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In this day and age, people have a tendency to utilize identical language.

I totally
agree with the standpoint because using a common language helps prevent
misunderstandings and misinformation among people as well as enable improved
quality of individuals’ education.

Firstly, Using a common language helps prevent misunderstandings and

misinformation among people.Therefore, communication is actually
straightforward, especially for foreigners travelling the world without the
hindrance of language barriers. Additionally, it lowers the cost of interpreting for
businesses by allowing them to sell and export their goods.

Secondly, speaking the same language can enable improved quality of education
for all individuals. Language barriers contribute to disparities in educational access
and information’s availability, which can have a direct impact on future career
prospects. For instance, compared to large cities, ethnic minorities have more
difficulties getting information, which hinders their ability to study to the fullest
extent possible and limits their career options.

On the other hand, some argue that adopting a single language could erode cultural
values and ethnic identity. However, We are moving towards a world where a
common language is spoken, especially in the context of globalization, which
makes communication easier than ever before. công bằng về sự tiếp nhận thông tin
và giáo dục vì vậy hương tới 1 ngôn ngữ chung là điều cần thiết

The same language should be spoken by people in the world because using a
common language helps prevent misunderstandings and misinformation among
people, and speaking the same language can enable improved quality of education
for all individuals. Speaking the same language, in my opinion, may assist in
closing knowledge gaps brought on by language barriers and open up additional
career options in the future.

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