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1 Read an article about early human migration and match the dates with the information.
Early human migration
It is difficult to discover much about Why? The most likely reason is that Experts think that the land bridge
how Homo sapiens first managed to climate change made it impossible from Asia to America existed until
spread around the world. The only for them to survive. This was the about 13,000 years ago. Tribes came
clues we have are fossils, skeletons, ice age, and the human population from Asia and slowly made their
and objects, such as tools that they dropped rapidly at this time. There way down the Pacific Coast, through
left behind. However, experts have were only about 10,000 of us left in Mexico, and right to the southern tip
pieced together this evidence in an the whole world! of South America.
effort to find out more about early The first migrants probably headed There are some findings that
migration patterns. east. They crossed the Red Sea from archaeologists can’t explain. They
Some remains of our ancestors, Africa to Yemen. The Red Sea is have discovered tools and weapons
Homo erectus and Homo antecessor, only about 18 km wide here and, at in America which are about 16,000
are over a million years old, but that time, the sea level was about years old. Strangely, there are similar
Homo sapiens arrived much later. 70 m lower than it is now, so there tools and weapons in France. These
For many years, the oldest human were probably islands where they belonged to a tribe that disappeared
remains that we knew about were could stop and rest. From Yemen, from Europe about 18,000 years
around 200,000 years old and were humans traveled east to India and ago. Did the French tribe cross the
found in what is now Ethiopia, in then south to Australia. The oldest Atlantic Ocean 17,500 years before
Africa. However, in 2017, bones and human remains in Australia are only Columbus?
stone tools were found in Morocco about 45,000 years old, but a rock This migration continued until
that were estimated to be 100,000 shelter in Northern Australia, which humans discovered agriculture,
years older than anything unearthed humans made, is older, so scientists which happened about 12,000 years
before. think people arrived here about ago. Everything changed. Instead
As far as we know, the early 55,000 years ago. of moving to look for food, people
inhabitants of East Africa lived in At the same time, other early humans grew their own food and lived in
the same place for about 130,000 were traveling across Asia and into permanent settlements, which grew
years. Then, suddenly, about 70,000 North America, two continents that into towns and cities – the start of
years ago, they started to move. were joined together at that time. the modern world.

1 200,000 years ago a The oldest person we have 2 Read the article again. Choose the correct words.
discovered in Australia 1 We know that some species similar to humans lived
lived and died. 200,000 / a million years ago.
2 70,000 years ago b A French tribe 2 People moved away from Africa because the world’s
disappeared. climate got very hot / cold.
3 55,000 years ago c Experts believe that the first 3 It was easy to get to Asia because the two
Homo sapiens appeared in continents are only 18 km / 70 m apart.
Ethiopia. 4 Scientists have found human remains in Australia
4 45,000 years ago d Asia and America divided that are more / less than 50,000 years old.
from each other. 5 At that time, it was possible to walk from Asia to
5 18,000 years ago e Homo sapiens started to Australia / America.
leave Africa. 6 When early humans reached America, they traveled
6 13,000 years ago f People started growing inland / along the coast.
their own food. 7 There were similar tools and weapons in two places.
7 12,000 years ago g Homo sapiens arrived in The oldest were found in America / France.
Australia. 8 People stopped migrating because of agriculture /
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3 Listen to a radio program about animal migration. Put the animals in the order
the people talk about them.

a Adélie penguins

b storks

c polar bears

d humpback whales

e tiger mosquitoes

f wildebeest

g brown bears


4 Listen again and complete the summary with one word the speakers use.
You have the first letter of each word.
1 Some animals are migrating differently because of changes to the c .
2 Polar bears are moving elsewhere, because the i they hunt on is disappearing.
3 It’s becoming more common for brown bears to compete with polar bears for f .
4 Krill is disappearing because seas where they live are getting w .
5 Wildebeest routes are being interrupted by new r .
6 Humpback whales need to fight their way past ships and large f nets.
7 Humans are creating more g , which provides food for storks.
8 There is a risk of d such as the Zika virus being spread more widely by mosquitoes.


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5 Imagine your family has moved to a different country, and you are at a new school. Write an email
(about 100 words) to an English-speaking friend.
Tell them:
• how you felt when you first arrived
• about the school and people there
• how you feel about the experience so far

6 Work in pairs. Look at the photos below. They show situations in which people are moving. Take turns
describing your photo and saying why you think the people are moving. Then, tell each other about a trip
you take regularly (e.g., from home to school).


7 Take turns asking and answering these questions. Where possible, express surprise at your partner’s answers.
A: Ask B these questions.
1 What do you like or dislike about living where you live now? (Why?)
2 What does the idea of “home” mean to you?
B: Ask A these questions.
1 How would you feel if you had to move to a new place? (Why?)
2 How important is it to understand different cultures and their customs?



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