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Understanding Approach of Presentation

Team & clarity of Review Total Differentiator
of the case solution skills
Marketing not out of box, speaks with confidence and talks of data,
gave the marketing plan too soon, what is the background, or
hypothesis is not worked on, so the solution is based on my view
rather than understanding the situation on ground. How will you
measure the effectiveness of this plan, I allocate some resources,
Very clear in presenting
Team how do I know that they are yielding results, what are the resources
6 6 6 6 24 the data and very
Strategisers required for it, and how will you implement the plan actually by
dividing those resources. One of the biggest misses of the
presentation so that they are talking about unlimited resources, Too
many options are available in the market, why will they choose you,
the issue we need to address is that how we will make the first sale,
how do you arrange the finances and for how long
What will the product do not answered, marketing not out of box,
Second presenter was very clear and talked really good and
impressive, talked a lot of relevant stuff, should have been backed
by data then they would have got great score. Assumption that
manufacturing resists change, how will we get the customers, How
are you addressing the regulatory landscape, the problem raised
the coordination was
Team Swastik 6 6 6 6 here, how did we arrive at these recommendations, some info 24
needed. What is Smarthub supposed to deliver, not answered. What
is the first step we will take, could not explain the implementation
plan with measurable action, shouldn't the 3rd point be specific to
marketing strategy, and other challenges you will face. We are not
answering why is their resistance to change, regulatory not clear,
and too many solutions missing
Understanding Approach of Presentation
Team & clarity of Review Total Differentiator
of the case solution skills
The challenge is resistance within the industry and not employees,
how do I know that my process will continue will keep working, as
the systems are working and you are still not tested, who is
designing it, the designers that they understand the industry is of
important, the brain behind the product all this was missing in the
trust and credibility aspects. challenges, change management, and
how are you trying to address it, continuous support, they were
taken aback by this. They say, we will give a free demo, which is of
worked on logic and
no use, who will the product address, they should assume a set of
with some correlation
The Hustlers 6 7 7 7 industry, entire manufacturing is too generic, so each need their 27
between the talking
own specify modification, say did target group analysis, say go to
competition, say go to industry associations, conceptually it is
workable, but it misses the on ground working and challenges and
Main challenge that they will face needs to be addressed in the
marketing strategy. how will you measure success or KPI of the
marketing strategy, how will you reach the markets you talk about,
what is the resistance they will face from the sector (who is the
sector, not only employees, but other industry players). What will
the product do, not answered
Assumed India, that is good, data presented pretty nicely, while he
may be inaccurate, but said machinery are 10 years old, this is a
good way of presenting data, if they could have given 1 example of
what the product will do, what is the biggest challenge that they will
face, and what will the product do (aren't aware of the competition
landscape) they were not clear on the KPI, it was mainly on the Their ppt was strong,
Team Asman 8 6 8 8 marketing, the product success KPI are basically have to be based 30 data based and had
on revenue generated, they are not clear at all on how to measure some logic
the success of this, but their overall thing was pretty strong, the
foundation was strong the basic assumption on why their is
resistance to the technology is missing. Again, marketing includes,
content marketing, but what is the problem we are trying to solve by
way of marketing strategy is not clear
Understanding Approach of Presentation
Team & clarity of Review Total Differentiator
of the case solution skills
the first strategy they gave for change management strategy, they
are good, say will run a pilot programme, but they are not able to
figure out what to do and how. The KPIS state what we would like
they actually gave a out
Team RBS 6 6 7 6 to do and not what will measure success, who is the customer (is not 25
of box idea
very clear to them) the approach seemed very non achievable, like
coordinating with Tesla, like global engineers will come together,
What is the biggest challenges and how that is managed wasn't clear
the swot analysis was
Marketing uses social media only. the process of go to market was really great, they were
good. Started very good, but later part of the ppt they were not the only ones who
strong, more on the social media success strategy. don't think they talked about expertise
Team HHM 8 6 6 6 were clear of the overall case. But they were very strong in terms of 26 in tech being a
giving right data, foundation is strong and it almost felt like they weakness, and the only
will be one of the strongest teams, but couldn't say what is the ones who had the
problem we are trying to solve and run it through till the end. strongest data, very
the industry breakup was strong, talked about addressing the
logistics, really talked about the key issue the product is trying to
The solution are
solve, says we would use it ourselves and for small scale industry,
actually B2B, the ppt
demonstrating and proof of concept, talked sense, and step by step
Team Ravens 8 8 8 8 32 actually was only on
work, was on ground, measurables are missing, atleast they talk very
B2B and not had B2C
logical and not theoretical, talked about addressing needs of a
aspects in it
specific industry. get existing industrialists to invest in our product,
KPI were really nice
Understanding Approach of Presentation
Team & clarity of Review Total Differentiator
of the case solution skills
Was clear that we need solution for supply chain, were talking about
is clear about what
details like blockchain, but are missing the point, the slide is
solution we will
supposed to address what are the challenges we are trying to
provide, got stressed at
address, will do pilot programme for every industry, sat score, how
Team the bell and missed
7 6 6 6 will you get missing, was not clear if they are B2B or B2C and how 25
Muskansquare explaining the key
will you partner with industry experts, advertising was mainly
points therefore loosing
focused on social media and talking to industry. The slide was too
out on what was written
full. employee engagement, and satisfactions core, how and why
in the slides
was missing

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