sign of laziness or a lack of
motivation? Why or why not?
6. How do you think procrastination affects your productivity and
overall well-being?
7. What are some of the main reasons people procrastinate? Are
these reasons universal or do they vary across cultures?
8. Should schools teach students how to manage procrastination?
Why or why not?
9. How can technology both help and hinder our ability to
manage procrastination?
10.Should procrastination be considered a mental health issue?
Why or why not?
11.Can procrastination be a form of self-sabotage?
12.Do you think procrastination could be a symptom of our fast-
paced, hyper-connected society?
 equality (noun)
 inequality (noun)
 discriminate (verb)
 gender (noun)
 put up with (phrasal verb)
 systemic (adjective)
 mostly (adverb)
 exagerate (verb)
 blown something out of proportion (idiom)

1. What does gender equality mean to you?

2. Do you think there is gender equality in your country?
3. Do you think gender roles and stereotypes still exist in
today's society?
4. Do you think gender equality in your country has
improved over the last 50 years?
5. Do you think gender equality will improve in your country
during the next 10 or 20 years?
6. Can you think of any countries where there is a lot of
gender discrimination?
7. Have you ever witnessed gender discrimination in your
community or workplace?
8. Why do you think gender inequality exists?
9. What do you think people or governments should do to
ensure gender equality?
10. Do you think some politicians and activists overstate
the gender inequality?

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