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Allah Almighty has created mankind for some specific purpose. We

all have some purpose in our life. We should know about this
purpose and the basic purpose of our life is to worship Allah (SWT).
Allah Almighty is alone in His worship; we should consider Him
alone in worship. He (SWT) has blessed some people with some
things out of His wisdom and taken them from others, also out of
His eternal wisdom. Allah Almighty has made some of His
blessings permanent and will stay with His slaves during their
lives. Still, there are some blessings that will vanish at different
times of their lives.

In this article, we will discuss those blessings which we should

utilize before they vanish. We should take notice of them and
begin using them before they begin to disappear. When we want to
know or figure out something the best place to know about is the
Book of Allah Almighty and the Sunnah of Prophet (SAW).

Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said: “I have been blessed with concise
speech.” So we should consider His (SAW) speech as a source of
knowledge given by Allah Almighty. Every word that came out of
His (SAW) mouth considers valuable wisdom. These words might
be small but meanings behind them are great.

There is a Hadith of Prophet (SAW) in which He is advising a man

while saying: “Take advantage of five matters before five other
matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health,
before you fall sick; and your richness, before you become poor;
and your free time before you become busy; and your life, before
your death.” (Tirmidhi)

Prophet (SAW) is pointing out that these five matters are very easy
to attain. They are easy to chase and very simple to take benefit
from. That is because they are valuable and everyone owns but few
people appreciate.

Want to know about these five things? In this article, we will

discuss these five things that we should consider and utilize them
best before their disappearance.

Take Advantage of your Youth before Old-Age: It is known that

the one, who spends his youth in obedience to Allah, will be
rewarded highly. He will also be amongst the 7 to be in Allah’s
shade on the Day of Judgment where there will be no shade. It
is usually within our youth, we have less responsibility, we are
at the peak of our health, and we have great amounts of time
which we can let easily slip away. We should try to spend our
free time to worship Allah Almighty so that we can earn as

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many blessings as we can in our youth. When a person getting
old he has not that power or health that he had while he was a
young. Allah (SWT) loves such a youth who is smooth in the 7 Ways to Make Allah Please
worship of Allah and does not turn left or right to the paths of in first 10 Days of Dhul
Shaytan. Allah loves this person and is amazed at him because Hajjah
in general, it is the youth, due to their virility and strong Why Should You dont
desires, who deflect left and right away from the path of the despair the mercy of Allah?
worship of Allah Almighty. Fasting in Shawwal-
Take Advantage of your Health, Before you get Sick: As when Significance & Virtues
we are in youth, we often take for granted our health. We are
All About Zakat al Fitr 2022
advised to take advantage of our good health before we are
taken with illness. What we usually don’t realize is that our
health is a blessing from Allah (SWT). When we are in good 5 Significant Practices for
health, we take it for granted and don’t always appreciate what the Last Ten Days of
we have. It is only when we fall ill then we realize what a great Ramadan
thing we had and how we let it go to waste by not doing as
much worship as we know we could and should have done. We Categories
need to be familiar with the fact that there is no guarantee of
our good health. There are so many things that can happen Select Category
that can leave us full of regret for not having taken advantage
of what we had when we had it. The least we can do in our
good health are obligatory actions in which we have Salah five Facebook Fan Page
times a day, fasting in Ramadan and going for the Hajj. All of
these obligatory actions require that we should be physically QuranReadin…
Take Advantage of your Richness before Poverty: Wealth is
another blessing granted by Allah Almighty. We should give as
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much as we can in the way of Allah, and we are assured of the
rewards for doing so by Allah in Holy Quran: “The likeness of
those who spend their money for Allah’s sake, is as the likeness
of a grain (of corn), it grows seven ears, every single ear has a
hundred grains, and Allah multiplies (increases the reward) for
whom He wills, and Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures
needs, All Knower” (Quran, 2:261). So for those of you that Allah
has blessed with wealth, use it in ways that will truly benefit
you before you wake up one day and it is gone. Spend it in the
path of Allah Almighty. Do not forget that the most of the
income that we spend, all of the income that he spends, can be
for the sake of Allah as well. This means thinking of Allah,
spending for the sake of Allah, and having the intention of
pleasing Allah (SWT).
Take Advantage of your Free Time before You Become Busy:
Spare time is another blessing granted by Allah Almighty to us.
Just take a look at all the time that you did not take advantage
of, in which you could have been earning the reward by doing
simple and easy things like glorifying Allah, exalting Allah or
reading the Quran. There are religious deeds which are the
best deeds to do. Every one of us should recite the Quran every
day, even if it’s only for five or ten minutes. We should have
some relationship with the Quran. Every one of us should pray
some extra prayers as well, a few nafls that the Prophet (PBUH)
used to pray. This is the most important thing for us to do. But
at the same time, do not forget that there can be many acts
that can be rewarded if you change your niyyah and do them
for the sake of Allah. Just remember do not waste time just by
watching television or some movie and other things like that.
Remember to do good deeds for the sake of Allah Almighty and
earn best rewards and blessings for this world and hereafter.
Take Advantage of Life before Death: Life is the greatest
blessing of Allah Almighty. We all know that one day we have
to die but we should spend our lives in the best way so that we
can earn Jannah in the hereafter. Once we die we will never be
able to get back. We must not forget what a mercy life is. We
should savor every moment of life and use it to our best
advantage. This means pleasing Allah Almighty in order to
achieve our ultimate goal Jannah.

In short, we must give attention to these blessings for what they

are. We must begin to use them while they exist and we do not
have access to them. May Allah protect us from being
inconsiderate of His blessings and write us down with those who
are not only taking full advantage of His blessings but also
thankful for them. Ameen!

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