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w MAHAREVISION (4 Setience LECTURE- 01 » pee y ELECTRIC CHARGES & FIELDS / By- SHAILENDRA PANDEY Topics to be covered @ ® Complete Chapter REVISION e] @ Itis the property associated with matter due to which it produces/experiences electric and magnetic effects. There are two types of charges namely positive charge and negative charge. Charge is a scalar quantity] it can be added and subtracted as a number. Its SI unit is [coulomb] Its dimensional formula is [M°L°T.4]. CONSERVATION OF ELECTRIC CHARGE During any process, the net electric charge of an isolated system remains constant (ie. conserved). In simple words, charge can neither be created nor destroyed. @ Charge exists in discrete amount rather than continuous value and hence quantised. Mathematically, charge on an objects; where nis an integer and e is the electronic charge. Integer Tn vacuum, h q, cA = Fae 1g yi ure apgt ee noel Free, Wah| Te 1 =| Goa FOE The region in which charges are closely distribution of charge. Seve is said to have continuous (i) Electric force at a point due to a linear charge distribution is given by qo ~ arte Si Aal aay me (ii) Electric force at a point due to a surface e chars = 4% areca ods iy (iii) Electric force at a point due to volume charge dist us Charge Density iy WZ field strength at any point in an electric field is a vector quantity ide is equal to the force acting on a unit positive test charge and ction is along the direction of force. I F is the force acting on infinitesimal positive test charge qo, then electric field strength, Go. Therefore from definition, electric field can be given as E=lim— 40-0 do The unit of electric field strength is newton/coulomb or volt/metre. :; ie -@—>F % % a=. me, Eq, x @ An electric field line is a curve drawn in such a way that tangent to it at each point is in the direction of the net field at that point. PROPERTIES OF ELECTRIC FIELD LINES (i) Field lines start from positive charges and end at negative charges. If there is a single charge, they may start or end at infinity. (ii) In a charge-free region, electric field lines can be taken to be continues curves without any breaks. (ili) No two electric field lines can intersect each other because if they do so, then two tangents can be drawn at the point of intersection; which would mean two directions of electric field strength at one point and that is impossible. (iv) The electric field lines do not form any closed loops. This follows from the conservative nature of electric field (v) The equidistant electric field lines represent uniform electric field while electric field lines at different separations represent non-uniform electric field. Na AN A system containing two equal and opposite charges separated by a finite distance is called an electric dipole. Dipole moment of electric dipole having charges +q and —q at separation 21 is defined as the product of magnitude of one of the charges and shortest distance between them. —xa— B= qal -y +y It is a vector quantity, directed from —q to +q = F (i) Ata point P on axis, lel if E, its ‘axial = Gire, | 3 4meg rs Axial lel (ii) At a point P’ on equatorial line, a 1 D equatorial = Gre G73 EE 1 Pp ee >! © Faeor? Cd) Qin a uniform electric field of strength £, the net electric force is zero; but a torque equal to pEsin@ acts on the dipole (where @ is the angle between directions of dipole moment 5 and electric field ). This torque tends to align the dipole along the direction of electric field. Torque in vector for Work done in rotating the electric dipole from 8; to @ is W = pE(cos 0; ~ cos @2) Potential energy of electric dipole when it makes an angle @ with the direction of electric field is ‘pEcos F Work done in rotating the dipole from the position of stable equilibrium to unstable equilibrium, ie. when 4, = 0. and @, =m, = 180° W = 2pE Work done in rotating the dipole from the position of stable equilibrium to the position in which dipole experiences maximum torque, i.e. when 6 = 0° and @, = 90°, W = pE It states that the total electric flux through a closed surface is equal to + times the net charge enclosed by the surface enclosed by the surface oo =| E-dS-—xq t= (aR My (a) Electric field due to infinitely long straight wire of charge per unit length 2 at a distance r from the wire is E 1 2a E= —— a 4mey wp oe ECy 5 (b) Electric field strength due to an infinite plane sheet of charge per unit area a is paacn ~ 2éq independent of distance of point from the sheet. = (°y @ (c) Electric field strength due to a uniformly charged thin spherical shell or conducting sphere of radius & having total charge q, at a distance r from centre is (i) at external point (For r > R ) ¥ R ) (ii) at surface point (For r = R ) (iii) at internal point (For r < R) le ¢. Bex = Amey a4 Bs= ‘Amey R2 Lar Fint = deg Ecctsr2 @ Electric field due to a thin infinite plane sheet of charge with uniform surface charge density « at any nearby point ma Be [for thin non-conducting plate] and a pee £0. [for conducting plate] Note E doesn't depend on distance from the sheet (r). @ Electric field due to two equally and oppositely charged parallel plane sheets of charge at any point [between the two plates] [outside the plates] FS a ae (pia ha =e, lolectures An electric shock is experienced on opening the door of a car due to A heating of car engine SF discharge of electric charge © motion of car (©) None of the above ; 200 questions A soap bubble is given a negative charge, then its radius @ decreases © remains unchanged @ nothing can be predicted as information is insufficient @ | QUESTION iy If two bodies are rubbed and one of them acquires gq, charge and another acquires gq. charge, then ratio of q,: qz is @» The Coulomb's law is based on the assumption that charges are treated as A positive charges ® negative charges © neutral charges GF point charges @ Force between two charges varies with distance between them as am i r - IN. iP r Tr @ cop @ AY For two charges q, and q,, if force between them for some separation in air ig £, then force between them in a medium of permittivity ¢ will be 1B. E = SE Foe) = The electric field at a point is @ always continuous BT continuous, if there is not charge at that point © continuous, if there is a charge at that point @ None of the above @ When the charge of a body becomes half, the electric field becomes half © vice @ vv @ o2rer0° @ A charged particle is free to move in an electric field. It will travel A always along a ine of force i GF cong aline of force, if its initial velocity is zero © along a line of force, if it has some initial velocity in the direction of an acute angle with the line of force @ None of the above Two field lines can never cross each other because A field lines are closed curves @ field lines repels each other © field lines crowded only near the charge w Id has a unique direction at each point nl @ The ratio of electric fields on the axis and at equator of an electric dipole will be @ The surface charge density.z.of an area element ignores. 44 A the quantisation of charge 9 ® discontinuity in charge distribution at macroscopic level © discontinuity in charge distribution at microscopic level GS ~ (a) and (c) @ kc» iy NY, A uniformly charged conducting sphere of 2.4 m diameter has a surface charge density of 80 Cm-2. What is the charge onthe sphere? _ x10" gos @ 07*1071C Ts are 14x10-2C Box ipo = © ie ow: ae = 471(1-44)( 20% 105) @ 17 x 108°C = 1Uy6-4 X10% URC NN i((ea8 = Dover a surface, then A the electric field inside the surface and on itis zero ® the electric field inside the surface is necessarily uniform OAre number of flux lines entering the surface must be equal to the number of flux lines having it © None of the above @ @ cop Ky Total electric flux coming out of a unit positive charge put in air is @®» b = Mm = ak ee 86 be F a © (4pe)" ®@« kc» iy NY, If same charge q is placed inside a sphere and cube having radius Im,and side_2m respectively. What will be the ratio of flux passing through them? aD iy WZ A hollow metal sphere of radius R is uniformly charged. The electric field due to the sphere at a distance from the centre BO as r increases for r< R, decreases as r increases forr> R. zero as r increases for r < R, increases as rincreases forr > R increases/ak r increases for r< Rand forr> R © decreas rincreases for r< Rand for r> R | Quesrion a) iy What is the force between two small charged spheres having charges of 2 x 10-7 C and 3 «10-7 C placed 30 cm apart in air? A 5 x10-2N @® sx0n kc» iy NY, Two point charges q, = 3 uC and qg = -3 uC are located 20 cm apart in vacuum. What is the electric field at the mid-point O of the line AB joining the two charges? @: @® 27 «108 (N/c) 4n mes Ye tp Easte Osan: (w/e) sion le x58, AME (i alg, Ee 10.2 « 108 (N/C) © = Gx? x SA 2 “S4xie kc» iy NY, A point charge of 2.0 uC is at the centre of a cubic Gaussian surface 9.0 cm on edge. What is the net electric flux through the surface? i te= ® 2«102Nme/C 2 -2x10e BQsxio. © 2*104Nm?/C 6 =O0D6 x10 e. ee £2.26 XIE kc» iy NY, A conducting sphere of radius 10 sp has a unknown charge. If the electric field 20 cm from the centre of the sphere is [5 «10° NIC and points radially inwards, what is the net charge on the sphere? e: Cae, 3 @® s-0e¢ = 416 92. Ge ey 6x10-°C “ad Ge): (x8) @© sx 0%e = pixies =0096 x 1° 6x59 kc» iy NY, An infinite line charge produces a field of 9 x 104 NC~'at a distance of 2. cm, Calculate the linear charge density. A 10-5Cm Ea2a Aen ® 10-8 me grids Da ea O° eg 17m A=10? ® 108m

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