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Basic Legal English 1

Problems and solutions
to the urbanization of your hometowns

Major: Legal English

Class: 4841B
Group: 07

Đăk Lăk, 2024


Date: May 7th, 2024 Venue: A3.1

Group: 07 Class: 4841B

Total number of students in the group:

+ Attended: 4
+ Absented: 0

Course: Basic Legal English 1

Topic: Problems and solutions to the urbanization of your hometowns.

Determining the level of participation and results of each student's participation

in the involvement of group work activities, the outcomes are as follows:

Students’ self-
Students’ Teachers’ assessment
assessment Students’
signature Grade Grade Teachers’
number A B C
(in number) (in word) signature
1. Ngô Thị Hồng Phúc

2. Nguyễn Cát Hoài Thương

3. Ngô Trung Vương

4. Vũ Văn Quyết

The outcome of the group work assignment Dak Lak, May 7th, 2024
+ The first teacher’s assessment :………………… GROUP LEADER
+ The second teacher’s assessment :…………………
- The result of the presentation :…………………
- Teacher grading the presentation :…………………

- The overall grade :…………………

- The final assessment of the teacher :…………………



1. Geographical location and population size.....................................................1
2. History and early development........................................................................1
1. Economic development and infrastructure......................................................2
2. Migration from rural areas..............................................................................3
3. Supporting government policies......................................................................3
1. Environmental pollution and waste management...........................................5
2. Land conflicts and land use management........................................................6
3. Problem Traffic and noise pollution................................................................7
1. Strengthening environmental management and land protection.....................8
2. Investing in transport and public infrastructure..............................................9
3. Encourage community participation in urban planning and development....10
V. CONCLUSION.............................................................................................11

1. Geographical location and population size:
Buon Ma Thuot, the largest city and economic, cultural hub of Dak Lak
province, is also the center of the Central Highlands region in Central Viet Nam.
With a population of around 400,000 people, the city occupies a strategic
geographic location and is renowned for its agriculture, particularly as one of
Viet Nam's leading coffee production centers. Additionally, Buon Ma Thuot
serves as a focal point for various industries and services, attracting numerous
domestic and international tourists for exploration and discovery.
2. History and early development:
Buon Ma Thuot’s journey from a humble trading post to a bustling urban
center is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its inhabitants. Its
history is a tapestry woven with the threads of indigenous culture, French
colonial influence, and economic transformation.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the French administration
recognized the strategic importance of Buon Ma Thuot due to its location in the
heart of the Central Highlands. They invested in infrastructure projects, such as
roads and railways, to facilitate trade and exploitation of the region's abundant
natural resources.
The cultivation of rubber and coffee became the backbone of Buon Ma
Thuot's economy, attracting settlers from various parts of Viet Nam and beyond.
The city's landscape was transformed as vast plantations emerged, fueling
economic growth and cementing its reputation as a key player in the global
coffee market.
Despite periods of upheaval, including the Viet Nam War, Buon Ma Thuot
continued to thrive, buoyed by the resilience of its people and the enduring
allure of its agricultural bounty. In recent decades, the city has embraced
modernization while preserving its cultural heritage, creating a unique blend of
tradition and progress.

Today, Buon Ma Thuot stands as a vibrant metropolis, pulsating with the
rhythms of urban life while still retaining the rustic charm of its rural roots. Its
streets buzz with activity, its markets teem with diversity, and its coffee shops
exude an air of conviviality that is quintessentially Buon Ma Thuot.
As it looks to the future, Buon Ma Thuot remains poised to write the next
chapter in its storied history, guided by the spirit of innovation and a deep
reverence for its past.
1. Economic development and infrastructure:
The economic development of Buon Ma Thuot primarily relies on two
main sectors: agriculture and services, with the coffee industry playing the most
significant role. Coffee processing plants and related businesses provide a large
amount of employment and income for the local population. Additionally, other
agricultural sectors such as rubber, black pepper, and natural farming contribute
to the economic diversification of the city.
To meet the growing economic and population demands, Buon Ma Thuot
has heavily invested in infrastructure. This includes the construction and
expansion of roads, improvements in electricity and water systems, and the
development of industrial and commercial zones.
Particularly, crucial infrastructure projects such as Lien Khuong Airport
and several border gates have facilitated trade and tourism. Recreational parks
and entertainment areas have also been developed to attract tourists and enhance
the quality of life for the community.
However, maintaining and further developing infrastructure remains a
challenge for Buon Ma Thuot, especially given the rapid growth of population
and economy. Investing in sustainable public infrastructure will continue to be a
top priority to ensure stable and sustainable development for the city.

2. Migration from rural areas:
Migration from rural areas to Buon Ma Thuot has been a significant
phenomenon driven by various factors:
Employment Opportunities: The city's thriving agricultural and service
sectors offer job opportunities that are often lacking in rural areas. Many
migrants are attracted by the prospect of stable employment and higher incomes.
Economic Diversification: Buon Ma Thuot's economic diversification
beyond agriculture creates additional job opportunities in industries such as
manufacturing, trade, and services, further incentivizing rural-to-urban
Education and Healthcare Facilities: The city's better access to education
and healthcare facilities compared to rural areas is a pull factor for migrants,
especially families seeking better opportunities for their children's education and
Infrastructure Development: Improved infrastructure in Buon Ma Thuot,
including roads, electricity, and water supply, enhances the quality of life and
attracts migrants looking for better living conditions.
Social Networks and Community Ties: Existing social networks and
community ties between rural and urban areas can facilitate migration as
migrants may have relatives or acquaintances already living in the city who can
provide support and assistance.
Overall, rural-to-urban migration to Buon Ma Thuot reflects both the push
factors of limited opportunities and resources in rural areas and the pull factors
of better economic prospects and living conditions in the city.
3. Supporting government policies:
Government support policies in Buon Ma Thuot encompass various
measures aimed at promoting economic growth, improving infrastructure, and
enhancing the overall quality of life. These policies include:
Agricultural Development: The government implements programs to
support farmers in adopting modern farming techniques, providing subsidies for
seeds, fertilizers, and machinery. Additionally, initiatives are undertaken to
improve irrigation systems and access to markets for agricultural products.
Business Incentives: In order to stimulate investment and entrepreneurship,
the government offers tax incentives, financial assistance, and streamlined
bureaucratic procedures for businesses operating in Buon Ma Thuot. This
encourages the establishment and growth of enterprises, particularly in sectors
such as coffee processing, tourism, and manufacturing.
Infrastructure Investment: Significant government funds are allocated
towards infrastructure development projects, including road construction,
expansion of utilities such as electricity and water supply, and upgrading of
public transportation systems. These initiatives aim to enhance connectivity
within the city and with neighboring regions, facilitating trade and economic
Education and Healthcare: The government prioritizes investment in
education and healthcare facilities to ensure access to quality services for
residents. This includes the construction of schools, hospitals, and vocational
training centers, as well as the provision of scholarships and healthcare subsidies
to disadvantaged populations.
Environmental Conservation: Recognizing the importance of
environmental sustainability, the government implements policies to protect
natural resources, preserve biodiversity, and mitigate pollution. This may
involve the enforcement of environmental regulations, promotion of eco-
friendly practices in industries, and support for conservation initiatives.
Tourism Promotion: Buon Ma Thuot's rich cultural heritage and natural
attractions are promoted by the government to boost tourism development. This
includes marketing campaigns, infrastructure improvements in tourist areas, and
support for local tourism businesses.
By implementing these comprehensive policies, the government aims to
foster sustainable economic development, improve living standards, and create a
conducive environment for business growth in Buon Ma Thuot.
1. Environmental pollution and waste management:
The issue of environmental pollution and waste management poses
significant challenges for urbanization in Buon Ma Thuot:
Air Pollution: Urbanization often leads to increased vehicular traffic and
industrial activities, resulting in higher levels of air pollution. This can have
detrimental effects on public health and the environment, particularly if
emissions are not properly regulated.
Water Pollution: Urbanization can also contribute to water pollution
through improper disposal of industrial and domestic waste, as well as runoff
from urban areas. Contaminated water sources can pose serious health risks and
threaten aquatic ecosystems.
Waste Management: Rapid urbanization results in higher volumes of waste
generation, placing strain on existing waste management systems. Inadequate
waste collection and disposal infrastructure can lead to environmental pollution,
soil degradation, and public health hazards.
Urban Planning and Infrastructure: Effective urban planning and
infrastructure development are crucial for mitigating environmental pollution in
rapidly urbanizing areas like Buon Ma Thuot. This includes implementing
proper zoning regulations, constructing efficient waste treatment facilities, and
integrating green spaces into urban design to improve air quality and mitigate
the urban heat island effect.
Community Engagement: Engaging and educating the community about
the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable waste
management practices is essential. This can involve raising awareness about
recycling, promoting composting initiatives, and encouraging responsible
consumption habits among residents.
Addressing these challenges requires a coordinated effort between local
authorities, government agencies, businesses, and the community. By
implementing effective policies, investing in infrastructure, and fostering
community participation, Buon Ma Thuot can manage the environmental
impacts of urbanization more sustainably.
2. Land conflicts and land use management:
Land conflict and land use management are complex issues posing
significant challenges to urbanization in Buon Ma Thuot:
Land Ownership Conflicts: Urban development creates a high demand for
land, especially in central areas. This leads to competition among individuals,
businesses, and the government for land ownership and use rights, often
resulting in conflicts over interests and legal disputes.
Land Use Management: Uncontrolled growth and lack of planning in land
use management can lead to issues such as infrastructure overload, traffic
congestion, and imbalance between residential, commercial, and industrial areas.
Effective and sustainable land use management measures are needed to ensure
healthy urban development.
Environmental Protection and Landscape Preservation: Urbanization needs
to be carried out in a sustainable manner, ensuring the protection of the
environment and natural landscapes of the region. Overdevelopment can lead to
the loss of valuable land and affect crucial ecological areas.
Urban Planning: Specific and detailed urban planning is essential to shape
sustainable urban development. Planning should consider factors such as
balancing residential areas, parks, and green spaces to ensure harmonious and
beneficial development for the community.
Community Engagement: Community engagement is crucial in the land use
management process. Mechanisms are needed to promote community
participation in decision-making regarding land use and urban development.
Effective and efficient land use management is key to ensuring sustainable
and harmonious urban development, while protecting the environment and the
rights of the local community in Buon Ma Thuot.

3. Problem Traffic and noise pollution:
Traffic issues and noise pollution are significant concerns associated with
urbanization in Buon Ma Thuot:
Traffic Congestion: Rapid urbanization often leads to increased vehicular
traffic, resulting in congestion on roads and streets. This can cause delays,
inefficiencies in transportation, and frustration among residents and commuters.
Infrastructure Development: The need for infrastructure development to
accommodate urban growth is essential. This includes expanding road networks,
improving public transportation systems, and implementing traffic management
measures to alleviate congestion and improve traffic flow.
Noise Pollution: With the increase in traffic and urban activities, noise
pollution becomes a prevalent issue. Noise from vehicles, construction sites, and
commercial establishments can disrupt the peace and quality of life for residents,
affecting their health and well-being.
Urban Planning: Effective urban planning is crucial for addressing traffic
congestion and noise pollution. Planning should focus on creating pedestrian-
friendly spaces, promoting alternative modes of transportation such as cycling
and walking, and zoning regulations to mitigate noise disturbances in residential
Public Transportation: Enhancing public transportation options can help
alleviate traffic congestion and reduce reliance on private vehicles. This includes
investing in buses, trams, and other forms of public transit, as well as promoting
the use of clean energy vehicles to reduce emissions.
Noise Reduction Measures: Implementing noise reduction measures such
as sound barriers, green spaces, and building design modifications can help
mitigate noise pollution in urban areas, creating a more pleasant and livable
environment for residents.
By addressing these traffic and noise pollution issues through
comprehensive urban planning, infrastructure development, and sustainable

transportation solutions, Buon Ma Thuot can manage the challenges of
urbanization while enhancing the quality of life for its residents.
1. Strengthening environmental management and land protection:
To enhance environmental management and land protection in the
urbanization process in Buon Ma Thuot, the following solutions and
development directions should be implemented:
Waste management and pollution control: Strengthen urban waste
management by promoting waste segregation at the source, implementing
efficient waste collection and treatment systems. Additionally, establish
stringent standards for industrial waste treatment and ensure compliance with
environmental protection regulations.
Environmental conservation and restoration: Develop conservation and
restoration plans to protect green areas, water channels, and valuable land. This
includes establishing natural conservation areas and promoting reforestation and
environmental restoration efforts.
Sustainable urban planning: Develop sustainable urban planning strategies,
including identifying areas for parks and green spaces, while considering factors
such as transportation systems and infrastructure to minimize environmental
Education and awareness - raising: Enhance education and awareness -
raising efforts on environmental protection and sustainable land use within the
community. This may involve organizing educational programs, workshops, and
awareness campaigns on environmental conservation and land management.
Multilateral cooperation: Establish multilateral cooperation mechanisms
among local governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and the
community to ensure harmony between economic development and
environmental protection.

By implementing these solutions and focusing on sustainable urban
development, Buon Ma Thuot can effectively protect its environment and land
during the urbanization process.
2. Investing in transport and public infrastructure:
For future development and investment in urbanization in Buon Ma Thuot,
focusing on infrastructure for transportation and public services is crucial. Here
are some solutions and development directions:
Transportation Infrastructure Development: Investing in transportation
infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and public transportation systems is
essential to support urban growth. This includes expanding road networks,
constructing new highways, and improving public transit services like buses and
railways to enhance connectivity within the city and beyond.
Promotion of Sustainable Transportation: Encouraging the use of
sustainable transportation modes such as cycling, walking, and electric vehicles
can help reduce traffic congestion and environmental pollution. Developing
bicycle lanes, pedestrian-friendly areas, and promoting car-sharing initiatives
can contribute to creating a more sustainable transportation system.
Integrated Transport Planning: Implementing integrated transport planning
approaches that consider various modes of transportation and their interactions
is vital. This includes coordinating land use planning with transportation
planning to ensure efficient transportation networks and minimize travel
distances for residents.
Improvement of Public Services: Investing in public services such as
healthcare, education, and recreational facilities is essential for improving the
quality of life in urban areas. This includes building hospitals, schools, parks,
and community centers to meet the growing needs of the population.
Smart City Initiatives: Embracing smart city technologies and initiatives
can enhance the efficiency and sustainability of urban development. This
includes deploying digital infrastructure for transportation management, energy
efficiency, waste management, and public services delivery.
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): Leveraging public-private partnerships
can help mobilize additional resources and expertise for infrastructure
development. Collaborating with private sector entities in infrastructure projects
can accelerate their implementation and ensure their long-term sustainability.
By prioritizing investment in transportation and public infrastructure, Buon
Ma Thuot can support sustainable urban growth, improve livability, and enhance
the overall quality of life for its residents.
3. Encourage community participation in urban planning and
To encourage community participation in urban planning and development
in Buon Ma Thuot, the following solutions and development directions can be
Create conditions for diverse participation: Provide opportunities and a
conducive environment for the community to engage in urban planning and
development processes through organizing public meetings, discussions, and
other interactive events.
Enhance information and communication: Provide clear and
understandable information about urban plans and projects to the community
through various communication channels such as websites, newsletters, and
information sessions.
Promote grassroots participation: Encourage participation from grassroots
levels by organizing meetings and exchanges in local communities, listening to
opinions and proposals from grassroots residents.
Partnership collaboration: Build close partnership relationships between
local governments, non-governmental organizations, and community groups to
ensure participation and support from all parties.
Training and capacity building: Organize training programs and capacity
building for the community on urban planning and related issues so they can
participate actively and effectively in the planning and development process.

Create enforcement opportunities: Ensure that community opinions and
proposals are taken into account in the decision-making and implementation of
urban projects and policies.
By promoting active community participation in urban planning and
development, Buon Ma Thuot can ensure that decisions and projects reflect the
needs and opinions of the entire community, thereby creating a sustainable and
harmonious urban living environment.
Buon Ma Thuot is facing complex urbanization challenges, but with
cooperation and effort from all stakeholders, we can create a sustainable and
harmonious urban city with the environment. This process requires close
coordination between local government, non-governmental organizations,
businesses, communities, and urbanization experts.
To address current challenges, we need to focus on building and improving
the quality of transportation infrastructure, providing housing and basic services
for residents, and protecting the living environment. Additionally, promoting
cooperation and creating favorable conditions for investors to invest in urban
development projects will play a crucial role in advancing the city's
However, to ensure that implemented solutions can meet the needs and
desires of the community, creating mechanisms for citizen participation and
ensuring transparency and accountability in urban management are also crucial.
In the future, Buon Ma Thuot could become a model for sustainable and
advanced urban development in Vietnam, contributing to the country's overall
goals of sustainable economic and social development. This requires
commitment and continuous efforts from all stakeholders to ensure that Buon
Ma Thuot will thrive and prosper in the future.


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